Addressing Florida’s Healthcare Coverage Gap: A Nursing Appeal

Dear Legislator,

I am writing this letter on behalf of the nursing community of Miami, Florida, in order to address the most troubling concern in regards to our healthcare system. As it is a matter of legislation, we have to rely on your wisdom and political acumen to change the situation for the better. The healthcare issue that I am addressing in this letter is the issue of over 850,000 Floridians being unable to afford quality healthcare due to exorbitant prices for medical insurance (Chang, 2015). The reasons why it is such a prominent problem in Florida is because the majority of the state’s population are in limbo between not being poor enough to be allowed for government subsidizing, but at the same time not rich enough to qualify for Obamacare’s tax credits. Out of 5 million Americans stuck in this loop, almost a million are Floridians (Dapena & Chang, 2015). This situation affects not only the patients but the state’s healthcare system as well. We, the healthcare providers, are thus prevented from providing quality healthcare to them, as the lack of coverage turns into additional expenses and economy on the bare necessities required for treatment. On behalf of Miami’s medical community, I urge you to vote for elimination of the gap between Medicaid for poor and Obamacare tax credits for the rich, because:

  • It would help eliminate inequality for those stuck between being poor and being rich.
  • It would improve the quality of provided healthcare in Miami and Florida in general.
  • It would reduce the number of medical emergencies and preventable deaths.

To conclude, I hope that you consider exposing the issue that arose from inadequate healthcare coverage and promulgating a law that would eliminate the coverage gap on a state level. Thank you for your time.

Sincerely Yours, First Name, Last Name.


City, State ZIP


Chang, D. (2015). 850,000 Floridians stuck in Healthcare Limbo — And no solution in sight. Miami Herald. Web.

Dapena, K., & Chang, D. (2015). How 5.2 million people fell into the health insurance coverage gap. Miami Herald. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 24). Addressing Florida’s Healthcare Coverage Gap: A Nursing Appeal.

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