Movie Review: Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic waves of different lengths and frequencies are used for different purposes based on their characteristics and capabilities. The contemporary world technology utilizes the whole spectrum of electromagnetic waves from the longest radio waves to the shortest Gamma rays. Due to these waves’ capabilities to spread over long distances and through materials, particular waves are used to transmit and collect data from places where humans cannot reach or are unable to sense due to the limitations of natural characteristics.

NASA’s film introducing the electromagnetic spectrum and its multifaceted uses explores the foundations of sensor technology. As stated in the video, electromagnetic waves of various lengths and frequencies differ in qualities, thus defining the spheres of their application in technology (SpaceScienceSarah, 2012). Based on the length and frequency of electromagnetic waves, different types of sensors and radars are developed, including sonar, light-detecting, and others.

Significant scientific tasks might be accomplished by means of sensors. For example, the investigation of the surface of a distant planet is possible when sending signals and analyzing the time it takes for the signal to return (SpaceScienceSarah, 2012). A similar application is possible for underwater examinations, as is used by NASA with the application of “hyperspectral” instruments that contain several detectors to collect information in the visible light range” (Bettwy, 2012, para. 6). Also, the sensors and radars are used to control unmanned aerial vehicles, which allows for completing various tasks remotely (Mathe & Busoniu, 2015). Thus, the contemporary life of a human is characterized by the continuous presence of different electromagnetic waves that enable people’s normal daily functioning as well as allow for accomplishing complex technological and scientific tasks.


Bettwy, M. (2012). NASA to monitor coral reef health with airplane sensors. Web.

Mathe, K., & Busoniu, L. (2015). Vision and control for UAVs: A survey of general methods and of inexpensive platforms for infrastructure inspection. Sensors, 15(7), 14887-14916.

SpaceScienceSarah. (2012). NASA – Tour of the electromagnetic spectrum [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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