Online Training on Health: A Proposal Memorandum

Problem Summary

Due to extensive feedback from customers and employees and results from the previously conducted research, we have discovered that there is a need to increase employee training on health and safety management. The research has revealed increased workplace accidents recorded in the past three months. We have also noted that keeping track of employee training on health and safety standards at the workplace is challenging with the current system. Moreover, it is difficult to know who has undergone comprehensive training and who has not and how compliant they are with the programs.

The management is also aware that the current classes do not integrate appropriate health and safety management software, posing challenges in training. Companies without an appropriate health and safety software solution often face challenges in monitoring how workers are trained, how they comply with the training, and if they complete their training (Ajmal et al., 2021). Additionally, the management is aware that the current use of manual spreadsheets to monitor training is time-consuming, inefficient, and prone to error.

The solution

I wanted to inform you is that we shall increase the number of online health and safety management classes to enhance effective training that will help reduce the rising risk of workplace accidents. Additionally, we shall introduce an appropriate software solution in the human resource department to facilitate easy distribution of information, tracking and monitoring training compliance, and reviewing training programs efficiently.

As much as it may seem overwhelming, an appropriate software system helps to keep records of when training begins, when training ends, and overdue sessions, and monitors employees’ attendance. We strongly believe that practical online training helps deliver a standard, consistent and flexible solution instead of time-consuming classroom physical training. Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to your cooperation in ensuring a safe workplace.


Ajmal, M. A., Isha, A., & Nordin, S. (2021). Safety management practices and occupational health and safety performance: An empirical review. Jinnah Business Review, 9(2), 15–33. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 6). Online Training on Health: A Proposal Memorandum.

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StudyCorgi. "Online Training on Health: A Proposal Memorandum." December 6, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Online Training on Health: A Proposal Memorandum." December 6, 2023.

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