“Netiquette” vs. “Looking in Looking Out” Articles

Social media has dramatically transformed the way people communicate with each other, bringing both opportunities and challenges to the realm of interpersonal communication. Understanding the rules and best practices for communicating effectively and responsibly in this virtual space is important to make the most of these technological advancements. Two sources that provide valuable insights are a netiquette article whose title is based on competence in social media and the ethics of online anonymity and “Looking in Looking Out” on the same topic. By comparing the information presented in these two sources, one can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of being competent and ethical when using social media for communication.

The netiquette article and the “Looking in Looking Out” text provide important information about interpersonal communication and social media, specifically focusing on competence in social media and the ethics of online anonymity. Netiquette emphasizes the importance of being competent when using social media. It talks about the importance of being knowledgeable about online etiquette, including using proper grammar, avoiding offensive language, and respecting others’ privacy. “It is crucial to understand the technology behind social media and how to use it effectively” (Soler-Costa et al. 2.). This idea is also present in the Looking in Looking Out text, where the author writes, “We must be knowledgeable about the technology we use, how it works, and its potential impact on those around us” (Adler et al.55 ). This highlights the importance of competence in social media, including understanding privacy settings, being mindful of what one posts, and being aware of the consequences of online actions. The author argues that competence in social media is essential for responsible and ethical online interactions.

Both sources also discuss the importance of ethical behavior when using social media. The netiquette article states, “It is important to consider the ethical implications of your actions on social media and to conduct yourself responsibly” (Soler-Costa et al. 3.). It emphasizes the importance of being mindful of one’s online identity and avoiding negative behavior that could harm one’s reputation. This idea is also echoed in the ”Looking in Looking Out” text, where the author writes, “We must be mindful of our tone, words, and actions online, just as we would in real life” (Adler et al. 54.). The text Highlights the idea that online communication should align with one’s personal values and moral principles.

Furthermore, both sources address the issue of online anonymity and its impact on social media communication. The netiquette article states, “It is important to consider the effects of anonymity when communicating through social media and to be mindful of the responsibility that comes with anonymity” (Soler-Costa et al. 12). It mentions the importance of respecting others’ anonymity, stating that it is important to avoid sharing personal information about others without their consent. Similarly, the Looking in Looking Out text notes, “We must be aware of the impact that anonymity can have on our interactions and be conscious of the responsibility that comes with it” (Adler et al. 55). The author argues that while anonymity can provide a sense of safety and privacy, it can also lead to negative consequences such as cyberbullying and spreading false information.

Overall, the netiquette article and the Looking in Looking Out text provide valuable information about using social media effectively and ethically. They emphasize the importance of being mindful of one’s online actions and the impact they can have on others, as well as respecting others’ privacy and anonymity.

Works Cited

Adler, et al. “Looking in Looking Out.” Interpersonal Communication and social media, chapter 2, pp. 54–59.

Soler-Costa, Rebeca, et al. “Netiquette: Ethic, Education, and Behavior on Internet—a Systematic Literature Review.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no. 3, 2021, pp. 1–15.

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StudyCorgi. "“Netiquette” vs. “Looking in Looking Out” Articles." February 1, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/netiquette-vs-looking-in-looking-out-articles/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "“Netiquette” vs. “Looking in Looking Out” Articles." February 1, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/netiquette-vs-looking-in-looking-out-articles/.

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