Northern Miami Community’s Health Resources

Introduction of Community

I live in Miami, Florida. The community I will use for the assignment is the northern part of the city. Their atmosphere is friendly, and the community is largely peaceful. There are many families with children, middle-aged people, and also elderly citizens.

Windshield Survey


Since I decided to perform the survey on a day off, I can see many people in the streets. They are having rest and communicating with their friends and families. The predominant age is young people and children. The most common ethnicity is Hispanic Americans. All the people look well-nourished and neat. I can see no one under the influence of drugs or alcohol. I can see several pregnant women and a few people with strollers. There are many obese people in the community. Also, there is a large number of tourists.

Indicators of social and economic conditions

Houses in the area are in very good condition. Mostly, they have a multifamily structure. Some buildings and areas are in the process of being renovated. People use bicycles, cars, and public transport. But stops are clean. I can see many indicators of employment opportunities. There are several factories and plants in the area. I cannot see any homeless people. No women are hanging out along the streets or men congregating in the area. There are some adverts of political events and billboards on health work and education. No farms or seasonal works are observed since the area is urban. I can see a variety of schools and day centers. They are public and private ones.

Health Resources

I can see several hospitals and clinics situated in places that are easy to reach. There are two family planning clinics and many dentists’ offices. I can also see a rehabilitation clinic, several blood donation centers, and many pharmacies. All of these institutions seem sufficient to address the problems existing in the community.

Environmental conditions related to health

The environmental situation in the community is very good. I can see no pollutants. The sanitary condition of houses and other buildings is highly satisfactory. The roads are good, and there are working traffic lights and signs where appropriate. For blind people, there are special facilities for crossing the road (a button to make a signal). There is enough lighting in the streets and the parking lots. Most buildings have handicapped access. There are many recreational zones where people have rest or do sports. Children play there. There are many restaurants and fast food kiosks that look clean and neat. There is a sufficient number of public toilets, all of which are clean. I can see no stray animals or nuisance like mosquitoes. The environmental conditions are good enough for people to live in the area.

Social functioning

I can observe many families. Some of them are single-parent, but most are complete families. Parents look after their children as they play in parks and recreational zones. Some socially related people can be observed, such as senior citizens, students, mothers with children, and teenagers. People in the observed area have a sense of neighborliness. The arrange picnics and play sports together. I can see a few community posts regarding neighborhood meetings. They are related to the discussion of some community issues. There are several churches, such as Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, and others. I do not see any activities indicating social problems in the area.

Attitude toward healthcare

Apart from a variety of healthcare centers, clinics, and hospitals, there are indications of folk medicine practice. I can see many herbal medicine shops where one can buy natural products. All healthcare institutions are well-equipped. The condition of ambulance cars is excellent. There are some centers of preventive care. The community makes efforts to promote healthy habits. There are adverts of health fairs that incorporate health-related lectures and other events.

Vulnerable population

During the survey, I have noticed many obese people. This vulnerable population is mostly composed of you and middle-aged people. The usual behavior of this group is walking slowly or sitting and consuming fast food. Obese people are usually alone. There is a high probability of social stigma or self-loathing inclinations. I have observed only several overweight people doing different kinds of sports activities. The situation is disturbing because many young people are affected by this condition. They may develop many health disorders if they do not learn how to manage their health problems.


Obesity is known to pose severe threats to a person’s organism. The most severe outcome of obesity is heart disease (De Shutter, Lavie, & Milani, 2014). The risk of a heart attack or a stroke is much higher in people with excessive weight than in those with normal weight. Another serious problem associated with obesity is hypertension (Rahmouni, 2014). Other common issues related to obesity are diabetes, breathing disorders, and cancer. I think that the community should pay more attention to this problem by developing and implementing programs for obese people. The vulnerable population should feel the support of the community’s support and be assisted in their fight against excessive weight.


De Shutter, A., Lavie, C. J., & Milani, R. V. (2014). The impact of obesity on risk factors and prevalence and prognosis of coronary heart disease – The obesity paradox. Progress in Cardiovascular Disease, 56(4), 401-408.

Rahmouni, K. (2014). Obesity-associated hypertension: Recent progress in deciphering the pathogenesis. Hypertension, 64(2), 215-221.

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