Efficient communication has been identified as a potential tool to enhance organisation agility. Many businesses have benefited from efficient communication systems in order to enhance their competitive advantages. Meanwhile, organisation depends on the real time communication to enhance organisational decision-making.
Thus, this proposal discusses modelling of a network deployment and implementation of Voice over IP technology (VoIP) as means of voice communication. The proposal provides the work plan, which describes the schedule of the research. The outcome of this paper will provide the greater understanding to the IT specialists, business organisations, and overall academic communities.
Efficient communication has been identified as the potential tool to enhance organisation agility. Many businesses have benefited from efficient communication systems in order to enhance their competitive advantages. Despite the effectiveness of the real time communication for the organisation agility, many communication systems have been identified with troubleshooting which include common problems of jitter and low end users satisfactions. These problems have led many organisations to turn to Voice over IP technology (VoIP) as the means of voice communication. Despite the advantages of IP VoIP, many organisations have not yet understood the significant benefits of the deployment and implementation of IP VoIP. The little understanding in the deployment and implementation of IP VoIP generates the research problem, which this proposal intends to address.
Statement of problem
Many organisations have realised that voice is a necessity in order to reach customer’s agreement. Typically, IP VoIP has played a greater role in the network solution and the development of VoIP established technology has become migration to the business needs. (Shacklett, 2005).
However, some technicality involves the deployment and implementation of IP VoIP for the business needs. Fore example, there are situation where there can be impairment of connection that can lead the users to abandon the call during communication if there is error in the configuration of IP VoIP. In addition, the implementation and deployment of IP VoIP can have major effect in the Quality of Service (QoS) of the existing network. (Phoenix Datacom, 2007).
Thus, the necessity to enhance the highest performance during deployment and implementation generates the research problems. (Network Instruments, 2007).
To address the research problem, the proposal develops research aims and objectives.
Aim and Objectives
To address the research problems, the proposal will provide the following research aim and objectives:
- To investigate the modelling of a network through the deployment and implementation of IP (VOIP).
- To explore the extent the IP (VOIP) has been able to make use of less bandwidth for local and international calls.
- To investigate the extent of the deployment and implementation of IP (VOIP) has added to the Quality of Service (QoS).
- To investigate the extent the IP (VoIP) has been able to provide more efficient network resources for the user.
Thus, the paper will attempt to investigate the areas related to the research proposal. Meanwhile, scope of the paper will be as follows:
Scope of the paper
The scope of the research will limit its investigation on the Modelling of a Network (deployment and implementation of IP (VOIP). The paper will employ methodology to examine the quality and efficiency of the IP (VOIP) during its deployment and its implementation. Thus, the paper will test the quality of IP VoIP through the pre-deployment test in order to avoid surprise that may be generated through network failure. In addition, the scope of the paper will investigate the quality of voice generated by IP VoIP.
Key Deliverables
The key deliverables are as follows:
- The effectiveness of IP VoIP after deployment and implementation.
- The extent the IP VoIP has been able to deliver the good voice quality during the voice communication.
- The extent the IP VoIP has been able to provide cost reduction during long distance call and reduction of network cost to the user.
- The extent of the effectiveness of IP VoIP to deliver less bandwidth for local and international calls.
However, the research might encounter some risks during the course of investigation. Some of the risks might be as follows:
- Implementation and deployment problems may arise that may arise to troubleshooting if the researcher does not carry out the pre-deployment testing.
- During the deployment and implementation, there may be problem that can affect the output of IP VoIP data and overall network performances.
However, the work plan is essential to reveal the schedule of the project till its completion.
Work plan
Work plan defines the tasks to be carried out during the project. (See Gantt chart in fig 1). Thus, the work plan provides the tasks and the milestone to be carried out in the research in the following manner:
- Task 1: The proposal provides the background of the project. This will elaborate the main objectives of the deployment and application of Voice over IP technology (VoIP). The tasks will also involve formulating the problems to address in the project. Thus, with aim and objectives that the proposal intends to achieve the research will solve the research problem.
- Task 2: The research will review extensive literatures to explore the contributions of other scholars.
- Task 3: The researcher will design methodology to be carried out in achieving the research aims and objectives. Typically, the proposal will design several techniques to carry out its investigation in order to achieve the desired results for the proposal.
- Task 4: This task provides the data analysis on all the data collected for the investigation of modelling of a Network (deployment and implementation of IP (VOIP).
- Task 5: This phase provides the outcome of the research investigation. The results provided will achieve aims and objectives for the proposal.
- Task 6: This phase provides the summary of the findings and provides the provision for the future research.
- Task 7: This is where the paper provides the recommendations for the enhancement of the proposal’s shortcoming. (See fig 1 for the summary of the work plan).

Previous literatures on the deployment and implementation of IP technology (VoIP)
Louis (2004) argued that the implementation and deployment of IP (VoIP) have enhanced the quality of voice conversation, which provides advantages for the business benefit. The benefits that the businesses derived from this could be referred to “killer app” (p 1) where business derives reduced cost in distance call as well as reduction network cost. Meanwhile, some of the technical benefits that business derived from the IP VoIP have been linked to the less bandwidth for the distance call and the enhancement of distributed network intelligence. Thus, the author argued that despite the growth of email as means of communication, many businesses still prefer voice as the best method to conduct business transactions. Despite the contribution of the paper, the author failed to discuss the technical difficulties in the deployment and implementation of IP VoIP.
For example, the white paper provided by the Network Instruments (2007) argued that VoIP can develop troubleshooting, and technical packet loss, and the VoIP can develop a challenge compared to other network applications such as email. Thus, to ensure that VoIP provides constant quality metrics, there is need to keep constant monitoring on the application and deployment of IP VoIP. Phoenix Datacom (2007) also support the argument of Network Instruments by pointing out that the IP VoIP technology can develop trouble shooting during the application and deployment. Typically, the application of IP VoIP requires essential protocol and monitoring in order to avoid trouble shooting during deployment.
However, the two authors failed to realise that many businesses are diverting to the use of IP VoIP as means of voice communication despite the argument of the authors on the IP VoIP.
Fluke network (2006) also argued many enterprises have faced challenges in the deployment of IP VoIP. Typically, the application and deployment of IP VoIP have reached a high profile with critical application. Thus, there is need for the enterprises to ensure the pre and post deployment of IP VoIP.
The shortcoming of the paper is that the author only discussed the technical aspect on the deployment and application of IP VoIP, the paper did not discuss the benefits that the IP VoIP has provided to the business needs.
For instance, Shacklett (2005) belief that IP VoIP technology has continued to enhance greater role in the network solution. Despite its contribution in the communication efficiency, few companies are still opting for the IP VoIP technology as means of channelling the communication. Thus, the author argued that the deployment of VoIP is still expensive to displace tradition phone calls.
However, the shortcoming of this paper is that the author failed to provide data through survey or other experimental method to validate his argument.
On the other hand, the Net Scout (2007) discussed that the use of IP VoIP has become reality for business solution. However, there are embedded problems with the deployment of the IP VoIP technology. The author pointed out that deployment of the IP VoIP still carry out some risks, there are still complexity in the VoIP application performances.
The weakness of the author’s argument is that the growing increase in the use of IP VoIP by many business users shows that there is loophole in the argument provided by the author.
For instance, Audio Codes (2002) argued that the use of IP VoIP has come to stay with way many businesses are turning to the IP VoIP for business telecommunication needs. For example, the worldwide markets between 1999 and 2005 for the IP VoIP technology have increased from $217 Million to over $4.6 Billion. In addition, between 2001 and 2005, the IP VoIP technology equipments have increased annually by 52.5%.
The only shortcoming of this literature is that the author failed to point out the benefits that the IP VoIP users are deriving from the IP Void technology.
On the other hand, the Broad Com (2005) believed that the deployment and application of IP VoIP require systematic steps for the implementation and deployment. The major reason is that the VoIP technology has made use of IP network for digitalizing voice transmission. Despite the contribution of the paper, the author failed to point out that there are some voice telephone equipments that do not make use of internet for voice connections. For example, some cellular phones have integrated IP VoIP for voice communication.
However, Canavagh (2009) described how large enterprises have started the implementation of IP VoIP around the world. The author describes how the communication is very essential for business need. Thus, the author argued that in the past two decades, the use of IP VoIP has grown tremendously. There have been integrated of IP VoIP in some cellular phone for voice communication at much lower rates.
The shortcoming about his paper is that the author only describes how the big companies are only implementing the IP VoIP for business use. However, many small businesses are also implementing IP VoIP for business purpose.
With collaboration with the previous authors, Chen (2006) presents how the IP (VoIP) in Taiwan has been able enhanced the telecommunication system in public telephone system in Taiwan. Typically, the use of IP version 6 (IPv6) has been in wide use in public telephone systems in Taiwan and this has enhance voice communication system.
However, the author did not provide the contribution of private telephone companies in the deployment and implementation of IP VoiP for business use.
The research examines the methodology to provide the technique by which the research will be carried out.
Research methodology
The research methodology provides the methods the proposal will carry out the investigation of the modelling of a Network (deployment and implementation of IP (VOIP). The research will use data collection procedure to examine the effectiveness of deployment and implementation of IP VoIP.
Research design
The research will employ survey for the data collection. In addition, the proposal will employ qualitative and quantitative for the data collection. Apart from survey, the paper will employ case study to enhance greater understanding on the deployment and implementation of IP VoIP. There will also be data analysis to ensure the reliability of data collected.
The research method will employ several techniques to investigate the deployment and investigation of IP VoIP. The proposal will employ primary and secondary research methods in carry out the investigations. The primary research methods will involve carrying out the investigations through survey. The researcher will select 100 companies that have had experience with the VoIP for long distance call. The paper will use the structure questionnaires to design the questions that will be used to carry out the survey. Typically, the research will target top executives of the organisations selected for the survey. The survey questions will be distributed to the approximately 300 top executive of the target population where the researcher expects to receive 50 filled questionnaires, which are free of mistakes.
The objective of the questionnaires is to investigate the experiences of this top management on the implementation and deployment of VoIP. Some of the questions that will be asked to examine whether these top executives are deriving higher satisfactions with the use of IP VoIP. Moreover, the survey intends to investigate whether the respondents are being able to achieve lower cost with the use of IP VoIP for long distance call.
Moreover, to carry out the investigation of deployment and investigation of IP VoIP, the paper will employ the secondary research method. This involves reviewing the previous literatures on the deployment and investigation of IP VoIP. Typically, the researcher will employ certain strategies in ensuring that the reliable literatures relevant to the research are reviewed. The researcher will search the academic journals such as Science Direct, Sage Online. In addition, the proposal will also search journals from the database of Emerald. The paper will also search the database of International Business Machine (IBM) and the white papers from other IT organisations such as Cisco, Linux, and Nexus etc.
The proposal provides the modelling network (deployment and implementation of IP VoIP). The proposal provides the methods the proposal will carried out, and the key deliverables from the outcome of the research. Typically, the work plan is essential to ensure the schedule of the research. The paper elaborate the phases of the research proposal. The outcome of this paper will provide the greater understanding to the IT specialists, business organisations, and the overall academic communities.
List of References
Audio Codes (2002). Application Migration to Voice over IP Technologies White Paper, [White Paper] Audio Codes Ltd, USA.
Broad Com, (2005). Critical Steps for Successful VoIP Deployment VoIP-WP101-R [WWW], BroadCom Corporation, Web.
Canavagh, J. (2009). The Definitive Guide to Successful Deployment of VoIP and IP Telephony [E-book], Real time Publisher, Web.
Chen, W. (2006). The deployment of IPv6 SIP-based VoIP applications, [WWW],
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 1(4), 205-213, Web.
Fluke network (2006). VoIP Management Options: IP PBX Enterprise Management Software and Visual UpTime Select, [WWW] Fluke Corporation, Web.
Louis, P.J. (2004). Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): The “Killer” Application?, [WWW],. Web.
Net Scout (2007). Best Practices for Voice Over IP (VoIP) Network Performance Management, [WWW], Net Scout Inc, Web.
Network Instruments, (2007). Your Guide to Troubleshooting VoIP, [WWW] NETWORK NSTRUMENTS WHITE PAPER, Web.
Phoenix Datacom, (2007). Voice-over-IP (VoIP) and network performance, [WWW] Phoenix Datacom, Web.
Shacklett, M. (2005). When planning for VoIP, re-evaluate the networks and backups, [WWW] Publications & Communications Inc. (PCI).