Developing a Vision Statement: Key to Organizational Success

Knowing what your business is about will help you achieve success. Developing a vision statement for your organization will enable the employees, customers and you to be aware of why the organization is there and what it wants to achieve. Having a clear vision for the company will enable you to know the right direction to take with the company. All your actions will mainly be pointed to the direction you have set for the organization. Your vision statement should bring out your expectations, performance, and aspirations. It should be a valuable, attractive, and powerful vision. Before you craft your vision statement, you should know there a reason why you started the business, what you want to provide to the customers and what you want to achieve in the future with the business (Murphy 2009: 112). The following is a vision statement for Chester a sensor company.

Chester is a company that provides sensor chips for computers and mobile phones. The vision for the company is to build brands with high value by innovating customer leadership by delivering better, faster, and more valuable chips than those of the competitors. The company will aim at being the best in terms of customer service, consumer value, employee talent, and predictable and consistent growth. The company will strive to be the biggest provider of sensor chips for computers and mobile phones in America. We will support this vision with two major principles that are the basic foundation for all the activities that will be carried out in the business. They include Organizational excellence and maintenance of core values.

To attain our vision for Chester, we need continually and superior improving performances in all areas in the organization. A clear and concise strategic plan will help in directing our performance in the business. The quest for excellence within the staff and management is what will motivate us to provide better services to our customers. The company will hire, develop, and retain a diverse workforce of high caliber. Having a team of talented employees will enable the company to provide customers with high-quality services and quality products that are relevant to the present technology. This means that the company will provide the customers with superb value technology products and exemplary services. The employees will define and implement all the processes that are can help the company achieve success in the future.

Chester will be known for reliability, responsiveness, flexibility, exemplary services, and innovative products. This will enable longevity, growth, and financial success for the company. Having an environment that is enriched with cooperation, mutual respect and trust will enable Chester to become successful. The company’s main shareholders will be the customers and that is why they are to be respected and all their demands followed.

A vision statement is important because it formulates the context to which basic decisions are made in the business. A vision statement should be more freed. It should incorporate all the company’s beliefs, value system, cultures, and myriad force fields. This vision statement for Chester is its inspiration; the framework for all strategic planning. Having a vision of being loyal to customers to produce quality goods will enable the company to attract more customers enabling it to grow faster (Murphy 2009: 118). The company should listen to the customers, anticipate their needs, and offer a pleasant environment that will create value to the eyes of customers.


Murphy, J. (2009). The Vision and Mission of the Organisation Paradigm. New Jersey: Mill hill Publishers.

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