Nature’s Best Pet Food: Target Market Analysis & Strategy

This paper is dedicated to the study of the target market for a new pet food brand called Nature’s Best, which is soon launching on the market. This brand’s high quality and focus on natural ingredients will soon make it the favorite dish of every pet.

In general, an audience-focused approach is more efficient than a product-focused approach (Hanlon, 2016). Thus, it is necessary to state the demographic and geographic features of the target market. The launch of the new product will take place in certain beach towns of South Carolina and is oriented toward two major segments. The first one is the Young Digerati, which mainly comprises middle-aged, tech-savvy people who are prosperous and well-educated and who frequently visit boutiques and fitness clubs. The second segment is Money and Brains. This segment consists of wealthy adults, often without children, who have high-class taste and pay significant attention to their image. Advertising for the new pet food can be delivered to these target segments through fashion magazines or social media.

Before launching any product, it is important to discover the wants and needs of the product’s target market (Armstrong & Kotler, 2015). In this case, the first segment values a healthy way of life. Hence, its demands for pet food include high quality, the use of only natural ingredients, and subsequent health benefits. The second segment, being focused on style and appearance, would appreciate the improvement of their pets’ looks such as healthy skin or a shiny coat.

Despite the fact that Nature’s Best is a new company without a strong reputation and with well-known competitors, it still has a chance for success. The new product is of high quality but is less expensive than similar goods. Another advantage is that the product may be bought online and delivered, which will be appreciated by the target market.


Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P. (2015). Marketing: An introduction (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Hanlon, A. (2016). The segmentation, targeting and positioning model. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Nature’s Best Pet Food: Target Market Analysis & Strategy." December 28, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Nature’s Best Pet Food: Target Market Analysis & Strategy." December 28, 2020.

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