Missouri Gun Laws and Obama’s Reforms: Critique and Support


The gun law in the state of Missouri was signed into law to regulate the use and control the session of firearms and ammunition among the civilians. It has been declared a law that a convicted felon cannot possess a firearm (Garrett 2). It is not a crime to carry a firearm without a permit if an individual is licensed to own firearms. However, if caught without the permit one can be fined up to $ 35 (Garrett 2). The law gives firearms owners 90 days to surrender their weapons to the authorities or ship them out of the state (Garrett 2). The state of Missouri does not permit the purchase of rifles and shotguns and there is no license offered for the same (Garrett 4). Therefore, it is illegal to carry rifles and shotguns. Possession of guns is restricted to lawfully permitted individual. This means that selling, leasing, loaning out, giving away or delivering a firearm not an authorized person is a fully punishable by law (Garrett 4). The state has strict laws that control the possession of firearms. For instance to avoid accidents when one is under the influence of any drug, it is unlawful to possess either a loaded or unloaded firearm (Garrett 3).

Gun laws

In an attempt to reduce gun violence, the president signed into law a number of executive orders on January 16 this year. This order is designed to address the issue of gun violence that has prevailed in America. Top on the list is an order that requires a presidential memorandum ordering the federal agencies to avail data that will facilitate background check (Ungar 2). The list also contained the disbandment of all the legal procedures in the health insurance and accountability act that limit the disclosure of personal data (Ungar 2). This is to facilitate an efficient background-check on individuals owning firearms. The president also directed through signing of these orders that the state should share information with the background check system (Baker and Shear 2)

Now the law enforcement agencies will be at liberty to access full background check on individuals with cased firearms before they can give it back after he or she is cleared (Baker and Shear 2). The president also passed into law the national campaign to promote national safe and responsible acquisition of firearms (Ungar 6). In the state of Missouri, citizens have a right to own a gun for protection either to defend their homes, protect themselves and property or even to respond to lawful someone to help with the civil power (Baker and Shear 2). The state gives carry permits to qualified citizens who apply for a license. However, applicants must be residents of the state for at least six months (Ungar 5). The license is given within forty-five days after an applicant hands in their application.

People who are disqualified under the law to carry firearms are not given a concealed carry permit (Ungar 6). This includes people who are banned from gun possession by the federal law (Ungar 4). Law from owning or acquiring firearms prohibits from convicted felons for instance and the fugitives (Ungar 4). People with mental ailments as well as those who are known to have habitual drug intoxication are also prohibited from possessing a firearm. In addition, individuals who have been discharged from the military as well as individuals whom the authorities deem to be a danger to them or to other people are denied this right (Ungar 4).

What influenced guns laws

The incident in the Connecticut school massacre was a major influence on the toughening of the gun laws that the president signed into law. He vowed to champion a campaign to influence the congress to allow a ban on high performance military assault weapons. He also promised to expand background checks as well as create very tough gun trafficking rules (Bream 3). The numerous cases of gun violence in America have influenced the revision of the laws that govern the possession and use of guns. The president acknowledges that changing the gun industry will be met with great resistance from the industry players but he insists that in the American people can be mobilized to speak in one voice, they can make it happen.

Supporters and critics

Supporters of the toughest gun laws fear that the lawmakers will frustrate Obama’s efforts in controlling the gun industry. The president’s supporters include parent women and children. Supporters have been asking the president to overlook the congress and go ahead implementing his plan since the congress was unwilling to follow through with his plan (Bream 3). Chicago mayor supports Obama’s proposal and he has pleaded with the banks and other financial institution to use all the available and necessary means to make the gun’s traders to comply and accept the president’s proposal. The other hand, the majority of the guns law’s critics are players in the industry (Bream 2). The general counsel of the national shooting sport foundation is one of the very vocal critics of the gun laws (Bream 4). He views the mayor’s comments regarding Obama’s proposal as a way for the political class is trying to bully the industry and its players (Bream 4). He says that the mayor is trying to use the banks to bully them through making commercial restrictions, which will in turn frustrate their businesses.

The government is doing a very noble job in trying to regulate the use of guns and keeping under tight surveillance the individuals who own firearms. This will go along the way in reducing crimes and gun violence. The incidence that occurred in Cincinnati is a very unfortunate story, which should give the lawmakers the motivation to accept the president’s proposal. These laws were influenced and prompted by the rampant killings experienced in America where illegal firearms are in circulation. This paper has discussed a number of the president’s action direction with regard to the gun laws. In addition, the Missouri laws on guns have been discussed in detail looking at how they affect both the gun industry and the society.


The president’s remarks have been met with a lot of criticism especially within the government. The paper outlines the rationale of some of the critics as well as supporters of this law. Dealers of ammunition and guns are the most vocal critics of these laws because they anticipate poor sales. Nonetheless, the steps that the government is making in regulating the possession of firearms are very noble. The government is broadening the background check system to ensure that all gun handlers are mentally fit and without a criminal background hence posing a threat to oneself or others around you.

Works Cited

Baker, Peter and Michael Shear. Obama to ‘Put Everything I’ve gotten’ Into Gun Control. 2013. Web.

Bream, Shannon. Gun control supporters urge Obama to bypass Congress on new measures. 2013. Web.

Garrett, Ben. Missouri Gun Rights. An Overview of Gun Laws in Missouri. 2013. Web.

Ungar, Rick. Here Are the 23 Executive Orders on Gun Safety Signed Today By the President. 2013. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Missouri Gun Laws and Obama’s Reforms: Critique and Support." December 26, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/missouri-gun-laws-and-obamas-reforms/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Missouri Gun Laws and Obama’s Reforms: Critique and Support." December 26, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/missouri-gun-laws-and-obamas-reforms/.

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