Organic Farming Methods: Pest Management Methods

In the organic farming technique, farmers do not use any synthetics or chemicals. The organic farming techniques aim is providing highest nutritional foodstuffs with little effect on the natural environment. Some of the core methods involved in the organic farming include the use of green manure, crop rotation, biological pests and insects’ control, and natural fertilizers. In fact, organic farming method is important in controlling soil erosion, improves soil fertility and protects animals and humans from the dangerous effects of chemicals. In addition, the organic farming techniques controls water pollution. Often, after rains, water containing chemicals are drained into water bodies. The drained water pollutes rivers and other water bodies. The case is different with organic farming since no synthetics or chemicals are used, water pollution minimizes. Besides, organic farming builds very rich and fertile soils. This is met through intelligent crop rotations. The fertile soil fastens plant growth and development, thus the farmer gets high crop yields. On the other hand, soil erosion reduces drastically. Precisely, micro-nutrients present in crops grown organically promote quality health because they contain high quality nutritional components. In addition, the food grown organically tastes better than those chemically grown. Importantly, farmers incur little cost in growing crops organically.

However, organic farming technique has some limitations. First, the farmer realizes low productivity with this technique. A farmer who uses machinery and chemicals makes a heavier harvest. Second, the cultivated soil is more prone to soil erosion than drilled soils. Third, organically grown foods are more expensive than the one’s grown traditionally. Finally, organic foods are not always available because they rely on seasons.

Pest management methods are essential in crop production. Among these important methods is the organic chemical control. Notably, the organic chemical pest control method has both its advantages and limitations. The discussion begins focusing on the advantages. First, they are safer than other synthetics and chemicals. Second, they are non-toxic, thus cannot poison and kill animals. Third, often they do not leave residue after use. Fourth, the farmer can use organic chemical pest control on vegetables till maturity. The vegetables harvested on maturity are often free of chemical components, and the organic chemical degrades very fast. This makes it safe for both human and animal consumption. On contrary, other synthetic control methods cause poisoning and are not fit for both human and animal consumption. Some of these organic chemical are host specific and do not harm human beings, bees, pets, and birds. Finally, some of these organic chemicals act very quick thus saves the farmer a lot of money for buying chemicals often. Farming is a very expensive venture that demands a lot of money, and the farmer would be pleased with cost-saving techniques. The goal of the farmer is to reap the most benefit during crop sales. Therefore, the benefits earned should be more than the cost of growing crops.

Even though organic chemicals used in pest control and management has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages. Some of them, such as “sabadilla” are intoxicants, which irritate mammals’ mucus membranes. In hot weather, these organic chemicals might burn plants and cause many losses to the farmer. At times, they act slowly on insects, which might take many days before they stop eating plants and start dying. Another side effect of these organic chemical pest control and management methods is skin-irritation that exposes the farmer to skin infections.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 27). Organic Farming Methods: Pest Management Methods.

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