Netflix: The Ethical Standards

Corporate and cultural standards are formed under the influence of the environment in which they arise. The current environment requires openness of publicity to ensure non-discrimination and respect for the equal rights of employees. In this regard, Netflix is ​​an excellent example of a well-established organizational ethic set of rules. The domestic policy of this organization was determined by the era’s requirements and ensured complete confidence in the market.

Influence of the Cultural Environment

Modern American society is steadily moving towards the eradication of discrimination and inequality. Companies that want to stay afloat must follow the general trend in order to follow the legislation and user expectations (Burroughs, 2019). For example, any self-respecting company complies with the requirements to provide jobs for women and people with disabilities with equal wages. The progressive cultural values ​​of the company ensure the preservation of the reputation under the influence of the cultural environment.

Discrimination against minorities with racial or cultural differences has also received much attention lately. Due to a number of events and the emergence of the Black Lives Matter social movement, Netflix is contributing a lot of attention to the problem of racism and segregation of minorities in the United States. Moreover, this is achieved not only by providing equal rights in employment but by creating a safe society within the company. The issue of reconsidering roles in its productions for actors of different descent and eliminating prejudice against gender differences is of great importance.

Disadvantages and Pros of “The Way of Netflix”

Netflix is ​​ideally suited to the requirements of modern society, meeting moral and ethical expectations. One of the main advantages is maintaining an impeccable reputation. The public value lies in what ideas Netflix brings to the masses. When filming its own products, Netflix pays attention to the concept of diversity and representation (Wiart, 2022). As a streaming platform, Netflix provides movies and series that are as ethical as possible. One of the downsides is the public disapproval caused by the unwillingness of some people to adapt to new standards (Treadwell, 2022). Not all people agree with the policy of the need for representation and complain about familiar characters reflected in non-standard images. Netflix is losing some of its audience but gaining a more tolerant community of fans.

The company uses all the technological forces available to them to shape the necessary public opinion and balance profitability and cost while maintaining ethics and morality: information technology, Internet, new production forces. With Netflix currently being one of the most prominent performers in streaming platforms, its impact on the industry is hard to underestimate (Burroughs, 2019). The dissatisfaction of people who consider historical accuracy to be more important than providing diversity is gradually decreasing – they either stop using the service or become more culturally educated and tolerant, which is also a significant result of Netflix’s impact on society (Treadwell, 2022). In addition, the company’s minimal formalization still helps to stabilize coordination among employees and managers, and control over work. Employees must precisely understand what they are doing and for what purpose and apprehend the importance of adhering to ethics for the modern individual.

Internal Culture and Competitiveness

The internal culture of Netflix contributes to the company’s growth and largely positively impacts its ability to compete. In terms of its hierarchy, the company represents a commitment to organic structure and culture of competitiveness. The main focus of the internal culture is on a philosophy that puts people first. Efficient and profitable business processes are achieved through human resources’ maximum satisfaction and productivity (Ramachandran & Flint, 2018). In the process of gaining popularity, the company grows, provides a variety of well-paying and rewarding jobs, and increases its production volumes. The more different content is produced, the greater the reach of the audience and fans of the streaming service – every viewer can find what they prefer.

The Usefulness for the Manager

A decentralized company structure, when main decisions is made by the mid-level and low-level managers mostly, provides more opportunities for agile management in the field – Netflix managers break tasks into subtasks and independently prioritize them. It also generates the delegation of tasks possible with this company structure and allows the decision and work on the issue to be left to the appropriate team member. The line manager can observe some of the company’s management techniques and use them in his own practice. For example, the importance of each employee and the appropriate attitude will allow the manager to improve the team’s results. Through the explosive growth and development of the company, it is possible to monitor the effectiveness of management and business approaches. Public reactions to the company’s products, reviews, and evaluations are automatically evaluated by the system’s algorithms and generated in the form of statistics (Ramachandran & Flint, 2018). With this information, the manager of any division can more clearly define specific tasks for their team or provide the most up-to-date report to management.

Moreover, modern management means giving more freedom to subordinates. As in Netflix, many successful companies practice hiring high-performing employees and eliminating the clutter of procedures, rules, and standards. The final goal of each manager is to increase the effectiveness of collaboration, that is, the interaction of all team members in solving tasks to create the necessary structure. Managers in such an environment can allow their subordinates to organize themselves by demonstrating flexibility in the first place. Employees who are not constrained by formal company policies produce better results at a lower cost.


Burroughs, B. (2019). House of Netflix: Streaming media and digital lore. Popular Communication, 17(1), 1-17. Web.

Ramachandran, S., & Flint, J. (2018). At Netflix, radical transparency and blunt firings unsettle the ranks. The Wall Street Journal, 25. Web.

Treadwell, M. (2022). Narratives that bind: Black American diasporic content, Netflix, and World Cinema. Studies in World Cinema, 1(aop), 1-23. Web.

Wiart, L. (2022). How Netflix is making diversity its key selling point. Nectart, 14(1), 72-83. Web.

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