Nationalism and Republicanism in Australia: Warhurst’s Article Review


The article discusses the various steps that the Australian government has undertaken in the process of attaining its independence from the British government. The author, John Warhurst, is practical in pointing out the core actions and initiatives that various leaders from the major parties executed in coining the country’s independence and sovereignty.

According to the author, the two major parties that have played an integral role in the nation’s independence comprise the Australian Labor Party and the Liberal-National Coalition. Therefore, the assessment examines the arguments and main points advanced by the author in the evolution of institutions, citizenship, and symbols in the process of fighting for independence in Australia.

Main Body

Some of the main points that the author highlights includes the role of political parties and the evolution of institutions, citizenship, and symbols in Australia. In the issue or point that regards the role of political parties, Warhurst (1993) explains that the Australian Labor Party and Liberal-National Coalition have played various roles towards the achievement of nationalism in the country. In the assertion of the author, the Australian Labor Party has championed the concept of nationalism and independence in Australia. The author elucidates that some of the leaders, who have played an important role in the concept of independence include Keating, Whitlam, and Hawke.


On the point or issue of institutions, citizenship, and symbols and their evolution, the author is practical in outlining that the country has experienced tremendous changes related to autonomy and self-rule. According to Warhurst (1993), the institutions, citizenship, and symbols of Australia have evolved since 1901 and have comprised factors that include minimized influence from the British government, the appointment of Australian Governor Generals, and removal of an overall British passport. In addition, the country has created a national anthem, which focuses on replacing the initial British national anthem ‘God Save the Queen’. Besides the minimization of British influence and the creation of a national anthem, the author explains that the country needs to deal with issues like the monarchy and national flag so that it achieves complete independence and sovereignty.


Warhurst, J. (1993). Nationalism and Republicanism in Australia: The Evolution of Institutions, Citizenship, and Symbols. Australian Journal of Political Science, 28, 100-120.

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