New Products: Windows 7 and ABS Avalanche Airbag

Windows 7

This software is neither a new product in the market nor is it a new product line but is an upgraded version of the existing software offered that was introduced earlier in the market by the Microsoft Corporation. This is because it is computer Operating System software, and Microsoft has had several of these in the market. Windows 7 is a type of operating system that has been introduced in the market and has been in operation for a short while, although statistics on how it has hit the market are shocking (White, 2010). In addition, some changes have been put forward relating to the existing channels of distribution of the software where the customers have more options. The customers who are currently having Windows PCs would be able to install Windows 7 Home Premium at a reduced price too (LeBlanc, 2009).

Microsoft will face challenges regarding the selling of Windows 7, although the software has currently been indicated to experience large volumes of sales (White, 2010). Other companies such as Linux have already posed a major threat by offering competing products (operating systems software) that offer customers choices for their PCs. The strategy appears to focus on improving the components, reliability, and usability of operating system software. Competition is a big challenge to Microsoft in the software industry as the software industry is not predictive, owing to the dynamic nature of the software products and innovation.

The introduction of Windows 7 in markets in other countries has already caused a boost in the sale of PCs, and the impact is set to keep on increasing (LeBlanc, 2010). Some of the ethical issues that would be encountered include the infringement of the copyrights for the software as people explore options to use the software free of charge.

Gift Card

A gift card is a form of electronic smart card and does therefore not represent a completely new product in the European market. It can be classified in the new product line scene. The gift cards are offered to customers with a prescribed value of money (SmartLoyalty AG, n.d.). Indeed, the modern gift card is a new version of a gift card that was introduced several years ago in the United States (Kleeman, 2009).

The introduction of gift cards in other parts of the world will increase capital investments in the gift cards. It is expected that the companies involved will gain more customer loyalty and control. However, competition is expected to be stiff amongst the companies offering gift cards, and especially those doing similar businesses or in the same business line, as they seek to have control and compete for the same customers. Although gift cards have been described as an effective way to control the customer, there are ethical issues that could be considered about the use of gift cards to control customer loyalty since they influence the flexibility and freedom of the customer to make the purchase.

ABS Avalanche Airbag

An avalanche airbag is a completely new product that ensures that victims are safe in the snow environment, by equalizing the relative volume and the density of the surrounding snow. Because victims in snow are likely to float and stay on top, thus risking loss for their lives, or being injured, the ABS ensures that they can stay on top for only a relatively short period (ABS, n.d.).

The company selling this type of product would experience large volume of sales for the products because the individuals willing to travel for adventure will always want to use the commodity. The system has ensured the security of individuals traveling and therefore its spread is a great advantage for travelers. Of course, for individuals willing to travel safely-and traveling is a social activity-the technology offers an exclusive opportunity to do so more safely.


ABS. (n.d.). To stay on top is everything. ABS. 2010. Web.

LeBlanc, B. (2010). High interest in Windows 7 helps drive PC sales. Web.

LeBlanc, B. (2009). Update on Windows 7 in Europe. Web.

SmartLoyalty AG. (n.d.). Customer loyalty with system. SmartLoyalty. 2010. Web.

White, B. (2010). Microsoft: Windows 7 fastest-selling operating system ever. Microsoft Corporation. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 28). New Products: Windows 7 and ABS Avalanche Airbag.

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