Human Dignity and Commitment in the Nursing Code of Ethics: Foundations for Professional Practice


A nurse is one of the central figures of the modern healthcare sector. Being responsible for the efficient delivery of care and communication with patients, this very specialist plays a critical role in the recovery process and its outcomes. At the same time, working with patients and engaging in close cooperation with them, a nurse should act regarding the basic ethical norms to ensure that no problematic issues will appear. That is why the Code of Ethics for Nurses becomes the fundamental document regulating the functioning of modern nurses, their work, and communication. The given codex introduces Nine Tenets that describe appropriate nurses behaviors and cultivate a specific ethical environment beneficial for the enhanced communication between a health worker and a patient (Momennasab, Koshkaki, Torabizadeh, & Tabei, 2015). The importance of these regulations could also be evidenced by the fact that the efficient work of a nurse demands collaboration with all parties including patients and colleagues. It is possible only due to the mutual respect and absence of ethical issues.

Respect for Human Dignity

As for me, I correctly realize the unique significance of these provisions. For instance, the first tenet presupposes that every nurse should act respecting human dignity and individuals peculiarities (ANA, 2015). I am sure it is an essential element of the functioning of every nurse. In my practice, I will obviously try to implement this concept by guaranteeing a tolerant attitude to all patients and colleagues. I believe it is critical to realize that every individual has his/her mentality, culture, and beliefs that should be respected not to hurt his/her feelings. Additionally, the given tenet outlines the necessity to establish relations with patients to ensure that positive outcomes will be attained (ANA, 2015). In other words, a nurse should act respecting patients right to self-determination and their specific requirements.

I am sure that I will apply this provision to my work to increase my efficiency. This point also touches upon the relations with colleagues and other people (patients relatives, officials, etc.) to improve understanding between all participants of the process and make them function as a team (ANA, 2015). I believe that it is a fundamental aspect of the nurses functioning and will use it in my career. Thus, the importance of the selected tenet could be evidenced by numerous real-life examples. For instance, a qualified health worker always acts regarding individuals dignity (both patients and colleagues) (Momennasab et al., 2015). If some treatment or service is inappropriate for a patient, a nurse should look for an alternative solution.

Primary Commitment

I also want to mention the second provision stating that a patient should be the nurses primary commitment. Broadly speaking, it means that all nurse’s actions should be devoted to the patients interests with the primary aim to create a comfortable environment and guarantee his/her recovery (ANA, 2015). For instance, all services should be provided only if they are needed for a sick individual. Moreover, he/she should always remain the top priority for a nurse who should establish the collaboration and ensure that all his/her requirements are met.


Altogether, I am sure that all tenets, including these two, are fundamental for the modern healthcare sector as they help to improve outcomes by creating the environment beneficial for a patient. Adherence to these ideas will help to enhance performance and establish trustful relations with a customer which is a key to his/her recovery. That is why I will obviously try to implement these concepts into my practice.


ANA. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. New York, NY: American Nurses Association.

Momennasab, M., Koshkaki, A., Torabizadeh, C., & Tabei, S. (2015). Nurses’ adherence to ethical codes: The viewpoints of patients, nurses, and managers. Nursing Ethics, 23(7), 794 – 803. Web.

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