The Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity


The research by Afshin et al. (2017) focused on the health effects of overweight and obesity in various countries around the world. Obesity is becoming a major problem, not only in the United States but also in many other countries around the world. Medical researchers have associated obesity with so many other health complications such as coronary diseases, diabetes, and the inability to engage in physical activities. The United States, and many other countries across the world, is forced to spend a significant portion of their resources on addressing this problem. The following was the primary question used in collecting and analyzing data in this study:

What are the health effects of overweight and obesity?

According to the authors of this article, obesity is currently one of the top health concerns in the United States today. The problem affects a substantial portion of the American population, and many are yet to find effective ways of dealing with it. Their main point is that obesity is dangerous, and should be dealt with at its earlier stages. They have used primary and secondary data to support their point, as explained in the methodology section.

The initial objective of the research was to determine the prevalence of obesity in various countries around the world and its effects on people and the government. Their results show that in 2015, 603.7 million adults and 107.7 children across the world were obese. The prevalence of this problem has more than doubled since 1980. The effect of this high prevalence of this problem is that it has caused over 4 million deaths across the world. The problem is causing a serious burden to families and governments all over the world. The researchers arrived at that finding after analyzing data from 68.5 million people in North and South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Africa. It was clear from their research that the population of people who are obese is on the rise.

Evaluation of the Research Methods

Literature Review

In this article, the authors did not provide a separate section specifically meant for the literature review. However, they used secondary data throughout their work to support their claims. The authors used books, journal articles, and relevant online sources to inform their claims in the report. In the entire report, claims, which were not supported by their primary data, relied on information from secondary sources.

Relevant and Up to Date Research

The research is very current and relevant to today’s existing health issue. It was published a few months ago, and it has collected data from very current sources. The topic it focuses on is very relevant in the modern-day health sector. Obesity is currently one of the major health concerns because of the number of deaths associated with it (Macieira, Saraiva, Santos, 2017). Medical experts are currently struggling to find ways of dealing with this problem in a world where technology has significantly reduced physical activities. Children prefer computer games to outdoor physical activities. Adults rely on technology to do most of the things they previously had to do by being physically active. As such, the research is very relevant.

Research Type

The researchers used a non-experimental research method to arrive at their findings and conclusion. The focus of their research was to determine the prevalence of obesity on a global scale and its impact on families and governments. The nature of this study meant that experiments could not be used. After collecting primary data through a survey, the authors used qualitative and quantitative methods for analysis to arrive at their conclusion.

Sample Size

Sampling was important in this study because it focused on a global issue that goes beyond the borders of the United States. The authors of this article sampled 68.5 million persons (selected from both genders, of different ages and races all over the world) to take part in the study. It was appropriate for the research because it was not biased. The large size of the sample population, level of education of the authors, and their experience as medical officers give them the expert authority to make claims over the issue under investigation.

How Practical the Work Is

After determining the prevalence of obesity and its impact on families and governments, the authors have provided ways in which they think the problem can be addressed. I believe their proposed solution to the problem is practical. Although obesity is a national issue in every country, it takes individual support to fight it. The government cannot come up with policies to force people to fight obesity. It requires individuals to make it their responsibility to fight obesity.

Possibility of Improving the Study

The researchers did good work in their study. However, I believe some minor improvements may improve the quality of their report. The report should have looked at how technology can become part of the solution to this problem. Technology can help fight obesity instead of being its leading cause.

Clarity of the Writing

The authors did a great work in ensuring that the article is written clearly and straightforwardly. I went through the entire article, and it was easy to understand their claims and justification. It had no glaring typological or grammatical mistakes.

Further Research

This subject will need further research. Currently, technology is considered one of the leading causes of this health problem. However, as technology keeps changing, it is evident that soon it may become part of the solution to the problem of obesity. Further research will be needed to find ways through which technology can make it easy for people to engage in regular workouts to fight obesity. Technology is already playing a critical role in enabling the treatment of people suffering from diseases associated with obesity.

Pros and Cons of Research Outcome

The outcomes of this research will be beneficial to medical practitioners, especially the nurses and doctors who have been trying to find ways of fighting obesity among their patients and relatives. Using this document, they will know the global trend of the problem. They will know how to help their patients. The biggest shortcoming of the study is that it has not provided the role of technology in solving the problem.


Obesity is currently one of the leading health concerns around the world. Medical practitioners, families, and governments are all affected by the problem. The article reveals that over 800 million people across the world are either overweight or obese. It is also considered one of the leading causes of deaths because of related health problems such as coronary diseases and diabetes. The scholars propose a multi-stakeholder approach when solving the problem. Individuals must take leading roles in the fight against obesity.


Afshin, A., Forouzanfar, M., Reitsma, M., Sur, P., Estep, K., Lee, A.,… Marczak, L. (2017). Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity in 195 Countries over 25 Years. The New England Journal of Medicine, 377(1), 13-25.

Macieira, L., Saraiva, J., Santos, L. (2017). Overweight and Obesity and Their Associated Factors among Early Adolescence School Children in Urban and Rural Portugal. BMC Nutrition, 3(17), 1-15.

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