Organizational Environment, Social Environment Affects on Organizations

Charter schools are institutions developed and managed by parents, teachers, society, or education organizations. According to Renzulli (2005), the primary motivation behind the emergence of such schools is autonomy. Most members who started the charter schools aimed at providing different curriculum and services from those offered in traditional schools. However, some individuals believe that the middle class started the schools to separate their children from the poor. Since the schools are dependent on different policies, their application varies in different states.

In this week’s reading, it is essential to note that the social environment affects organizations’ emergence and development. The formation or failure of an organization is influenced by the community around it and the resources available (Freeman & Audia, 2006). Since resources are unevenly distributed, some places may offer better grounds for development while others affect growth. Additionally, the social community poses a constraint on the development of an organizational structure. Through Renzulli’s (2005) studies on charter schools, we also see that the community plays a significant role in establishing the institutions. The different states also have different policies that govern such schools.

According to the findings, communities and the social environment affect organizations and should therefore be aware of their cause of actions. Through the political environment created by people in a society, most organizations would thrive on the support given. For effective development, the state needs to legitimize the organizations to improve the influence of people on organizations. The support that is given also enables the supply of resources from the community in which organizations thrive. These findings are very relevant since they create awareness of the effect of the organizational environment. Additionally, the political arena gets to provide support and grant legitimacy to organizations which helps them gain more resources.


Freeman, J., & Audia, P. (2006). Community ecology and the sociology of organizations. Annual Review of Sociology, 32, 145-169. Web.

Renzulli, L. (2005). Organizational environments and the emergence of charter schools in the United States. Sociology of Education, 78(1), 1-26. Web.

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