Modern Chinese History: Impact on the World


China is one of the globe’s fastest expanding economies and the world’s biggest exporter. The country also receives considerable foreign assistance and is a prominent borrower on regional and global credit markets. Its expanding economy has grown into a major source of world demand. Its economic restructuring has maintained to open up new prospects for manufacturing exports, despite the fact that it may lower commodity demand in the longer run. Through commerce, investments, as well as ideas, the country is exerting increasing presence on other emerging economies.

China will still stay on the course of peaceful development and proceed to find the expected benefits that will help in opening up. Other than development, China will also show its responsibility and the contributions it has brought to the world. This will not be important to only the Chinese population, but the whole world. The realization of Modern Chinese history will go a long way toward bringing peace to the world instead of chaos, and it opens up opportunists instead of threats (Anshu et al., 2018). The very best goal of any community is to have its future built with shared humankind. This goal must also be realized through young people’s hard work and from one generation to another. Modern Chinese history directly impacts all other member states, international bodies and institutions, which also support and promote the building of a community with a shared future humanity. This is what socialism in China has made it to enter a new error means.

China as a nation has been able to advance in the modern days, and it has been able to achieve tremendous transformation through the influence of its modern history. It has been able to stand as a strong nation: it has grown rich and has become more prosperous and substantial. This has shown that the scientific socialism that existed in the twenty-first century in China has some new characteristics and is now something to look at (Feuchtwang & Hussain, 2018). This has shown that the path and the system have been developing to reach modernization. In modern Chinese history, socialism has been developing, and it has led to a new error for developing countries across the world to be modernized. It has brought a new option all over the world on how a nation can accelerate development while maintaining its independence (Anshu et al., 2018). It also supports that with a pearl of Chinese wisdom and approach to solving any problems facing humanity.

Research Questions

The research seeks to answer various questions arising from the research topic, laying the foundation for more analysis. The questions intercept various issues that aid in the understanding of the topic. Some of the questions that the survey seeks to answer include the following:

  1. What is the effect of modern Chinese history on economic changes that are taking place in the in-world today?
  2. What does the world understand about modern Chinese history?
  3. What is the impact of Modern Chinese history on the current technological world?
  4. How does one use social networking platforms to improve their understanding of Modern Chinese History?
  5. How has Modern Chinese history impacted the world’s current architecture?

Literature Review

The prior start of economic reforms and trade liberation of China in the past had created some policies. These policies made the economy remain poor and stagnant, the economy was one of the poorest, and it was not considered in the global economy. After the start of foreign trading and investments and the implementation of free market forums, China remained the fast-growing economy in the world (Feuchtwang & Hussain, 2018). The annual GDP growth ranged at 9.5% as the World Bank gave it the most sustained expansion in its significant economic history. With this growth, China has been able, on average has doubled its GDP over eight years, and it has enabled it to raise 800 million people from poverty (Anshu et al., 2018). Currently, China is among the world’s largest economies, doing manufacturing and trading and holding goring exchange reserves.

Through the above, the country has become a commercial partner of the United States. It has become its largest trade partner, its largest source where imports come from and one of the biggest export markets (Stearns, 2020). China also holds ample amounts of the U.S. treasury bills, which help the federal fund debt. The study has focused much on China’s economic growth in relation to the United States, which falls under its modern history. Therefore, it cannot be applicable to its impact on the world. Secondly, several studies show that our current mindset is influenced by cultural fundamentals and traditions (Acharya, 2019). Different cultures show different levels of embodiment of traditional thoughts in the present times.

Thus, the difference shows differing historical backgrounds and values when looking at the East and West. The most distinguishing and different cultural heritage of East Asian countries has been related to China. Its economic growth, political ambitions, and involvement in diplomacy have shown their difference from the western countries (Acharya, 2019). Also, the consequence and the debates of chin’s involvement in shaping the future of architecture. It is not easy to vividly explain these economic and geopolitical points. One must understand the Chinese and worldwide core values from their philosophy.

Since the twenty-first century, China has become a critical international and political player. It is now in a position to manufacture many products which are sold all over the world. Alon this economic impact it has, its cultural change is bringing out some significance. Its cultural products and customs are now being adopted across the world (Louie, 2018). The relationship between global economic and political influence, which is rooted in its modern history, is profound (Acharya, 2019). However, for one to understand modern history, one has to have a worldwide view and find the impact of this modern history on the world.

China has enjoyed gradual economic growth in the past decades, contributing to global economic growth. Since the country came up with foreign investment and established its domestic market well, which enabled it to become a World Trade Organization (Fang, 2018), this study two have addressed the property rights between domestic and foreign investors; this shows the situation of the Chinese in the century ago. These studies will now look at a global perspective and see how modern history has impacted the world.


It is essential to understand the impacts of modern Chinese history. This is because China’s power and influence have continued to spread in Asia and across the world. Therefore, modern Chinese history should be understood to analyze how strong it will behave and what influence it will have in the future (Weiss, 2019). Mostly when views are made from a historical lens, they bring out misleading views, Moreso looking back many years how China behaved. China is viewed as the one which existed in monolithic error; it possesses the same political outlook it has now and the security it has now.

From the above stage of development, it continued to behave as a modern country in its current state. Some observers have seen China as one state which has dominated the world with some strict power terms, which it has succeeded in, and is likely to maintain that stand even in the future. In the pre-modern era, Chinese security has varied gradually between the time of strength and weakness (Fang, 2018). The variation is so extensive that some historians believe it is impossible to change Chinese foreign policy and behavior (Kim, 2018). It is true that many firmly believe that the emergence of nation-states and nationalism in China has led to a prosperous modern state. This has made it more reliable to understand modern Chinese history and its impacts on the pre-modern era.

Primary Sources

Data collection is a fundamental process in research, since it is through it that a researcher will get the information for the research questions. The data collection process provides vital support to the information that will be obtained, and it will eliminate any doubt that will have been created. In data collection, I will use different primary sources. First, I use the Manuscripts to get data (Islam & Islam, 2020). The papers, diaries account books, which have been preserved in museums, and libraries, achieves will all combine to give the building blocks for getting the required data about modern Chinese history.

Secondly, photographs can be used as a primary source of collecting data about modern Chinese history. Using the predecessors in the photographs, they will have the record to help us get to know the past (Islam & Islam, 2020). They become exciting since they make us visualize what places and things look like. Analyzing the pictures can reveal the photographer’s information and view, showing how things used to be. Thirdly, Newspapers can be used as a source of primary data.

Some newspapers are daily while others are weekly, some maybe even more extended periods. This makes them the primary source of history; therefore, they can be crucial in getting information about Modern Chinese History. This is because they are in a position of capturing events, onions, in different topics, which vary from local topics, international and real estate, and more interestingly even the people’s culture (Islam & Islam, 2020). The advertisements in the newspapers can tell how people lived and even how they eventually died. Some sections of the papers also can help show how the section of people thought. Lastly, objects can also be used as the source of primary data.

The constructed objects are available as evidence of modern Chinese history. Portraits and paintings, tools and equipment, remnants of structures and headstones from cemeteries will also help provide the information (Islam & Islam, 2020). This can stimulate a great view, leading to useful hypothesizing and education on modern Chinese history. Looking at the objects also can help in talking more about the period they were made and the kind of people who used them.


Acharya, A. (2019). From heaven to earth:’cultural idealism and ‘moral realism’as Chinese contributions to global international relations. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 12(4), 467–494.

Anshu, S., Lachapelle, F., & Galway, M. (2018). The recasting of Chinese socialism: The Chinese new left since 2000. China Information, 32(1), 139–159.

Fang, J., Yu, G., Liu, L., Hu, S., & Chapin III, F. S. (2018). Climate change, human impacts, and carbon sequestration in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(16), 4015–4020.

Feuchtwang, S., & Hussain, A. (2018). The Chinese economic reforms. Routledge.

Islam, M. N., & Islam, M. S. (2020). Data Collection and Analysis. In Islam and Democracy in South Asia (pp. 49–65). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Kim, S. S. (2018). Chinese foreign policy in theory and practice. In China and the World (pp. 3–33). Routledge.

Morrison, W. M. (2019). China’s economic rise: History, trends, challenges, and implications for the United States. Current politics and economics of Northern and Western Asia, 28(2/3), 189–242.

Weiss, J. C. (2019). A world safe for autocracy: China’s rise and the future of global politics. Foreign Aff., pp. 98, 92.

Stearns, P. N. (2020). The industrial revolution in world history. Routledge.

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