Music Listening: “Say a Little Prayer“ Song by Bacharach & David

“I Say a Little Prayer” is written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. The genre of the song is pop, but it can be called soul too. The song is about a woman praying for her husband who is fighting in Vietnam. It is very lovely and romantic, and the foremost reason for listening to this composition is that it is optimistic about true love and sincere feelings. Although initially the song was written for and performed by Dionne Warwick in 1967 (“Dionne Warwick I Say a Little Prayer 1967 Original Million Seller”), Aretha Franklin, known as the Queen of Soul, performed the song and completely transformed it (“Aretha Franklin – I Say a Little Prayer”).

One shouldn’t think that the version of Warwick was not a success, it turned out to be quite good, as it reached high positions in music charts. It is just that the version of Aretha Franklin gave the composition another life, as it is very different in terms of rhythm, flow, and feeling. “Say a Little Prayer” is thus an example of a musical work, which can be shared and given not just a single interpretation, but instead be performed by two big artists who created two interpretations of the same song.

Works Cited

“Aretha Franklin – I Say a Little Prayer.” YouTube, uploaded by loanna17. 2010, Web.

“Dionne Warwick I Say a Little Prayer 1967 Original Million Seller.” YouTube, uploaded by dibotis, 2010, Web.

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