Netflix Case Study: The Firing Machine

As a global company, Netflix must consider each culture’s peculiarities to see which practices would be the most or the least applicable. In HR Planning, Netflix should consider making a development plan for each employee and set milestones to achieve during a specific period. Such a strategy would show a complete path of improvement, motivating to achieve more.

Netflix’s transparent compensation policy seems not to show the expected result of motivation, rather offending employees and should be overlooked by the management.

Many European countries focus on perspective rather than in-the-moment results and are interested in keeping their workers long run and avoiding staff turnover, providing additional education for their development. Therefore, while implementing unrelenting HR practices, Netflix should consider the country’s traditions and mentality to evaluate the possibility of success.

Netflix is a phenomenal company that managed to acquire a large part of the market in a matter of several years. Such success is in many ways defined by the unique HR practices that have been established for years and figuring out the best strategies that work for the company. At times of great expansion, the company must take into account the global challenges that the market presents while committing to maintaining transparency in all operations.

After reviewing Netflix’s recruitment and termination policies, they appeared to be quite demanding, influencing its presence in other countries. Therefore, the company would benefit from becoming more flexible in its HR practices to secure success in other markets.


Agnihotri, A., & Bhattacharya, S. (2021). Case Study: Netflix: The Firing Machine? SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals.

Allyn, B. (2020). Netflix CEO Embraces “No Rules,” But Work Is Anything But Chill. NPR. Web.

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