Nietzsche and Peculiarities of His Theories


Nietzsche is an eighteenth century philosopher that had a unique perspective especially on how the previous philosophers looked at morality. His writings are based on some of the assumptions that most philosophers had based their reasoning on. He hence feels that there is a different way through which such issues have to be looked unto and not what has been generally assumed. Most of his opinions are basically to criticize the views that are generally presented. Philosophers are individuals who carry out certain studies on issues that pertain to religion, morality and the general psychological make up of a person among others (Nietzsche, 56). They have the ability of bringing out a certain truth and nature that is basically hidden from the normal human understanding. Their research is based on various literatures that are written on the same and what their conscience feels is right. Despite the efforts of the philosophers to bring out truth, their literature may not completely be relied on and is usually accompanied by criticisms.

Main Body

Fredrich Nietzsche has mainly based his writings on the fact that previous philosophers have not been genuine in telling people what they need to hear. Most of the philosophers have based their teachings of morality on religious teachings. After his critical study on the same, he came to believe that religion is a fairy tale and refuted the existence of God. He was hence against the philosophers that insisted on the fact that for one to display good moral, they should be attached and committed to a certain religion. According to him, religion only imposed certain values that were some what beyond human control (Russell, 87). Nietzsche believes that every human being has a right to do and be what they feel they should be doing without having to worry much about displeasing anybody. In relation to his fellow philosophers, he feels that they are free spirits that came into existence to get rid of the falsehood that has previously been brought to them by previous philosophers. In defense to his arguments that are based on truth and falsehood, Nietzsche feels that the law that man is indebted to was coined by man. Some of the rules that define what truth is are not realistic and are hence not practical.

There is the law of nature that can not be avoided by any person in their efforts to follow the truth. Nietzsche is basically against individuals who are advocating for truth. He is discouraging people from listening to them and be involved in what nature demands them to do. Ironically he is encouraging them to follow those that are viewed as evil as they are leaving in reality. He has drawn a distinction between philosophers who are basically commanders and scientists who are simply trying to create truth through experiments. He believes that the only people that can be trusted are the current breed of philosophers of his nature who advice people to be natural. He observes how people have denied themselves to experience the pleasure that nature brings their way and instead following the codes that are written by man. Biblically, he has a high regard for the Old Testament and despises the new. He believes that there is more reality that has been displayed in the Old Testament which the New Testament has overlooked. On the different practices of Christianity, he recognizes the disparities between the Catholics and the Protestants.

Nietzsche also believes in the will power where by he recognizes the ability that is in man to reach any potential in life. Men are endowed with different abilities that are able to make them reach any heights. However what hinder most of them from achieving their desires is the environments that they are exposed to. There is a tendency in man where by they tend to be influenced by the external environment rather than their convictions. Life has its own challenges, but when one chooses to overcome such pressures, they are able to be, and go wherever they wish and desire to be. Most of the time, people will seek the opinions of others whenever they want to accomplish a major project (Nietzsche, 76). They do this not realizing that they have different abilities and convictions. The things they may want to accomplish may seem impossible to those they are seeking opinions from. Rarely will a person get an individual that is totally in agreement of what they want to do. They may discourage them quoting certain situations and circumstances.

A third party may not exactly understand the conviction and desire that is within someone to accomplish a certain activity. They will hence advice them in consideration of what they personally feel and the environmental situations that surround them. In the long run, they will end up not attempting something that may have been profitable not only to them but also to the entire community. His advice is hence for one to follow the convictions of their hearts no matter what the external environments tells them to do. In relation to this, Nietzsche believes that one needs to be surrounded by what will enable them achieve their goals and targets. Due to the different abilities that people have, environments and people that do not incline to similar abilities may not be able to understand and motivate them. They will only do more harm than good to their dreams and ambitions. If a person can not get an external environment that supports them, they should lean on their inner convictions to achieve their wishes.

Nietzsche literature has attracted more criticisms than credits. This is basically because he directly criticized the literature that has been written by his fellow philosophers and other religious teachings. He refers to philosophers like him who will stand against the general teachings as ‘free spirits’. He has also criticized the scientific work that defines nature and tries to bring out its reality. It is due to the controversies that have been brought up in his writings that subsequently made him miss out a lecturing position in most German institutions. Despite the fact that he was born a German, he never seemed to side with any cultural or religious view of the people (Hollingdale, 67). He had to declare himself stateless after realizing the faults that were found in most states. Most religious leaders and especially those of the Christian descent have found his teachings to be misleading and which can not be relied on. There is usually a need for an individual to be inclined to certain religious teachings that are an ultimate guide to all human beings. They consider individuals that may want to follow such teachings to running away from the reality of life. The same observations have also been raised by scientist whose experiments have also been criticized by Nietzsche.

There is however sense that can be found in his writing especially if they are read with the right perspective. Just like many other philosophers that base their writings on their experiences and the wide literature that they have been exposed to, Nietzsche had a right to express his views. What he basically meant by eliminating the religious aspect out of human life is to enable people reason and do things for themselves. In most cases, those that are so much inclined to religion lack the ability to think and live in accordance to what they are being told. He seems to have a problem with the way the issues of life and morality have been exaggerated in relation to religion (Oaklander, 29). Nietzsche must have observed how much people were into religion that they were not willing to read and generally experience for themselves. Most people were also relying on the general assumptions of religion and not really bothering to act in accordance to their inner convictions. It was probably to bring out the point that not everybody is religious and there is hence no need for one to struggle into such a practice. Religious practices had been exalted in a manner that they were becoming more of a burden rather than a solution to people’s problems. People were blindly following religious teachings with the hope that their lives would be better. This was also done at the expense of their inner ambitions and convictions which are vital for a person’s happiness.

Nietzsche perspectives may have been mistaken to be completely anti-religious yet he had a specific message for the masses. For him it was all about the will power that was defined by the inner convictions. This implies that if one felt that their convictions were leading them towards religious beliefs, then they were free to follow them. He basically had issues with people that were emphasizing on the necessity of being inclined to a religious set up and living according to such practices that will enable them achieve their dreams. According to Nietzsche, everybody, in spite of their religious inclinations have abilities that they can maximize for their own benefits. They may not necessarily need anybody to pamper them into realizing their ambitions. It only requires a great deal of sacrifice and determination that has to be approved by their courage to overcome obstacles.


Nietzsche is probably one of the unique philosophers of 1800’s. He displayed courage in displaying what he thought was worth being applied. Despite the strong opposition that he received, he stood his ground and even chose to remain stateless. His teachings have been found to be relevant especially to the modern world where by people do not just following what they have heard or read but the inner convictions of their hearts. They also pose a challenge to individuals by basically encouraging them to listen to their inner being. This is so considering the satisfaction that one obtains in doing what their hearts are leading them to do. Despite the failures that one may be encountered with, they will also be ready to rise up again with the full assurance that it is something they love and enjoy doing rather than what they have been externally convinced to do.

Works cited

Hollingdale R. J., Nietzsche: The Man and His Philosophy. London: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond good and evil. London: Plain Label Books, 1949.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. The will to power: an attempted transvaluation of all values, Volume 2. New York: Gordon Press, 1974.

Oaklander, Nathan. Existentialist philosophy: an introduction. London: Prentice Hall, 1996.

Russell, Bertrand. History of Western Philosophy. New York: Routledge, 2004.

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