Omole’s Article on Debate on Fat and Fitness

Nowadays, the issue of health is becoming more acute worldwide since problems like obesity lead to the deterioration of the renal and cardiovascular systems, endangering people with overweight and putting them at risk of strokes and kidney failures. However, in the face of progress, there are a few groups of people who either promote personal choice regarding their weight or encourage following medical advice. The essay, written by Mojola Omole in 2017 and published in The Walrus, illuminates the issue of human health and what constitutes a healthy body. In her essay, Omole applies a holistic approach, providing different views of points while remaining objective. I believe that this essay of Omole allows people to see that there is no certain answer to weight influence and that the right approach to one’s body is to incorporate physical exercise and an appropriate diet, which will constitute a healthy body.

The overall perspective provided by Mojola Omole is that the views of people must change regarding obesity and overweight. Omole is an oncologist with many years of experience, and she provides information from a medical point of view. The style of the essay is descriptive since the author utilizes techniques to describe terms, such as obesity and metabolically healthy obesity (MHO), and incorporates the stories of experts and athletes. The organization of the essay is divided into segments, wherein the writer introduces new perspectives, research, and stories.

The first point made by the author is one regarding obesity. According to Omole, obesity can be considered a continual, often developing health issue as well as a worldwide crisis. Six million Canadians, or around 17% of the country’s population, struggle with obesity, which is a concerning number (Omole, 2017). The Canadian Obesity Network claims that the annual costs associated with obesity in Canada equals more than 4% of the country’s overall healthcare funds (Omole, 2017). The World Health Organization estimates that it costs $6 billion around the world (Omole, 2017). Here, Omole uses statistical evidence that comes from credible sources, such as The Canadian Obesity Network and WHO. As a result, the author brings the attention of the readers to the essence and risks of obesity.

Another point made by the author concerns metabolically healthy obesity. In this sense, Omole debates the term obesity and offers a new perspective on the healthy body. UK experts, led by epidemiologist Caleyachetty and his associates at the University of Birmingham, released the most thorough examination of MHO. That research, which examined 3.5 million people in the UK, asserted that good weight is fiction and that obesity is still a significant risk factor for later health issues (Omole, 2017). While the author mentions the use of BMI, she states that it has long faced criticism for its shortcomings. It simply estimates body mass and does not take into consideration muscle mass (Omole, 2017). Because some people have greater muscle mass than others, their BMI may not correctly indicate how fit they actually are. Due to their physical bulk, many professional football players, for example, have BMIs that would classify them as obese (Omole, 2017). Despite this, their cardiac endurance is superior to that of the general population. Thus, Caleyachetty admits that the problem of obesity is complicated. In a sense, Omole uses the evidence from specific research and even utilizes an example of football players.

The point that Omole does not pay much attention to and does not talk much about is BMI indicators. The readers only see the indicator of obesity and do not have indicators of a traditionally perceived healthy body. As a result, when reading the part that states “35.0-39.9 fall under class II obesity,” the reader will not be able to compare it to other indicators of what constitutes a healthy body (Omole, 2017, p.2). As a result, it would be effective to provide a table with indicators or describe it briefly.

Overall, I agree with the author regarding the fact that more people should be aware of such findings and that even medical professionals disagree with traditional concepts of a healthy body. As has been mentioned by one of the athletes who is considered obese, “I push my body to be a machine, and it’s a beautiful machine” (Omole, 2017, p.4). In this sense, while being put in a certain type of body, the athlete transmits the message that as long as one cares for one’s physical health, one can feel well. Thus, the essay is effective in providing the message since it applies different kinds of evidence and objective material.

In sum, the given essay by Omole allows the readers to grasp different perspectives and creates the concept that the body can be only healthy when physical activity and good nutrition are incorporated rather than relying on indicators. The author’s style is descriptive, and the work in organized based on many segments with different ideas and evidence. Overall, the writer makes two points, with one concentrating on the issue of obesity and the second claiming that BMI is ineffective for people since obesity is a complicated matter.


Omole, M. (2017). “What does it mean to have a healthy body?: New research has reopened the debate on fat and fitness.” The Walrus.

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