Organizational Communication and Power

Organizational communication is devoted to managing the communication within the organization. Any structure in which communication should be regulated has the chief elements accumulating power. According to the theory, power is an inevitable element of organizational communication (Nicotera, 2020). Controlling the organizational culture, power adjusts the contact in the required direction and puts the limitations relevant to a particular context. Thus, the power makes communication structured and particular issue-oriented. Scholars believe that any institution should develop regulating strategies to increase the quality of organizational communication (Micu & Necula, 2018). It refers to the significant role of power in the process of communication. Any system has a number of recurrent practices which should be organized in a particular way. Thus, the power helps to emerge the organizational interactions based on the primary focus of the structure.

There is another point of view reflecting the relationships of power and communication. Contrary to the first idea, some scholars believe that communication is a tool to execute power (Micu & Necula, 2018). The proper communicational strategy can be an influential instrument helping to control various activities and structures. The role of power in organizational communication is often analyzed through the prism of leadership (Basuki et al., 2020). The successful interactions within the organization depend on the regulative assets chosen. The leadership strategy is the core element in the organizational communication theory (Basuki et al., 2020). When adequately designed, it contributes to the better functioning of the whole structure. This means that power and its rational distribution shape the character of communication. Therefore, power is an essential concept of the organizational communication theory, without which the system’s existence is practically impossible.


Basuki, B., Susiladewi, A., & Widyanti, R. (2020). Do leadership style and organizational communication increase to organizational commitment? Holistic, 11(2), 17–24. Web.

Micu, A., & Necula, V. (2018). Organizational communication and change management. , Economic Sciences Series, 18(1), 336–341. Web.

Nicotera, A. (2020). Origins and traditions of organizational communication: A comprehensive introduction to the field. Routledge.

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