Obesity is one of the issues that are often discussed by medical workers and researchers. This topic has been chosen for several reasons. First of all, this problem affects a great number of people. For example, one can mention that there are between approximately 112 000 deaths that can be directly or indirectly attributed to overweight (Kirby et al 1572). Furthermore, it should be noted that at least 12 million children and adolescents in the United States suffer from obesity (Brownson 2294). This percentage is even higher among adults. One should take into account that this issue affects a great number of countries, apart from the United States. Furthermore, extra weight is associated with various diseases such as hypertension, different forms of cancer, diabetes, and so forth (Mitgang 571). Nevertheless, the dangers of this disorder are often underestimated, especially in comparison with other diseases such as AIDS or cancer. This paper is aimed at discussing the causes and effects of obesity in more detail. In particular, it is necessary to discuss the factors that contribute to high obesity among many people. Moreover, one should look at various consequences of overweight. This discussion can be important for people who try to develop strategies for coping with obesity.
The factors contributing to obesity
Researchers focus on various factors that can contribute to obesity. One of them is the sedentary lifestyle of many people who can be unwilling or unable to do any physical exercises (Kiess & Marcus 54). It should be taken into account that many individuals prefer such forms of entertainment as watching television or playing videogames that are in no way consistent with an active and healthy lifestyle (Kiess & Marcus 54). Apart from that, some people can have practically no time for doing physical exercises. Additionally, one should remember about various technological changes, for instance, the improvement of transportation or production processes since these changes eventually reduced the necessity for physical activity. As a result, many people tend to gain extra weight. In this case, close attention should be paid to sedentary lifestyle, because many people are not aware of the dangers that are entailed by this behavior. This is the issue that should be considered by parents, teachers, and medical workers who are responsible for promoting healthy lifestyles. This is one of the main arguments that can be made.
Another important factor is the eating habits of many individuals. Contemporary societies strongly rely on food products that are very rich in calories. A person, who eats such food, should be engaged in some form of physical activity in order to avoid gaining extra weight. Nevertheless, many people fail to do it. Moreover, many parents do not pay much attention to the nutritional value of food and the eating habits of their children. One should keep in mind that many people eat various snacks during a day, but they do not know that these snacks often contain saturated fat that cannot be fully absorbed by the body (Kiess & Marcus 54). Apart from that, researchers note that sugar-sweetened can also be associated with obesity (Kiess & Marcus 54). This is one of the reasons why obesity becomes increasingly widespread among children and teenagers who are the main consumers of fast food (Brownson 2294). This is one of the key factors that should be considered parents, medical workers and teachers who should raise people’s awareness about the importance of proper diet. Provided that no action is taken, even more people will be exposed to the dangers of obesity and its complications.
Apart from that, one should not forget about such a factor as heredity. In particular, geneticists have ascertained that some of people have an in-born predisposition to overweight (Korbonits 222). This risk can be minimized provided that parents pay close attention to the lifestyle and eating habits of their children (Korbonits 222). This is one of the issues that should be considered by medical workers and parents. Furthermore, it should be noted that some diseases can lead to obesity, for example, one of them is Cushing’s syndrome (Korbonits 222). Thus, one should not assume that overweight can be explained only by the lifestyle of an individual or his/her eating habits. Such an assumption would hardly be accurate. The main task is to detect these disorders at an early stage when their impacts can be minimized. Thus, one can speak about the importance of timely screening.
Additionally, there can be some relationship between the income level of an individual and his/her predisposition to obesity. For example, individuals with higher income level are more likely to afford quality food, and they have more opportunities to leading a healthy lifestyle (Kiess & Marcus 54). Nevertheless, one cannot argue that there is a direct dependence between social class and obesity. It can affect people who can differ in terms of gender, education, race, ethnicity, and other criteria. Overall, the examples discussed in this section suggest that there are different mechanisms that can eventually give rise to the endemic obesity in the United States and many other countries. The most important point is that each of these factors poses a great number of threats to the health, life, and even emotional wellbeing of many people who have to cope with obesity.
The consequences of obesity
It is important to discuss the several important effects of obesity. The most dangerous one is the high mortality rate among people with this disorder. As it been mentioned before, about 112 000 deaths can be explained by extra weight (Kirby et al 1572). These people can die because of the complications such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hypertension. Very often, these complications can manifest themselves during adulthood (Kirby et al 1572). However, in the majority of cases, they are triggered by obesity. In addition to that, one can speak about the growing costs of healthcare. As it has been said before, overweight can lead to a great number of complications, and this means that these people have to use the services of healthcare organizations more often than others. Furthermore, many of these individuals cannot afford healthcare services. This trend can be even more alarming if one takes into account that the percentage of obese people in the United States will only increase. Thus, in the future, the cost of healthcare is very likely to increase. Moreover, this tendency is also applicable to other countries as well. These are the most important effects of obesity, and they should be considered by policy-makers because this phenomenon can affect the entire society.
Furthermore, it is impossible to overlook emotional and psychological aspects of this problem. One should bear in mind that many people with overweight suffer from stigmatization especially when interacting with peers (Kiess & Marcus 54). This argument is particularly relevant if one is speaking about children and adolescents who are usually more vulnerable than adults. Sometimes, they tend to become alienated from their peers as well as parents. In addition, these people can find it difficult to establish relations with the opposite sex (Korbonits 222). This is one of the dangers that should not be disregarded because it can result in many developmental problems. Again, it is possible to say that overweight is one of the most serious healthcare problems in the United States. In terms of its impact on the society, it can be compared only to smoking. Nevertheless, some people do not pay much attention to the threats of obesity and its long-term implications. This is one of the main arguments that should be advanced. Thus, one can argue that the effects of obesity can be very profound, and they are often underestimated by journalists and policy-makers.
Therefore, the problem of obesity has several dimensions. First of all, it can be attributed to various factors such as lifestyle, diet, heredity, or some other diseases. Very often, these causes can produce a cumulative effect. Moreover, this disorder results into increased mortality, various complications, the growing cost of healthcare, and the stigmatization of people. More importantly, many people lack awareness about the dangers of overweight. Therefore, parents, healthcare workers, legislators, and teachers should work together in order to address this issue; otherwise, the effects of obesity can become even more dangerous.
Works Cited
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Kirby, James, Lan Liang, Hsin-Jen Chen, and Youfa Wang.”Race, Place, And Obesity: The Complex Relationships Among Community Racial/Ethnic Composition, Individual Race/Ethnicity, And Obesity In The United States.” American Journal Of Public Health 102.8 (2012): 1572-1578. Print.
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Mitgang, Melissa. “Childhood Obesity And State Intervention: An Examination of The Health Risks Of Pediatric Obesity And When They Justify State Involvement.” Columbia Journal Of Law & Social Problems 44.4 (2011): 553-587. Print.