“Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS

In the article “Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS, the dire situation concerning excessive weight in adults and children is discussed. It is pointed out that various causes can increase the chances of an individual becoming overweight, of which environmental and individual factors are the most prevalent. Nevertheless, in the context of the United States, the widespread access of the population to various types of unhealthy foods can result in the excessive consumption of calories, leading to overweight and obesity (USDHHS, 2021). The first thing learned from the article is that the expansion of the fast-food industry is an environmental factor that makes it easier to gain weight. The second thing learned was that the United States have shown to spend around $39 billion in obesity-related medical expenses, which presents a significant financial burden for the healthcare industry (USDHHS, 2021).

After reading the article, it is important to communicate the fact that all foods, including those from fast food chains, should be eaten in moderation. Such foods can significantly compromise the nutritional status because the dependence on fast foods means that a person must be highly physically active to burn all the calories that were consumed. If a person has some risk factors for obesity, they should significantly limit their intake of high-caloric products. To measure whether junk foods may be negatively affecting health, control of the diet by a healthcare provider is necessary. Notably, cultural differences play a significant role in the choice of one’s diet. For example, Americans have been shown to depend on starches and red meats, while in the Japanese or Korean culture, fish-dominated and even vegetarian diets are more prevalent. Overall, attention to nutrition education must be given in order to help the population become more aware of their food consumption habits.


USDHHS. (2010). Overweight and obesity statistics. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "“Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS." January 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/overweight-and-obesity-statistics-by-the-usdhhs/.


StudyCorgi. "“Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS." January 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/overweight-and-obesity-statistics-by-the-usdhhs/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "“Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS." January 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/overweight-and-obesity-statistics-by-the-usdhhs/.

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