“Self Portrait, Dedicated to Dr. Eloesser” by Frida Kahlo

Introduction According to many historians and researchers, most of the famous works by Frida Kahlo portray the unique challenges encountered by Mexicans from 1930 to 1960. She used her traumatic experiences to describe the nature of the country’s heritage. From the 1940s, Mexico was keen to establish its cultural identity...

Textbook Prices: Buying or Renting?

There are millions of places that offer learning services, such as K-12 schools, colleges, religious places, etc. Attending K-12 schools is much easier than attending colleges because students get the opportunity to take classes and get books for free. Looking at college students, one can find that many of them...

Cultural Events in French-Speaking Countries

Traditional events pertinent to various cultures may be significant for the analysis, as they may tell a lot about the country. This paper explores three cultural events that share many similarities, although being different from each other. The report addresses the origins of the selected traditions, reviews their aspects, and...

Transgender Children’s Issues in Society

Introduction The topic of transgender children in society proves to be divisive and is widely discussed by parents, teachers, clinicians, and politicians. There is a range of opinions on the topic – from the medical point of view to issues of parenting and educating transgender children to questions of their...

Death of Loved Ones: Foer’s “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”

The death of a loved one causes torment and anguish pushing the mind to try everything possible to get close to the lost loved one more time. This premise comes out clearly in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close publication. The book is a narration by a nine-year-old...

African Americans’ Issues in Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun”

Introduction The middle of the twentieth century was the period when the USA underwent major changes in many areas of social and political life. Diverse populations were affected by these shifts, but African Americans could be regarded as the group that went through the most considerable transformations in terms of...

Election Ethics: Voting vs. Maintaining Neutrality

Decision In the Election Day Scenario, I believe that I ought to go to the polls and vote for Superior to be elected President. First of all, voting is the right that each citizen has or should possess. By choosing to vote, one can fulfill one civic duty of participating...

Plants’ Role for American Society

The Earth is commonly referred to as the green planet as it is the only planet that is known to contain plants. Plants are the primary producers in the food chain; thus, they are considered to be the root support of every organism subsequent in the chain. Over the years,...

Literary Style of Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The end of the 19th century was marked by a rethinking of the role of women in civil society. It resulted in a movement against discrimination of women in political and economic life. Kate Chopin, an American novelist and short-story writer from St. Louis, was one of the first feminist...

The Socratic Identification of Knowledge and Athenian Democracy

The Socratic identification of knowledge It is clear that knowledge and wisdom are essential ingredients of life worth living because ignorance and the lack of understanding make life similar to animals. The first of the ancient philosophers who turned to the knowledge of man, understanding his essence, studying the inner...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Epilogue” Poem by Robert Lowell

Analysis It is worth noting that Robert Lowell was a poet who did not use rhyme and rhythmic units to give his writings traditional sounding. Many of his works can be regarded as experimental poetry, and the author resorted to his creative method to produce the necessary impression on the...

Food and Drug Administration – Regulatory Agency

Among the existing variety of regulatory agencies and accrediting bodies, the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) remains integral and indispensable. Healthcare organizations, nurses, and even patients may address it for help and evaluation. The medical marketplace continues developing, and the task of the FDA is to obtain...

Homelessness and Depression Among Illiterate People

Introduction There are various myths people have about homelessness and depression. For example, many people believe that only illiterate people can be homeless. Coohey and Easton (2016) confirm that there is a significant percentage of the population that is literate but still homeless. The US has one of the lowest...

American Eagle Outfitters Company’s Financial Analysis

Introduction American Eagle Outfitters is a clothing company headquartered in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The company operates both online and offline, with 933 stores as of February 3, 2018. American Eagle Outfitters also includes the Aerie Brand, Tailgate, and Todd Snyder, which add 114 operating stores to the figure. The brand has...

Renaissance: Da Vinci’s “Comparison of the Arts”

Initial Reaction to the Work The work, which is within the analytical scope of this paper, is the “Comparison of the Arts,” which is the chapter from Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks, translated to English by MacCurdy (1955). Before dwelling upon the profound analysis of the work, it is essential to...

Pret a Manger Company’s Foreign Entry Mode Selection

Introduction It is argued that a company should employ comprehensive and efficient expansion strategies if it strives to maintain a sustainable growth in the future. In the case under consideration, Pret A Manger, a British fast food restaurant chain, is the subject of the discussion of an appropriate foreign market...

Horses as Pampered Prisoners in Henderson’s Book

Introduction As they say, people are responsible for what they have tamed. It equally refers to all those animals that have been domesticated by humans over many years. As for horses, they play an essential role in modern society because they are used in agriculture, sport, and even leisure activities....

Khrushchev: To Be or Not to Be Predictable?

Introduction The Cold War is a period that many politicians and global leaders continue to study and analyze today. It created tensions between the Soviet Union and the West. The events, happenings, and decisions associated with this political tension have become powerful models or lessons for many analysts, historians, and...

Leadership & Management: What the Future Looks Like

The success of any organization will depend on the existing business model or strategy. Companies can introduce effective leadership styles and produce goods or services that will compete efficiently in the global market. The concepts of success and failure are critical for managers who want to take their firms from...

Superficial Goodness in O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Similar to the case of painting, a talented writer manages to convey his or her message and emotions without creating idealized and flawless images and characters. In her most famous literary work published in 1955, A Good Man is Hard to Find, Flannery O’Connor tells the story of an ordinary...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Baldwin’s “My Dungeon Shook – Letter to My Nephew”

The 1960s were a kind of turning point in the history of black US citizens. Namely, during this period, the black ‘revolution’ of America began. The civil rights movement has officially put an end to the issue of discrimination against representatives of the “colored” population of the country. In 1964,...

Designing FERPA Technical Safeguards

Concerns for information security take diverse structures in various frameworks and applications. Single clients might be worried about individual protection, and wish to restrict access to private information records. However, associations like the school, hospitals, and government agencies provide security to protect information identified with exclusive interests. The instruments for...

American Noir Tradition in the “Oldboy” Film

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the borderline between genres of horror and thriller in contemporary cinema is a subject to continuous merging. The primary reason for this phenomenon is that both genres appeal to the same core human emotion of fear, and they both use quite similar techniques...

Online Shopping: Security Concerns vs. Convenience

Results This study is based on the data obtained through a survey that involved 23 volunteering participants (13 males and 10 females). The age of the people who completed the questionnaire ranged from 18 to 35, so the research reveals the views of young adults and adults. The participants were...

Life Meaning: 15 Reasons to Live by Alan Zweig

Introduction A documentary movie, 15 Reasons to Live (2013) by Alan Zweig, is an attempt to answer a question that probably puzzled every person who ever lived on earth at least once across the lifespan: what is the meaning of life? The film comprises fifteen short stories told by different...

Slavery in “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” the Novel by Mark Twain

Introduction Anti-slavery is one of the central aspects of Mark Twain’s iconic novel, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” Given the years when the novel was written, Twain’s thoughts and beliefs regarding slavery channeled through the book’s main characters were quite revolutionary and ahead of their time. First things first, the writer...

Prostitution Being Deviant: History and Theory

It is well known that following social standards and norms of behavior are crucial for establishing effective communication among people. However, some individuals prefer to ignore generally accepted rules of conduct and stick to their life concepts. This type of behavior is usually called deviant and implies a violation of...

Political Activism: “Forces of Labor” by Beverly Silver

Introduction This book mainly focuses on the birth and growth of labor movements across the world and the way they have contributed to improving the welfare of workers over the years. In addition, it provides an in-depth analysis of the way the concept of globalization has influenced the activities of...

Emotional Intelligence: Experiences and Skills

Emotional intelligence (EI) is regarded as one of the important components of effective leadership. Batool (2013) points to the strong link between EI and leadership style. It is also found that leaders tend to receive higher EI scores than their followers (Siegling, Nielsen & Petrides 2014). Being a Human Resources...

Online Privacy and Security Strategies

The advent of the Internet era has brought about a variety of useful options for people all over the world. However, along with numerous advantages, searching and sharing data online also has some negative features. The greatest problem that may be encountered by almost any user is the violation of...

Courtelaney Pass Police Department: Potential Problem Solutions

There is a great variety of research that focuses on various issues evident in law enforcement. As part of the previous work on this project, four essential problems in the Courtelaney Pass police department were discovered: racial tensions, questionable investigative and enforcement practices, poor community reporting, and the lack of...

Deportation of Immigrants From the United States

Introduction When the problem of illegal immigration is debated, one fact is often not enough emphasized: the United States of America is a country that was initially founded and developed throughout history exclusively by migrants in the literal sense of the word. Nevertheless, it is also evident that contemporary American...

The Duel After the Masquerade: Formal Analysis

Introduction The formal analysis represents a form of artistic exploration that requires a viewer to look at a piece of art and try to understand what the author tried to convey. Therefore, there is no unified way in which things can be interpreted; rather, the observer will present information based...

Affordable Care Act and Health Disparities

Racial and ethnic disparities make one of the primary concerns in health care today. Representatives of minorities usually have worse insurance coverage and lack access to high-quality care, which leads to significant discrepancies in health outcomes. Consequently, there is a need for interventions with the potential to reduce disparities and...

Opening Your New Dunkin’ Donuts Locations

Introduction The nature of the Dunkin’s Donuts’ system is determined not so much by its constituent elements but by their relationship between each other and each element individually with the system as a whole. These relations form the structure of the system, the main purpose of which is to ensure...

Genetic Predisposition to Alcohol Dependence and Alcohol-Related Diseases

Introduction Alcohol dependence is one of the major challenges to the worldwide healthcare system. Approximately 6% of all deaths are attributed to alcohol misuse and associated diseases (“Statistics & information,” 2015). At the same time, more than 5% of all cases of all burdens of disease and injury are caused...

Labor and Income Inequality in the U.S.

Introduction Every day people meet and try to fight with various forms of injustice. Some persons are discriminated against by their religion, nationality, and culture. One may also notice discrimination and inequality in labor and income as, usually, women and ethnic minority groups get a smaller salary or cannot get...

The Têt New Year in Vietnam

Introduction When learning about the culture of Vietnam, it is of great importance to pay attention to the so-called Têt Nguyen Dan, also referred to as Têt or the Lunar New Year. The full name of the celebration refers to the very first day of a new part of the...

Commercial for the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Introduction This paper will discuss a commercial for the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), a network of animal protection organizations that features the singer Sarah McLachlan. The nonprofit’s primary activity is the management of shelters for pets that have been abused by their owners. The SPCA name...

Hair-Pulling Disorder: Treatment and Prevention

The hair-pulling disorder also known as Trichotillomania (TTM) is a psychological condition associated with a compulsive removal of hair from the body. Not only may TTM result in significant hair loss but also cause a marked functional impairment similarly to other types of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Considering that this adverse mental...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Winning With Honour” by Siong Guan Lim and Joanne H Lim

Winning with Honour is a fascinating work as the authors transfer the rules of morality and ethics to the history of Singapore. This book can be interesting for many people because its chapters describe the rules and recommendations that apply to both the individual and organisations. However, Winning with Honour...

Premature Ejaculation Disorder: Treatment and Prevention

Introduction Premature ejaculation can be listed among the most common sexual problems experienced by men. When it comes to the key definition of the disorder, it needs to be noted that having a “premature” ejaculation involves the release of semen a few minutes after the start of sexual activity, which...

Significant Event That Positively Impacted My Life

Introduction Every person may notice that there is a wide range of factors that influence his or her life every day. New acquaintances, knowledge, or experience make their contribution either to improve or degrade the quality of living. However, at the same time, only highly significant events have an immeasurably...

Role of Men and Women in Susan Glaspell’s Play “Trifles”

Introduction There has been a significant change regarding the position that women held in the 19th century and the present-day community. This shift is apparent not only in America but also everywhere around the globe. Susan Glaspell’s play, Trifles, which forms the basis of this paper, reveals the extent to...

The Origins of the First World War

Introduction This paper discusses World War I, its causes and the role of America in the military actions. It identifies the role of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism in the outbreak of the war, as well as the impact of the alliance system. The paper also concerns America’s role in World...

The History of United States Constitution

The United States Constitution is one of the most well-known government documents in history and modern politics. It stands as a symbol for Democracy and the strength of the country that the United States has become over the last two centuries. However, the process of drafting the Constitution was extensive...

Learning Styles and Approaches Among Medical Education Participants

According to the VARK questionnaire, my learning style is mild kinesthetic. In general, this style relies on practical information and real-world phenomena. Here, every theoretical idea should have a physical representation to show how and why everything works. For example, individuals with a kinesthetic preference would make a chair with...

The History of Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War led to a vacuum of power in the former British colonies. The people and prominent revolutionary leaders were tasked with creating a new government and country that would become known as the United States of America. However, there were many prevalent opinions on the governance process, which...

Gender Norm Violation Study: Evaluating Impact on the Society

Introduction The concept of gender roles is a particularly stereotyped and sexualized issue to examine that plays a fundamental role in shaping modern society. The notion of gender is connected with social, cultural, and psychological characteristics, which relate to both genders in terms of social backgrounds. According to Hillard, gender...

Rian O’Doherty’s “Inside the White Cube”

Introduction The book comprised O’Doherty’s famous essays “Notes on the Gallery Space,” “The Eye and the Spectator,” and “Context as Content,” published in 1976 in Artforum magazine. It also includes the article “The Gallery as a Gesture,” published ten years later. In these writings, the author explores the social and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Future of Human Resource Management

To achieve success, human resources, along with other business units, must perform various functions from providing basic operations to strategic planning. It is essential to balance strategic and tactical actions for HR managers to get consistent results. HR professionals are expected to understand the internal and external environment in which...

Fear of Flying: Phobia Definition

The Fear of Flying (FOF) has psychological and physiological symptoms. It makes people avoid boarding planes. According to Clark and Rock (2016), this highly common phobia affects about 2.5-40 percent of the global population. These authors associate the misconceptions raised regarding aviophobia with inadequate research in the area of cognitive-behavioral...

Managing Confrontations in the Workplace

Recurring Conflict: Description Arguments often occur in the workplace due to the pressure of deadlines and the presence of factors contributing to misunderstandings, diversity levels being the key one. With several cultures being represented in the environment of an organization, misconceptions will occur due to incongruences between the viewpoints of...

“Inside the White Cube” the Book by O’Doherty

Summary of the Book The book, Inside the White Cube, by O’Doherty focuses on the concept of the gallery space, how it has evolved over the years, and its significance in passing a specific message to the audience. In this book, the author explains the relevance of neutral patterns in...

The Worth of Heroes and Villains in Nolan’s “The Dark Knight”

Talking about the conflicts between heroes and villains in movies or literature, one should recognize the story of Batman as one of the strongest examples of how evil is born, developed, and controlled. This film franchise contains a number of characters as protagonists or antagonists and, what is more important,...

Situational, Transformational, and Transactional Leadership

Effective management requires the appropriate leadership approach. The theory of situational leadership was created to adopt the leader’s behavior and approach to his or her subordinates by diverse circumstances, such as the followers’ individual needs and competency. While some workers feel more confident under the leadership of autocratic and demanding...

Colonial History of Canada: Two Viewpoints on Amerindian-European Cultures

Throughout the years, numerous researchers and historians have studied the colonial period in the history of Canada. Most importantly, the center of the studies was the Amerindian culture. Many renowned experts have investigated the relations between the Native Americans and the French and have expressed their opinions on certain aspects...

American Confederation and Constitution

In the aftermath of the American Revolution, the country was in the process of forming an independent republic. There was political uncertainty as debate unraveled about the nature of American democracy, which had to balance the rights of states with the overlook of the federal government. Fundamental differences of leading...

Managing Diversity Within Public Administration

Introduction In recent decades, there has been a meaningful change in the diversity composition within public administrations. The election of President Obama in 2008 showed that minorities can hold public office and have a tremendous impact. Factors such as globalization, immigration, biracial and interracial family unions demonstrate that demographics and...

The Arabian Nights: The Story Continues

Introduction The Arabian Nights take its readers on an exciting, even though slightly morbid, journey of an endless tale that serves as the main salvation for a woman who faces the threat of constant impending doom. The cunning and resourcefulness of the main character, who also doubles as the narrator,...

Planet of the Apes

The evolution of human intelligence The first topic for discussion is the potential of current classifications to reflect existing relationships among primate lineages, especially between human and non-human apes. In the book, apes were almost identical to humans in terms of their mental abilities and capable of rising to power...

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace

Introduction The term perpetual war is used to refer to unending or continuous warfare (Vidal 14). Thus, perpetual peace refers to everlasting peace (Vidal 14). Since World War I, the world has had several other significant wars that have shaped the course of history, the present, and the future. Using...

The Concept of Gender Socialization and Ageism

Introduction Being social creatures, people of all ages are expected to effectively collaborate with others and manage to strike the right balance between their personal needs and social requirements. Taking into consideration that many individuals face personal problems related to their interactions with the world, they need access to effective...

Nationalism in the French Revolution of 1789

Introduction It is the year 1799 in France, a country that has undergone historical and trying times as social protests and political upheaval have thrown the country into chaos and instability. The French Revolution led to the French Republic, guided by new Enlightenment and democratic ideals, the political philosophy of...

The History of Reasons for WWI Outbreak and the United States in WWI

Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism Imperialism, the rise of nationalism, and the rapid militaristic expansion of European countries can all be considered contributors to the outbreak of World War I. When it comes to nationalism, governmental leaders pushed the narrative that love for one’s country demanded hatred for another. Prior to WWI’s...

Dealing With Diversity in America From Reconstruction Through the 1920s

Introduction People’s ability to collaborate with others who demonstrate different culture-based values often serves as an indicator of their open-mindedness and humanity. Today, the importance of diversity seems evident at the personal level, but in the past, the authorities of some large countries such as the United States attempted at...

Ernest Hemingway’s Life and the Themes Presented in “Hills Like White Elephants”

It is not a rare occasion that authors include some details from their personal life in their works. Sometimes, they explicitly remark that a book or a story is autobiographic. In other cases, writers entitle their characters with some features pertaining to themselves. Finally, there are also situations when nothing...

The Concept of Disability Awareness

Introduction Discrimination against disabled individuals is not only a violation of federal and state laws but also is extremely unethical and inconsiderate. In the assignment, an assessment of inclusivity and accommodation for disabled individuals in public places will be conducted. The assignment aims to meet the following five objectives: describing...

Scott Pilgim vs. The World: Is It a Good Movie?

Introduction Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a 2010 action-comedy movie directed by Edgar Wright, based on a graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O’Malley. It stars Michael Cera as the eponymous Scott Pilgrim, a 22-year old slacker from Toronto, who falls in love with Ramona Flowers and must battle...

Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care: The Teaching Plan

Patient Education Instructional goals To raise patients’ awareness of the compliance with prescribed treatment for patients with myocardial infarction; To raise patients’ awareness of the benefits of healthy lifestyles. Behavioral Objectives Bloom’s taxonomy includes six levels: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating (Bastable, 2017). Remembering: Patients will be able...

Research Methods for Nursing and Healthcare

Sample and Setting The researcher will sample nurses and congestive heart failure patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Nurses will be sampled from the hospital’s department of cardiology. They have to have worked in this department for at least five years. They will provide their expert opinion on...

The World Remade: World War I

Introduction World War I became one of the most meaningful events that shaped the history of humanity and preconditioned the development of global intercourse in a particular way. WWI was inevitable as it was driven by the existing peculiarities of international relations and multiple countries struggle for dominance and promotion...

Political Rights for African-Americans in the Late 19th Century

Introduction The end of the Civil war freed African-Americans and granted them citizenship rights. Even though Congress accepted the Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution that declared voting right regardless of previous condition and race, the situation remained complicated. Various issues that prevented African-Americans from participating in the political life...

GMOs and the American Diet

Introduction I am proposing to research the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the American diet. I want to find out about any potential health impacts on obesity in order to help my readers understand whether GMOs should continue to be actively included in food production. Despite the benefits...

Ethics: Tellico Dam Construction vs. Snail Darter Fish

Rationale There are no good reasons to delay or cancel the construction of the Tellico Dam on the Little Mississippi River. The biggest issue that I have with how the current situation is unfolding is that the Endangered Species Act and its proponents seek to find the underlying moral principles...

Higher Education Should Be Free for Everyone

While K-12 education is free in the USA, paying for higher education is a struggle for most Americans. For those whose household income is not high enough to pay for college immediately, there are several options. They can either start saving money from the child’s early years, take student loans,...

Billy Collin’s “The First Dream”: The Use of Self Expression in Poetry

Billy Collin’s poem The First Dream is clearly an expression of the feeling one has when one tries to explain an abstract experience. In Collin’s case, the abstract experience is a dream. Arguably, people tend to distance themselves from mystery as human beings tend to prefer real-world occurrences that can...

Jamaica Cruise by an American Student

My trip to Jamaica on a cruise was an exciting adventure. The experience of being in the Caribbean Sea surrounded only by clear blue water and visiting the Island with pure nature, green forests, and white beaches were remarkable. Before embarking on the cruise ship, I knew almost nothing about...

Indian Boarding Schools and Their Effects

Introduction During the 20th century, boarding schools for Native Americans on the territory of the United States were a common phenomenon. They became a significant part of American Indian history and determined the modern Indian identity. In this essay, the history of Indian boarding schools, in general, and the history...

Unity of Command in Military Operation Anaconda

Introduction The major purpose of the unity of command is to arrange the effective operation of various forces under the authority of a single commander. In military operations, such unity is of utmost importance since people’s lives and countries’ relationships depend on the outcomes of such operations. Anaconda, the military...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“La Sylphide” at Atlanta Ballet

Introduction “La Sylphide” is a romantic ballet in two acts, created by the choreographer Filippo Taglioni and first staged by him in 1832 at the Paris Opera. The ballet now exists in two main editions: a production by Filippo Taglioni and a production by August Bournonville. I am going to...

Greta Thunberg – Teenage Environmental Activist

Greta Thunberg is a sixteen years old environmental activist from Sweden who became famous after she established the movement School strike for climate. This event draws the attention of the media, generating many viewpoints regarding Greta’s work and its impact on the political and social context. This paper will analyze...

The Grizzly Conditions Prisoners Endure in Private Prisons

Introduction The criminal justice system in the United States has been widely criticised for various reasons, including racial inequality and low effectiveness rates in preventing recidivism. However, one of the most pressing issues being discussed at the moment is the conditions in prisons. Privately owned prisons are common in America,...

Youth Violence in the United States

Introduction Youth violence is one of the major topics that have dominated political and social debates in the United States for a long time. Over the years, issues relating to gun control have been a major deciding factor in presidential elections, as American citizens continue to deal with the challenges...

Electromagnetic Induction in Medicine

Introduction Medical science and physics have a strong relationship in terms of developing new technologies and improving patient care. For the majority of humanity’s history, doctors and physicians were limited to external symptoms for producing diagnoses and treating patients. While observing the visible symptoms is an important part of a...

Guidance in Krishna’s “Bhagavad-Gita” and Siduri’s The Epic of Gilgamesh

Introduction Most religious teachings go into detail on the multifaceted relationships between gods and humans in which the latter are sometimes able to find solace and peace of mind and sometimes are scorned and neglected. At that, the union of a god and a human is usually not one of...

Vanessa Garrison: A Level 5 Leader

Introduction Organizations, which wish to attain lasting growth, must ensure that they have experienced administrators. Collins (2005) maintains that successful leaders possess a set of exceptional executive abilities, which enable them to guarantee that their companies overcome competition. Research shows that great companies have one thing in common: they are...

“Mother to Son” Monologue by Langston Hughes

Introduction It should be noted that the dramatic monologue “Mother to Son” written by Langston Hughes is quite short but meaningful. The writing reveals a situation in which a mother is giving advice to her son. In addition, the woman encourages her child to not give up in the face...

Climate Change as Political Leaders’ Primary Concern

Introduction Climate change has become a significant concern within the past several decades. Its effects are becoming more evident, and many local and national strategies for their elimination start to emerge. Every individual can contribute to decreasing the impact of climate change but may not be possible to eliminate it...

Parental Divorce and Consequences for Children

Introduction Divorces are a common occurrence in the modern world, and most people are accustomed to the idea of a separated family. Nevertheless, psychologists have long been concerned with the consequences of divorce for children. Research shows that, compared to children who grow up in a full family, those whose...

Abortion as a Woman’s Choice and Right

Introduction Certain scientists consider women a minority in the sense that their rights are often neglected. The problematic nature of choice in women is an issue that has been under debate since the emergence of the suffrage movement in the mid-19th century. If a few decades ago, childbearing was and...

Leichtamer vs. American Motors Corp.: Analysis

Facts Reasons Ensuring that products manufactured by companies are safe for use and do not lead to injuries is paramount for organisations. The described issue is of especially high concern for vehicle manufacturing companies since road accidents are highly likely to lead to fatal outcomes (Leichtamer v. American Motors Corp)....

Keeping Minors and Adult Inmates Separate to Address the Problem of Violence in Prisons

Introduction Managing aggressive behaviors in prison and preventing the instances of violence is a critical issue that warrants a serious discussion. Although prisoners, in general, might not evoke much sympathy in most law-abiding citizens, it is essential to ensure that inmates’ rights are recognized and met fully. Thus, preventing the...

Orgon and Candide from Moliere’s “Tartuffe” and Voltaire’s “Candide”

Introduction The wisdom of classical literary works is a valuable legacy that the authors of past eras left to posterity. The images of many characters, their experiences, thoughts, and actions make one think about the serious aspects of human life and the process of cognition. In order to better understand...

Globalization’s Role in Improving Women’s Rights

Introduction During the last several decades, the process of globalization has undergone a variety of changes, as well demonstrated a considerable impact on the lives of people, regardless of their gender, age, income level, or origin. It includes certain economic, political, and social improvements in terms of which community transformations...

Hardships of Coming of Age in Updike’s “A&P”

Introduction The charm of Updike’s slice-of-life stories may seem to come from the hidden layers of meaning that they contain, yet, on closer inspection, one will find out that they are quite straightforward. However, this discovery does not reduce the attractiveness of Updike’s nuanced storytelling; instead, it amplifies the lingering...

College Dropouts from a Sociological Standpoint

Introduction The failure of numerous students to finish their postsecondary education despite enrolling in a college is a concerning matter. As the period after a person grows out of adolescence is essential to his or her formation, such a significant lack of success can result in considerable damage. College dropouts...

Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Military

Introduction Sexual abuse in the American army is associated with such a phenomenon known as hazing. Hazing is prohibited by the Ministry of Defense and the law. Hazing in the US Army in some cases is associated with various ritual ceremonies after completing a preparatory course of a fighter or...

How Does Learning Happen?

Developmental Summary The information obtained through observing the child allows creating a summary of her skills. The following domains of development have been analyzed: cognitive, social and emotional, speech and language, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills. Data gathered during informal observations, which are reflected in brief reports and...

ACLU and Institute of Justice

Human rights are the core component of the functioning of modern society as they ensure that people will benefit from the growing number of opportunities and enjoy the high quality of life. Unfortunately, there are still many cases of discrimination or infringement of basic freedoms guaranteed to individuals by the...

Personal Ethical Development and Influences

Introduction The world is composed of a huge population with each person having different behaviors from the other. Every individual has a set of personal beliefs and values in society. Personal values and the moral reasoning that translates these values into behavior are important factors in determining the behavioral aspects...

Sieyès’ Pamphlet on the Third Estate

Introduction The question of social and legal equality has always belonged to the most important debates. In 18th-century France, this question was raised rather acutely since the divergence between freedoms entitled to people belonging to different social layers was striking. A prominent clergyman and writer, Sieyès, wrote a pamphlet in...

Anthropological Development and Modernity

Introduction Attempting to understand the human essence regarding the influence of factors on the formation of this biological species is the key task of anthropology, and research in this area proves that evaluation criteria are different. Modern people living in highly developed cities and enjoying the latest technological advances have...

American Urban Planning in “Home from Nowhere” by Kunstler

Introduction In his book Home from Nowhere: Remaking Our Everyday World for the Twenty-first Century, James Howard Kunstler outlined an issue with American urban planning. He expressed his disapproval of the zoning laws and the design tendencies that deprioritize longevity. He also proposed a set of new principles that concentrate...

Addressing the Gulf Coast Police Department Understaffing

Introduction Despite the best efforts of recruiters, police departments all over the US are understaffed. Gulf Coast Police Department (GCPD) needs 11 new officers clear of criminal, drug abuse, or lying history. One of the ways to fill all the vacancies is by attracting newly graduated students to apply for...

Political Violence During the Zapatista Uprising

Overview of the Zapatista Uprising: Causes and Results The Zapatista uprising commenced on January 1, 1994, in the Chiapas Federal District, Mexico. It was launched by a guerilla group called the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), comprised of the members of the indigenous population dwelling in Chiapas. The EZLN...

“Remember the Titans” Movie by B. Yakin

Introduction There is a number of factors that can impact a movie’s popularity, and one of them is the degree to which the plot reflects social and personal problems affecting the target audience. Yakin’s (2000) Remember the Titans is an award-winning movie that sheds light on the history of racism...

Eminem’s “Stan” as an Example of Browning’s Monologue Format

Poetry is one of the most popular literary forms since it allows authors to express vast ideas in a short form. Whether written with rhymes or as blank verse, poems can have a profound effect on the reader. In modern artistic ways of expression, songwriting is probably the most popular...

Compromised Rulers in Literary Works

Introduction Modern societies long for democratic values including equality and the ability to make major decisions. People who lived centuries ago could only dream about democracy or any manifestation of this form of rule. People were to abide by the law and do whatever their ruler might ask them to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing Business Case: How to Analyze It

As empirical inquiries, case studies investigate contemporary phenomena in their real-life contexts. When analyzing marketing business cases, the analyst introduces a measure of realism into management education (Cravens and Lamb 95; Ebneyamini and Moghadam 1). There are four fundamental steps in the process of a case analysis. Initially, the one...

Alexander the Great as a Military General

Introduction Alexander the Great has been described as one of the most successful military strategists of all time. However, even though there is an extensive collection of sources on how magnificent he was, there is also a lot of contradicting information on the same. Whereas some sources claim that Alexander’s...

Professional Ethics in Criminal Justice: Singleton vs Norris

Abstract The given paper is devoted to the investigation of a specific case that revolves around a person who suffers from a kind of mental disorder. Considering the fact that people with schizophrenia could not be sentenced in accordance with the basic law, a criminal creates a precedent by ignoring...

Organizational Values and Nurse Engagement

Organizational Values all organizations have their values. culture of an organization. beliefs of an organization. support in nursing. respect in nursing. Every organization has its own set of values. They help an organization to define its beliefs and culture. In terms of nursing, the best organizational culture for it is...

Possible Trends in the Cause of Cancer

Introduction: Cancer and Its Leading Causes In 2014, cancer topped the lists of the leading causes of death in the world. Despite numerous treatment strategies, the instances of cancer development remain just as numerous. Because of the shift towards a more sedentary lifestyle and development of bad habits, as well...

Melville’s “Bartleby the Scrivener” and Ellison’s “Battle Royale”

Introduction The story of Herman Melville in “Bartleby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall-street” is a grotesque narration about a poor office worker whose unusual behavior breaks the usual rhythm of business life and makes others doubt the correctness of the world order. Whereas Ralph Ellison in his “Battle Royale”...

Social Media Enable Cultural Importation

Introduction Most prominent social network companies such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and others are based in the United States. As a result, their core staff and a large portion of their audience are invested heavily in American culture, leading to the emergence of the idea that the firms are...

France After 1789 and in the 21st Century

Introduction There have been different periods in France’s history, all of which have made an impact on the country’s development. The most crucial changes have been social, economic, and political. Politics has always been considered the foundation of a state’s development or organization. This paper aims to compare the political...

Bullying and Laws in American Schools

Introduction Bullying in American schools has been a common problem for decades, but it gained momentum relatively recently. Although different definitions of the phenomenon exist, there is a certain consensus as to the major aspects of the problem and its primary peculiarities (Mishna and Van Wert 227). Bullying in the...

Ethical Dilemma in Homer’s “The Odyssey”

Introduction Heroes depicted in ancient literature often face the necessity of making challenging life-and-death choices. As one example, Homer’s Odysseus faced such an ethical dilemma when he and his crew approached the area between Charybdis and Scylla as they were sailing. In the story, Circe had predicted that encountering Charybdis,...

Ramifications of the Internet

The Internet is one the most outstanding invention of humanity, which allowed to erase the borders between countries and continents, to bring people closer to each other, and to drop all the complexities and inconveniences, and to communicate freely. In addition, the Internet has opened up opportunities for profitable businesses,...

Flannery O’Connor’s Life Seen in Her Short Stories

Introduction Flannery O’Connor is one of the renowned American writers who had a unique style and addressed quite sensitive topics. She was born and lived most of her life in the South, which affected her writing since the majority of her stories were set in this region. She was a...

America Anonymous: Eight Addicts in Search of a Life

America Anonymous is an ambitious project by a New York Times bestselling author and tenured professor of writing and literature, Benoit Denizet-Lewis. The writer is known for his non-fiction, characters’ multidimensional personalities, and in-depth profiles that hide not a single detail from the reader. Denizet-Lewis is bold and unapologetic in...

Power to Award Life or Death in “The Night Of” Series

The HBO movie series, The Night Of, presents the tragic story of the protagonist, Naz, whose life is condemned for destruction by an accidental meeting with a female passenger, Andrea. Naz had stolen his father’s cab for the night but had not planned on doing any business on transporting passengers....

Race and Gender in Public Relations Field

Abstract This capstone paper examines the impact of race and gender diversity on building careers in the sphere of public relations. During the last several decades, people have experienced certain challenges and changes in their intentions to find a good job and earn a living. As a rule, the representatives...

What is Art? Finding a Definition

Introduction To the question “What is art?” tens and hundreds of different answers can be given. In my view, there is no need to consider any specific definitions of art in detail since none of them can be satisfactory. However, I think that the concept of art is central to...

“The Public Realm and the Common Good” by Kunstler

Introduction The journalist James Howard Kunstler is a supporter of the new urbanism, which promotes various civic amenities, such as walkable neighborhoods and a new sense of community feeling. More than that, this movement actively resists urban sprawl, which is considered to have a negative impact on the environment in...

Is the United States a Model Democracy?

Introduction A democracy is defined as a system of government that gives power to the people, who exercise it directly or indirectly by electing representatives to act on their behalf. The United States of America (USA) adopted a democratic style of government in 1776 that gives citizens the power to...

Feminist Theory Applied to the “Passengers” Film

Traditional male-female relationships continue to be central to the plot of most modern movies. However, despite progressive attitudes in society, the representations of females are viewed through the scope of sexuality and voyeurism, which differs from reality. The film Passengers is a modern blockbuster that creates an intimate setting for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Electoral College or Game of Elections

Introduction In America, the Electoral College selects the president as opposed to a popular vote. It means that the majority of American citizens cannot vote for a president directly. The issue results in the fact that candidates can be elected even if their opponents receive larger support from the population....

The Arabian Nights: Mysteries of a Faraway Kingdom

The Prologue The Arabian Nights is, perhaps, the best-known element of the Arabian folklore. However, reading the stories and especially the introduction to the book remains a thrilling adventure because of the emotional nature of the stories and the unique way of teaching moral lessons that each story offers. Still,...

African American Revolutionary Era

The revolutionary period that took place in the eighteenth century is among the most eventful eras in the U. S. history. The colonies’ ability to get beyond the British Empire’s control and implement their own public management policies became a critical historical juncture. Collaborating with the representatives of the white...

Grunge Rock History in the United States

Grunge rock is a pop culture phenomenon, an alternative rock style that combines the best of hardcore punk and heavy metal. It is characterized by loud, hoarse vocals, with personal anguish, sometimes there is slight aggression and mild propaganda of suicidal tendencies. Thanks to its eccentricity, rudeness, the richness of...

World Poverty as a Global Social Problem

Introduction Despite the recent scientific and technological successes, the problem of global poverty still affects millions of people in different parts of the world. Poverty and the key methods helping to reduce it attract the attention of numerous researchers in different areas of expertise. Even though the actual size of...

Renaissance and Modern Societies

Introduction The Renaissance is a generally talked about period on the planet’s history as it changed the targets and speed of humankind’s advancement. The procedures of the fifteenth century essentially influenced every single European nation. The life of customary individuals, just as that of the nobility, changed incredibly and began...

Beauty Standards in Media and Opposition to Them

Beauty standards and their presentation in media have become controversial topics in health discussions recently due to their relationship with the modern culture. One side claims that they are harmful, as they enforce unrealistic stereotypes and make people feel bad about themselves. They argue that current presentations of attractive people...

Staphylococcus Aureus Infection in Humans

Classification and Morphology The genus Staphylococcus has various species, which are mainly divided depending on their ability to cause clotting of the blood plasma. This process is referred to as the coagulase reaction. Staphylococcus aureus is coagulase-positive, implying they cause clotting. The organisms are mainly found in the axillae and...

“Lies My Teacher Told Me” and “The Loudest Voice in the Room”

Information is one of the most desired treasures of our world. One who possesses credible data can generate a significant advantage and win the rivalry. At the same time, corrupted data might also precondition serious alterations in people’s views and make them act in less effective ways. For this reason,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Leading Change” by John P. Kotter

Leading Change: Overview The book Leading Change by John P. Kotter, Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School, explores the concept of change management in great detail. The author begins with a thorough explanation of reasons for failure on the part of managers to realize new strategic goals, motivate employees,...

Living Illegally in the United States

Introduction People enter the United States and choose to stay in the country for a variety of reasons. This including escaping violence in their home county and hoping to build a better future for themselves and their families. However, these individuals place a burden on citizens paying taxes. In addition,...

Sternfeld’s Photo: McLean, Virginia, December 1978

Introduction Joel Sternfeld is considered one of the first artists to try color photography, with his works focusing on the exploration of the American psyche of the late 1970s and the 1980s. This period in U.S. history was associated with doubt and reflection, especially for the Western part of the...

World War I: Causes and the Entry of the US

Introduction World War I was witnessed in the course of 1914 following the assassination of a renowned global figure, namely, Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria-Este. The available historical evidence indicates that diverse aspects triggered this war, for instance, the emergence of imperialism and nationalism in the 19th century. The...

A Child Called “It” by Dave Pelzer

The book A Child Called “It” is a memoir written by Dave Pelzer. In the work, the author describes the pains and abuses he experienced in the hands of his mother (Pelzer, 1995). Throughout his early childhood, Pelzer’s mother was charming and friendly. She treated every person in the family...

No Gun Control: Dropping Ineffective Measures

In light of recent events, gun control has become one of the most debated issues in American society, creating two irreconcilable groups for and against heightened firearm regulation. Mass shootings increased gun violence, and general firearm safety issues have created an atmosphere of fear around what was perceived, overall, as...

Are Women Less Privileged in Society than Men?

Gender relations that are observed in the western world have transformed significantly during recent decades. Certain political, economic, and social changes, as well as historical events, have caused critical alterations in gender roles while making male domination less typical of the society in developed countries. While women remain to be...

Committee of Energy and Commerce’s Role in Healthcare

Introduction Health care in the United States of America is currently in crisis and soar need for sustainable reform. One of the barriers on the way to meaningful changes is political polarization, for the schism in opinions as to what direction healthcare policies shall take leads to inaction. Unfortunately, in...

Gun Control Rebuttal in the United States

Introduction The topic of gun control in the United States covers much more aspects of the social and legal life of the state than it might seem at first glance. Not only does this phenomenon reflect the uniqueness of American legislation in the possession and use of weapons by civilians;...

Low Wages and Inequality Solutions in the USA

Introduction Unemployment and low wages are the issues of the day in the USA. Despite the fact that official unemployment rates remain relatively low, standing at 4.1% (Paul et al.), the number of individuals being partially employed has increased dramatically. The high-paying end of the labor market enjoys reasonable yearly...