Introduction To describe language as a social reality, urban sociolinguistic studies seek to establish connections between language and society. This survey concentrated on one well-known phonological feature: (t, d) deletion, which has been widely studied in the UK (Tagliamonte & Temple, 2005). This work uses quantitative methodologies to investigate patterns...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1267
Pages: 4
In the modern world, the development of innovative technologies has given the population a significant advantage in providing medical care. However, along with them, there were multiple threats to cyber security. Therefore, cyber-attacks began to appear with noticeable frequency, and the preservation of personal information of patients and hospitals is...
Topic: Cybersecurity
Words: 1103
Pages: 4
Introduction Same-sex marriages refer to a marital union between homosexual individuals. This topic is of significant contention in society due to diverse opinions concerning the same. In the US, the legalization of same-sex marriages was passed by the US Supreme Court in 2015. However, despite having the issue as law...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1185
Pages: 4
John Lennon was a British and American singer, composer, artist, songwriter, and social campaigner who ascended to global fame as the Beatles’ creator, co-composer, co-lead singer, and guitar player. He was known for his fighting spirit and sharp sarcasm in his art, poetry, music, illustrations, movies, and discussions. The song...
Topic: Music
Words: 1164
Pages: 4
In the article “The Changing Nature of the Modern Warfare,” Thornton (2015) discusses how in contemporary environments, warfare happens not only on the battlefield. Information war, for example, is something successfully utilized by Russia and is not yet used by NATO members as a tool for defense. Russia was able...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 1134
Pages: 4
Introduction For the existence and development of any culture, as well as any person, communication, dialogue, and interaction are necessary. In the process of the dialogue of cultures, there are changes in the forms of social organization and models of social action, value systems and types of worldviews, and the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1117
Pages: 4
Introduction The question of uniformity of matter has been explored through various perspectives in the philosophical dimension. A naturalist position may be a good option on which an emphasis can be made within the scope of the issue. Joseph Krutch, being a significant representative of naturalists, advocated the necessity to...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 1180
Pages: 4
Achieving happiness in life has been a topic of discussion among people for thousands of years. In particular, philosophers of all times are extremely concerned about this issue, one of which is Seneca. In his letters, he discusses the nature of a happy life and how to achieve it. He...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction Music supports emotional health, manages stress, and increases psychological well-being. Scientists suggest that a person’s preferences in music can provide insight into various aspects of their personality (Hooen et al. 12). From ancient times, people used music as a motivation for battles. Moreover, some people associate the healing process...
Topic: Music
Words: 1105
Pages: 4
The artwork I choose is The Fireboat, 1918, by Charles M. Russell. It is an 18 x 12-inch oil on-board painting that can be found at the C.M. Russell Museum in Great Falls, Montana. After the death of Frederick Remington in 1909, Charles Russell became the most famous artist specializing...
Topic: Art
Words: 1106
Pages: 4
Introduction Safety improvements in the cockpit and airport operations are important because they can help to prevent accidents from occurring. In the cockpit, safety improvements can include things like adding new technology that helps pilots to more easily monitor their surroundings or ensuring that all crew members are properly trained...
Topic: Airport
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
The US media and politics are two entities that cannot be separated in the modern world. Though they are different, they heavily depend on each other, and their impact on the public is immense. Media has a great deal of influence on society and politics in America. The primary role...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 1112
Pages: 4
Five Forces Analysis of the Global Chocolate Industry The study of various industries and their various components can provide a considerable amount of helpful information. An interesting approach for this scientific work is the practical application of the five forces model by Michael Porter. The main task of this method...
Topic: Chocolate
Words: 1225
Pages: 4
Introduction Tomato ketchup is a popular addition to a variety of dishes. The product acts as a sauce and goes well with all food. Its main components include tomatoes, sugar, vinegar, and spices, but not everyone knows about the origin of ketchup and that it was originally a dish without...
Topic: Food
Words: 1206
Pages: 4
Introduction Aging is a gradual change process characterized by the human body’s declining functionality. The deteriorating biological, social, emotional, and cognitive functionalities make a person depend on others for survival. Although it is a natural process caused by changes in hormones and other cellular activities, it may be facilitated by...
Topic: Aging
Words: 1161
Pages: 4
Lilly and Lana Wachowskiâs movie The Matrix has attracted a lot of attention from philosophy scholars ever since its initial release in 1999. Through the subtleties of cinematic language and subtext in screenwriting, the movie discusses major philosophical themes, such as skepticism and the mind-body problem. This paper aims to...
Topic: Mind
Words: 1131
Pages: 4
Background The US Constitution is often thought of as the first document that laid down citizensâ freedoms and rights. While it is certainly true that the US Constitution has defined the basic democratic principles, there have been contradiction in the US history as to how these amendments should be applied....
Topic: Constitution
Words: 1243
Pages: 4
Introduction The Reformation period of the sixteenth century in Europe is associated with the emergence and spread of the Protestant Church, which later became one of the main branches of Christianity. The founder of the new tradition was Martin Luther, who sought to establish Scripture as the ultimate source of...
Topic: Protestantism
Words: 1218
Pages: 4
Introduction Utilitarianism developed in the eighteenth century is still employed in modern society as the central philosophical paradigm that frames the creation of laws and norms. At that, utilitarianism has also been heavily criticized as it is regarded as an idealistic and rather oppressive model. Many thinkers stress that human...
Topic: Utilitarianism
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
Introduction A coordination process allows effort integration between health providers to improve the quality of care. The health program should be comprehensive to include clinical information exchange, patient safety, performance evaluation, and care competency to create patient-oriented operational systems. Depending on the illness and needs, patients often see more than...
Topic: Health
Words: 1120
Pages: 4
Macronutrients Macronutrients are inorganic substances that are found in the cells of living organisms in large quantities. The difference from micro elements is in the amount needed by the body, this threshold is 200 mg (TĂłrtora et al., 2019). The substance from the periodic table that a person needs at...
Topic: Vitamins
Words: 1143
Pages: 4
Medical advancements would be impossible without the use of biospecimens. Over the decades, scientists have used the tissue of patients to experiment, which has contributed to a large body of scientific knowledge that humanity has access to nowadays. However, as the ethics and policy issues surrounding research started to gain...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 994
Pages: 4
Introduction Since the United States has always been viewed as a country of enormous economic opportunities, the minimum wage issue has been debated for a long time. The opponents of raising salaries claim that this policy may increase unemployment in the country (Lester et al.). The supporters of this idea...
Topic: Minimum Wage
Words: 1151
Pages: 4
Introduction Different philosophical theories approach questions of morality and mortality from different angles: some evaluate the individual, while others put public goods first. Deontology and consequentialism are in constant confrontation and assess action’s benefits and rationality from different angles. According to deontology, the proper steps are taken for the good...
Topic: Deontology
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
Follow Me as I Follow Christ by Cheryl Dunlop The first book I read for the course was Cheryl Dunlopâs Follow Me as I Follow Christ. This book is a guide for educators teaching children in a church setting. The experience of reading this book has been an invaluable contribution...
Topic: Church
Words: 1104
Pages: 4
Food insecurity is one of the most pressing global problems that is also relevant for the US today. Many families do not have enough economic means to purchase the necessary food, which disrupts their eating patterns and leads to many negative health outcomes. The COVID-19 pandemic has further aggravated the...
Topic: Food
Words: 1105
Pages: 4
Introduction Many countries across the world have relied on natural resources for their economic development. Different nations have varied endowments, which has often determined their economic growth and development. The industrial revolution has been a critical age because it led to massive exploitation of natural resources, which fueled growth and...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 1124
Pages: 4
The change in medical policies in Canada significantly contributed to the apt distribution to the populace. The Canadian authority focused on the incorporation of policies that enhanced the scope of practice, affordability, and accessibility. Over the decades, one of the significant challenges that affect the quality of care involves healthcare...
Topic: Health
Words: 979
Pages: 4
Edward Moore (Ted) Kennedy was an American lawyer and politician who served as a U.S. senator from Massachusetts for nearly 47 years. His oratorical skills were known worldwide; he developed his skills as long as he was involved in political activities. Kennedy advocated economic and social equality, argued extensively about...
Topic: Belief
Words: 1115
Pages: 4
Introduction Water is a source of life on Earth, and it is one of the very first needs of living beings. It is a vital resource for the development of the economic and social sectors. People use water for food, energy production, manufacturing, and many other fields. It is hard...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1181
Pages: 4
Introduction A countryâs tourism sector depends on its hospitality industry and business environmental factors. The hospitality industry involves services like lodging, food and drink, event planning, and travel and tourism. Marriott International Inc. is one of the most popular hospitality companies worldwide. With a story that began in 1927, the...
Topic: Marriott
Words: 1138
Pages: 4
I remember when I first saw Edward Hopper’s paintings, I thought it was contemporary art since it differed drastically from my understanding of traditional American school. The colors and shapes were so memorable, and each artwork told a unique story that most ordinary people could understand. I was particularly fascinated...
Topic: Art
Words: 1191
Pages: 4
Introduction Effective church leadership is important in the numerical growth of congregants. As such, the management strategy adopted by a church minister will have a bearing on the growth of membership. Poor administrative practices can lead to a drop in the followership of churches which even started with a large...
Topic: Church
Words: 1193
Pages: 4
The high variability of the quality of care delivery affecting mainly the uninsured, rural populations, ethnic minorities, economically challenged rural populations, and the elderly is a critical issue in the U.S. healthcare system. Chronic illnesses are the most expensive conditions to manage with regard to direct and care costs. The...
Topic: Disease
Words: 1115
Pages: 4
Introduction Holy Spirit baptism means being filled with God’s Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity. When in possession of it, one becomes empowered to perform tasks called upon by God. It makes one saturated with the Holy Spirit and covers each part of the person. Moreover, baptism by...
Topic: Baptism
Words: 1121
Pages: 4
Korean popular culture has infiltrated the global arena of entertainment. Millions of fans worldwide have an obsession with Korean media, including TV programs (K-dramas), films, and music (K-pop). Korea has managed to leap forward far beyond the expectations some might have had for a small East Asian nation. As of...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1003
Pages: 4
Dave McClinton delves into the gravity of American history by depicting the life cycle of a black’s inner life. The meaning of McClinton’s work is the depiction of the strength and hardships of the African American community, which contributes to the study of collective identity. Dave McClinton channeled his life...
Topic: Art
Words: 1178
Pages: 4
This is a 90-minute Frontline film that tries to trace back the emergence of coronavirus from China and the spread of this deadly virus across the globe. Despite several government warnings, the television program also scrutinizes how the United States was unprepared to combat the novel coronavirus. According to Martin...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1115
Pages: 4
Introduction Several movies throughout history have tremendously impacted the film industry, forming examples for specific genres. Understanding such works’ properties and analyzing the unique qualities that shape their overall appeal is essential for film studies investigations. An instance of such iconic creation is Pulp Fiction, a remarkably famous motion picture...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1156
Pages: 4
A Fall from Grace is a film that features several different worldviews that are shared by the characters of the picture. The plot built around the case of a serious crime serves as a pretext for the director to reveal the attitude of his characters to the fundamental concepts of...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1186
Pages: 4
Every philosophical current has brought to this world its own reflections on the nature of things. All the philosophers, despite the similarity of his statements with the speeches of other philosophical geniuses, had their own point of view and were able to defend it competently by proving the correctness of...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1227
Pages: 4
Introduction Tokyo Sonata is a film directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, a prolific director in Japan’s television and film industry. The film is Kurosawa’s most internationally applauded work as it depicts real life rather than his usual supernatural films. Kurosawa uses this film to show social issues by observing the cracks...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1204
Pages: 4
Introduction The Lees of Marie de France is a series of twelve short narratives about the Breton barks of the poet Marie de France. They were probably created in the late 12th century. The short, narrative poems emphasize the glorification of the notion of courtly love by the adventures of...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1190
Pages: 4
Subjective Findings The subjective data used in nursing diagnosis typically refers to the visual examination of patients and their reported symptoms. In this case, subjective data included in the diagnosis was the reported shortness of breath and difficulty breathing that the patient indicated upon admission to the emergency department. The...
Topic: Disease
Words: 1329
Pages: 4
Introduction There has been a lot of speculation and worries recently about artificial intelligence and its potential influence. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a comprehensive expression that refers to a technology that enhances computers to mimic human mental power (Hashem & Alqatamin, 2021). AI is frequently employed in banking, medical business,...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 1175
Pages: 4
Introduction Reverse logistics is required after the customer receives the product for operations such as exchange and reuse. Prajapati et al. (2019) argue that this system is involved in rescuing used products and recovering a percentage of their original value in terms of activity. Reverse logistics has become profitable because...
Topic: Business
Words: 1215
Pages: 4
Introduction Decision-making is the essence of nursing practice, as nurses must make choices about treatment and patient care countless times a day. Levett-Jones et al. (2010) note that nurses make 1428 decisions during a 12-hour shift in critical care. In turn, according to Razieh et al. (2018), about one hundred...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1132
Pages: 4
Macronutrients and micronutrients play an important role in the human body, which include but are not limited to supporting the healthy functioning of vital organs, promoting wound recovery, growth, and maintaining metabolic activities. These nutrients are distributed in different food groups in varying amounts. Additionally, the nature of the nutrients...
Topic: Food
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Boston Beer Company (BBC) is faced with a critical decision that will potentially impact its operations and sustainability. BBC’s penetration into the light beer market should be based on its past, and current market positioning, and prospects. The company has primarily operated in the craft beer sector and has proven...
Topic: Business
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Introduction Business ethics involves a set of ethical and moral beliefs that enlightens the conduct and undertakings of an organization and its workforce. Ethical standards and principles help to define a companyâs goals and values that guide the day-to-day business activities. Organizations need to observe ethical conduct in business communication...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1012
Pages: 4
Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) are an essential part of the healthcare system. They provide high-quality, patient-centered care and are a vital part of the healthcare team. NPs play a key role in providing care for patients, especially those with chronic illnesses. Moreover, NPs are involved in providing education and support...
Topic: Immunization
Words: 1128
Pages: 4
Consumerism exists in the everyday life of every person, and every marketer should pay attention to its effect on consumers. There is an indirect pressure of marketing strategies that force people to change their habits while shopping. Those psychological techniques might not always be harmful to ordinary buyers. However, marketers...
Topic: Consumerism
Words: 1136
Pages: 4
Introduction Standard Chartered is a Public Limited Company based in the UK that provides financial services for people, corporate clients, and treasury services. The company primarily operates in the Asian region, the Middle East, and Africa, despite its headquarters being located in London. The bank has had a long story...
Topic: Banking
Words: 1120
Pages: 4
The supreme value of human existence is often expressed in the form of an ultimate goal to which all private human interests and needs are subordinated. Among the many approaches to the solution of this complex problem, three main ones can be distinguished. Some people believe that the meaning of...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1196
Pages: 4
Introduction The article âPsychological perspectives on racismâ deals with psychological theories and perceptions that help to explain the nature of racism and prejudices. Briefly outlining the existing theories, the article explores in depth the connection between psychology and racism, looks at its roots, and discusses what can be done to...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1128
Pages: 4
When people age and can no longer perform daily tasks on their own, they tend to rely on other people for support services. These services help them live as safely and independently as possible as they pay for medical and non-medical care. Long-term care, therefore, encompasses a wide range of...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1129
Pages: 4
The General Purpose of the Meeting I attended the AA meeting, which was held in the format of an open discussion on March 6 at 12 AM. This meeting was organized online through the Zoom platform. The first thing I did was check with the group’s facilitator to ensure that...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 1190
Pages: 4
Introduction There are a variety of ways to express, teach and preserve culture. With a variety of different peoples and nations around, and the influence of globalization, it becomes increasingly important to familiarize oneself with other traditions. Traditional modes of cultural awareness, such as museums or art galleries can present...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1279
Pages: 4
Introduction Access to information is a crucial factor that influences market operations. In an open market, buyers and sellers may have different access levels to information regarding the products, implying that asymmetric information is common in many market situations. According to Pavlov et al. (2022), asymmetric information denotes imperfect, skewed,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1136
Pages: 4
Introduction Modern society is still grappling with the long-term repercussions of colonialism. In the 19th century, Western European powers such as France, England, and Germany launched a new period of imperial expansion in particular regions of Asia and Africa. Europe needed new consumer markets and raw materials in the aftermath...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 1179
Pages: 4
Introduction I went to the Wood exhibition at the Jefferson Museum of Art and History located in Port Townsend. The presentation illustrated the history of woodcraft in our region, showing the portraits of many people who contributed to building the town more than a hundred years ago. The featuring craftspeople...
Topic: Art
Words: 1112
Pages: 4
Introduction The practice of depicting human nakedness has been evolving for the last few centuries, with marked changes being witnessed. There was a general distaste for viewing images of naked people in the past, but the new wave of liberalization has changed this aspect. People are bolder and more comfortable...
Topic: Photography
Words: 1111
Pages: 4
The different levels of social work all aim to achieve social justice and human well-being. However, the ways in which they accomplish this can be different, usually depending on the scope of the practice at hand. Micro-level social work, or the traditional approach, entails working closely with individuals, families, and...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 1104
Pages: 4
Introduction Scientists and various leaders globally have seriously debated the causes of climate change. Weather experts’ agreement and understanding have shown that climate is evolving due to greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. Climate change refers to extended shifts in temperature and weather patterns that are due to natural causes....
Topic: Climate
Words: 1220
Pages: 4
Introduction Clinical case management has come a long way to its current definition, interpretation, and scope of activities. The concept of case management and the procedures associated with it are century-old, as they were mentioned by Mary Richmond in 1922 as âsocial caseworkâ (Kanter, 2010). The key issue in the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1102
Pages: 4
There are always people with either unconventional or conservative views when it comes to subcultures and other preferences. For example, Parents Music Resource Center is a group created in 1985 in the United States, whose primary purpose has been to condemn the immorality and aggression of rock music, claiming that...
Topic: Music
Words: 1229
Pages: 4
This essay interprets the schism in American society by linking it directly to political confrontation in social media. The aim of this work is to try to form an objective unbiased idea of ââwhat modern political censorship in social networks is. Mutual misunderstandings between the citizens of American society are...
Topic: Censorship
Words: 1202
Pages: 4
After conducting my own research, I collected and summarized the information about day planning that seemed most applicable in my situation. Due to their application, I will successfully cope with the roles of mother, grandmother, employee, and student, and I will have enough time for each of them. After reading...
Topic: Home
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
In the 1920s, America’s economic development experienced an unbalanced growth. The economy experienced an imbalance as those who owned large companies and business organizations continued to make large profits (Ivanova, 2017). In contrast, those who worked for them continued with a poor economic run. During this time, most Americans lived...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1128
Pages: 4
Introduction For centuries, sugar has been considered a commodity of high trading value. Sugar plantations were profitable to the extent that sugar was called âwhite goldâ because of the high demand for it on the market. Being extracted from a plant called sugar cane, it has been the backbone of...
Topic: Sugar
Words: 1220
Pages: 4
Introduction Most successful businesses have created tactical and unique initiatives to build solid relationships with their client base. These advertisements are aimed at luring customers to the company’s current and future offerings. There is an old-fashioned telephone in the background of a globe map of Europe in the visual...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 1211
Pages: 4
Introduction At first glance, it may seem that rituals and traditions are related only to some special events in a person’s life, but it is necessary to look at this topic a little more broadly. It is essential to look at rituals, traditions, norms, and customs as specific sequences of...
Topic: The Lottery
Words: 1129
Pages: 4
Introduction The Black Lives Matter Movement has ignited an array of protests around the United States of America and within the global community. People went into the streets to demand equal rights for all; the tool for delivering their agenda was through demonstrations and protests, which are commonly characterized by...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 1101
Pages: 4
Abolitionism is a perspective and approach to reducing or suppressing custody. In such regard, penal abolitionism has emerged to counteract the contemporary definitions of crime and the law and defies the perspectives of the meaning and effects of punishment. Canada and other countries, such as the US, have recorded an...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 1127
Pages: 4
Introduction As civilization becomes more sophisticated and colleges become more integrated, the learning process becomes less connected to everyday routine. As with previous stages of schooling, a college education can be conceived of as the conveyance of a society’s ideals and acquired knowledge (Wechsler 13). In this perspective, it is...
Topic: Education
Words: 1216
Pages: 4
Introduction Addiction is the fact or condition of being dependent on a particular substance or activity. Alcohol addiction, on the other hand, refers to the continued excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks. Alcohol addiction has a huge impact on oneself, family, or society at large. Some of these effects range from...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 1112
Pages: 4
Summary The Internet is a worldwide computer network that unites millions of computers into a single information system. The Internet provides the amplest opportunities for the free receipt and dissemination of scientific, business, educational, and entertainment information. The global network connects almost all major scientific and governmental organizations, universities and...
Topic: Internet
Words: 1109
Pages: 4
The industrial revolution was characterized by sweeping changes in society’s social, political, and economic aspects. The transformation brought changes in the societies’ view of family, religion and the leadership structure. The people of Lancashire and Manchester were at the center of these changes. The preindustrial revolution had a different impact...
Topic: Revolution
Words: 1132
Pages: 4
Imagine You is a non-profit organization dedicated to volunteering to help the unemployed and those looking for a new career. The company’s operations include a variety of seminars, networking opportunities, courses, and training in job-critical skills such as computer use and effective interviewing. As the CEO of this company, we...
Topic: Business
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
Introduction In the short story “A Rose for Emily,” written by William Faulkner, the Old South is portrayed through the lens of symbolism. Hence, the emotional response of the people, who witnessed the tragic events stemming from the main character’s unrequited love, which is unacceptable for her position, can be...
Topic: A Rose for Emily
Words: 1129
Pages: 4
Hypothesis Testing and Inferential Analysis There are a number of procedures during the research process that are important to take into account. The two particularly significant ones are hypothesis testing and inferential analysis. Both ideas primarily relate to the way people evaluate their ideas and assumptions. The use of such...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1119
Pages: 4
Introduction The American Civil War that spurred from 1861 to 1865 marked a critical turning point in United Statesâ history due to its long-lasting impacts. Before the war, the United States were plagued by slavery, unresolved issues from constitutional amendments, and a great divide between the Northerners and Southerners. However,...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 1195
Pages: 4
Based on my worldview, it can be safe to say that I am a spiritual person but also an omnist because I believe that all creeds are acceptable and useful. Nevertheless, there should be no connection between religion and spirituality because the core energy of the Universe is love. Thus,...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1109
Pages: 4
Introduction Gender identity is a critical element of oneâs overall identity and beliefs about themselves. It can be defined as individual conceptions of oneself as either male or female or, in some cases, as both or neither (Ghosh, 2020). Gender identity is self-identified and begins at an early age when...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1164
Pages: 4
Introduction The movie “Twelve Angry Men” is considered one of the best court dramas in the history of world cinema. It is a story about making the correct decision and the ability to reflect. A New York court is hearing the case of an 18-year-old immigrant who, according to the...
Topic: 12 Angry Men
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction The Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has become of the most significant challenges faced by the contemporary business environment. The pandemic has entailed nationwide lockdown protocols, while global travel was virtually paralysed. In such a situation, airlines experienced serious financial problems caused by the decreased passenger flow and the overall...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 1158
Pages: 4
Introduction A theme of AI development takes a notable place in science fiction books, movies, and video games, but it is not limited by them. Skynet from the Terminator franchise became self-aware and almost succeeded in the destruction of humanity. In Mass Effect 2, EDI successfully operates a state-of-the-art space...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1291
Pages: 4
Introduction Bioethics is a discipline concerned with the morality and immorality of medical developments and technological advancements intended to enhance the life quality of human beings. Thus, bioethics examines the incorporation of the right to human values, dignity, and good health in the application of biomedical solutions in health. Unfortunately,...
Topic: Bioethics
Words: 1197
Pages: 4
The Korean War was an example of a satellite collision. The dangers of such wars, as well as the role of major nations in them, have been seen. The United States and China were actively involved in the armed combat, while the Soviet Union covered its military personnel’s participation in...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 1181
Pages: 4
Introduction Baecher et al. article was chosen because it presents the challenges encountered in planning the language objectives, particularly in content-based English as a Second Language instruction. The authors argue that in the PreK-12 ESL context, the teacher gives instructions to the learners with little or no preparation in the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1275
Pages: 4
Shrek The Musical is a musical written and directed by David Lindsay-Abaire, the story writer who composed the lyrics and melodies by Jeanine Tesori. It is based on the DreamWorks Animation feature Shrek from 2001 and aspects from the sequels Shrek 2 and Shrek Forever After and William Steig’s 1990...
Topic: Music
Words: 1241
Pages: 4
Introduction Apartheid had a significant impact on all South Africans and many people who traveled to these territories or researched this issue. A well-known anti-apartheid fighter was Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa, who spent years in prison. He once said: âMany people in this country have paid...
Topic: Apartheid
Words: 1177
Pages: 4
Title of the video: Health care reform could reduce criminal recidivism. Location where video was taken: Allendale, Michigan, United States. Organization or website where video was posted: YouTube. Summary Health care reform could reduce criminal recidivism is a video where Dr. Erkmen G. Aslim shares his professional opinion on criminal...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 4
The new PBS documentary “China: Power and Prosperity” looks at the country’s ascent to becoming an economic superpower. The film digs into the country’s proposed Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to build infrastructure and strengthen trade relationships across Eurasia. It explores China’s impact on Africa, where it is investing...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1184
Pages: 4
Introduction It is the universal truth that food was always considered the main energy source since ancient times. However, with the flu of life, people realized that it is not only the way to survive but also has many other features that significantly impact human health. If to be exact,...
Topic: Diet & Nutrition
Words: 1191
Pages: 4
Introduction This report describes a new virtual reality headset that will bring an innovative experience to the customers. Instead of projecting the picture to oneâs eye, it will project the image directly to the brain creating a dream-like experience. The value proposition of the concept includes four key characteristics. First,...
Topic: Virtual Reality
Words: 1103
Pages: 4
Introduction Sociology can be termed as the study of social human relationships and institutions. Sociologyâs subject matter has a wide range, from crime to religion, family to state, race divisions and social class to common culture and shared beliefs, and from stability to essential change in society. Sociologyâs purpose of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Philosophers are skilled in resolving puzzles, which often constitute the primary object of their studies and research. Yet, some of these conundrums do not seem to have one clearly-defined answer and thus provide an opportunity for a debate. One of the examples of such philosophical puzzles is the falling tree...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1133
Pages: 4
Introduction Nuclear war is a severe danger to humankind, which worries writers, politicians, and public figures. This weapon was created by human hands and can take millions of innocent lives, raising many existential questions. These weapons are under the rule of states and; therefore, other people are obliged to act...
Topic: Crisis Management
Words: 1217
Pages: 4
Introduction Engineering projects play a significant role in the general development of technology in the modern world. Working on the specific task helps evaluate diverse spheres of life, starting from science and finishing with business branches. This essay will cover scientific and engineering methods used in the project called âExpert...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1124
Pages: 4
Introduction The human body is a system that depends on the coordination of all organs regarding the distribution of necessary elements throughout the structure. Oxygen is an essential element within a person’s anatomy due to its functional effect on the tissues. In this case, the insufficiency of the supply risks...
Topic: Respiratory Disorders
Words: 1182
Pages: 4
Introduction Margaret Atwoodâs The Handmaidâs Tale is a novel illustrating a dystopian system in which fertile women become the maids of couples who cannot conceive. The United States (Gilead) has become a military, patriarchal, autocratic country where all males and females serve a purpose. Males, depending on their status, can...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1192
Pages: 4
A&P is a comic short story written by John Updike in 1961. The story tells about a cashier guy in a store who was shocked by the appearance of three young female customers who came to the store in swimsuits. After the manager, as the main hero thought, disgraced girls...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1235
Pages: 4
The Qur’an is a central divine book of Islam, written in the sacred language â Arabic. Many scholars believe that the message written within the passages of the Qur’an cannot be imitated since the Book is unique and contains universal knowledge. However, despite the initial beliefs, the Book can be...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1154
Pages: 4
Jazz music entails a complex musical genre that requires advanced training to synchronize with other players and instruments. The typical reviewer may experience difficulties in detecting many visual and phonetic aspects throughout the musical performance. A musical performance involves several interactions between the music, text, artists, audience, and environment, all...
Topic: Jazz
Words: 1264
Pages: 4
Bad things refer to anything ethically unacceptable in society due to already set norms or believers. In this regard, it is important to realize that what is deemed wrong in one society can be ratified by another depending on the social agreement. We are all born with an innate quality...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1108
Pages: 4
Introduction Currently, one may observe the rapid development of modern technologies that are used in most aspects of human life. IT technologies are engaged not only in many areas of business, including medicine. However, one may use them for negative purposes. Hacker break-ins and extortion of money have become widespread...
Topic: Cybercrime
Words: 1152
Pages: 4
Introduction The March 2017 cover of Time magazine features stark red lettering against a black background, loudly asking the question: “Is Truth Dead?” The headline is indicative of the rise of anti-intellectualism and conspiracy theories among the American public within the last ten years. Large sections of the American population...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1201
Pages: 4
Introduction According to study findings, this paper analyses second-generation Asian American women, particularly Korean and Vietnamese immigrant women, regarding gender and racial discrimination. The research aims to integrate race and gender factors from a social angle by interviewing a hundred daughters of Korean and Vietnamese immigrants. White women are the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1177
Pages: 4
Marijuana is a mind-altering drug derived from the cannabis plant, used for either recreational or medicinal purposes. It is the second most used drug after alcohol, and the youths mostly use it. For medicinal purposes, marijuana is used by patients having various types of diseases. Physicians and scientists have been...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 1408
Pages: 4
Introduction Olympic Games are not only the site of athletic competition, but the Olympics are also the place where popular brands sponsor sports teams to receive a return on their investments in the future. Indeed, sporting events are considered powerful ways to raise awareness about a brand, increase its strength,...
Topic: Sport
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Bishop Berkeley is one of the philosophers who has argued on the concept of whether matter does exist or does not exist. The philosopher has argued based on the concepts of immaterialism, which have played an essential role in defining matter. As a result, everything that human beings ideally think...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1190
Pages: 4
Introduction Is the solution to poverty selling babies for food? During the early 1700s, poverty was rampant in Ireland. The people could not provide for themselves or their families. There was a population increase, with most of these people being street children who spent their days begging in the streets...
Topic: A Modest Proposal
Words: 1206
Pages: 4
As the United States spearheaded the development of the capitalist economy in the world in many respects, the inequalities and disadvantages of industrialization and the market revolution provoked widespread resentment. Dissatisfaction with the low income and poor living conditions of wage laborers, as opposed to the growing profits of industrialists...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1122
Pages: 4
Introduction The pharmaceutical industry is greatly influenced by the registration of intellectual property rights for a product that has been manufactured. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grants a patent for a drug after receiving a complete set of documents proving the ownership and exclusivity of the production, which has...
Topic: Pharmacy
Words: 1258
Pages: 4
The modern health care sector is characterized by the increased level of attention given to patients and the conditions of the delivery of care. The evolution of the humanistic approach preconditioned the reconsideration of principles according to which this sphere functions and introduced new values that should be respected. For...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1121
Pages: 4
Introduction McDonaldâs is the most prominent foodservice merchant globally. The foodservice dealer owns more than 33,500 local cafeterias. McDonaldâs serves approximately 68 million customers in 119 nations every day (McDonaldâs Corporation, 2012). The foodservice retailer owes its success to its systems, which includes its alignment, franchisees, and contractors. It delivers...
Topic: McDonald's
Words: 924
Pages: 4
Reflection In the dynamic society, it is vital for nurses to understand the occurring changes and the heritage of healthcare. The perspective that an individual has on the available healing therapies changes frequently as more scientific research continues on their effectiveness. It thus is imperative for the nurse to try...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1260
Pages: 4
Going global is a common practice in international business. It has proved to be beneficial for winning new markets and increasing revenues. However, expanding business requires a thorough investigation of the background in the host country and designing an accurate strategic plan including communicational barriers, leadership styles, and motivational systems,...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 862
Pages: 4
Introduction As the surface of the earth is covered with 70 % of water, it looks like a blue ball from far above. The well known fact is that water is the most valuable natural resource that exists and without which survival of life is impossible. About 97 % of...
Topic: Water
Words: 1114
Pages: 4
Introduction Now, the climate crisis is a significant challenge facing humanity. Rising average temperatures substantially impact the planet’s climate, and these effects will become even more potent over the years. Besides global warming and melting glaciers, there is also an imbalance in all-natural systems, leading to changes in precipitation patterns,...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1223
Pages: 4
The Mayan civilization is one of the most ancient and advanced civilizations that existed in Latin America in pre-Columbian times. Mayan culture is known for advanced knowledge in architecture, mathematics, and astronomy, as well as a developed system of communication, religion, and art, which still impact the modern peoples of...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1239
Pages: 4
Introduction Mainly, refraction and dispersion of sunlight by water droplets or rain in the air form an arch of colors visible in the sky referred to as the Rainbow. The Rainbow consists of seven colors: green, yellow, red, orange, blue, violet and indigo. Debatably, in today’s society, rainbows are seen...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Introduction The Colosseum is one of the most recognizable architectural miracles in the world. It is located in the center of Rome, Italy, and represents the largest ancient amphitheater that survived. The site for its building was carefully chosen in a low valley between the Caelian, Esquiline, and Palatine Hills...
Topic: Design
Words: 1123
Pages: 4
Philip Schultz is one of the renowned poets who used his work to portray various issues that affect the stability of a given nation. In the poem Greed, he portrays how different individuals make decisions that contribute to the instability of the nation (Poetry Foundation, âPhilip Schultzâ). The poet refers...
Topic: Social Class
Words: 1140
Pages: 4
Introduction Surprise medical bills refer to the overcharging of patients when they receive care from out-of-network facilities, physicians, and clinicians. In most cases, patients are subjected to costs and bills above what insurers are willing to pay (H.R.3630 – No Surprises Act 116th Congress (2019-2020), n.d.). It is a form...
Topic: Law
Words: 1193
Pages: 4
Types of Toxic Substances Asphyxiants When methane, a common breakdown chemical, builds up in low-lying areas (such as gulleys), it may cause asphyxiation in those who breathe it in. A simple asphyxiant is a non-toxic gas that only causes harm when abundant in the atmosphere at high levels to replace...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1111
Pages: 4
The Economy of the United Arab Emirate The United Arab Emirates is amongst one of the most successful countries in the Gulf and the Middle East. It is made up of seven emirates. It lies within the Arabian Desert and covers an area of 83650 Km2 with a population of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1114
Pages: 4
Introduction The development of social work-associated professional identity is concerned with internalizing the relevant skills and knowledge, values, social work mission and begins by shaping the interactions and content pertinent to the social work education curricula. However, it is imperative to note that a social worker’s self-identity is also crucial...
Topic: Self-Concept
Words: 1142
Pages: 4
Introduction The present paper aims at discussing ethical standards based on a case study. The paper uses Scenario #2 from the Ethical Challenge Assignment Scenarios, which describes the case of George, a BCBA/LBA who works in a group home serving individuals with developmental disabilities. According to the scenario, George was...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1189
Pages: 4
Battling employee turnover has become challenging for Advanced Photonics, Inc. (API) due to the increasing competition from start-up companies that foster innovation and attract industry giantsâ risk-seeking employees. The case of Suzanne Chalmers is indicative of the companyâs mixed success in producing staff retention strategies that would consider leaving intentions...
Topic: Race
Words: 1020
Pages: 4
Introduction Healthcare services usually transform during the period of major scientific breakthroughs or global crises. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic challenged health delivery services worldwide. Indeed, many hospitals reported a 70% reduction in the use of primary healthcare services at the beginning of the lockdown (Cutler, 2020). Moreover, environmental pollution...
Topic: Health
Words: 1105
Pages: 4
Modern movies and pop culture play a significant role in defining societyâs perception of the heroic journey and the image of the hero. Moreover, apart from the apparent connection with the heroic qualities of characters in superhero movies, the influence of classical perceptions of heroic journeys can be traced to...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1220
Pages: 4
Arterial hypertension (AH), being the leading risk factor for cardiovascular catastrophes, has recently become a serious burden for health systems of the country. Despite the wide choice of medical and invasive treatment, sufficient control of blood pressure (BP) can hardly be achieved. Consequently, the fight against obvious cardiovascular diseases is...
Topic: Hypertension
Words: 1164
Pages: 4
Industrialization rapidly transformed Europe from a static society based on privilege to an enlightened society. It undermined previous class structures in the continent and altered Western nations’ philosophical and economic outlooks. The second industrialization can be considered the determining series of events that boosted Western nations to great heights in...
Topic: Industrialization
Words: 713
Pages: 4
Superman for All Seasons is a renowned comic piece around the world. The story surrounds the life and personal experiences of Clark Kent: an abnormal fellow who enters planet Earth from a foreign one, Krypton. The young boy lands in a meteor-like spaceship that falls close to Smallville, Kansas, on...
Topic: Art
Words: 1217
Pages: 4
A substance use disorder (SUD) is a psychiatric condition that affects a person’s development and behavior, causing them to lose control over their use of materials like intentional or accidental drugs, drinking, or prescriptions. Addiction is the most extreme condition of SUDs, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. The...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 1201
Pages: 4
The article âOur Biotech Futureâ by Freeman Dyson discusses the hopeful, in his view, future of biotechnology and its daily uses. The author believes that biotechnology will become reasonably inexpensive and common in the 21st century, comparable to how physics-based and computer technologies have grown very cheap and widespread during...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1158
Pages: 4
Introduction Medical companies are faced with delivering value, while the latter is defined as the ratio of quality, quality to cost. For this mission to be achieved, it is necessary to reduce the cost of treatment, improve its quality and ensure wider access of the population to it (Burns et...
Topic: Health
Words: 1170
Pages: 4
Software Providers With the recent rise of delivery services linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, many new players have been joining the market, causing an increase in software solution providers who seek to support newfound customers. There are numerous software solutions that are available to Talabat, although the focus will be...
Topic: Software
Words: 1109
Pages: 4
Introduction Maintaining balances between separate governmental branches is a crucial idea for an appropriate distribution of power held by the state. Historically, national leaders have incorporated the methods that ensure the equal allocation of authority to different state agencies into the political system, attempting to enforce the fair use of...
Topic: Law
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
Introduction Raising a child with good morals and ethics in a world full of chaos, uncertainty, and inhumanity is a challenging task for parents. It is even more challenging for parents who lack the appropriate tools for parenting. A child’s behavior development is influenced by many factors, including social and...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 1246
Pages: 4
The Trinity health center is a 150-bed, non-commercial facility situated in the heart of town that offers a comprehensive range of medical, surgical, and health issue mitigation services to the surrounding area’s residents. Here is a link to a recent community health needs assessment completed by the hospital only a...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 1188
Pages: 4
Facts U.S. law stipulates the legal requirements of law enforcers and details their conduct after retirement. A recent case documented by O’Connor (2022) shows how the federal courts have barred retired officers from carrying guns despite being permitted to do so by the law. The main facts of this case...
Topic: Court
Words: 558
Pages: 4
Introduction Initially, the SNCC and SCLC activities were united by one goal â the elimination of segregation and the granting of political rights to blacks. However, gradually the relationship between the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) deteriorated under the influence of several factors....
Topic: History
Words: 1272
Pages: 4
Social media have disrupted the way individuals communicate, and nowadays, it is difficult to imagine how people exchanged messages fifteen years ago. As of April 2021, in the US alone, more than seventy percent of the public uses at least one type of social media (âSocial Mediaâ). Nevertheless, there is...
Topic: First Amendment
Words: 1140
Pages: 4
Introduction The SCOFF questionnaire was used as a method to identify and classify children at risk of eating disorders. Then, the children were provided with both relevant referrals and treatment. For this article, the primary tool is the SCOFF questionnaire, which consists of 5 questions with yes or no answers....
Topic: Disorders
Words: 1096
Pages: 4
Over the past decade, opioids have warranted a significant amount of suspicion from patients and healthcare providers alike. Due to the high rates of dependency development and the difficulty of overcoming addiction, opioids have become notorious for their massive side effects and the threat that they pose to patients. Thus,...
Topic: Pandemic
Words: 1138
Pages: 4
Introduction In the play “Death of a Salesman,” written by Arthur Miller, the main themes are portrayed with the help of a variety of symbols. They are intertwined with the memories of the main character, Willy Loman, who reflects on his failure as an employee, a husband, and a father....
Topic: Death of a Salesman
Words: 1152
Pages: 4
Facts Fair competition in local and global competitions is a crucial element in U.S. law. In the international Olympics, every nation wants to take the leading position, with individuals seeking methods to increase their competitiveness. Doping is one of the mechanisms used by athletes to enhance their abilities to run,...
Topic: Law
Words: 554
Pages: 4