Developing Strategic Thinking Skills in Nursing: Insights from Sherman and Cohn

Article Summary

The article by Sherman and Cohn (2019) is dedicated to one of the most significant aspects of healthcare professionals’ work: strategic thinking skills. As the authors note, these skills nowadays serve as “a critical differentiator” among those applying for leadership positions (Sherman & Cohn, 2019, p. 14). Promoting one’s strategic thinking may be a strenuous process, but it is quite possible to cultivate a strategic mindset. According to scholars, one needs to change the focus from a narrow to a broad one if one wishes to enhance strategic thinking abilities. Sherman and Cohn (2019) emphasize that it is not sufficient to create a plan of action to gain the goat set. Rather, it is necessary to weigh one’s daily actions carefully and simultaneously scrutinize the present, past, or future obstacles that might interfere with the acquisition of the objectives.

A crucial phase in acquiring a strategic mindset is scrutinizing problematic issues through three steps: “reframing, reflecting, and systems thinking” (Sherman & Cohn, 2019, pp. 14-15). The reframing and reflecting phases allow going back and seeing the problem from a different angle. Meanwhile, the systems thinking stage helps to single out the components of the issue and come up with long-term resolutions for them (Sherman & Cohn, 2019). In a nursing environment, it is possible to employ strategic thinking when performing direct patient care. For instance, a nurse might recollect the whole day and think about how she or he could have improved patient care (Sherman & Cohn, 2019). Thus, with the help of strategic thinking, nurses can promote and implement significant alterations in care.

Another piece of advice given by Sherman and Cohn (2019) to those professionals who endeavor to promote their strategic thinking is to expand their strategic awareness. To do this, nurses need to follow several steps, such as observing leaders’ behavior, being attentive to changes in the environment, being curious, assessing workforce tendencies, reading more, and being analytical. What is more important, one needs to be ready to change one’s own beliefs and not to be afraid of taking risks (Sherman & Cohn, 2019). The authors note that successful strategic thinking is inseparable from trusting relationships and willingness to communicate. Sherman and Cohn (2019) conclude by stating that strategic thinking skills help nurses to be prepared for unfavorable changes since they can foresee them and come up with viable solutions before they occur.

Impact of the Article Content on Future Practice

The issues discussed in the article will be highly important for my future career practice. First of all, I have realized the significance of evaluating my own skills. The article teaches that it is never acceptable to stop learning upon reaching some position in the profession. As a nurse, I will constantly work on the improvement of y skills and knowledge. Secondly, I found out that to be a prospective leader. I will need to cope with my apprehensions and accept my failures as valuable lessons. Currently, I cannot say that I am much of a risk-taker, but I have understood that this quality should change if I want to succeed in my future career. Finally, I will keep track of all the changes in technologies and trends related to my specialty. By following these steps, I will increase my professional opportunities and improve my strategic thinking skills.


Sherman, R. O., & Cohn, T. M. (2019). How to develop a strategic mindset. American Nurse Today, 14(5), 14-16.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 10). Developing Strategic Thinking Skills in Nursing: Insights from Sherman and Cohn.

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