Nursing Professional Development Plan

Registered nurses (RNs) possess adequate skills that empower them to deliver desirable services to their patients. However, such practitioners must be keen to engage in lifelong learning and acquire superior competencies to become professional care providers. This objective can be realized by completing new courses and undertaking numerous tasks in medical practice. This paper gives a detailed analysis of my professional development plan that can guide me to become a proficient nurse.

BSN Degree

I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Several factors can be used to explain why I have decided to complete this degree. To begin with, I understand that nurses must always seek to expand their competencies through lifelong learning. Such an approach will make it easier for me to improve my critical thinking, nursing, and clinical skills (Xue & Intrator, 2016). Secondly, a BSN degree will empower me to select the most rewarding career path. This achievement will support my long-term and short-term goals as a nurse practitioner. Thirdly, more patients are in need of advanced services than ever before (Hassmiller & Reinhard, 2015). This requirement has been caused by the increasing number of deadly or terminal illnesses, including cancer and hypertension.

This decision is also capable of expanding my nursing philosophy and making me competitive in the field. Consequently, I will be able to get new jobs and earn a better salary. Such a move will also empower me to complete a Master’s degree in the future. The acquired skills in technological developments will guide me to offer superior medical services to more clients from diverse backgrounds. I will also be able to work or offer high-quality health care in diverse settings.

Baccalaureate and Current Practice Roles

Both nurses with degrees and diplomas are expected to offer desirable medical support to different patients (Saifan, Safieh, Milbes, & Shibly, 2015). However, their unique roles tend to differ significantly. Currently, my main nursing role is to offer adequate care to patients. I do not diagnose or treat specific health conditions. Another common duty is to help individuals who are in need of appropriate support. I interact with patients and guide them in order to transform their health outcomes. I also monitor vital symptoms and signs, give specific drugs, and bath patients. The completion of a BSN degree will prepare me for superior roles and make it easier for me to meet the diverse needs of more patients.

The role of baccalaureate differs significantly. For instance, a BSN degree empowers nurses to undertake various supervisory responsibilities. They also engage in patient education in an attempt to transform their patients’ health outcomes. They understand how to diagnose a number of medical conditions and offer high-quality treatment. As a BSN nurse, I will be in a position to develop evidence-based care plans for different patients. The completed degree will result in improved or new leadership roles, decision-making, care delivery coordination.

New Opportunities

The completion of my BSN degree will create new opportunities and make it possible for me to achieve my career goals. For instance, the achievement will result in new roles such as provision of superior health services and development of care plans for different patients. I will work in numerous positions, including leadership and management. I will acquire powerful competencies that can guide me throughout my career path. The completed course will also result in a competitive salary since I will be empowered to complete numerous responsibilities in nursing.

The current shortage of nurses can be used to explain why practitioners should pursue advanced degrees (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). This move can improve their philosophies and make it easier for them to meet the needs of more patients. They will also become competitive in their respective fields and have new job opportunities. The completed degree equips nurses with superior clinical guidelines and concepts that can result in desirable patient outcomes.

Patricia Benner’s Novice to Expert Stages

Patricia Benner’s Novice to Expert model is a powerful socialization theory that can guide nurses to develop new competencies in an attempt to meet the diverse needs of their patients. The socialization model can empower practitioners to focus on appropriate concepts and eventually achieve their career aims (Jeffries, 2015). Personally, I believe that I am in the third stage (competent) of this model. This means that I have to complete my current degree program in order to undertake numerous roles and expand my philosophy of nursing.

The rationale for this placement is that I have been practicing as a nurse for several years. This means that I can coordinate care delivery and offer appropriate advice to my patients. I can also monitor the issues and problems facing different individuals and guide them to record positive health results. Additionally, I am always confident whenever making appropriate decisions and providing care to my patients. I can also liaise with my supervisors and managers in an attempt to transform my patients’ health outcomes. I still acknowledge that there are two more stages that must be pursued in order to become a proficient practitioner and realize my academic potential.

Professional Development

Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

I have several aims that can empower me to meet the diverse needs of more patients. My short-term objectives are currently being considered in order to become a proficient practitioner. The first short-term professional goal is to complete my BSN successfully. This achievement will prepare me for the challenges and opportunities ahead. The second short-term aim is to get the relevant or required license and be in a position to practice as a BSN nurse. This achievement will support my needs and make it easier for me to succeed as a practitioner.

My professional long-term goals are capable of improving my philosophy and transforming my abilities. The first one is to complete a Master of Science in Nursing. This achievement will result in advanced skills such as cultural competence, critical thinking, and leadership (Jeffries, 2015). The possession of such attributes will ensure that more patients receive high-quality services. The second long-term objective is to start my private clinic within the next eight years. After achieving this goal, I will hire competent nurses and guide them to meet the needs of every patient. I will also be in a position to transform the health outcomes of more people in my community.

Challenges and Barriers

Several obstacles are expected to affect my short-term and long-term goals. The first one is that I lack adequate funds. This is the case because I have to incur numerous expenses before completing my academic programs. Enough money will also be required to start my private practice clinic. I am planning to work hard in order to earn competitive salaries and achieve my goals. Another challenge is that I have not developed an effective career development plan. This means that I do not have a defined timeline revealing the activities and goals that should be pursued within the next six years. This is a clear indication that my aims might not be realized within the stipulated period. The problem of procrastination has been affecting my goals. This happens to be the case because I postpone activities that should be completed immediately. However, I will be ready to address these challenges in order to achieve my potential.

Mentors and Support Systems

As described earlier, I will use various strategies to deal with the above challenges. The first one is liaising with my supervisors and managers in my organization. These professionals will mentor and guide me to manage time efficiently. They will also encourage me to deal with the problem of procrastination. I will apply for sponsorship programs in an attempt to overcome my current financial burden. Additionally, I am planning to collaborate with my leaders and educators to design an effective career growth plan that can support my long-term and short-term objectives.


The above analysis has revealed that I have an effective professional development plan that can support my current and future goals as a nurse. The completion of a BSN degree will present numerous opportunities and make it easier for me to pursue my long-term career goals. I will liaise with different professionals to develop a powerful philosophy that can support my objectives. The support and guidance of different experts will be taken into consideration in order to emerge successful.


Hassmiller, S. B., & Reinhard, S. C. (2015). A bold new vision for America’s health care system. Nursing Outlook, 63(1), 41-47. Web.

Jeffries, P. R. (2015). The evolving health care system: The need for nursing education reform. Journal of Professional Nursing, 31(6), 441-443. Web.

Mackey, A., & Bassendowski, S. (2017). The history of evidence-based practice in nursing education and practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(1), 51-55. Web.

Saifan, A. R., Safieh, H. A., Milbes, R., & Shibly, R. (2015). Suggestions to close the gap in nursing education: Nursing students’ perceptions. International Journal of Nursing Didactics, 5(10), 5-12. Web.

Xue, Y., & Intrator, O. (2016). Cultivating the role of nurse practitioners in providing primary care to vulnerable populations in an era of health-care reform. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 17(1), 24-31. Web.

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