Myplate and Pyramid: Nutrition Education and Behavior

MyPlate has assumed the function of the prior Pyramid image as the tool to assist Americans in making better food choices. Its main idea is to encourage people to consider preparing a healthy plate when dining. The servings recommended for each food group in MyPlate and Pyramid are found to be the most common differences (Barco Leme et al., 2021). Unlike MyPlate, which gives accurate information on serving sizes and personalizes what quantities of each food category are needed, the Pyramid left many people confused about the distinction between a serving and a portion. In addition, the order in which foods are listed in MyPlate and the Food Pyramid is different. Some people who looked at the enormous grain group in the Pyramid considered it to be more vital than the first group, which comprised fats, oils, and sweets which led to some degree of uncertainty. Instead of the food groups being arranged from top to bottom, Myplate now uses colors to depict each of them as scattered out over the Pyramid.

The switch from the Pyramid to the MyPlate occurred in an attempt to simplify the goal of a well-balanced diet. This was due to the intricate nature of the Pyramid, which made it challenging for individuals to evaluate their meals to the required optimal balance. Another reason that prompted the switch was because the Pyramid was worn out and trying to transmit too many nutritional facts at once. The dietary experts created MyPlate, which is simplified and efficient so that the typical American can look at it and have a proper perception of how they can feel up their plate at a meal.


Barco Leme, A. C., Fisberg, R. M., Baranowski, T., Nicklas, T., Callender, C. S., Kasam, A., Tucunduva Philippi, S., & Thompson, D. (2021). Perceptions about health, nutrition knowledge, and MyPlate food categorization among US adolescents: A qualitative study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53(2), 110–119.

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