My Space and Linkedln Benefits


Myspace and LinkedIn are social networking positions that specifically target business people. LinkedIn is the biggest among other social networking tools with more than 45 million users. LinkedIn is among the most powerful networking sites and helps businesses as well as individuals who find some interest in it like students. This essay paper will be focusing greatly on the benefits which the students can get from networking by use of LinkedIn and my space sites. The areas in which one needs to be cautious when using these sites are also focused.


Several benefits are realized when one uses LinkedIn and my space networking sites. For instance, a student can make use of LinkedIn to manage his/her future career. For a student to benefit fully from the services of LinkedIn he has to decide where he would like to work and in what industry. In addition, the student will be required to state the type of work he wishes to do. More specific details of a student’s profile increase the chances of him being contacted as a qualified candidate. Through LinkedIn, a student is in a position to highlight his keywords, which shows what he has already done, and what he is capable of doing which will assist him to meet the potential employer.

Through LinkedIn, any student gets a chance to pose different questions to the other users and he can also answer the many questions which are always asked. Students can learn so many things concerning the way to advance their careers.

Most of the students have joined helpful groups through LinkedIn whereby they interact with intelligent people with whom they can enrich knowledge among themselves. Students have been able to state their career objectives clearly and to add more applications which have been increasing their chances of getting job opportunities. Through the use of my space students have been able to create wide interrelationships with people from different regions and with different ideas. The social lives of students are improved through my space applications.


They enjoy the free services of myspace in getting in touch with new and old friends, as well as with their families. Any student can trace his former schoolmates and get to share knowledge and ideas. Students get a good chance to connect with the older students who completed college before them, who in turn link them to the world of job opportunities. Many relationships among the youths have been created by the use of myspace, others ending up in a long-life relationship. By making use of myspace, young people have been able to share photos, movies, as well as music-making their world more comfortable and busy to avoid being idle. The users of myspace are advised to be very cautious on matters concerning identity theft by changing the privacy settings such that it’s only a specific group of people who can access some defined areas.


In conclusion, these social networking sites for some time they have contributed a lot to the improvement of career management and the social life of young people. Most of the students and other young people have reported remarkable benefits which their career lives have acquired from LinkedIn and my space networking sites. On the other hand, some fraud cases have been reported where some users have been adding some negative information and pictures to these webs and hence spoiling people’s relationships. Just like any other web these two social networking sites have got some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of these two sites outweigh the disadvantages leaving both of them to be successful in day-to-day life.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 6). My Space and Linkedln Benefits.

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