The Healthcare Pyramid Levels in St. Petersburg, Florida


Healthcare delivery systems in the United States are divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Through this analysis, it will be apparent that there are significant differences in the types of care provided at each level and that each group is essential to providing comprehensive healthcare to the community. In this essay, the research will take a closer look at the healthcare pyramid levels in St. Petersburg, Florida, and analyze the different types of care provided at each level.

The Three Levels of the Healthcare Pyramid

The healthcare pyramid is a framework that describes the levels of care in the healthcare system. The primary level of care is the foundation of the pyramid, including preventative and basic medical services. Compared to primary care, secondary care include diagnostic services, treatment for specific illnesses or conditions, and rehabilitation services. Generally, secondary care providers have specialists such as cardiologists, oncologists, and physical therapists, making it a vital level within the pyramid. The tertiary level of care is the highest in the pyramid, including highly specialized and advanced care. Examples of such areas are organ transplants, advanced cancer treatments, and neurosurgery, and the primary provider in this section are surgeons.

Professionals That Provide Care at Each Level of the Healthcare Pyramid

Primary Care

Family physicians

Family physicians, so-called general practitioners, are critical in the healthcare system. They are responsible for providing comprehensive care to patients of all ages, including preventative care, essential medical services, and referrals to specialists as needed. According to the National Academies of Sciences (NAS), they are trained to diagnose and treat various illnesses and injuries, making them the first point of contact for many patients seeking medical attention (NAS, 2021). To become a family physician, individuals must first earn a medical degree, and a residency program. To practice, doctors need a board certification, during which a professional demonstrates his skills through written, practical, or simulation testing. Several board certifications exist, such as ABMS, ABPS, AOABOS, and NBPAS.

Nurse practitioners

Nurse Practitioners (NP) are advanced practice nurses who play a crucial role in the healthcare system by providing primary care services to patients. They are trained to diagnose and treat many health conditions and can provide many of the same services as physicians, including preventative care, essential medical services, and referrals to specialists. Individuals must have a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing and be licensed and certified to practice to become a Nurse Practitioner. NPs are known for their ability to provide high-quality, patient-centered care and for their ability to work collaboratively with physicians and other healthcare professionals (NAS, 2021). They are an essential component of the healthcare system, providing accessible, comprehensive care to patients and helping ensure they receive appropriate care.

Secondary Care


Cardiologists are specialists in the field of heart and blood vessel diseases. They are responsible for diagnosing and treating a wide range of heart conditions, from common issues such as hypertension to more complex problems such as heart failure. Cardiologist certification includes a medical degree, and a fellowship program. Once they have completed the necessary education and training, they must obtain a medical license to practice (Drennan et al., 2019). Cardiologists are vital healthcare team members, working closely with primary care physicians, nurses, and other specialists to provide the highest quality of care to patients with heart conditions.


Oncologists are medical specialists who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. They are responsible for diagnosing, treating, and managing cancer patients and providing support and guidance to patients and their families. Before practicing, individuals must first earn a medical degree, and a residency program. Once they have completed the necessary education and training, they must obtain a medical license. Oncologists play a crucial role in the fight against cancer, working to improve cancer patients’ survival rates and quality of life (Yellamaty et al., 2019). They work closely with other healthcare professionals, including primary care physicians, nurses, and other specialists, to provide the best possible care to patients with cancer. They are essential in the cancer care team, and they make a significant impact in the fight against cancer.

Tertiary Care


They are specialists in diagnosing and treating diseases and injuries through invasive procedures. To work as a specialist in this field, one must have a medical degree, and a residency program. They provide services such as organ transplants, advanced cancer treatments, and neurosurgery and must have a medical license to practice.


They are pain management and sedation specialists during surgeries, childbirth, and other medical procedures. To manifest their services within healthcare, they require a medical degree, and a residency program (Yellamaty et al., 2019). They provide pain management, sedation during surgeries, and critical care and need a medical license to practice as required by law.

Local Institutions at Each Level of the Healthcare Pyramid

Primary Care

Bayfront Health St. Petersburg

This hospital provides primary care services such as routine check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings through its Family Medicine Center. They also have a network of primary care physicians and nurse practitioners who provide comprehensive care for patients of all ages.

Anthony’s Family Care Center

This center provides primary care services such as preventative care, essential medical services, and specialist referrals (NAS., 2021). They have a team of primary care physicians and nurse practitioners who care for patients of all ages.

Secondary Care

Moffitt Cancer Center

This cancer center provides secondary care services such as diagnostic services, treatment for cancer, and referrals to tertiary care. They have a team of oncologists, radiation oncologists, and other cancer specialists who care for cancer patients.

John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital

This hospital provides secondary care services such as diagnostic services, treatment for specific illnesses or conditions, and rehabilitation services. They have a team of pediatric specialists who provide care for children and adolescents.

Tertiary Care

Tampa General Hospital

This hospital provides tertiary care services such as organ transplants, advanced cancer treatments, and neurosurgery. They have a team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, and critical care specialists who provide advanced care for patients.

James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital

This hospital provides tertiary care services such as organ transplants, advanced cancer treatments, and neurosurgery. They have a team of specialists who provide advanced care for veterans.


The essay has analyzed and contrasted the three levels of the healthcare pyramid: primary, secondary, and tertiary care. I learned the main features of each level and the main differences between them. The essay provided examples of each type of care and described the professionals at each level. It cited two examples of local institutions in St. Petersburg, Florida, that fit the description of each level of care, enabling researchers to understand the different levels of care in the healthcare system. In the course of writing the essay, I was introduced to the professionals who provide care at each level. For each of the specialists, I got acquainted with the institutions where they work and the certification required for their work. Each level of care serves a unique purpose and is provided by different types of professionals with varying levels of education and certifications.


Drennan, V. M., Halter, M., Wheeler, C., Nice, L., Brearley, S., Ennis, J., Gabe, J., Gage, H., Levenson, R., de Lusignan, S., Begg, P., & Parle, J. (2019). The role of physician associates in secondary care the PA-SCER mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 7(19), 1-158. Web.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2021). Implementing high-quality primary care: rebuilding the foundation of health care. Web.

Yellamaty, V., Ball, L., Crossland, L., & Jackson, C. (2019). General practitioners with special interests: An integrative review of their role, impact, and potential for the future. Australian Journal of General Practice, 48(9), 639-645. Web.

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