Mitigation Programs: Case of Emergencies

Mitigation programs have a critical preventive function in case of emergencies. As a rule, these programs are undertaken at the state level, but the support of the business sector and community members is equally important. With their help, local support of resources, distribution of management coordination, and assistance in monitoring and information support systems are possible. Rescue and warning technologies developed with state support can be located in various territories of companies that support these developments and contribute to environmental safety.

National mitigation programs are presented at different levels but most often at the state level. One such program describes a culture of readiness in various aspects to reduce material and economic damage and casualties (FEMA, 2020). Separate divisions of this association are working in more depth on various options for natural disasters. For example, the National Flood Insurance Program provides flood maps and studies, while the U.S. Geological Survey works on extensive earthquake and landslide studies and maps (FEMA Institute, n.d.). Other possible mitigation tools include for example, insurance and land use planning.

A healthy and robust natural environment, above all, protects from natural disasters, at least reducing the likelihood of their occurrence. Many environmental problems around the world are direct or indirect causes of various disasters. In places of greatest danger, various human activities are excluded. Moreover, various human actions should also be regulated at the level of state structures to exclude the possibility of a permanently harmful effect on nature and the surrounding world. Despite the various preparation methods for mitigation, any disaster brings with it economic damage, the need for material resources, and a host of other potential problems and aspects.


FEMA Institute. (n.d.) Chapter 3 – Mitigation. Web.

FEMA. (2020). National Mitigation Framework. Web.

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