National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics

One must adhere to ethical standards that promote effective work for any organization. Such norms can be both in relation to clients and to colleagues. This affects the work process, as comfortable conditions for employees increase their motivation. Furthermore, the proper attitude toward clients in an ethical aspect will attract new ones, which will lead to the organization’s development. Thereby, following some ethical principles is an essential part of any company.

One can distinguish two main points in the NASW (National Association of Social Workers) Code of Ethics which makes the performance of any organization effective and profitable. The first is based on respect of employees for each other, namely, to avoid unnecessary criticism and cooperate (The National Organization of Social Workers [NASW], 2017). This principle helps each employee feel comfortable and confident, which will significantly increase motivation. Thereby, it will help the leader ensure that the organization’s workflow is cohesive, as each worker will be devoted to the process.

One should also give employees the confidence that they will always be provided with needed assistance. The second important point is based on mutual aid, namely that employees should consult each other on all sorts of issues (The National Organization of Social Workers [NASW], 2017). There is often a decline in motivation and desire to work under challenging situations faced by the employee. Therefore, this principle will support the leader in making the working process coherent since each worker will be instructed on how to act.

The importance of specific ethical standards for organizations dealing, for instance, with child protection, is often underestimated. Maintaining a comfortable working climate is vital to operate effectively for companies dealing with service provision. In other words, employees must have a warm relationship with each other, and the main principle should be based on mutual understanding and aid. Consequently, these two elements will be helpful to the leader to be ensured that the workflow consists of the proper principles.


The National Organization of Social Workers. (2017). Code of ethics. 

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