Netnographic Research on Organic Strawberry Farming Trends

Customer Reviews

Fantastic product

These are the best strawberries I have ever had, and I have ordered these for 5 years from different companies. They are bursting and mostly small whole strawberries. Can be eaten “as is” or made into pancakes.

Can’t wait to share!

I’m now on my second order of organic strawberries. Absolutely delicious on my morning granola! I can’t wait to share them with my dad, 89 years young, and mom, 83 years young.

My kids LOVE the freeze dried strawberries

I have a 5 year old and 1 year old. They love eating the strawberries on everything. We mix fruit in cereal, oatmeal, yogurt or just eat by themselves. We add that to milk or put on ice cream.


They are wonderful tasting strawberries, and great price, too for the whole 1 lb!

These are so good and fresh tasting!

I just got my first or from Northbay and the strawberries are fantastic! Everything is excellent! I’m so pleased!

So Good

You must try these!!! So sweet…just melts in your mouth. Will order these strawberries again!

Great product

These are very high quality. Good color and great strawberry taste. I am very happy with this purchase.

100% organic…think again

To be considered 100% organic, it must be labeled with the USDA label showing that it meets the USDA National Organic Standards. This product is not marked with the USDA label, therefore is not 100% or even 95% organic according to the USDA NOS.


I have tried other brands of strawberries, and these are by far the best I have ever had. I am so glad I found this company! I will definitely order a larger size next time. In addition to the great product, the packaging and shipping were excellent.

Very fun product

Very tasty and great in my yogurt. I think Vitamin C is important. When you enjoy breakfast with fruit, never miss a day with this product.

Write Your Own Review

Netnography: Coding Form.

Positive Sentiments





Delicious,review by Bliss, 10 February 2012.
They are wonderful tasting strawberries, and great price, too for the whole 1 lb!
great product,review by chemist mom, 21 September 2011
These are very high quality. Good color and great strawberry taste. I am very happy with this purchase.
So Good,review by Bronco, 12 October 2011
You must try these!!! So sweet…just melts in your mouth. Will order these strawberries again!
Can’t wait to share!review by Fran C., 15 March 2012
I’m now on my second order of organic strawberries. Absolutely delicious on my morning granola! I can’t wait to share them with my dad, 89 years young, and mom, 83 years young.

Wow!review by Kathy, 22 May 2011
I have tried other brands of strawberries, and these are by far the best I have ever had. I am so glad I found this company! I will definitely order a larger size next time. In addition to the great product, the packaging and shipping were excellent.
Fantastic product,review by glam, 12 September 2012
These are the best strawberries I have ever had, and I have ordered these for 5 years from different companies. They are bursting and mostly small whole strawberries. Can be eaten “as is” or made into pancakes.

These are so good and fresh tasting!review by lbcatlover, 10 February 2012
I just got my first from Northbay and the strawberries are fantastic! Everything is excellent! I’m so pleased!
Very fun product,review by Mrs. Gilroy, 22 March 2011
Very tasty and great in my yogurt. I think Vitamin C is important. When you enjoy breakfast with fruit, never miss a day with this product.
My kids LOVE strawberries,review by Jodi, 8 March 2012
I have a 5 year old and 1 year old. They love eating the strawberries on everything. We mix fruit in cereal, oatmeal, yogurt or just eat by themselves. We add that to milk or put on ice cream.

Negative Sentiments 100% organic…think again, review by Bray, 16 September 2011

To be considered 100% organic, it must be labeled with the USDA label showing that it meets the USDA National Organic Standards. This product is not marked with the USDA label, therefore is not 100% or even 95% organic according to the USDA NOS.

Neutral Sentiments
Researcher’s Field Notes
Type of Community/Group

Number of Postings

Online community, – an independent consumer review site, message boards – thematically connected consumer-to-consumer comments
The whole number of postings examined – 34

The Description of the Market and Audience. Commentaries on the Netnographic Research

Market Segmentation: The target audience of the product (fresh organic strawberry) is young persons and families with children of different ages. The accent is made on female buyers with the average annual income, and the fact is associated with determining the definite social class and customers who have general living conditions, live independently or with relatives.

Behavioral segmentation: The customers’ attitudes toward the innovative product are formed with orientating to the knowledge about the company and brand, the product’s qualities, and on the particular features of its usage. The problematic question is the organic character of the product as one of the most important characteristics emphasized by the producer which influences the customers’ purchasing behavior. The customers pay attention to the fact, “to be considered 100% organic, it must be labeled with the USDA label showing that it meets the USDA National Organic Standards”.

Occasions: It is possible to use the product as a gift within the family and the community with the similar characteristics (young age, average annual income). To compete within the market the innovative product should have the relevant price based on the quality of the product and developed brand associations. Occasions can include family celebrations (with references to children), festivals, and company celebrations.

Benefits: The accents are made on the quality of the product, its characteristic features which are specific for this definite category of products (fresh organic products promoted as innovative or ‘specialty’). Customers pay attention to the color, flavor, and taste of the product. The advantage of the product is the relevant price based on the effective strategy of cooperation between producers, retailers, and customers. “They [strawberries] are wonderful tasting strawberries, and great price, too for the whole 1 lb!”; “These [strawberries] are very high quality. Good color and great strawberry taste”.

User Status: The customers can be characterized as the first-time users and regular users. The developed marketing strategy of the product can make it interesting for the potential users.

Market Targeting

Micromarketing: To suit the tastes of specific individuals Perfection Fresh developed products categorized as ‘specialty’ which can be used as a gift. It is important to extend the usage of the products from the orientation to family celebrations to the orientation to larger contexts (festivals).

Local Marketing: The specifics of the company’s promoting strategy do not allow concentrating only on the local marketing and expand the boundaries to micromarketing within the country.

Special Occasion: Paying attention to the benefits based on the effective correlation between the quality of the product, its active usage, and its price, customers can be inclined to purchase the product for such special occasions as family celebrations (festivals for children) and company celebrations. Young people and children are interested in receiving the product as a kind of a gift.

Brand Elements: The symbol of Perfection Fresh is characterized by memorable bright yellow and green colors which are associated with fresh products promoted by the company, and the fact also contributes to meaningfulness of the brand element which affects the brand awareness.

Secondary Associations

It is possible to speak about strong secondary associations based on the country of origin and channels of distribution as Perfection Fresh is largest Australian company which specializes in producing and retailing fresh organic products.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 18). Netnographic Research on Organic Strawberry Farming Trends.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Netnographic Research on Organic Strawberry Farming Trends'. 18 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Netnographic Research on Organic Strawberry Farming Trends." January 18, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Netnographic Research on Organic Strawberry Farming Trends." January 18, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Netnographic Research on Organic Strawberry Farming Trends." January 18, 2021.

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