Evaluating Nursing Practice Models for Health Improvement

Practice Model of Nursing for Health for All

Developer: Faye Glenn Abdellah.

Description of the theoretical perspectives

The key focus of the theory is on the promotion of more efficient nursing education tools. The strategy is supposed to improve the quality of nursing services (Bluhm, 2014).

Pros and cons concerning organizational change

On the one hand, consistent promotion of better models for skills training and knowledge acquisition helps improve nursing. On the other hand, the model lacks a patient-centered approach (Burge & Sullivan, 2012). Therefore, it is likely to promote organizational change in the nursing facility environment as long as the staff members already have a set of strong values to base their decision-making on. It could be argued that the provision of the latest nursing strategies will eventually lead to the patient-centered framework of operating; however, the time to be taken for the staff to reach the conclusion may become a problem.

Modeling and Role-Modeling Theory

Developer: Tomlin and Swain Erickson.

Description of the theoretical perspectives

The theory is based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, as well as principal theories of cognitive function development (i.e., Piaget’s and Eriksson’s frameworks) (Koren & Papamiditriou, 2013).

Pros and cons concerning organizational change

The tool allows promoting change efficiently as it addresses the needs of the nursing staff directly. However, it may suffer from a lack of consistency due to the incorporation of an array of development theories.

By stressing the significance of addressing different types of needs of the target audience, however, a Nurse Administrator is likely to improve the quality of the services significantly as the staff will be more motivated once their needs are heard.

Behavioral System Model

Developer: Dorothy Johnson.

Description of the theoretical perspectives

The model is based on the basic behavioral principles and includes the following elements and concepts: attachment, dependency, elimination, sexuality, ingestion, aggression, and achievement.

Pros and cons concerning organizational change

The framework serves as a perfect tool for promoting a specific behavioral model to the employees. In the environment that lacks a strong role model and, therefore, contributes to the staff’s disregard for their roles and responsibilities, the adoption of the model can be viewed as a necessity. However, the Behavioral System approach only works once it is coupled with a strong leadership model. For instance, the application of the Transformative Leadership strategy could be viewed as an option as it provides extensive opportunities for introducing the staff members to the desired concept of organizational behavior (Oyedele, Wright, & Maja, 2013).

Complexity Nursing Theory

Developer: Kalofissudis Ioannis

Description of the theoretical perspectives

One of the recent approaches to understanding nursing and improving the quality of services provided to the patients, the Complexity Nursing Theory suggests that the process of nursing should be multidimensional and cross-disciplinary. Furthermore, the model suggests that information management should be carried out with the help of modern IT tools (Shiver & Eitel, 2012).

Pros and cons concerning organizational change

The idea of incorporating other disciplines into the framework that will help nurses understand the needs of their patients better and, therefore, provide the services of improved quality seems rather sensible. Therefore, the overall change in the focus seems rather natural. Also, the significance that the IT tools have had for the nursing environment can hardly be overrated. However, the model also has its problems, the lack of testing and practical application being the key ones. The Complexity theory has not been tested yet, which begs the question of whether it will enable nurses to make a difference or become another tool of dubious significance (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2012).

Reference List

Bluhm, R. L. (2014). The (dis)unity of nursing science. Nursing Philosophy; 15(4), 250-260.

Burge, D. M., & Sullivan, S. C. (2012). Nursing research: Understanding nursing innovations for the transformation of communities of care. Journal of Research Administration, 43(2): 29-42.

Koren, M. E., & Papamiditriou, C. (2013). Spirituality of staff nurses: Application of Modeling and Role Modeling Theory. Holistic Nursing Practice, 27(1), 37–44.

Oyedele, O. A., Wright, S. C. D., & Maja, T. M. M. (2013). Prevention of teenage pregnancies in Soshanguve, South Africa: Using the Johnson Behavioural System Model. Africa Journal of Nursing & Midwifery, 15(1), 95-108.

Shiver, J. M., & Eitel, D. (2012). Optimizing emergency department throughput: operations management solutions for health care decision makers. Chicago, IL: CRC Press.

Sitzman, K. S., & Eichelberger, L. W. (2012). Understanding the work of nurse theorists: A creative beginning. New York, NY: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 15). Evaluating Nursing Practice Models for Health Improvement. https://studycorgi.com/nursing-change-models-and-theories/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Evaluating Nursing Practice Models for Health Improvement." November 15, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/nursing-change-models-and-theories/.


StudyCorgi. "Evaluating Nursing Practice Models for Health Improvement." November 15, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/nursing-change-models-and-theories/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Evaluating Nursing Practice Models for Health Improvement." November 15, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/nursing-change-models-and-theories/.

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