Management Issues: Local Strategy Concept

Businesses exist to serve specific clientele depending on the offerings of the company. Strategies are formulated by businesses to reach their target clientele depending on their dispersion or concentration in a region or countries. It is this classification that gives rise to either a local or a global strategy for...

Educational Preparation for Nurses

Differences in Competencies between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-Degree Level versus the Baccalaureate-Degree Level In some cases, it may be challenging (especially for a non-professional) to differentiate between the baccalaureate- and the associate-degree levels of nursing preparation. This difficulty is aggravated by the fact that both programs require passing the...

Police Administration: Structures, Processes and Behavior

Stress is defined as anything that can place an adjustive demand on any living organism (Charles etal, 2012). Distress refers to negative stress while eustress refers to positive stress. Hence, not all stressful events are depressing. For instance, stress can excite a gambler and thrill a matador athlete. In other...

Health Status of the African-American Minority Group

Health status among the present-day American population has been significantly increased due to the recent technological advance in health care. More and more diseases are cured, and many complex questions are answered. However, despite the fact that the progress has led to the prolonged life of the population, African American...

Main Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Any state organization for registered nurses is supposed to provide a set of standards encompassing all levels of nursing practice that can serve as a template of professional activity for nurses. Some aspects of performance are common for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders whereas others may differ (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber,...

Euthanasia Definition, Types, Pros and Cons

Introduction Overview Currently, innovation in medical science enables both life and death to be stretched (Biggs, 2001). Owing to this, a number of concerns about life and death in the society have been raised. Now, it is widely believed that modern-day medicine can force individuals to bear life past what...

Technology History: The Cost of Technological Advances

Introduction In contemporary world, where almost everything is handy and convenient due to technological advancement, one may appear ignorant if he or she happens to taunt technology. Technological growth has led to the development of products that mankind would have never thought. Nonetheless, in spite of the progress that humanity...

Philosophy Issues: The Allegory of The Cave by Plato

Introduction Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher. Although he travelled to Italy on several occasions, he spent the better part of his life in Athens. Having been born in a noble family, Plato had the benefit of acquiring the finest education as reflected in his collection of philosophical works that...

Market Competitiveness: Human Resource Management Approach

When a question is raised regarding the attractiveness of a job, the first thing that comes to mind is the salary. This is hardly surprising since it is the most approachable, transparent, and well-known way of rewarding employees. However, while employers’ market competitiveness can be indirectly assessed based on the...

Child Development: Youth and Crisis

According to the previous literature findings, the individual’s psychological maturation is interdependent with the development of identity and parent-child relations. Psychological maturation is defined as the individual’s capability to be socially functional in an adequate way. According to Erikson (1968), identity implies ‘‘the awareness of the fact that there are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Immokalee City Development: Farming or Gambling

Immokalee is a city in Florida with population of more than 24 thousand people. According to United States Census Bureau, the population of the city is constituted by the following race categories: white alone (43.2%), black alone (18.9%), American Indian (1%), Hispanic people (75.6%) (Immokalee CDP, 2014). At that, 42.6%...

Gardena Flowers and Plants Trading Company Analysis

Brief History Gardena Flowers and Plants Trading is an outdoor shop that specialises in the sale of plant nurseries, ceramic pots used to grow the plants, as well as outdoor deception materials used to beautify offices and homes. The company is ten months old having started in July, 2013. It...

Bagel Store Versus Subway

We face a new business threat from Subway’s entry of to our locality. The new Subway outlet is located on the same block as our Bagel store. This means that our regular clients will have the choice of either coming to our store or trying out the products offered by...

Colors in “The Thief of Bagdad” Movie by A. Korda

“The Thief of Bagdad is a 1940 British Technicolor Arabian fantasy film produced by Alexander Korda and directed by Michael Powell, Ludwig Berger, and Tim Whelan, with contributions by Korda’s brothers Vincent and Zoltán, and William Cameron Menzies. The film stars child actor Sabu, along with Conrad Veidt, John Justin,...

Healthcare Technological Advancements: Pros & Cons

Introduction Since the invention of the stethoscope in 1816, technology has continued to change healthcare in a positive way by enhancing and expanding the capabilities of clinicians (Ramundo, 2012). The various forms of technologies have transformed the way modern nurses work. The technology also progresses along with nursing roles in...

Workplace Violence in Nursing Practice

Workplace violence is an occupational hazard that has become typical of most workplaces across the world. Anderson, FitzGerald & Luck (2010) define workplace violence as an array of behaviors that range from mild violence to murder. It occurs in a variety of forms depending on a number of factors. According...

The National Picasso Museum in Paris

Name of the organization: Musée National Picasso-Paris Location: 5 Rue de Thorigny, 75003 Paris, France Description of the incident: a petition denouncing management style of Anne Baldassari Mission: According to the official site of the Museum, its main mission is to preserve “collections that are part of the French national...

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment: Risks and Benefits

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) belongs to long-term disorders in the autoimmune system and primarily affects the joints. However, the scope of its adverse impact may be wider and reach other body parts (Choy, 2012). Due to being a rather serious disease, RA constantly requires the scientists to come up with new...

Implementation of the Future Institute of Medicine

The Work of the Committee The work of the committee was to produce a report with recommendations on how to improve the future of nursing. To achieve its objectives, the committee was to assess the capacity of the nursing workforce and determine whether the capacity can match the demands within...

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in History and Art

Historical influences and inspirations of the grand mosque The mosque is named after Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the first president of the United Arab Emirates. Born in 1918, Sheikh Zayed was the Emir of Abu Dhabi and is known for his contributions towards the social and economic development...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cultural Competence in Nursing

Introduction The nursing profession has witnessed a number of emerging trends, which aim at improving service delivery in a contemporary work environment. One of the trends that have emerged in the nursing profession is cultural competency. Cultural competency refers to the ability of an individual to understand and relate well...

Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies

Importance of Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior is very important to the administrators at Pretoria University who use the marketing concept in providing quality meals at affordable prices for the students (Peter & Olson, 2010). The most puzzling aspect of consumer behavior is its dynamism. It causes wastage of resources (Shankar...

Early vs. Delayed Palliative Care Management

Key Information: Authors and Topic Alleviating pain in patients with oncology issues is one of the crucial tasks faced by nurses in the modern healthcare setting (Paice et al., 2016). In their study, Bakitas et al. (2015) compare early and delayed palliative care management techniques. Primary quantitative analysis was conducted...

War Changes in Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carry”

In the history of literature there were many writers who became the living witnesses of the horrific realities of their times; some of them were Erich Maria Remarque (who was a soldier during World War I), Elie Wiesel and Primo Levi (who survived in concentration camps during the World War...

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

Introduction In the same way, as people recognize New York under the moniker “The Big Apple”, upon hearing the appealing and optimistic nickname “The Sunshine State” people instantly think back to the state of Florida. However, too many people living in the state and Miami in particular, the name carries...

“Double Happiness” and “Do the Right Thing” Film Analysis

It is apparent that various countries, ethnicities, and researchers have different views about the cultural diversities. A primary goal of this essay is to compare and contrast the points about different attitudes towards diversities, which were presented in two movies, Double Happiness and Do the Right Thing. It is apparent...

Supply Chain Performance in the Chinese Market

Introduction In their article entitled, “Third-Party Logistics (3PL) and supply chain performance in the Chinese market: A conceptual framework,” Zhang and Okoroafo (2015) affirm that with the internationalization of business operations, competition amid different players has developed into rivalry amid supply chains. Though not explicit; the thesis of the authors...

Institutional Violence in Healthcare: Factors and Ways of Intervention

Precipitating Factors Institutional violence includes various institutionalized acts of aggression committed by societal agents (James & Gilliland, 2012). Healthcare workers, as people who play a frontline role during emergencies or crises, are more prone to victim aggression than other professionals are. In recent years, a number of factors, namely, substance...

Rape’ Definition and Dynamics

Definition of rape Rape is a form of sexual exploitation usually characterized by copulation or other related forms of penetration. It is criminal because it lacks consensus between the victim and the perpetrator (Cahill, 2001). In most cases, rape occurs through coercion or taking undue advantage over individuals who lack...

Martha Stewart’ Contract Dispute

On the 5th of March 2013, the New York Times reported that Martha Stewart had appeared before the New York State Supreme Court because of a dispute that sought to determine the issue of retailers enjoying the liberty to sell Martha’s merchandise, which included sheets, clothes, and other domestic stock....

Chemical Dependence in the United States

Introduction Substance use is an illegal industry that has cost the United States billions of dollars. Money that is meant for developmental projects is used to pay hospital bills and losses that are caused by drug abusers. Nonetheless, various factors drive individuals to misuse of drugs. Continuous use of drugs...

Arabic and American Cultural Differences

One of the most interesting things in the current world is the cultural diversity that comes from one country to another. Every person is a unique source of cultural preferences and ideas. People cannot even understand how lucky they are to talk to each other and share their cultural preferences,...

Immigration to the United States – the DREAM Act

Introduction The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a law that aims to offer permanent residency to immigrants who show good moral character and graduates of American institutions (Schwab 21). “The DREAM Act was introduced as a piece of bipartisan legislation in 2001 under the rhetoric...

Emotional Breakdown and Discharge at Work

Introduction: The Issue of Emotion Management in Workplace The emotional health of the employees is one of the key elements to the company’s success. As the management experts note: “Over the past ten years, increasing attention has been given to how workers express emotions in a variety of working setting”...

Kraft Foods’ and Abbott’s Diversity Management

Abstract Kraft Foods and Abbott are leaders in their industries, and they work to promote diversity and inclusive practices in the working environments. The practices and approaches followed in the organizations can be viewed as corresponding with the traditional diversity management practices that are discussed by researchers and practitioners as...

“Where Does the Money Go?” by Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson

Summary of the book In their book, Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson discuss various financial problems that currently affect the United States. Overall, the authors focus on such an issue as the growing national debt of the country (Bittle and Johnson 4). In their opinion, this tendency has long been...

“A Streetcar Named Desire” a Play by Elia Kazan

“A Streetcar Named Desire” is one of the most popular plays in the US history. Along with two other plays – “Glass Menagerie” and “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” – it brought its author Tennessee Williams tremendous success and fame. The themes opened in the story help the audience...

Seven-Eleven Japan Company: E-Commerce Website

This recommends the focus on benefits that can be obtained due to Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd. partnership with the prominent Japanese companies for the creation of the biggest business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce Website. In this way, it is critical to develop a strategy to make the targeted market buy on-line regardless...

Homeless as Vulnerable Population in the US

Introduction The vulnerable population that will be examined throughout this paper is homeless people. The geographic scope is limited to the USA to facilitate data mining and analysis. This population has been selected since a recent study has determined “a drastic surge” in the number of entire families that have...

Women’s Therapeutic Lifestyle Modification Study

“Effects of a three-month therapeutic lifestyle modification program to improve bone health in postmenopausal Korean women in a rural community: A randomized controlled trial.” by Oh et al. What were demographic variables measured at the nominal level of measurement in the Oh et al. (2014) study? Unlike ordinal and interval...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Miami Epidemiology and Healthy People 2020 Program

Introduction The analysis and study of disease distribution and determinants of illness condition in various populations are significant for forming a healthy nation. Increasing risks of infectious diseases and other illness conditions caused certain efforts to conduct appropriate surveillance and prevent some diseases. Thus, it is important to review the...

Environmental Pollution Effects on Health

Introduction Humans do not live in a vacuum but in a damaged environment that impacts individuals’ health every second of their existence. People cannot avoid air as they must breathe, water as they must drink, or land as they must eat what is grown in it. When polluted substances from...

Standardized Testing in the United States

Abstract While standardized testing has played a very important role during the Industrial Revolution and the twentieth century, recent studies have been increasingly pointing out the problems and inefficiencies of this method of education. Introduction The past decade has seen a massive increase in the amount of the standardized tests...

Laziness and Diligence in the Holy Bible Context

Introduction The Holy Bible is one of the most influential books in the history of humanity. This is no wonder, for it contains a great amount of wisdom that should be learned from. One of the always timely topics discussed in the Holy Scripture is the issue of diligence and...

The Arab Defeat Reasons in the 1967 War

Introduction Since its formation in 1948, the State of Israel has faced opposition from its Arab neighbors. This hostility comes from the perception that the Jews settled on land that historically belonged to the Palestinians. During the early years of Israel’s existence, the Arabs States made clear their intentions to...

Innovation and Marketing: Main Aspects

Introduction Creativity and innovation are essential for the enhancement of organizational performance and is a vital ingredient for long-term sustenance. The process of generation of a new and innovative idea is a way of creation of competitive advantage for people within the organization. Studies in the area of creativity and...

“What You Pawn I Will Redeem” by Sherman Alexie

In modern society, it is not shameful to interact with those who are homeless, provide them with assistance and free food in order to improve the quality of their lives. Nevertheless, even the most determined supporters of homeless people cannot prevent the development of vicious habits such as alcohol use...

Personal Development During Middle Adulthood

Identifying specific stages in personal development is essential to understanding the changes that one goes through. As a result, the problems that one may face at the specified time slots become easily identifiable and addressable. To evaluate the efficacy of the models suggested by Erikson, Vaillant, Levinson, and Peck, two...

Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores

Introduction Patient satisfaction is considered to be among the main determinants of care quality. Nurse communication is a significant factor contributing to the decline in patient satisfaction. Furthermore, communication issues can lead to medical errors and impaired treatment outcomes. According to Pierce and Dietz (2013), the process of patient handoff...

Pressure Ulcers and Management Methods

Pressure ulcers (PUs) are a significant problem that lowers the quality of life in patients; it can also have complications, which result in increased mortality (Sullivan & Schoelles, 2013). Apart from that, the prevention and management of PUs require complex and costly interventions that do not always demonstrate desired results...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A-Cat Corporation: Statistical Analysis

Description of the Scenario A-Cat Corporation is an Indian company that specializes in the production of electrical equipment for private and business use. A-Cat Corp. is not a big company, with around 40 employees and the orientation on rural area markets. Its chief product is a VR-500 voltage regulator, which...

Waldron Roux Silberstein Xao Group’s Strategic Position

Introduction WRSX is a global advertisement company that was established following the merger of three advertisement companies including the WWMV based in London, Silberstein based in USA as well as Roux Company from France. As such, it is one of those successful advertisement companies in the world due to the...

Buddhism and Classical Hinduism

Introduction Each religion of the East (classical Hinduism and Buddhism) teaches separate principles from one another. Every religion of the East may be similar in some way, but their rituals, books, and views of a higher being are different. Principles can be found in multiple religious traditions, but each religion...

Groupthink Psychology: Behavioral Decision Making

Introduction The observation of social behavior can demonstrate how people can adjust to each other and even change some of the views or attitudes. This paper is aimed at discussing the cooperation of students who need to join their efforts in order to achieve certain goals. Such interactions are particularly...

Psychological Treatment: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction The increased exposure to traumatic events has brought about clinical concerns that affect the health conditions of humans. An exposure to life-threatening situations or tragic events such as natural calamities, serious carnages, terror attacks, physical assaults, and sexual maltreatments may pose serious mental problems to survivors (Lovestrand, Phipps, &...

Eastern Gear Inc.’s Operational Issue and Solution

Major problems faced by Eastern Gear Inc. Eastern Gear Inc., based in Philadelphia, is a manufacturing company that produces a variety of gears. Currently, the company faces several problems in the operations. The operations of the company indicate that it lacks proper strategies and operational objectives. The operations of the...

Grieving Process and Its Stages

Introduction Elizabeth Kubler-Ross argues that human beings go through five systematic stages of grieving. These stages are not static in their occurrence (Klass & Walter, 2001). Sometimes they do not occur in the order she arranges them. She arrived at her conclusion after working with individuals suffering from different terminal...

Crisis Model of Institutional Violence Prevention

Introduction Human service professionals help people live their lives effectively. However, these professionals are at a high risk of being subjected to violent behavior from clients. This problem has become so pervasive that the American Psychological Association formed a task force to report on education and training in dealing with...

American Cuban Conundrum: Trade Relations

Analyze the key issue that prompted the EU to take the Helms-Burton dispute to the WTO The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a foundation that is responsible for handling issues of trade between nations, for instance, rules and regulations. This is aimed at ensuring that there is a smooth flow...

Farce’ Elements and Aspects in Plays

Farce is an inevitable element of theater and plays. Having a personal point of view about which elements of farce the theatric performances are to follow, Eric Bentley has created several aspects which are believed to be the part of farce. The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for...

Media Violence in ‘Witnessing’ by C. Rentschler

The observation essay ‘Witnessing: US citizenship and the vicarious experience of suffering’ by Carries Rentschler inspects the way the residents acquire and are probable to be a spectator to human misery by the means of mass interceded representations. According to the author, the residents ‘bear witness’ by the means of...

Oprah Winfrey and Network TV

Introduction Modern technology has enabled people to communicate effectively and this aspect has revolutionized how they conduct their daily activities. The entertainment industry has benefited from improved technology and television stations have earned public recognition through their programs. Media personalities have advanced their careers and this move has created room...

Rational Decision-Making Model in Medical Practice

Introduction Ethics is one of the major concerns of the modern word. The coherent society could be characterized by the significant shift towards the humanistic approach and appreciation of the basic values like tolerance, respect, dignity, etc. In this regard, we could now observe the tendency towards the increased attention...

Gender in Arab Politics, State and Business

Introduction Modern tendencies of globalization cause changes in all spheres of life. Gender does not remain unaffected as well. In this regard, it seems necessary to consider this issue in the context of the Arab world. This paper is aimed at contextualizing gender in the Arab context considering politics, state,...

Nursing Leadership and Management: Isaac’s Case

Nursing Leadership in Case of Isaac As an assistant nurse manager, I am responsible for addressing the problem, mediating the health care environment, understanding bullying dynamics, and intervening in a conflict or any other conflict-related situation if necessary (Lee, Bernstein, Lee, & Nokes, 2014). Furthermore, it is also important to...

Gordon Parks’ and Grant Wood’s Artistic Views on America

Art is one of the most important creations of the humanity. Artists manage to notice important trends occurring in the society and these works draw people’s attention to these trends. Of course, all people are different since all of them have different experiences and, hence, different views. Thus, Grant Wood...

Nursing Education in China and Poland

Introduction This exercise is an opportunity for me to examine the education system of China and Poland. China’s economic and population growth rates can be used to outline the unique aspects of its education system. Poland’s healthcare sector has been growing steadily over the past two decades (Sztembis, 2006). My...

Jane Martin’s “Beauty” Drama

Introduction Beauty is an important aspect in many societies. Many people are conscious of how they look. The reality is evident even in medieval communities, where people used to put marks on their bodies to enhance their physical appearances. In contemporary society, obsession with beauty and physical appearance is manifested...

Nurse Manager as a Coach

Coaching Model The nurse manager as a coach inspires, guides, and supports new nurses and addresses performance issues. A coaching session focuses on finding a solution to an identified clinical situation. Dressler (2015) writes that planning for a solution should be the focus of a coaching session from the outset....

Counseling, Its Ethical Standards and Principles

The Significance of Ethics in Counseling In the practice of psychology, ethics of conduct constitute a crucial part of professional competence. Counselors and other specialists in psychology interact with diverse individuals on the everyday basis, and the universal ethical values, as well as the specifically formulated professional standards introduced by...

System of Medical Order Communication

Input An examination of the proposed system of medical order communication as well as the presentations on input technologies revealed a viable attempt at replacing an archaic and inefficient system however I believe that what they are attempting to accomplish has to room for improvement. More and more companies are...

Self-Censorship in Literature Classes

The issue of self-censorship is a relevant one because, in our rapidly changing world, the literature that is seen as “fitting” into the curricula often does not adequately reflect the processes and events that happened. This happens because of the self-censorship of teachers or whole institutions that believe adolescents need...

“Teaching to the Test?” by James Popham

In the paper titled Teaching to the test: high crime, misdemeanor, or just good instruction, James Popham talks about teaching targeted at helping students pass exams and contrasts it with teaching aimed at helping students gain knowledge (Popham 1). Popham describes the kind of teaching whose main purpose is the...

Pain Assessment in Elderly Adults

The assessment of pain and home environments with the focus on possibilities of falls is important for understanding experiences of older persons and developing appropriate interventions. The purpose of this paper is to provide the results of the interview with an older female regarding her perception of pain. The paper...

The Amazing Life of Telemachus

Introduction Many people in the world value their lives, and they cannot sacrifice it for any reason. However, Telemachus sacrificed his life for the sake of the helpless slaves and political prisoners. He found a crowd in Rome being entertained by the gladiator fights. He could not find it logical...

Long-Term Outcome of Insulin Pump Therapy

Johnson, S., Cooper, M., Jones, T., & Davis, E. (2013). Long-Term Outcome of Insulin Pump Therapy in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Assessed in a Large Population-Based Case-Control Study. Diabetologia, 1(1), 1-9. Article’s Main Idea for Children The article “Long-Term Outcome of Insulin Pump Therapy in Children with Type 1...

Judgment in the Decision Making

Introduction Whenever faced with a decision, an individual believes in weighing the facts in an objective manner in order to make a rational and well-informed decision. In such incidences, an individual requires careful judgment although scientists suggest that one gets influence from internal biases. Different Businesses adopt varied mechanisms to...

City Administration and Human Services Issues

Income Inequality — Reasons For Being Out Of Trend Income inequality has always been considered one of the most urgent problems in society. The federal government, as well as local authorities, realized the need to address the issue of income inequality. Such a tendency was predetermined by the fact that...

Religion Role in the Society

Introduction God is the originator of religion. He created the world and the people in it and established some general principles and laws which they were instructed to follow. God spoke through selected prophets who heard him speak and recorded his words (Johnstone 21). He revealed to the people through...

Ethical Issues: Euthanasia Debate

Introduction Voluntary euthanasia occurs due to permission from the patient. On the other hand, involuntary euthanasia may be carried when the patient is not in a position to make a decision or did not leave a good will. Active euthanasia happens when a third party carries out a deliberate act...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Power of Alcohol: Human Inability to Control Demands

A number of investigations conducted to define what prevents people from having happy and healthy lives. Money, drugs, unemployment… Each issue has its own value and effect. However, David Nutt admits that the idea of alcohol is missed in this list. The representatives of the government failed to define that...

Tay-Sachs Disease, Its Signs and Symptoms

Introduction The causal factor for Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic mutation occurring in the HEXA gene (Yerramilli-Rao, Giannikopoulos, Kublis, Pan, & Eichler, 2012). Genetic mutations represent a lasting modification in the DNA chain that forms the gene; this results in the malfunction of one or many progressions in a person’s...

Nursing Home Innovative Care Model in the US

Introduction Nowadays, the shortage of nursing workforce, as well as a discouraging prognosis for the years to come, leads us to believe it is necessary to develop new innovative nursing care delivery models. As the main health care focus shifts to the elderly and chronic disease (Norlander, 2011, p. 401),...

Education for Patients with Heart Disease

Introduction Every hospital is obliged to conduct specialized pieces of training for people with heart diseases to make them aware of different actions that might have an adverse impact on their health. It is essential to identify whether education sessions (thirty minutes long) reduce the rate of hospital readmissions for...

Sociology: “Alcoholics Anonymous” by Bill Wilson

Summary The book “Alcoholics Anonymous” gives a detailed analysis of the health challenges and decisions made by Bill Wilson. The narrator struggled with alcoholism for many years. In the beginning, the narrator was not ready to partner with different believers. According to the text, when people talked “of a God...

Classroom Management and Techniques to Incorporate in Student’s Reinforcement Plan

Managing a classroom is a very complicated affair in modern times. Teachers are faced with many challenges in the course of handling students in classrooms. The modern student is more rebellious towards authority either as a result of lifestyle differences, the influence of drug and substance abuse, or social pressure...

Business Management: Cross-Training Theory

Introduction To optimize productivity benefits, businesses today are cross-training their employees to leap the economies of scale that come with such strategies. Cross-training refers to the coaching of employees in a variety of skills and responsibilities in various tasks so as to improve their effectiveness in the performance of their...

Nationalist Ideas Role in Other Ideological Perspectives

Nationalist ideas have played a very important role in the history of humanity as these ideas have constantly reshaped political world maps. Heywood (2007) argues that nationalism often developed within such ideologies as conservatism and liberalism. Notably, nationalist ideas become more influential in the period of social and economic instability....

Wasted Resources and Efforts in Healthcare

The cost of healthcare, in most countries globally, is today extremely high due to the wasteful use of resources and efforts. For instance, the United States has among the highest per capita spending on health, yet has worse health outcomes relative to other developed nations. Precisely, more than 30% of...

“A View of the Roman Countryside” by Benouville

Introduction A View of the Roman Countryside, an oil painting produced by Jean-Achille Benouville in 1848, can be currently viewed at the Museum of Fine Arts in Huston. The painting illustrates the peaceful countryside on a cloudless sunny day. The central element is nature, although some minor details such as...

Self-Efficacy Motivation in Mathematics Learning

Introduction A major challenge facing mathematics teachers and teacher trainees is how to deal with the negative attitude many students have towards the subject. They often discover a disparity between their students in that some take naturally to the discipline, while others appear unable or unwilling to grasp its constituent...

Diabetes in American Adolescents and Its Effects

Introduction: Background of study Problem The problem of rising cases of diabetes among adolescents has raised concerns within the healthcare sector, in terms of the cost of managing the diseases and its impacts of the health of the young adults. In fact, recent statistics suggests that about 4% of teenagers...

What is Happening to the Honey Bees

Introduction It has been reported lately that more than a third of the entire population of bees in the United States died out this summer of 2009. Christian Science monitor reports, “Suddenly, the bees farmers and growers rely on are vanishing. Researchers are scrambling to find out why”. (Velasquez-Manoff, 1)...

LED Lighting and the Future of Lighting Technology

Introduction A century has elapsed since electroluminescence was demonstrated in a laboratory and nearly five decades since the invention of the light-emitting diode (LED) by Nick Holonyak, Jr., then of General Electric. Holonyak succeeded in a method of synthesizing gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP) crystals that, when switched on, glowed with...

Benefits of Being and Staying Positive

The secret of character and leadership It is commonplace that character forms the basis on which all pertinent decisions that influence leadership can be made. It should also be noted that a leader’s behavior is the best indicator of his or her character. As a result, scholars have argued that...

Glamour Banquet Hall’s Business Plan

History and background information Business name The business will be called Glamour Banquet Hall, Inc. registered in the State of New York. General description of the business Glamour Banquet will be a freestanding facility business providing space and party related services. Justification for business choice Rising demand for free-stand banquet...

History of Post WWII

Introduction The post WWII years turned to be rather challenging for the world. It became the beginning of the new era of global development, including the escalating confrontation between Soviet and Imperialistic blocks, the beginning of the Cold War with its détentes and escalations. The invention of missile weapons led...

Proof Requiring and Sentencing in Entrapment Cases

United States v. Diaz-Maldonado, 727 F.3d 130 (2013) Facts The case was argued for 5 days with the jury reaching a decision on 30 March 2012. Christian Diaz-Maldonado was a Commonwealth correctional officer and the target of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during investigations of corrupt law enforcement officers...

Distance Learning and Social Change

Abstract Distance learning can be defined as a form of education where learners can learn wherever they are through the use of technology. Distance learning faces some challenges. The main issue is the quality of the instruction. The instructions which reach the students attending distant learning classes really matters. It...

Nurses’ Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence

Why the Article is Quantitative The selected research article offers quantitative research because it has been deployed to quantify the problem using data in numerical form to generate important and useable statistics. Such studies help in offering numerical interpretations of people’s actions, thoughts, judgment, and other explicit elements. Quantitative research...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare Financing and Patient Care Quality

Speaking about such sphere of human activity as healthcare and medicine, it is important to mention that a wide range of problems that may occur in healthcare settings are at the confluence of financial matters and the quality of patient care. Even though the measures taken by healthcare specialists to...

“In and Out of Africa” by Fred J. Lincoln Documentary

In and Out of Africa is a documentary film that engages the viewers into an intelligent and perceptive overview of African art and culture. The documentary explores authenticity, racial politics with humor and irony, as well as emphasizes the role of transnational trade in shaping African art. The movie intertwines...

Women’s Health Teaching Proposal: on Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Diet and Activity

Population addressed This paper addresses middle-aged women: the women who are from 35 to 65 years old. During this period of their lives, women often encounter health problems, which makes health teaching particularly important in this respect. Importance During their middle age women go through natural aging processes along with...

Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in Studies

Introduction There are two basic approaches to research: quantitative and qualitative. They use different data and methods; also, they can be connected to different attitudes towards knowledge and research (Polit & Beck, 2017). The present paper considers the examples of these approaches and compares and contrasts them. It demonstrates that...

Risk Adverse vs. Risk Tolerance in Biodiversity

In the case of risk adverse situations, it is possible to make contradictory preferences when the problem comes in different forms. In other words, choices are made depending on the circumstances. The risk aversion occurs when the positive outcome is smaller, though with greater certainty. The situation is different when...

Healthy Nutrition for Vulnerable Aging Population

Healthy eating is an important component of healthy lifestyles that can help people maintain good health throughout their lives. However, many older persons have limited access to high-quality products and often have harmful dietary habits. In the 1970s, it was acknowledged that older citizens who had unhealthy diets were at...

Public Administration and Fiscal Policy

In regards to public administration: What are the various types of taxes used by governments? Who are the actors that make funding decisions? How are they accountable to the public? How does the public influence this process? Why is taxing and spending so controversial? Any government relies on taxes to...

Growth of Nuclear Weapons

Introduction Since the end of the Second World War, countries have become concerned on how they can manage the use of nuclear weapons however, some countries that have nuclear weapons in their military bases and are continuing to develop other. During this period, the United States and Soviet Union had...

The Theme of Justice in the Old and the New Testament

Introduction: Tracing the Discrepancies between the Testaments God’s decisions differ. This statement is often used to describe the content of two Testaments. The scholars of all times have been investigating the sources and the logical explanations of some discrepancies that put a strong line of demarcation between the Old and...

New Archaeology and National Self-Identification

Archaeology is the study focused on the past. The days of the past make a significant impact on the development of the present events. Moreover, the past is what shapes people’s identities. That way, the contemporary individuals mainly identify and act based on how the evidence of the past is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aggression and Violence Towards Animals

Specific purpose: to inform my audience regarding the abuse of animals. Central idea: violence against animals is commonly undervalued; however, abuse of animals can consequently lead to cruelty and aggressiveness towards a human being. Introduction A. Opening statement: Attitude towards animals is an important aspect of human life that affects...

Music Therapy in Nurse’s Work

Introduction There is no doubt that music can be regarded as one of the greatest inventions of humanity. The phenomenon of music is difficult to be described in words as it touches upon the sphere of human feelings that present quite a poorly studied side of our nature. Because of...

Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development

Introduction It has been acknowledged that teaching careers are based on the principle of sharing knowledge and experiences. Educators are passing on certain knowledge and skills to younger generations. There are different ways to improve this process and a proper combination of curriculum, instruction and development can be crucial. Importantly,...

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.’s Safety Policies

The case study by Quelch and Rodriguez (2016) provides the reader with an overview of the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) aspects of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. policies. In the context of the meeting discussed, the issue of positioning and differentiating is raised. Mainly, the CEO and the senior vice...

Inductive and Deductive Theory in Case Studies

David Takeuchi’s Survey at the University of Hawaii Summary The case study describes a survey performed by David Takeuchi and his team in 1974 which aimed at explaining the reasons for different treatment of marijuana by the students of the University of Hawaii (Babbie, 2016). Various explanations for this issue...

Stories from the Syrian Revolution by Lafferty et al.

The Fear of Breathing: Stories from the Syrian Revolution is a powerful, appealing and, at the same time, controversial play that provides insights into the real life of Syrian people who have suffered from the war. The play has been written by a theatre director, Zoe Lafferty, and two award-winning...

Electronic Medical Record System Implementation

Question 1: Describe a healthcare product and/or service that you think would be marketable in an international market of your choice. How would you go about ensuring that intellectual property and other legal issues are addressed when introducing this product into the selected market? Healthcare marketing is a developing field...

Nurse Leader Competencies

Introduction Medical practice is characterized by different specialties and professions. Health practitioners working in different settings must possess specific competencies in an attempt to support the needs of their clients. The outstanding fact is that direct and indirect care providers possess some universal competencies (Roussel, 2013). A proper knowledge of...

Horror Films in Dumas’s and Kendrick’s Theories

Horror films refer to the emotional field of fear, but not all of them are frightening enough. What lies at the root of such films? Chris Dumas claims that Freud‘s Oedipus complex revealed in childhood sexuality issues is the key component of the horror films while James Kendrick believes that...

Theme in Henry James’s “Daisy Miller”

“Daisy Miller” is one of the most remarkable novellas written by Henry James in 1878. In his novella, James focuses on the opposition in visions typical for the Americans and Europeans living in the 1870s. From this point, “Daisy Miller” addresses the question of the morality based on certain social...

School Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the United States

Abstract This essay provides an overview of school sex education and teenage pregnancy in the United States. The United States government has heavily invested in the abstinence-only education program in a bid to alleviate teenage pregnancy. Nonetheless, United States is one of the leading countries in the developed world that...

Chevrolet Equinox: Advertising and Sales Promotion

When one looks at the number of sales a company makes, one determines the stability and profitability of the enterprise. In order to realize positive results a business must invest in intensive marketing techniques. Advertising and sales promotions make up the means and ways to achieve the desired outcomes. The...

Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized and Crack or Cocaine Remain Illegal

Legal use of marijuana Marijuana (cannabis) has varied medicinal uses, and many States in the Americas have allowed the possession and use of small quantities of marijuana for medicinal purposes only. This is consistent with the fact that “Eleven states in the United States passed laws allowing cannabis possession and...

Positive & Negative Role Models in Sports

Introduction The recent focus of the American media on role models, especially in sports has raised eyebrows with many role models being caught on the wrong. Under these circumstances, it is imperative that people who are positive role models are identified (McClellan par. 1-10). In this paper, I explore two...

Cell Phones May Cause Autism

The article under consideration “Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations and Mechanisms” (2007) is taken from the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, Vol. 26, no.2, pp. 3-7.n The article was written by Tamara J. Mariea (Internal Balance Inc, Nashville TN...

Counseling Profession: Origin and Description

Abstract The paper concentrates on the introduction that gives brief information about the origin of counseling and the people who pioneered it. It also gives a somewhat detailed description of their works and how they helped the development of guidance and counseling. Their discoveries and achievements are also highlighted. Introduction...

Playful Company Culture and Job Satisfaction

Literature Review Job satisfaction is determined by a number of factors such as leadership or management styles, human resource policies and organisation’s culture. Job satisfaction is the extent at which employees feel contented with the roles they play at workplace. It can also be defined as the feeling of personal...

World War I and Political World Domination

Scholarly Literature on the Origins of World War I The first source under consideration is William Mulligan’s “The origins of the First World War,” a large-scale investigation of the causal aspects that led to the outbreak of the Great War. The author focuses primarily on the history of international diplomatic...

Kodak Company Corporate, Business and Functional Strategies

Eastman Kodak is struggling severe competition and the company has to come up with effective solutions to regain its status of the leader in the industry. It is necessary to note that the strategies Kodak is using are connected with the company’s vision and mission. The company’s vision involves improvement...

Work-Life Balance and Time Management

Introduction Topic Description The study aims to analyze the features of the life-work balance. The central question of the research relates to why people cannot competently calculate their time to pay equal attention to work responsibilities and personal life. Also, the article considers the ways that may help to find...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Renewable Energy Sources: Definition, Types and Stocks

Introduction This research report analyzes the growing interest of the use renewable energy as an alternative to the non-renewable energy. In the past, the world has totally relied on traditional energy sources like gas, oil, and coal. The global growth of industrialization in the entire world especially in China, India,...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Cognitive Therapy

Abstract Psychological therapies have been used to offer assistant to psychological patient. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder that is associated with traumatic experience. The paper looks into the therapies that can be used with this disorder. Cognitive and Behavioural therapies are identified as appropriate for PTSD. The paper gives...

Congestive Heart Failure Education and Readmission Rates

Developing a Question In elderly patients (P), does receive congestive heart failure education with a post-discharge follow-up (I) compared to not receiving one (C) decrease the risk of heart failure readmissions (O) within a month’s time post-discharge (T)? Identifying a Problem Setting The problem of educational deficit in relation to...

Religious States and Experiences

Collective Effervescence According to Emile Durkheim, collective effervescence is the key element of various religious experiences. This concept is used to describe the feeling of exaltation that a person may have at the time when he/she participates in religious rituals as a member of the community. Under such circumstance, an...

Modernism in Hemingway’s “Big Two-Hearted River”

Introduction Big Two-Hearted River, a short story written by Ernest Hemingway and first published in 1925, tells the readers about the feelings, thoughts, and perceptions of Nick Adams, the story’s main character, that he had during his visit to the river. The text contains virtually no significant events and no...

Problems with Reading, Writing and Spelling: Dyslexia

Abstract Reading, writing, and spelling challenges characterize dyslexia. The condition can be detected and addressed at an early age using the appropriate teaching methods. Dyslexia arises as a result of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors. Tools like Nessy’s Dyslexia Quest screening instrument and Dyslexia+ Profiler can help to assess the...

Karen Swift’s Action Research Design

Abstract Those investigators who choose to use the action research to find effective solutions in such social and educational spheres as teaching are oriented to investigating the problem while involving participants in the research and to developing the collaborative interaction of researchers and participants. Researchers focus on finding ways to...

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issue

The special balancing test used in evaluating the admissibility of prior uncharged felony convictions of a defendant who takes the stand The prior convictions of a defendant who takes the stand usually have only slight relevance to the current prosecution but can have an emotional impact upon the juries (Hails,...

Do Electronic Voting Machines Improve the Voting Process?

Electronic voting machines comprise of a variety of gadgets used to facilitate the actual voting process and counting of votes. In order to assess whether electronic voting machines really improve the voting process, there is a need to examine the advantages, disadvantages, and impacts of the electronic voting system. In...

Lamb – the Gospel According to Biff

There are many ways to view religion and interpret various events related to a specific religion. There can be the moments of joy and the moments of sadness, the times when God seems a threatening, powerful and mysterious creature, and the times when God appears a caring and loving Father...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racism and Masculinity in the Film “A Soldier’s Story”

Discrimination and prejudice always result in pain and suffering. The magnitude of these can vary from the Nazi genocide of Jews, the American use of Blacks as slaves – which could involve e.g. using them as test subjects, for instance, to perform more than thirty gynecologic surgeries on a 17-year-old...

Sociology: Stereotypes and Their Influence

Introduction The concept of social stereotype was brought into scientific use by Walter Lippman, who considered it as the ordered, and schematic image or picture determined by the culture of the world in people’s head. Lippman outlined the following principal causes based on which people resort to stereo-identification: first, based...

Vaccines: Should Parents Avoid Vaccinating Their Children?

Abstract Since the creation of the first vaccine against smallpox about two hundred years ago, the debates regarding the integrity, efficiency, and security of vaccination. It has recently been debated, “whether laws should be introduced that render some or all vaccines obligatory for all children” (Rinner, 2010, p. 121). This...

Hospital Senior Managers in Total Quality Management

In the past, it was widely believed that Total Quality Management (TQM) was linked to business and manufacturing activities. However, nowadays, this practice is actively employed by different service providers including medical facilities (Ramseook-Munhurrun, Munhurrun, & Panchoo, 2011). It could be said that this strategy has a vital impact on...

Youngsters Needs and Accomplishments

Abstract Human beings go through various developmental stages before they attain the old age whereby the elderly are expected to mentor the youth by ensuring that they equip them with the necessary information that would facilitate the attainment of their wishes and aspirations in life. Several theorists, including Sigmund Freud...

The Potential Benefits of Genetic Engineering

Nowadays, people strive to improve the quality of life, focus on higher accomplishments, and try to find new ways to overcome such social problems as diseases and hunger. In this context, genetic engineering seems to be the potential to improve the quality of life because of creating new and improved...

Clinton’s and Bush’s Foreign Policy and the 9/11

In 1992, Benjamin R. Barber published an article named Jihad Vs. McWorld. For those living in the 1990s, it was just a reflection on events occurring in the world of that time but reading it nowadays one can find that his idea of two political futures is prophetic. In 1992,...

Ice-Fili Company’s Brand

Introduction A medium-sized Russian ice-cream producer, Ice-Fili, is still a middle store. The company is dominating the Russian top ice-cream production. However, according to Bernard Koopmans’s market share targets, the company does not have a stable dominating market share. The company only boasts of 4.3% market share which is very...

Women’s Health: Depression as a Psychological Factor

Biophysical, Psychological, Sociocultural, Behavioral and Health System Factors Women who identify themselves as lesbian are likely to experience depression as well as anxiety. Betty is depressed, and there are certain reasons for that as well as factors that contribute to the development of depression. Biophysical, psychological, sociocultural, behavioral, and health...

American vs. Chinese, Indian, Russian Power

Introduction After the Cold War, the US has been the major world power together with Europe and China. However, today we can see that the picture of the world is gradually changing. The US still remains the superpower, but there is a growth in other countries’ power, too. They gain...