Overview of Colorado’s Nursing and Healthcare System


In my opinion, this action was disadvantageous for the entire healthcare system of the Colorado region because the State Board of Nursing is essential for identifying particular health issues that might be present only in this particular territory. However, a national board might be beneficial due to its major conclusions and new policies because people who work there might be more informed and competent in this sphere. It would be proper to say that both departments should exist, although, they will have different responsibilities and duties, which sometimes become instrumental in various healing processes and medical treatments (“Boards & regulation”, 2017).

This crucial decision has to be taken only by professional doctors or nurses who have enough experience to evaluate all advantages and disadvantages because politicians might cause harm to the entire healthcare system by such regulation. Perhaps, it would be rational for the government due to the reduction of financial support to this organization, but the local population will not benefit from it.

All nurses in the United States of America should follow all simple rules of the ANA Professional Standards declaration. The given document says that every nurse should put his or her patient’s health in the first place among other responsibilities because one’s primary mission is to heal people who seek help.

Moreover, all professionals in this sphere are obliged to be polite and kind to their patients. Furthermore, ANA principles say that any practical information should be in free access to the nursing personnel because it might influence someone’s vitality in case of emergency (“Professional standards”, 2017). Moreover, nurses should always remain on their duties. Therefore, they are obliged to provide first aid to people in streets and public places if someone needs it.


Boards & regulation. (2017). Web.

Professional standards. (2017). Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Overview of Colorado’s Nursing and Healthcare System." November 21, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/nursing-and-healthcare-system-in-colorado/.


StudyCorgi. "Overview of Colorado’s Nursing and Healthcare System." November 21, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/nursing-and-healthcare-system-in-colorado/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Overview of Colorado’s Nursing and Healthcare System." November 21, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/nursing-and-healthcare-system-in-colorado/.

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