Multimodal Learning Preferences: Strategies for Effective Teaching and Learning

Learning Style Summary

Learning is a continuous process known to take place every single day. Humans should embrace the practice to gain new ideas and concepts that can be replicated in their professional philosophies. The results of the completed VARK Questionnaire have indicated that the user has a multimodal learning preference (ARK). This means that several strategies apply to the person’s preference as a learner. The scores were visual (1), aural (6), write/read (7), and kinesthetic (5). The learning preference is therefore completed by these diverse strategies. This means that targeted information should be presented in several formats or models to be clearly understood (Stirling & Alquraini, 2016). That being the case, each of the learning strategies should be considered to make the process meaningful and successful.

Preferred Learning Strategies

More often than not, learning succeeds when several approaches are employed to deliver information. For instance, some form of listening and talking is critical throughout the process. The approach will create room for discussion and eventually make it easier for an individual to recall. During the process, it is appropriate to take notes or read written content in an attempt to understand the intended information clearly. Individuals who prefer to read (and write) will find it easier to understand and recall the intended information (Hallin, Haggstrom, Backstrom, & Kristiansen, 2016). Kinesthetic strategies are also evident whenever learning new ideas or concepts. The inclusion of real-life examples, applications, laboratory experiments, and hands-on experiences will support the learning process. The preferred learning style makes it easier for an individual to acquire new concepts and apply them accordingly.

Comparison of Learning Strategies to Preferred Learning Style

The completed VARK Questionnaire has revealed a multimodal learning preference. According to the results, read/write, kinesthetic, visual, and aural strategies are applicable in the learning preference (Hallin, 2014). This means that the targeted individual is always keen on spoken words. He or she will ask questions in an attempt to acquire the intended information. This view supports the importance of aural strategies. The results also portray the use of reading/write strategies whereby short notes and written content are critical throughout the learning process. Essays, textbooks, sketch notes, handouts, descriptions, and lists are significant during the process. The multimodal preference goes further to appreciate the use of every sense (Hallin et al., 2016). Smelling, hearing, tasting, seeing, and touching are embraced in an attempt to make the learning practice successful.

The multimodal learning preference thereby echoes the strategies outlined above. This means that writing, reading, listening, and the use of guidelines is essential whenever planning to acquire new information. This is also the same case whenever trying to communicate a given message to another person. The analysis is a clear indication that people tend to have diverse learning strategies (Alkhasawneh, 2013). Such strategies should, therefore, be analyzed together to understand an individual’s learning preference.

Learning Styles, Strategies, and Preferences: Impacts on Learning and Teaching

It is appropriate for every individual to be aware of his or her learning preferences, styles, and strategies. This kind of awareness is necessary for both learners and teachers. To begin with, those who are in a position to teach can find it easier to gather the right materials and resources that can make their teaching models are meaningful. This is the case because they should understand whatever they are teaching before passing it across to the learner (Stirling & Alquraini, 2016). They will go further to design adequate teaching philosophies informed by their respective learning preferences and those of the learners. Tutors should also understand how they learn to embrace the best strategies and eventually communicate adequately to their students. The tutor will engage in constant collaboration with the students and come up with the best learning model that can deliver quantifiable results.

Such preferences and learning strategies are indispensable for every individual who is trying to learn something new. A person who is aware of his or her learning preference will find it easier to collect the right information or resource. For instance, someone who has a multimodal preference will look for notes, videos, presentations, and handouts to get the required idea. The person will go further to discuss with the tutor, organize field trips, and take accurate notes accordingly (Hallin, 2014). This discussion indicates that the approaches or strategies will work synergistically to facilitate the learning process. An individual who clearly understands his or her learning preference will identify the right resources and practices that can result in knowledge acquisition. Depending on the targeted information, the learner will design the learning preference and focus on the best strategy or style that can result in continuous learning (Alkhasawneh, 2013). It should also be agreed that a person who knows how to use various strategies will acquire meaningful information and share it with others successfully. It would, therefore, be appropriate for both learners and teachers to develop their learning strategies based on their preferences. This move will make learning a smooth process capable of fostering human communication and understanding.


Alkhasawneh, E. (2013). Using VARK to assess changes in learning preferences of nursing students at a public university in Jordan: Implications for teaching. Nurse Education Today, 33(12), 1546-1549. Web.

Hallin, K. (2014). Nursing students at a university: A study about learning style preferences. Nurse Education Today, 34(12), 1443-1449. Web.

Hallin, K., Haggstrom, M., Backstrom, B., & Kristiansen, L. (2016). Correlations between clinical judgment and learning style preferences of nursing students in the simulation room. Global Journal of Health Science, 8(6), 1-13. Web.

Stirling, B., & Alquraini, W. (2016). Using VARK to assess Saudi nursing students’ learning style preferences: Do they differ from other health professionals? Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 12(2), 125-130. Web.

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