Strategies for Nurse Practitioners Adapting to New Workplaces


This paper is aimed to consider the situation of a 45-year-old nurse practitioner who has changer her workplace after 10 years of work. She has been experiencing certain problems. This paper will advise how these problems might be solved.

Consideration of R.T.’s Situation

To start with, R.T. should try to calm down. It is obvious that, at the age of 45 and after a decade in the same workplace, it is extremely difficult to adapt to new working conditions. R.T. is expected not to worry because patients might feel her anxiety. Besides, any stress might result in health problems. R.T. should get used to working at this new place, make friends with her new colleagues and not paying much attention to the amount of work which she has been accomplishing lately. It is important to realize that her problems are merely psychological ones, and they can be overcome in case R.T. does not treat the situation in a negative way. Therefore, when it comes to Circle of Care, she needs calm, positive thinking, friendly communication with her colleagues and patients. It is necessary to smile first to get a smile back.

The management of the healthcare facility where R.T. works is supposed to see that one of their employees tends to feel unease. Thus, they might involve R.T. to participate in a special program which is aimed to facilitate her adaptation in the hospital team. What is more, since she has 10 years of experience, R.T. can contribute much to the enlightenment of younger personnel is employed.

In this particular situation, R.T. should practice her ability to calm down and not to worry about senseless tiny things. She should eat a healthy diet. It might be reasonable to speak to the management and ask for help. This is likely to contribute to faster adaptation. Besides, it might be wise to apply to a psychologist to get qualified assistance which will help to calm down, change the attitude, and treat the situation in a different way (Smith, 2013).

There are two types of NP role adjustment. The first one is for young specialists who come to work after universities. They require an instructive approach and much consultancy. Since they are young, they are easy at becoming an integrated part of the team. They gain their experience and fulfill their responsibilities without further problems provided they are dedicated to their work. The second one is for older specialists who have much experience and have been facing difficulties getting used to the new working place. Such situations involve adaptation which appears to be a complicated psychological process (Alligood, 2013).

Taken into account the above-said, it is necessary to state that plans of care for an experienced nurse and a novice are expected to be different. It is more difficult for R. T. to become a part of the team regardless of her knowledge and skills. Therefore, she needs an adaptation plan which involves the participation of her colleagues and management. As for me, as a young specialist, I might require an instructor to consult me in situations that have not come across before.


This paper has considered the situation of a 45-year-old nurse practitioner who has changed her workplace after 10 years of work. It has discussed the problems she happens to be facing. Besides, it has advised how these problems might be solved.


Alligood, M. R. (2013). Nursing theory: Utilization and Application. New York, NY: Routledge.

Smith, S. (2013). Nursing roles. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 5). Strategies for Nurse Practitioners Adapting to New Workplaces.

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StudyCorgi. "Strategies for Nurse Practitioners Adapting to New Workplaces." December 5, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Strategies for Nurse Practitioners Adapting to New Workplaces." December 5, 2020.

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