Systems Thinking In Organiztions

Introduction An organization system is a compilation of elements or units that are well incorporated to achieve a general aim. The system consists of entities that undertake a course of action to generate definite outcomes that collectively, result in the desired yield for the arrangement. Therefore, a system comprises numerous...

Community Policing Assignment: A History of Police Work in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system helps in the enforcement of the laws by ensuring that any individual who breaks the law is arrested and charged for the wrongs done. The police are part of the criminal justice system and are responsible for the arresting of the law breakers and gathering...

The Gap Company: Purpose and Mission

Company Profile The Gap, Inc. started after its incorporation in 1969 and it has become a global retailer of clothing, accessories and personal care products under the apparel store industry. Its products are uniquely designed and made for men, women, children, and babies and are being marketed under the familiar...

Environmental Ethical Issues: History, Current Events, and Significance

History of environmental ethical issues Environmental ethics entails the part of environmental morals and philosophy aiming at extending the boundaries of ethics (traditional) from particularly including human beings to include other non-human players in the world and universe in general. Environmental ethics exerts its influence on several disciplines such as...

World Trade Organisation in the Modern Global Economy

Acknowledgments This report would not have been made possible without the kind assistance of university librarians who assisted me in tracking down the correct books and articles needed for data collection. Moreover, the bulk of the research was done online particularly when it comes to accessing the Internet to retrieve...

Theoretical Models of the HR Role

Introduction In the scant ten decades since employee relations evolved from productivity-increasing ‘time and motion’ studies to ‘strategic HR’, the role of human relations practitioners has changed many times. Welfare management came and went. This was followed by administration, negotiation with newly-assertive unions, legal compliance and organisational development, all roles...

From Antiquity to 1648: Religion Is a Public Matter

From antiquity to the 17th century, religion is a very public matter in Europe and the rest of the world. A casual study of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire will reveal the same thing. This is more evident when tracing the development of the most dominant religion in Europe...

Phenomenon of Cinderella Tales

Cinderella is one of the most popular characters in the history of the world’s fairy tales. This character could be modified in some ways by certain national cultures and in other ways by other cultures but the very essence of the story about Cinderella has always remained unchanged. It depicted...

Singapore Armed Forces in Counter-Terrorism Efforts

Introduction The floodgates of heaven remained open amidst the ominous gray sky as Lo Hwei Yen’s coffin was carried out of church. Her heartrending death in Mumbai at the bloodied hands of terrorists after having been taken hostage had led to a national outpouring of grief over Singapore’s first victim...

Our Demons in the Machine: Study of Language, Network Societies and Illiteracy on the Web

The gradual technological advances continue to modify the way people do their business, have rest, and interact with others. For instance, the development of a tiny integrated circuit (SoC) made way for modern smartphones that became relatively compact and affordable daily assistants for their users. In 2018, 96% of Americans...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Formation and Development of Personality Traits

Introduction Personality formation is one of the crucial processes for a person. It occurs to one degree or another throughout human life. Through this process, people acquire certain traits. Many of them are universal for the society in which a person is brought up. For example, this is influenced by...

People’s Attitude Towards Death

Nowadays, death is an integral part of the life cycle of any person, which will meet everyone in one day. However, there are different times, various circumstances and reasons for death, so most people are afraid of this day in their lives and their friend and families. This fear is...

Treatment Strategies for an Elderly Patient

Case Study: Mr. M In the case under analysis, Mr. M, a 70-year-old male, is a patient whose condition continues deteriorating quickly during the last two months. He is a resident of an assisted living facility, who takes medications like Lisinopril and Lipitor to control his hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. The...

“Antecedents of Severe and Non-Severe Medication Errors” by Chang

Introduction In the world of constant dangers for medical support, people are trying to be more conscientious about the appropriate medication without the drawbacks of the personnel. In other words, the idea of medicine should contemplate the idea of professionalism and the constant process of qualification improvement. The problem of...

Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology and Management Comparison

Introduction There are several disorders within the human nervous system. The main causes of most of these disorders are not known (Wiendl & Hohlfeld, 2009). However, the majority are believed to be genetically induced while others are because of the chronic infections of the pathogens. Among the nervous system, disorders...

Nursing Personnel Role in Burn Care

Research Goals The first goal of this study is to explore the experiences and perceptions of nurses who offer psychological care to victims of burns in healthcare institutions. The second goal of the study is to highlight areas within the healthcare sector that require assessment, improvement or complete reforms to...

“Farewell”: Interpersonal Communication in the Film

Introduction Communication is a critical element in building interpersonal relationships between individuals in the modern world. The multiple spheres, including economic, political, social, and cultural, depend on effective communication for better understanding between people. With the growing influence of globalization tendencies on contemporary people, communication remains a vital tool capable...

The Decision to Seek Abortions

Introduction Giving birth to a child is like creating a long-term project in which deadlines are fixed, expenses are calculated, and all tasks are divided between participants. However, it does not always work this way as the required resources might not correlate with one’s circumstances. In this case, the upcoming...

Improving Stress Resistance in Agricultural Crops

Introduction Traits that protect the crop yielding potentiality will always be vital. Advanced technologies are being used to design products for insect control such as dsRNA which generate new modes of action. Research efforts mainly focused on enhancing complex traits like biotic stress mitigation and intrinsic yield potential which are...

Human Reproduction: Fertilization

Introduction Background of the study Fertilization is the initial stage of human reproduction or procreation which involves the fusion of a female’s ovum or egg with the male’s sperm in the ampulla of the uterus (Cummings, 2009, p.165). The union occurs when a male and a female engage in sexual...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of Cultural Relativism in Healthcare

The contemporary world has become one global village, thus creating a multicultural society internationally. In healthcare, professionals are thus expected to interact with patients from various cultures, and without being competent, the delivery of quality, effective, and timely care services could be impaired. For instance, due to the influence of...

Pain Prevalence, Assessment and Management

Pain is a salient symptom for most conditions that are usually treated in the acute settings. Reasons for this pain are varied, and most patients prefer to endure their pain until they cannot put up with it any longer. The hospital environment does not seem to soothe patients, and, alongside...

Comparing and Contrasting Sheryl Crow and Hootie and the Blowfish

No matter what genres are used to express an artistic intent, at its core, all music seems to appeal to the same emotions and experiences. Therefore, the artists that could seem barely comparable at first appear to have a lot in common at second glance, as the overview of music...

Mentorship as a Challenge

“It is like a picture that a painter paints and then he cannot hang it when he has a show and nobody will buy it because they cannot hang it either” (Hemingway). In this quote from Hemingway’s essay “Miss Stein Instructs,” the author shows the nature of mentorship he received...

Effects of Trauma Training Programs and Trauma Quality Indicators

Willis, C. D., Stoelwinder, J. U., & Cameron, P. A. (2008). Interpreting process indicators in trauma care: construct validity versus confounding by indication. Int J Qual Health Care, 20(5),331-8. Quality indicators have found increased use in health systems based on a widely held assumption that QIs is a compelling indicator of the...

Brady v. Maryland Case Study

Brady v. Maryland is one of the landmark cases in criminal justice decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. The case was an appeal following the first-degree murder committed by two perpetrators, John L. Brady and Donald Boblit were both sentenced to death for first-degree murder. While the...

The Efficacy of Inhaled Insulin

Inhaled insulin is associated with positive outcomes in patients with type 1 diabetes. Various studies, discussed in this paper aim at showing that the benefits from using inhaled insulin to manage diabetes type 1 and 2 are similar to those from using subcutaneous insulin. The study by Garg et al....

American Revolutionary War and Its Significance

Introduction The American Revolutionary War was of significance because its conclusion marked the beginning of a new country that would eventually become the greatest economic and military force in human history. The outcome was nothing less than miraculous given the overwhelming advantage of the British military. How could a group...

Unethical Behavior in Government in the US

Abstract Public Administration and unethical behavior are two sides of a coin, this paper will consider the example of the US and the unethical behavior of the government will be brought to the light. There are various types of governments in countries world over, for instance many countries follow Democracy...

The 1920s Fashion: Historical Overview

Introduction Fashion has long been accepted as either a form of expression or establishment of social status. People wear clothes in order to belong to a class as it was earlier indicated that those who are moneyed have the means to pay for stylists or designers for newer looks. This...

How Signs Are Used to Construct Meaning

Introduction Semiotics, the study of processes of signs, as well as the use of symbols in communication at both a personal and a grouped setting is often viewed at as the basic element of the construction and understanding of meaning. Furthermore, signs have been known to mediate meaning, thus confirming...

Andrew Jackson, the President of the US

The great president of America, Andrew Jackson was born in a backwoods settlement in the Carolinas in 1767. He was the 7th president of America. Though he had an irregular education, he won great acclaim and popularity as a lawyer with his habit of reading books in his late teens....

Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities: Instructional Technique

Introduction Nowadays approximately 130,000 somehow disabled children are born within the USA. (Debbie Tipton, 2002) The disabilities these babies have vary in their degree, progression and they also vary in their form. The researches, done in this sphere include the publications, devoted to the methods of teaching and developing special...

Appearance, Power, and Identity of Human Beings

Appearance, identity, and power are all important aspects of the human being in society. This paper, first of all, defines the three aspects and looks into the relationships between appearance, identity, and power and how they influence life. Appearance can be defined as the physical outlook of a person as...

Efficacy and Safety of Human Papillomavirus ‘Gardasil’

Introduction Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, and continued HPV infection can cause cervical cancer in women, anal cancer, genital cancer, and genital warts in both men and women. First epidemiological data, derived from the U.S National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,...

American Credit: Exploring Its History and Predicting Its Future

Credit in the contemporary American culture has become a vital part of our everyday life because it makes the management of people’s finances easier and more accessible through the means of borrowing money and paying it later. When people use credit, they can satisfy their needs for today and pay...

Book Divided by Faith by Michael Emerson Review

The book is a general attempt to shed light on the racial prejudices that exist in American society. People, through various institutions, have brought back the racial boundaries that have existed there before. As much as people are trying to fight racial prejudice that is a source of inequality in...

Peaceful Co-Existence beetween World Religions

There is an African Swahili proverb that says, two giant bulls cannot share one cattle shed. I believe it must be because they would tear each other to pieces. Religious groups around the world cannot peacefully co-exist with each other for the simple reason that they unbendingly believe that they...

Nurses’ Nap Experiences and Implementation Process

Purpose, Research Question, and Hypothesis of the Study Chosen Gieger-Brown et al. (2016) conducted an experimental study to determine the challenges of successful implementation of naps and demonstrate the experiences of nurses during night shifts. They aimed to evaluate the helpfulness of such naps and answer the question, “What are...

Shoelace Manufacturing Company’s Supply Chain Management

Introduction The world of business in the twenty first century is getting more and more competitive as time goes by. The concept of globalization and free trade has only increased the issue further. This is true for any sector in the market which includes manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, and service providers....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Globalization, the Sex Trade and HIV-AIDS

Introduction Nineteen-year-old So-Young stands at less than five feet tall after being chronically malnourished in North Korea. A refugee, she crossed illegally into China with hopes of a better life, but found instead a nightmare of sexual exploitation. An “employer” offered her approximately $1.40 per day in exchange for work—money...

The Comfort and Luxury of Prison Life

Introduction A prison refers to an institution often run by the government where persons who have committed crimes are confined and deprived of their freedom and liberty to a certain extent. Such persons are confined therein for specific durations of time as prescribed by law depending on the crimes they...

Egyptian Architecture Overview: Egyptian Pyramids, Columns, and Capitals

Introduction There are many wonders of modern architecture that maze with the stylistic and structural decisions implemented in them. Nowadays, to help erect those buildings, people typically resort to using current technology. However, those innovations did not exist when Egyptians assembled their pyramids and other wonders of construction. Despite that,...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Medical Analysis

Introduction Chronic Kidney Disease is the state of the human organism when kidneys fail to fulfill their actual functions of eliminating the blood waste, which results in various health complications that range from mild weaknesses to kidney failures, commas, and deaths (Bash, Coresh, Köttgen, Parekh, Fulop, Wang, and Astor, 2009;...

Areas That Would Influence Nursing Care

Introduction Technological advancements have enabled individuals from different cultures and environments to relocate, work, and communicate together. The experience has been both exciting and frustrating. Some individuals find it hard to adjust to cultural differences leading to a drop in their performances (Eshleman, 2013). Concerning nursing practice, an understanding of...

Pandemics and Epidemics that Changed the World

Abstract We are witnessing the times of “Great Awakening” through the pandemic of COVID-19. We are learning what essential jobs really are. People and companies are working at home. Most importantly, we are learning more about human connections. We are missing being around each other – and it is creating...

Patients in Undergraduate Psychiatric Nursing Experiences

Background The research study was undertaken by Gale Robinson-Smith, Patricia K. Bradley, and Colleen Meakim, of Villanova University College of Nursing. The authors’ contribution to the paper stems from several years of experience in the nursing profession, hence, the information contained in the paper is credible for use as an...

Brown vs. The Board of Education: Reality of the XXI Century

Introduction Brown vs. Board of Education is a remarkable case that took place in 1954 in Topeka, Kansas. The decision made in Brown was unprecedented since it was the first unanimous judgment against racial segregation of school children. The Supreme Court, therefore, marked that the separation was unconstitutional, even if...

Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction

A family is a natural social system that occurs in heterogeneous forms today and represents a diversity of cultural heritage. The addictions that have effects on marriage can be classified into two groups: substance addiction and process addiction. Prominently ranked among the various types of substance addiction is drug addiction....

Moving from Compliance to Performance Based Schools

Introduction From its inception in 2001, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) federal law, often shortened and pronounced as “nickelbee” has had its fair share of controversies. The law, which received major backing from the outgoing US president George Bush, reauthorized several federal educational programs that aimed at improving the...

Management of Institutional Risk

The information security of any company depends entirely on the security of the database. In any company or organization management systems must provide security apparatus to make certain that the data security that includes access control and password are protected. In some cases, these mechanisms are however not satisfactory to...

The Potential Problems by Adopting Diversity in Tourism

Introduction Presently a destination provides greatest untapped branding opportunities (Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2004). The World trade organization has endorsed this view and has suggested that the 21st century will view the emergence of tourism destinations as fashion accessories. The main potent of destination branding is to tap the “emotional...

The Protection of Internet Users in the US

Introduction The advent of the Internet has caused several changes in society. The process of communication is at full speed and the transfer of information was made light years faster. It is undeniable that the Internet has closed the gap among countries. Moreover, the Internet has become a tool in...

Troy Maxson’s Character in August Wilson’s Fences

Despite multiple attempts at addressing injustices observed at historical, systemic, and structural levels, the problem of race and the struggles that people of color face persists vehemently in the U.S. social context. The tragedy of the African American community is reflected impeccable in August Wilson’s 1985 novel Fences, which delves...

Nine West Company Strategy Overview

Introduction Nine West is a designer, developer, and marketer of fashionable women’s footwear. Nine West is involved in wholesale and retail operations. A U.S. women’s shoe market represents a separate market segment in apparel industry (Nine West Group, Inc 2007). As a retailer, Nine West relies on innovations and fashion...

System Thinking Model Analysis

Introduction This paper shows the basics of a victorious counterinsurgency strategy by applying a method recognized as systems thinking. The basics of good strategic thought lie together in recognizing the mass significant interactions flanked by dissimilar players, how they authority each other in unforeseen ways, and how to gauge progress...

Dance Movement Therapy Review

Introduction Dance Movement therapy belongs to the category of Creative Arts therapy among alternative therapies. The term ‘dance movement therapy’ refers to the use of movement in improving the mental and physical health of a person. Dance therapy centres around the notion that the body and mind are interconnected, and...

Reproductive Success and Distributive Justice

The notion of social construction helps to define and explain social relations, realities, and the importance of knowledge sharing. Following Beaumie Kim (2001): “Social constructivism emphasizes the importance of culture and context in understanding what occurs in society and constructing knowledge based on this understanding.” The four tenets of social...

Cross-Cultural vs. International Management

Cross-cultural management and international management are concepts that refer to working with individuals coming from diverse cultural backgrounds. In some sources, such as the works by Thomas & Peterson, these terms are presented as interchangeable; however, they are not the same. Overall, both concepts simply being aware of the differences...

The Problem of Anorexia Among College Students

Introduction Anorexia nervosa and eating disorders in college students and adolescents are problems that require immediate intervention. Nevertheless, these conditions still do not accumulate the much attention that they require. Since a student’s life is a very challenging and problematic period for everybody, it comes with several dangers to mental...

What to Invest In: SHSAX, GGHCX, and FHEAX Companies

The investment due diligence analysis has been performed to assess the performance of three funds, which are SHSAX, GGHCX, and FHEAX. The obtained results indicate that the best option to invest in is SHSAX. As compared with the other two funds, SHSAX has had the best performance over the last...

Mountainside Industries Limited: Analysis and Recommendations

Introduction This is a report on what should be done to improve coordination among divisions in Mountainside Industries Limited. This follows a request made by Mrs. K. Hill who had realized that things were not going on well in the company. Decision-making processes are usually initiated and completed at the...

Should Casinos Be Legal in Texas?

Introduction Casinos are heavily regulated in the United States and Texas, in particular. The state prohibits the opening of such businesses and regularly challenges Native American casinos, which tend to operate at the edge of the law, legally. However, there is substantial pressure from the state’s population as well as...

Prevention and Treatment of Cholera

Introduction Cholera is an example of a clinical entity that causes a lot of panic to many people all over the world. It is an acute illness that comes about as a result of infections in the human intestines. Vibrio cholera is the bacteria responsible for the infection and spread...

What Is Cancel Culture, and Can It Go Too Far?

Have you ever said or done something that could be considered offensive or objectionable in your recent or distant past? A relatively recent phenomenon known as Cancel Culture refers to the widespread practice of withdrawing support for public figures after they had done or said something considered objectionable or offensive...

The Healthcare Programs: Quality and Safety Measures

Introduction When implementing health initiatives, it is essential to evaluate their success after the fact. Quality and safety are two particularly relevant indicators, as they determine whether the intervention improves outcomes and is not associated with danger. However, the determination of each of these factors can be complicated due to...

Victims’ Right Amendments

The Victims’ Rights Amendments proposes that victims should be given the power to hear appeals from the law courts and also have the right to revise the earlier judgments made by the courts. During the trial phase, it is believed that some rights are usually denied and which end up...

The Ugly American Political Novel by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer

The Ugly American is a political novel by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer. It was first published in 1958 and caused a tremendous political resonance, including establishing the Peace Corps by the Kennedy administration. The authors’ main goal was to criticize the deficiencies and show the US diplomatic service failures...

Individual Physical Activity Profile in Kuwait

Introduction Health problems such as obesity and overweight have become common because of poor physical activity. There has been a paradigm shift in lifestyle whereby individuals have neglected even the simplest physical exercises. For instance, not many people walk to school, market, or the workplace. Others prefer to use the...

Effective Leadership in an Organization: Practices and Theories

Discussion of leadership issues from two articles According to transformational leadership theory by Warrilow (2009, para. 1-5), there are four vital components that are required for one to effectively manage changes within an organization. For effective changes in organizations, leaders need to spur consciousness within their subordinates so as they...

Leaders, Followers and Teams

Introduction The value of productive communication in a team largely determines the success of achieving organizational goals and contributes to the high productivity of all involved individuals. However, in the communication process, flexibility among team members is a significant aspect that allows for conflict as a potentially motivating decision-making mechanism....

Cell Membrane Divides the Living Universe Into Two

The universe is composed of planets, stars, asteroids, and other matter too complex for a human mind to fully comprehend. From the point of view of humans, there is a living and a non-living component of this universe. For instance, on planet earth, there is a non-living universe composed of...

Nursing Leadership, Technology, and Informatics

Introduction Leadership relates to a multifaceted procedure of distinguishing a target or goal, inspiring other individuals to act, and offering motivation and support to attain mutually negotiated objectives. In nursing, this conception refers to the practice of managing initiatives that enhance better nursing operations and outcomes (Sfantou et al., 2017)....

Oedipus Greek Theatre Period and Its Influence

Ancient Greek Theater and Sophocles’ Oedipus Many distinctive Western cultural institutions trace their roots to ancient Greece, and theater is no exception. The word theater itself comes from the Ancient Greek word theatron, which means “a place for viewing.” The Greeks were the first to define genres like comedy and...

Criminal Justice: Coerced Confessions

Professionals drawn into sectors related to criminal justice encounter several ethical problems. Ethical codes assist in identifying and illustrating principled behavior in any profession, including the criminal justice occupation is wanting. Law enforcers, like any other human, formulate decisions that are scrutinized under ethical standards by a third party (Vermeule...

Improving Organizational Communication at Go Travel

Introduction Organizational communication is the process through which interrelated individuals in a given workplace or a company send and receive messages information to achieve common goals. Communication in an organization can take place through written, face-to-face, or mediated channels. This topic is important to Go Travel because it needs to...

Heroism in “Odyssey” by Homer and “Inferno” by Dante

Thesis statement This work aims to study such an aspect of human experience as heroism in Odyssey by Homer and Inferno by Dante Alighieri. Introduction Authors may research and analyze one or several different topics in their literary works. One of the most common themes in the literature is heroism....

Language Evolution: The Major Schools of Thought

Introduction Different scholars and researchers in the field of linguistics have presented diverse views regarding the evolution and nature of language. Derek Bickerton is one of such theorists whose works have managed to shed more light on the matter. He wrote extensively in language evolution in an attempt to understand...

Women in the Workplace

The modern society is characterized by the increasing extent of globalization. The concept of globalization refers to the “intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa” (Giddens, 1990, p.64). This process...

Eastern vs. Western Religions: What’s the Difference?

The Eastern religions are typically described as those faiths which originated and were practiced in countries such as India, Japan, Southern Asia, and China. There are regular arguments and conflicts between the Eastern and Western religions, whereby the latter dwells on the idea that a distinct type of worshipping only...

Teachers and the Facilitation of Curiosity in Learning

Introduction The teacher’s profession is one of the most important in human society, allowing generations of people to pass on the knowledge and discoveries of previous centuries. Teaching is the process of delivering information and skills in a manner that can be understood by others, a difficult process requiring much...

What You Must Know of Charisma

Charisma is one of the most desired qualities people want to possess. It seems to be the critical factor on the road to success in any possible sphere of human life. Charisma allows people to make the right impression, charm, and convince others with the help of specific skills. However,...

The Rates of Crimes in America

It has become a rather normal phenomenon to hear cases of rape, robbery, arson, vehicle theft, etc in the neighborhood. American neighborhoods have become breeding grounds for professional robbers, serial rapists, burglars, etc. Despite large budgetary allocations by the government on the fight against crime, the rate of crime is...

The Influence of Henri Cartier-Bresson on Street Photography

Henri Cartier-Bresson once described photography in the following way: “For me, the camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously.”1 True to his words, Cartier-Bresson came out as a unique photographer who used his camera...

Sharecropping. History of Racial Agriculture

Introduction The sharecropping system arose in the Post-Reconstruction era as a means of revitalizing the Southern agrarian economy. However, it quickly became a form of racialized agriculture which aimed to maintain the social order that existed during slavery and subjugate freed black slaves to economic exploitation. Sharecropping quickly became another...

Nitrates and Nitrites in Food

Nitrate, also known as Nitrogen trioxide is an odorless, colorless, and flavorless compound that is found in some groundwater, soil, and some foods. The chemical equation for nitrate is NO3 or alternatively NO3-N (nitrate-nitrogen) and has a molecular mass of 62.0049 g/mol. Nitrates are chiefly used as a major ingredient...

Patient Rights When Interacting With Healthcare Providers

Introduction Good health care is what patients require though compromised by many medical practitioners especially where there are no legislations and polices in place to ensure that health systems adhere to the set standards. Many people may succumb to death due to substandard medical services provided my medical practitioners who...

Patients’ Needs and Their Right to Autonomy

Introduction Nursing is an integral part of healthcare today as it improves treatment outcomes via effective cooperation with patients, consideration of their needs, and the creation of a beneficial environment. Working directly with patients, nurses can be viewed as the care providers responsible for the high satisfaction levels and observation...

Changes in International Accounting Standards 17

Introduction A lease is a contract enforceable by law which defines an agreement between a lessor (owner of property) and lessee (renter of a certain property). It defines things like the duration of the lease agreement, the amount of rent, and any other conditions defining the lease agreement. When a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nuclear Weapons and Their Strategic Importance

Introduction Since the Cold War, nuclear weapons gradually lost their importance in political, social, and national security discussions. The multi-decade nuclear arms race was over, and there is no longer a continuous threat of a nuclear war breaking out. To some extent, atomic weapons lost their symbolic value, but remain...

Banking Policy Regulation: Lending to Minorities

Arguments that white lenders use to defend their approach To begin with the first reason that the white lenders use to defend their approach towards minority lending is the fact that lending institutions operate under certain rules which demands that a particular bank maintain a certain amount of equity reserves....

Creating Stereotypes: Rhetoric and Stereotypes

The word “stereotype” means a person or thing that conforms to an unjustifiably fixed or standardized picture. A very common example can be taken from the movies. Adam Sandler is a very popular American actor, but due to a large number of comedy movies in his career, he is primarily...

Small Business in an Ideal Capitalist Economy

Today, most of the countries do not possess pure capitalism but a mixture of free market and governmental regulations of the businesses. Owning a business in a mixed economy structure can be very challenging due to government intervention in the economy. In contrast, operating a small business in an ideal...

Seasonal Influenza Analysis

Synopsis The review is based on the studies conducted by different scholars at various periods of time. The independence of each research helps us draw objective unprejudiced conclusions about CDC program relevance and cost effectiveness. Background CDC program on Seasonal Influenza is aimed at informing people about cases, treatment, protection...

Issues on Internet: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

The Internet has never been popular than now. With a rapidly growing user base, the internet has become a household thing that is used by almost everyone in the house for activities such as entertainment, shopping, education, and socializing. While the Internet itself is a blessing for anybody who uses...

Solidarity and the Common Good for an Authentic Global Family

Globalization is one of the historical processes that cannot be neglected because it determines the quality of human life, as well as interpersonal relationships. When people prefer globalization over other concepts, they accept interaction between independent cultures and traditions. Not to be lost in a variety of available options and...

Health Disparities in the United States

The primary goal of the government is to serve its people by implementing appropriate policies and establishing various agencies. Some of the key areas that politicians should take into consideration include social welfare, healthcare, and education. In the United States, disparities have remained a major predicament that affects the experiences...

Everything About Hospital: Hospital Departments and the Services They Provide

Introduction A hospital is defined as an institution that provides health care to the sick people by the use of specialized equipment and stay. However, in some instances, a hospital may provide temporary or long time residence for the patients depending on the needs of individual patients (Roderick, 35). For...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Being a Leader: My Leadership Capabilities Evaluation

Introduction Leadership is as old as mankind; it generally refers to the ability to manage groups of people to achieve a specific goal (Wyman, 2003). Charisma, organization skills, oratory techniques, and the ability to make other people believe and share in dreams can be considered as factors necessary for good...

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Graduates

The rate of employment has been reported to increase with time according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For example, the rate increased to 4.7% as of July 2009 as compared to the rate of 2.8% for the same time in 2008. Attainment of job after the completion of degree...

Digital Video Evolution and Its Implementation in Australia

Introduction In the 21st century, the technological environment is under influence of high degree of robustness (Barry, Atul & Arun 1). This has had a great impact on various sectors of the economy. Amongst the technological sectors that have undergone revolution with a high magnitude, is the information communication technology...

Business Ethics: Whistleblowing and Employee Loyalty

Introduction Moral side of relationships between an employers and employees provides a pivot for further firmness of the company. This statement invigorates a newbie at the workplace to follow the features of trust and loyalty to an employer. However, there comes an objective as for the validity of such kind...

Influenza Epidemiology and Intervention

Introduction At least once in a lifetime, an individual undergoes a distressing period when they experience flu. Whether mild or severe, the virus that causes flu spreads in the body, weakening its immunity. The influenza virus multiplies at different rates in the respiratory organs causing different mildness or severe flu...

Marine Pollution: Causes and Consequences

Marine pollution is among the most prominent concerns of scientists and environmental activists. Due to the development of technologies, the expansion of maritime transportation hubs and routes, and the increase in waste volume, human impact on the environment has become drastic. According to Arias and Marcovecchio (2017), changes in marine...

Small Business Administration Loan Guarantee

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a principal federal agency involved in import and export promotion. The four primary activities are undertaken by the organization that aims to promote small business exports consist of outreach, counseling, and training, trade leads, and financing. However, this paper seeks to evaluate the small...

Environmental & Economic Benefit Analysis of Methane Capture for Energy Generation

Due to globalization, there is greater demand for electricity, as most of the productive activities require energy power. Globalization has brought people, institutions, and governments of various nations together. Through globalization, international trade and capital investments have been conducted internationally through the help of information technology (Ehrfeld 210). The interaction...

Structure and Functions of the USA Federal Government

Introduction The United States government is an organized and logical system that ensures a fair distribution of power for decision-making. It consists of such branches as legislative, executive, and legal, which have different functions and prevent the usurpation of power by representatives of another branch. In this way, the Constitution’s...

Demographic Change Among People With HIV & AIDS

Introduction AIDS happens to be one of the major health concerns not only in the United States but also in the world. It is justifiable to state that the United States is doing well as far as dealing with the disease is concerned compared to most countries in the world,...

Corrections: The Historical Perspective

The contemporary criminal justice system in the United States of America is rapidly evolving, leading to significant changes in the ways that policing, court administration, and corrections are carried out. The correctional system operates within criminal justice so that to entail a variety of measures and responsible bodies that enforce...

Operational and Strategic Need for XYZ IT Project

Introduction The Xyz Company is a business organization offering its clients textile products and services within the major category of textile industries. In XYZ organization, communication is a very crucial activity for the growth and development of the company. Since the inception of xyz, communication has been a matter of...

Internationalism: The Issue of Transitional Crime

Introduction Transnational crimes can be seen to affect the democracy of a nation and the economic growth of that country in that it affects the trade of that country by draining the available assets of that country and hence as a result, transnational crimes should be discouraged. Also, transitional crimes...

Workers West: From Fascism to the New Left

The period from the Great Depression to the emergence of the New Left is quite significant for the history of labor force movements. Workers had to face and fight against the ideology of fascism, the oppressing policy of capitalists, and gender discrimination. Thus, this time might be crucial to discover...

Gender Issues in the Leadership of the Organization

According to Friedan & Anna (2001), gender refers to the character traits that are seen to be creating the distinction between a male and a female. The most discriminating traits under its disparity include the sexual dimensions as well as the social roles and the gender identity of an individual....

Students’ Academic Performance: Elementary Homework Policies

Homework comprises the activities that are assigned to students to complement in-class work that comprises activities like lectures by teachers, class discussions, and note writing. However, there are different types of homework activities though only three of the types are often used in the ordinary school curriculum. Practice assignments are...

Phenomenological Qualitative Research: First-Generation Student Academic Persistence and Retention

Research Design The design that was used in this study was a phenomenological approach to find the underlying meaning of the experience of being a first-generation student. The design focused on establishing the factors that influenced first-generation students’ academic persistence and retention. This approach assisted the researcher to understand the...

Political Science Today. Constitutions, Law and Justice

Introduction Ethnic conflicts can be defined as the disagreement between two or more assertive ethnological groups. Ethnic conflicts can be spread in various ways, such as diffusion and contagion. Diffusion occurs when an ethnic dispute in one region influences instability in another country under similar conditions. Conversely, escalation effects occur...

Franz Boas: Fieldwork for Business Anthropology

Introduction The understanding of life in different societies is the primary task set by anthropologists, and its importance is defined by the necessity to address issues related to human existence as a whole. Such a complicated matter requires the use of specific approaches, and fieldwork is the most beneficial method...

Nursing Education-Practice Gap: Critical Analysis

The problem of initial entry into the profession after graduation is not specific to nursing practice. However, nursing education is designed to train prepared professionals and therefore has a more practice-oriented focus than some academic disciplines. Beginner nurses are often not ready for occupational activities due to subjective factors and...

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Lake Worth Church Fire, Texas: Causes and Fatal Consequences

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Motivations for Criminal Behavior

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Wireless Technology and Applications

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Bottle and Can Law: Yes Deposit, Yes Return!

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Transparency in Government Services Through Internet Media

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What Needs to Be Done About Gun Violence?

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Gender Roles and Behaviors: Different Perspectives

Introduction Gender has long been a hot topic and a point of interest for researchers, biologists, social scientists, and policymakers. Regardless of the feminism era, one goal that the movement has always strived to accomplish is to get rid of harmful, superficial labels that prescribe each gender that it can...

Healthy Lifestyle and Disease Prevention

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Adult Educational Pedagogical Philosophies, Theories

Introduction Nurse educators make efforts to offer and exhibit efficient teaching in nursing courses. Similar to teachers in other fields of high school learning, nurse instructors have issues regarding the writing/reading approaches and the attitudes of student nurses. Learners also express worry about their personal skills as they start to...

“The Wilsonian Moment” and Chinese Liberation: Analysis

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ComInTec Case Analysis: International Staff Recruitment and Selection

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The Importance of Personal Value Development in Society

People live in the world where they communicate, interact and remain in the constant contact. Moreover, people are in constant development from their birth till their death and this development takes place on both mental and physical level. The physical development is impossible without mental, and the mental development may...

Electronic Medical Record Keeping

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Just-in-Time Idea for General Motors

Introduction Business organizations need to implement superior measures to improve their operations and maximize profitability. The selected company that can benefit from a new strategy is General Motors (GM). In 2014, this organization had a scandal that exposed the major challenges that were affecting its business operations. This project presents...

Tobacco Smoking Among Adolescents: Signature Assignment

Introduction The method utilized in the analysis of the smoking issue among adolescents is a qualitative data collection approach. The given methodological framework seeks to understand the underlying cues that lead teenagers of low and middle-income households to try tobacco smoking. Data collection will occur in the form of questionnaires,...

Denial of Service Attacks and Countermeasures

Introduction Online threats remain a reality for today’s businesses, especially those relying on the internet. Active and passive attack incidents are escalating every day and network administrators are having a daunting task of detecting, controlling or minimizing the effects of such attacks. Stewart, Tittel and Chapple concur in that one...

Prominent Mathematician: Marie-Sophie Germain

During the time of the uprising in French, a great mathematician by the name Marie-Sophie Germain was born in Paris on April 1, 1776. Even though at this time when revolution was taking place in French, unfortunately, this rebellion never favored women who were eager to venture into the competitive...

Visually Impaired People: Challenges within Assistive Application Software

Introduction The development of digital technologies over the last decades helped a number of different categories of people gain access to information that they, previously, would not have been able to obtain. Modern technologies strive to reach disadvantaged in these aspects – assistive applications vary greatly, covering different conditions, among...

Nelson Mandela’s Leadership

Introduction Nelson Mandela is widely known for his extraordinary personality and exceptional contribution to his people’s well-being. The struggle against the apartheid regime in South Africa became his life’s calling. People who knew the ‘father of the nation’ personally said that he was a truly transformational leader. Nelson Mandela believed...

Religious Denominations Analysis: Christianity, Catholicism, and Lutheranism

Introduction: A brief historical background of Christian Denominations Considering the first stages of Christianity development, humanity knew no ‘denominations’ within the church; in 1504 there was first Christendom division between the Eastern and Western Churches with ‘Great Schism’. It is necessary to underline the fact that this stage appeared to...

System Failures in Healthcare Facilities

Abstract System failures may occur in healthcare facilities and have deleterious effects on patient safety and ultimate healthcare outcomes. While these failures occur, healthcare organizations can minimize them to improve quality of care for patients. Language barrier has become a common problem because of many Americans who are not proficient...

The Concept of Corporate Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility true acts as an umbrella that incorporates the internal activities of a business, and its linkage with the external environment. To the external environment, social corporate responsibility fulfills the expectations of the society with regard to an organization in matters relating to ethics, legal concepts, and economically....