Philippines Conflict: Federalism, Extremism, and Government Failures

The resolution of the conflict in the Philippines is an actual topic of discussion. Placido considers this issue from the point of view of the desire for federalism and the authorities’ position regarding this problem. The fight against Islamic extremists is also discussed in this news article.

Studies on the topic of uprisings within countries and disagreements among the population are the subject of many works. Krastev discusses issues related to the contradictions within and outside European states. In particular, the theme of migration and forced refugees is constantly underlined. According to the author, the process of moving people from one country to another “dramatically changes the lives of host communities” (Krastev 97).

It means that the need for assimilation arises, and the interaction of people from different cultures is not always civilized. Concerning the situation in the Philippines, the atmosphere here is different. Local Muslims are not ready to accept the country’s living conditions and religious laws. As a consequence, serious contradictions regularly arise, which is expressed in a large number of victims. Placido notes that the government of the Philippines is trying to amend the country’s legislation and achieve the change in the existing regime. Nevertheless, despite all attempts, there are still no significant results.

The efforts of the president and his supporters cannot prevent mass riots, which is the confirmation of illiterate policies, including that in relation to migrants. If necessary measures are taken, there is a chance to achieve peace and the cessation of hostilities. However, today, political analysts criticize the regime of the Philippines, which is quite logical in conditions when civilians suffer, and cities are destroyed.

Works Cited

CNN Philippines Staff. “Road to Peace in Mindanao: The Bangsamoro Basic Law.” CNN Philippines, 2018. Web.

Garrie, Adam. “Duterte Set on Bringing Permanent Peace to Mindanao in Push to End Decades Long Moro Conflict.” Eurasia Future, 2018. Web.

Gurr, Ted. Why Men Rebel. Princeton University Press, 1970.

Kaufmann, Chaim. “Possible and Impossible Solutions to Ethnic Civil Wars.” International Security, vol. 20, no. 4, 1996, pp. 136-175.

Klaus, Kathleen, and Matthew I. Mitchell. “Land Grievances and the Mobilization of Electoral Violence: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire and Kenya.” Journal of Peace Research, vol. 52, no. 5, 2015, pp. 622-635.

Krastev, Ivan. “The Unraveling of the Post – 1989 Order.” Journal of Democracy, vol. 27, no. 4, 2016, pp. 88-98.

Placido, Tharel. “Duterte Warns of War in Mindanao if BBL, Federalism not Pursued.” ABS-CBN News, 2018. Web.

Regencia, Ted. “Philippines to Fast Track Muslim Self-Rule in Mindanao.” Aljazeera, 2018. Web.

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