Corporate Sponsorship and Academic Integrity

At present, the issue of corporate sponsorship in the sphere of education is highly debatable. Post-secondary educational institutions accept the offerings of large business corporations because of prestigious funding they obtain (Fleisher 436). However, instead of bringing benefits to the public sector, corporate sponsorship seems to be of more harm...

Kelo v. City of New London – An Analysis

In Kelo v. City of New London, U.S Supreme Court held in June 2005 that the state government can influence the private parties to sell their property for the object of economic development. Whether a government can control the use of private property for a public purpose or whether the...

Michael Collins “Adult Education as Vocation”: Theoretical Positions

Introduction Michael Collins, the author of the book ‘Adult Education as Vocation’, managed to investigate the learning process of the adult environment through the presentation of the education process as a distinguishable field of practice. The principal purpose of the book review is aimed at providing a critical evaluation of...

My Career in Marketing Management

Introduction Marketing is a practice done by individuals, institutions, and managerial entrepreneurs to manufacture and correspond to buyers who might be customers or dealers. The whole process ensures organizations offer and takes commodities and services to and from their partners, clients, customers, or the whole society nationally and internationally. Marketing...

Design the Perfect Leadership Development Experience for Yourself

Hiring well-rounded outside consultant personalities and agencies for consultancy functions in leadership skills could provide a whiff of fresh air into the organization and also allow management leaders to think effectively, from a fresh perspective, which surprisingly, could also aid in solving current issues besieging leadership. This is because most...

Existence of God: Philosophical Proofs

Introduction I will argue in support of the argument brought forward by St. Aquinas that God exists since we can experience him through our senses, live up to his purposes and be guided by his perfect will. Human beings are at liberty to search for the truths about God’s existence...

Evans-Pritchard and Clifford Geertz: Social Studies

The methods and principles of anthropological research have always been a subject of heated debate among many scholars. Overall, it is quite possible for us to say that even now there is virtually no consensus as to this particular question. Our task in this essay is to compare various ethnological...

Urban Solid Wastes Management in the USA

Introduction Solid waste management has emerged as a global problem of a considerable magnitude. The pursuit towards decreasing the solid wastes quantities as well as recovering the scarce resources from the bundles of waste generated on daily basis throughout the world has in the last few years broadened the scope...

Globalization in Media: Pros and Cons

Globalization has a great impact on the world transforming social, political, cultural, and economic spheres of life. Innovations in transportation have been complemented by the swift development of communication technologies. The 20th-century arrival of mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, film, and television further enhanced a growing consciousness of a rapidly shrinking...

Scientific, Industrial, and Technological Revolution

Introduction Many people try to describe the changes we are currently experiencing as different kinds of revolutions. Arising out of this, we got used to believe that revolution is to be connected with a rapid change of political systems where a country transfers from one state to another. However, revolutions...

Representation of Australian Indigenous Sex and Gender

Introduction For a very long time, Australian Aborigines women have gone through a lot of oppression such as being denied even basic human rights. At the moment, a majority of the women’s liberation movements aim at addressing very many issues that affect women in the Aborigines society. In this case,...

Prophet Moses – Deliverer of Israel

Prophet Moses Moses was reluctant when the Lord called him to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt. God decided to perform miracles to Prophet Moses so that people would believe him (Exodus 4:1-2). God commanded Moses to throw the stick he had in his hand on the ground. He...

Economic Crisis and Its Effects on Exports

The world is in the grip of the worst economic turmoil since the great depression of the 1930s, it all started from the collapse of the US mortgage giants and quickly spread to various financial institutions and we ended up seeing financial institutions like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae collapsing...

Marketing Research in Pricing Strategy

In the marketing field, marketing mix plays an important role. One of the four components of the marketing mix or 4Ps is the ‘price’ of the product. A change in price component may lead to a change in the other three components like product, place, and promotion. While developing a...

How to Reduce Obesity and Maintain Health?

Health and Obesity Health is becoming a matter of grave concern, especially the health of teenagers and adolescents, who are becoming increasingly overweight and obese. Obesity is now being regarded as an epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2000) due to the increasing occurrence of obesity among children and...

Description of the Homeless Problem

Varying definitions of homelessness complicates the methods for estimating the number of people who are homeless. The Census Bureau has used an approach to attempt to determine the homeless population by the surveying of those who are benefiting from homeless services. This method, which involved the use of Emergency and...

Mathematics Education and Its Necessity

Introduction According to Curcio (1997), mathematics education is the process of teaching, studying, and researching mathematics as an academic subject. Research in mathematics education is a practice that deals with analyzing the tools, procedures, and different approaches of handling mathematics education. Mathematics at any level of study is essential for...

Mystic Features in “Don’t Look Now” by Daphne du Maurier

The short tale “don’t look now” by Daphne du Maurier has incredible fright. The story started off at a family home in England. It involved a blissful couple John and Laura Baxter. One day, as a routine, they were seated calmly within their home compound with their children playing. Their...

Major Theorists and Their Approaches in Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of human nature and behavior. Different theories have been advanced by various theorists to explain the existence of humanity and mankind’s behavior. Anthropology is divided in four major categories of studies which include archaeology, cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. There are different anthropologists who...

Mediation of Conflicts and Human Services

Introduction Social conflicts are becoming a reality of everyday life. Although society is constantly in the process of reorganizing its economical, political and legal institutions, such reorganization does not affect the tendency for conflicts in various situations. The presence of conflicts in various spheres of life dictates the necessity in...

“As You Like It” by Shakespeare

The Shakespearean play ‘As You like it’ is an exploration of love and marriage presented in a comic setting. The main characters of the play are active participants in what some might classify as the typical love/hate relationship. The relationship among these characters reflects vastly on the bard’s own feelings...

Global Logistics and Risk Management in Organizations

Introduction Global logistics, as the name well suggests, is a short form of global supply chain, which allows companies to expand beyond their domestic markets. Often considered as an extension of the domestic supply chain, global logistics work in accordance to a certain set principles, which in turn, govern and...

Illegal Immigration and Its Impact on Healthcare in the USA

“Ten million illegal immigrants live in the US, according to estimates by academic and government agencies, although Bear-Stearns investment firm analysts claim that the US illegal immigrant population “may be as high as 20 million people.” (Illegal Immigration, 2 May 2009). Every year millions of people sneak illegally into another...

Apple Incorporation: Business Strategy Analysis

Introduction Apple Inc. is a company that specialized in the production of high technology consumer electronics, computers, and software. Established in the United States in 1976 the company essentially increased its sales only during the last ten years. Among the products of the company, almost every consumer in the world...

Teenage Suicide Causes in the United States

The most difficult period in one’s life is the teenage period. The teenagers have to learn social responsibilities, and act as if they are grown-ups though they are still being treated as children (“Causes of Teenage Suicide” para.1). Moreover, teenagers’ bodies undergo numerous changes that they fail to understand completely....

The Strange, Dark World of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”

“Macbeth” is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in 1605 or 1606 and published in 1628. The story of the play is no figment of the author’s imagination. Macbeth was a real king – a king of Scotland, nephew of Molom II, and ruler of Moray. He married Grunch, granddaughter...

Lysistrata: The First Feminist

Almost every joke contains a hint of truth. For this reason, comedy can be the perfect medium to effect social reform. Clearly, Aristophanes understood this concept quite well when he penned his farcical-humored play Lysistrata. Lysistrata focuses on the story of a young woman of the same name who attempted...

William Shakespeare’s “Othello”: Analysis the Play

Iago is no doubt the personification of evil and takes contentment in destroying virtue in him and others. The first and most significant thing we note in Iago is that, in comparison with the other characters of the play, he is highly intellectual and strong –willed. The fundamental attribute of...

History of Jack the Ripper

The history of Jack the ripper can be traced back to the 19th century in England. During this period, the population in England was very high in the cities. There were problems of overcrowding and general work conditions due to the population pressures especially in the East End and Civil...

Poet of Nature – Thoreau

Many things about a poet’s life can be observed in the poetry he writes. Over the years, their environment, lifestyle, and beliefs become reflected in their poetry. Henry David Thoreau was a factory worker, essay writer, and teacher before he was a poet. He was also a Transcendentalist and an...

Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” and Tan’s “Two Kinds”

Outline This paper will compare the style and point of view of the two stories “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway and “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan. The two different perspectives will be examined in the context of their respective stories and symbols to understand the viewpoints and the...

Betty Friedan and Her Contribution to Fight for Women’s Rights

Abstract Looking at our society today, we can say progress has been made in the areas of gender equality and female empowerment. However, there is a noticeable difference when we look at the earlier years of the 20th century and even further back into history. Advocating for gender equality at...

The ‘Lock ‘Em up and Throw Away the Key’ Mentality Isn’t Working

Introduction Prisons in the United States suffer from serious problems associated with overcrowding, poor sanitation, violence, drugs, and sexual assault. It has been argued by many over many years that imprisonment is expensive and ineffective, yet it continues to be a major feature of penal policy in the justice system....

Gay and Poverty Marriage

The institution of family and the issues of marriage play a crucial role in society today. Marriage status determines relations between spouses and their relations with the state. Whatever the reason for it, a union between two people usually involves mutual dependence, the beginning and raising of a family and,...

Nursing Philosophies and Health and Care Theories

The philosophy of nursing has to begin with a prayer in memory of the famous Florence Nightingale whose rich heritage and writings made the profession an indispensable one in society (Kim and Kollak, 2006). Theories and philosophies are creative products of various nursing researchers. The theories which have been classified...

Social Exchange Theory in Organizations and Workplaces

Summary Social exchange theory is based on the premise that the interactions and communications between human beings occur from the motivation of rewards and reduction of losses (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959). The theory is also built on the premise that the outcome of profitable relationships is generally durable trust and...

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings – Causes and Impact

It was on 6th August, 1945 at 8:15 am that an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first atom bomb on Hiroshima in Japan. The bomb impacted an area of over 4 square miles that was immediately and entirely destroyed. More than 66000 people were killed and over 69000 grievously...

“The Microsoft Case: Antitrust, High Technology, and Consumer Welfare”

Analyzing cases of monopolization, the first company that comes to mind is Microsoft. The Microsoft case is unique in several aspects, the most important of which is making a precedent in issues of the high technology market. The book “The Microsoft case: antitrust, high technology, and consumer welfare” by William...

The Use of Human Resource Management Systems

Introduction The main function of human resource management or human resource management departments is administrative and usually common to all organizations. Institutions may be having formalized evaluation, selection, and pay role processes. Effective and efficient management of human capital has been the major topic of concern because it is the...

Christian Spirituality in History and Today

The question of spirituality and relationship of a man and God should be topical today taking into consideration the present cultural and ethical situation in contemporary society. Nowadays mankind is lead by and inspired by material values, the main characteristic of our life and lifestyle is their being mercenary. The...

A Beginner’s Guide to Preaching by C. F. Guthrie

Summary The book under consideration is called “From Pew to Pulpit: a Beginner’s Guide to Preaching” by Clifton Floyd Guthrie. This work serves to be a practical guide for the preachers that helps to choose the appropriate topic. It also learns how to be a good listener and an excellent...

Measurable Factors of Success of Ceo Jim Cantalupo

Leadership is an important factor that is essential to successful organizations. This is a case study of the turnaround of McDonald’s Corporation after Jim Cantalupo took charge as CEO. It will also provide a competency model for an ideal CEO candidate for the corporation. It will also look at the...

Agriculture the Backbone of Ancient Egypt’s Economy

In pre-industrial societies, agriculture was the backbone of most economies. This is true in ancient times and very much evident in ancient Egypt. Five thousand years ago a mighty kingdom emerged when a chain of independent city-states lining the River Nile united to support one Pharaoh. Thousands of years later...

Planning and Controlling the Supply Chain of DELL

Introduction Today we hear more about supply chain management. It is different from supply chain strategy which refers to how the supply chain is operated. Supply chain management refers to controlling the supply chain operations to reduce cost. The supply chain represents the value of a delivery system. To be...

Peru – Globalization, Environment, Crime and Disease

Introduction The present research paper synthesizes a number of legitimate sources in order to focus on globalization and its effects on Peru with special relation to environmental issues, crime, and disease in the country. The paper critically informs the reader of all these issues and their causes. The last section...

Why Low Cost Airlines Performed Very Well?

Introduction In recent years, the legacy carriers (carriers established previous to the deregulation of the airline markets) grant a position to the recently formed ‘low-cost’ carriers. While the ‘low-cost’ carriers performed very well, the legacy carriers performed poorly; several carriers are on the edge of economic failure, while others had...

“The Beggar’s Opera” by John Gay

This essay will analyze the character of Captain Macheath from John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera. The character analysis will pay particular attention to the multi-faceted nature of Macheath. Rather than adopting one position or another in plot and circumstance, Macheath drives the action of The Beggar’s Opera specifically by showing...

The Study of the Construction Methods for Firefighters

Introduction The profession of the firefighter is rather difficult. It implies not only an excellent physical form of a person but also some additional profound knowledge about the building design and the methods of construction. The study of the construction methods allows the fire officers to predict the effects of...

Anonymous Christian According to Karl Rahner

Introduction The position of people of other faiths in other religions can be seen as an issue of controversy. Taking the example of Islam, the relationship between the religion and the adherents of Abrahamic religions, as well as the relation with non believers is vulnerable to many interpretations varying from...

International Organizations Role in Globalization Process

In recent decades, the process of Globalization has been changing the very theoretical premise, upon which the concept of international relations was based, throughout the course of the last three centuries. Whereas, before the advent of Globalization and the rise of neoLiberalism, only the independent states were considered legitimate actors...

Immanuel Kant’s Political Thoughts

Humans should have the courage to use their own Reason Evaluating the above notion have many dimensions to understand, but in the light of political philosophy it suggests that every man perceives a particular opinion about attaining or retaining freedom. Since no person on earth likes to get involved into...

Elements of Group Processes and Minority Group Processes

A group of individuals may decide to come together in order to achieve a particular goal. The grouping of these individuals may bring quite strange fellows together and therefore needs some common knowledge of functionality so as to ensure they work together to achieve a particular goal that brought them...

What Is Identity Theory?

Introduction Over the years, the brain has been known to significantly affect the mind. However, only recently it has been found out that the brain consist of different parts which perform different functions. The proponents of the identity theory are of the view that when we experience stimuli e.g. pain,...

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey

Introduction The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was published in 1989 and is one of the most wonderful books that I have ever come across in my life. It is a self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey. This book has allowed me to look into myself and bring...

Decriminalizing Marijuana: Pros and Cons

Introduction Several countries throughout the world are working to decriminalize or legalize less harmful drugs such as cannabis (marijuana). It has been suggested, and in some cases demonstrated, that legalizing or at least decriminalizing marijuana can help to reduce violent crimes and significantly decrease the number of people incarcerated for...

How Migration Impacted Peru’s Culture

Introduction Peru is the third-largest country in South America and borders Colombia to the north together with Ecuador, Chile to the South, and Bolivia together with Brazil to the east. As per the 1973 census, the population for the country was 22 million people and the capital city of the...

Ford Motor Company: Business Strategy

Define and discuss Ford’s business-level strategy There are two basic business-level strategies which Ford Motor Company has followed for the whole period of its performance. The company started with realizing a low cost strategy, which allowed it to gain market share due to the lowest costs as compared with its...

Childhood Obesity: Medical Complications and Social Problems

“Childhood obesity is best tackled at home through improved parental involvement, increased physical exercise, better diet and restraint from eating” ~ Bob Filner The advent of the new century has bought many social problems along with itself; this is mainly due to the changes that came in the traditional way...

Family and Medical Leave Act Law

Introduction Respect and protection of employee rights is one of the fundamental functions that an organization should aim to achieve. Primarily this is a function of the human resource and planning department, whereby they always have to advocate for good working conditions and equal treatment of all workers regardless of...

Case of McDonald’s on Campus

Introduction The world of business is a versatile dimension in present days where every convenient means for making it effective is one more chance to exceed domains of a company’s influence. In this respect the ability of a company to provide new projects in making business successful and closer to...

Juvenile Delinquents and Parental Divorce: What Is the Connection?

Most of the juvenile cases reported are committed by youngsters who fall between the age group of 11 to 17. Many reasons cause the increase in the number of juvenile delinquents this may include; cross-cultural marriages, illiteracy among parents, and peer influence. The most notable cause that has seen the...

Peru in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Introduction Peru is a sovereign country on the western side of South America, bordered by Chile to the south, Bolivia to the southeast, Ecuador and Colombia to the north, and Brazil to the east. It is not landlocked as the Pacific Ocean borders it in the west. The name Peru...

Protective Orders and Domestic Violence Review

Introduction Domestic violence is a serious problem in the contemporary American society (Buzawa). Most of the violence against women is committed by intimate relations of the victims and criminal documentation of the same is not available. Thus a study on the effectiveness of the present prevention and regulatory system is...

Feminist Criticism of Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark”

Hawthorne appears critical about Aylmer’s actions in that the ultimate result of his actions is the death of her wife and not the redemption it was meant for. Men like Aylmer cannot overcome the limitations that nature brings no matter their efforts. On the other hand, the author seems to...

The Theme of Race Discrimination in Works of Richard Rodriguez

Introduction In the course of life, people have overcome some difficulties transitioning from one stage to another. Sometimes, it is rather difficult to trespass those adversities due to the limits and norms established in society. The stereotypes shaped in our life could determine the fate of those people who are...

Grimshaw vs. Ford Motor Company: Ethical Analysis

Lily Grey who was aged about fifty two was on her just six-month old Ford Pinto in May, 1972. While crossing San Bernardino, her Pinto abruptly stopped in the middle lane of Interstate of California. Her Pinto was dashed by another car that trailed her car on the highway. Due...

Veterans Affairs Healthcare System

Background information Veterans Affairs Healthcare is considered to be an operating system uniting about 153 medical centers, 207 Veteran Centers, and 882 community-based outpatient and ambulatory clinics. The system unites about 92 comprehensive programs of home-based care, aimed at medical services provided to eligible veterans. The principal facilities of the...

Christianity in South Korea and Japan

South Korea embraces Christianity more than Japan. When visiting South Korea today, one is bound to be struck by the many churches every where, ranging from splendid cathedrals in big cities to small and humble churches built in villages. These churches can be easily seen when traveling either by train...

“Dead Poets Society” Analysis of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphonys 5 and 9

Introduction In the movie Dead Poets Society Ludwig van Beethoven’s two renowned symphonies are used; Symphony number 9 and symphony number 5. The fifth symphony which was a division of PolyGram Classic was also known as Piano Concerto in the movie. This symphony was performed by Berliner Philharmoniker as the...

Love in “The History of Love” by Nicole Krauss

It is strange to observe how love may unite nations but at this set apart two people whose hearts it used to live in once. No less strange is the fact that, while love is all around us, there still remain people who are absolutely lonely and who suffer because...

Marriage Integrity: Literature Study

Introduction In the Rite of Marriage that originated with Catholic doctrine, the indissolubility of marriage is a nonnegotiable presumption. This is clear from the form followed by all U.S. dioceses. Right in the “Sacrament of Intentions” – preceding the marriage vows –the priest asks, “(Name) and (name), have you come...

The Impact of Absent Parents Gears More Towards Absent Fathers

Introduction There can be little doubt as to the fact that the very existence of incomplete families, as a socio-political phenomenon closely associated with the post-industrial era, undermines the inner integrity of Western societies, since individuals that had grown up in such families are more likely to be affected by...

Branding as a Negative Social Phenomenon

Background – Branding has been a significant tool for promoting products, but it is recently becoming a point of attack. Identification of problem – Several companies have come under intense criticism over their brands being negatively so powerful that they mislead the consumers, and this has sparked debate over their...

Outdoor Journey: The Tourist Route in New Zealand

Introduction To begin with, there is a strong necessity to mention that tourism in New Zealand is one of the largest income sources. Originally, it is often regarded as the Green Adventure Playground, as the tourism industry of this country offers numerous opportunities for leisure, recreation, and various activities. The...

Supply Chain Management and Partnership

Introduction Product comes through long way from its final stage of production to the customer, and this way is usually called supply chain. Managing this supply chain, people not just take product and put it into the markets, but a complicated decisions and considerations should take place before the product...

How the Outlier Help the Social Perspective

Introduction Taken literally, Outlier may mean abnormal experiences that lie outside the norms. For instance, it is a known phenomenon that during summer, Paris will have warm temperatures and sometimes hot temperatures. However, if there happens to be a very cold day in the middle of August in Paris, people...

Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator Challenges

Mediation and advocacy are interconnected fields because they both can participate in the negotiation or dispute between the two parties concerned. Regarding that, they may often encounter the case that concern human conflicts thus taking responsibility for the dispute resolution. Advocating as well as mediating are effective systems to improve...

Mental Illness and Work: Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder, previously termed manic depressive psychosis, is a serious mental illness characterized by mood swings with episodes of both elevated and depressed moods (Bipolar Disorder, 2005). Stressful conditions and functional disturbances are the triggers of mood swings. Effective therapy being available, the positive approach by the families and...

Negotiation Strategy: Miami School Negotiations

According to the Zoning Board, with the congestion of the school districts, it is advisable to rezone to mitigate the issue of overcrowding of the districts (Carnahan, 2003). The board also thinks that rezoning is considered more cost effective as compared to building new school blocks more cost effective than...

NYSpeak: Company Product Analysis

Introduction Dealing with any kind of business, every company faces the necessity to develop the new products and launch them into the markets so that to catch up with the constantly developing competition and preserve of facilitate its market position and market share. Sooner or later, any company comes to...

Food Safety Issues and Standards

Introduction Food hygiene standards are perhaps the most important for any country to observe due to the damage which the food of poor quality may bring to the health of the population. In the light of the health problems caused by sub-quality food, new strategies started to be worked out...

Should Sex and Violence Be Restricted on Television?

Introduction It is impossible to speak about some negative sides of the influence of television without understanding the role of its impact on personality. Of course, the most considerable influence is made on people who are young or who are psychologically unstable. It is impossible to forbid watching TV for...

The Panathenaic Prize Amphorae

Introduction In the contemporary setting, different sport competitions are considered as a method to demonstrate competitiveness civilly, whether they are on the local or the national level. Additionally, they are frequently linked to a special event giving the competition a certain symbolic nature. In that regard, the rewards bear not...

Celebrating Tet: Tradition Analysis

Advertisements on television these days continue to encourage individuals to eat dinner together as a family because this is what fosters a sense of togetherness that will keep the family together well into the future. It seems that the American culture is such that the individual members of a family...

Reading and Writing Development in Children

Human beings have been set apart as the only species capable of literacy. Just what is literacy, and how does it develop in an individual? Venezky, et al (1990) provides an elaborate explanation, emphasizing writing as well as reading: “Literacy is minimal ability to read and write in a designated...

Employee Training Program For Interclean

Introduction This training program was developed in the backdrop of the merger between two companies; Interclean and EnviroTech. Interclean dealt with selling of cleaning products only. EnviroTech on the other hand offered cleaning services in the health industry. This implies that EnviroTech required supplies from InterClean. The merger necessitated the...

Adam Smith and The Age of Enlightenment

Introduction The course of human history has been determined by the natural changes that occurred under the influence of political, economic, and social changes that were typical of every period of human history. Thus, the changes in the way of thinking and preferable values of humanity determined the division of...

The Unique Writing Style of William Faulkner

Introduction William Faulkner is regarded as one of the leading authors of 20th century American literature (Lombardi). Listed among his many works are the book “As I Lay Dying” and the short story “A Rose for Emily,” both of which depict several similar features that are typical of the author’s...

Frederick Douglass – A Self-Made Statesman

Introduction Frederick Douglass can be considered as one of the most influencing and prominent figures in the history of the United States of America. Kerry Gleason, in his article on the Black History Month Challenge published in the Associated Content news realizes that “It is safe to say that without...

Cinderella’s Stepsisters As Saviors

The story of Cinderella has been told in most cultures but the European version is the best known, partly because that version has been modified as times changed. It is mostly read as a rags-to-riches story of a virtuous girl who gets her just reward in this life rather than...

The Phaedrus and The Tempest: Compare & Contrast

Such notions as personal identity or the Self have always been a subject of thorough psychological analysis. It is believed that under certain circumstances, the way in which a human being defines oneself may change. Writers and philosophers have always tried to explore this transformation. This process has been eloquently...

The Rise of Western Civilization in Beowulf: Critical Analysis

Even though an old Anglo-Saxon poem “Beowulf” is assumed to contain motifs that are largely mythical in their essence, many of these motifs do relate to the realities of the time when the poem was written. In his article “Beowulf in Literary History,” Joseph Harris makes a good point when...

Theme of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is the most famous novel and it may be considered as a classic of English literature. The novel, like the most part of Jane Austen’s novels, discloses the theme of marriage. Thus, the first sentence of the novel reveals its whole idea: “It is...

Death of a Salesman Psychoanalitic Analysis

Introduction The play “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller depicts life and destiny of an American family which dreams about prosperity and high social position in society. in this play, Miller tries to escape social contradictions and economic situation in society but portrays psychological difficulties experienced by the family....

Wuthering Heights as a Gothic Novel

Wuthering Heights is an eminent work by Emily Bronte which was written in the Victorian epoch of British literature. The concept of the novel is widely discussed until now. A huge range of writers who were contemporary to E. Bronte and lived after her admit that the novel is full...

States Interest in Controlling Individual Expenses on Burial and Funerals

Those who truly grasp philosophy pursue the study of nothing else but dying and being dead. Socrates (Dillon 525). Ancient times are known to be the beginning of modern European thought. Every witty notion, phrase, or statement is rooted in Ancient Greece or Rome. Since those times the mankind learns the...

Adult Learning in the Company

I guess that organizational learning is one of the most important aspects of organizational development as it helps modern companies to improve their performance and introduce knowledge management initiatives. Organizations learn when they increase their knowledge of action relationships by obtaining information that they recognize as being potentially useful. This...

10-Hour Training Course for Teachers on Conflict Management

Abstract The study of conflict management is very crucial in the career of teaching since it helps to identify the psychological aspects and the nature of the conflict. Therefore, the study will help to avoid the conflict situation in class and to teach how to create a positive approach to...

Plagiarism: Definition and Plagiarism Ethics

The Ethics of Plagiarism This paper discusses a personal unethical experience that is so common these days that this issue is bound to hit many people every day. Due to this high frequency, I’ve decided to write this paper on the issue of ‘plagiarism’. Throughout my high school years, every...

What Makes an Issue Political?

Introduction Politics is a common feature among human societies both in the past and in present. Politics is said to be an aspect of human behavior and hence the concept of politics is “human social activity” (Yan, Hong and Mair 72). There is no single definition of politics because it...

Drugs and Drug Related Crimes

Introduction It is appalling to know that drug manifestation starts at a very stage and our children are exposed to them. Children are naĂŻve and had impressionable minds thus when they tend to get attracted to everything that goes around them. In today’s society where children enroll in schools, an...

Marks & Spencer Plc.: Supply Chain Management

Introduction Marks & Spencer PLC is one of the leading retailers in the United Kingdom with a claim that it has over twenty-one million customers visiting its stores each week. Over seventy-five thousand people have found their employment in the company in its over six hundred stores in the UK...

Russian Climate and German Progression in WWII

Introduction Russia occupies two continents; a large part of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. The country’s climate is close to generally continental, even though as it rises from west to east the influence of the Atlantic Ocean reduces. Continental climate is found in the East Siberia and an Artic climate...

Performing Arts. Minton’s Playhouse Jazz Club

Introduction Jazz music is commonly thought of as naturally arising from the plantations of the South as black people gained their freedom and turned their sorrowful songs into celebration. However, this isn’t exactly how jazz got its start. It is true that jazz came into being as a musical genre...

The Relationship of Leadership to the Politics of the Organization

The advice given by Dr. Kennedy is practical to some extent. Many workers prefer to be led rather than be managed. This means that most employees would rather have someone to guide them and then allow them to complete their jobs on their own. While this advice may work for...

Conflict in Former Yugoslavia

Introduction The conflict in the former Yugoslavia was caused by the long standings borders between several nations that should have never occurred. If these borders had been eliminated earlier, then chances are that the conflict would have ended sooner. Analysis The former Yugoslavia was a country that was in a...

The Planet Saturn and Its Rings

Saturn is one of the fascinating planets in our solar system. It is the sixth planet from the Sun situated between Jupiter and Uranus. The positioning of this captivating planet is at about 840 million miles from the Sun, compared to our planet that is about nine times less this...

Human Instinct: Drawing on Theories of Freud and Rogers

“At the end of the day all personality theories come down to the same thing. Human beings are driven by instincts over which they have very little control”. Synopsis Human instincts play a dominant role in behavior and interaction with the outside world. Freud supports this approach and states that...

Sex-Role Stereotyping Concepts in Media

Introduction The media is the main contributor to currently existing sex-role stereotyping, which primarily promotes male and female social norms. This has contributed greatly to currently existing behavioral patterns, whereby both men and women have ceased to embrace their unique personality traits. Changing in roles defined by the society in...

Supermarkets: Psychology of Marketing

The world is full of things which a man likes or adores. In supermarkets, for example, people try to choose something about food or about household; in galleries one cannot but admire the pictures of different painters; on railway stations one can be astonished with well-run work of the administration...

William Bradford: Traveller, the Puritan, the Hebraist

In colonial times there were many interesting characters that came from Europe and settled in the New World. They brought with them hopes and dreams of a better future – into a country that many of them compared to the biblical Promised Land. There were strong-willed men who defied rulers...

Labor Exploitation and Slavery

Introduction Labor exploitation involves unrelenting social relations where a certain group is treated unjustly to benefit the other party. That is looking at human beings as resources and with no considerations of their social, economic, political and cultural well being. This can be in the form of forcing people to...

The Coca-Cola Company in Sub-Saharan Africa

This is a research of international business activities of Coca-Cola Company in Sub- Saharan Africa. Coca-Cola Company is a multinational company with its origin in Atlanta, Georgia. It was invented by Doctor John Pemberton in May 1896. Today, it’s the world’s leading beverage company in the world. Along with Coca-Cola,...

Bible History and the Interpretation

Introduction The interpretation of the bible began a long time ago and up to date, different people interpret it in different ways. The teachings of the different churches about the bible also differ depending on the church that is doing the teaching. The bible has been criticized for some of...

Assessment and Management of Risks

Risk can be defined as the unexpected happening in uncertain events. Risk can also be described as a combination of the likelihood of a hazard occurring and the severity of the hazard. One is never certain that risk is going to happen and so the risk is un-foretold and uncertain....

Mandatory School Uniforms Rule in L.A. Schools Introduction

Introduction Whether to make school uniform mandatory for schools particularly in Los Angeles has been a matter of debate in the recent years. The introduction of uniform as mandatory attire has attracted heated debate with both the pro and anti-compulsory school uniform activists taking strong positions and validating their points...

The Politics of Health Policy: Healthcare Approach in the U.S.

The healthcare approach in the United States needs reformation. It is an obvious and deep problem, which seems to be still far from solutions. Furthermore, the government makes attempts to improve situation in healthcare, but in practice the practical results leave much to be desired. In this respect, programs which...

Cultural Artifacts in Age of Innovative Technology

Introduction Cultural artifact
 What is meant by this word-combination? Cultural artifact is some object or a set of objects which is created by a human being and characterizes the cultural world where people who have created it and used it live. Modern world came into the phase of globalization. Cell...

Virgin Company: Organizational Leadership

Abstract In business, leadership is of vital importance because the financial success of every company depends upon the abilities of its leader to structure the work, motivate employees and customers, promote the goods produced, and facilitate the increase of the company’s market share. Richard Bronson, the founder of the Virgin...

Case of JP Morgan Chase

Introduction Various approaches have been used to define the term organizational development, and the organizational change has been used synonymous with organizational development. In all geographical locations, various factors have led to the organizational development because of the necessity of an organization have to expand in the global market place....

Alton International Pte Ltd.: Supply Chain Management

An Outline The following was the team’s plan for the study of Supply Chain Management in the business situation at Alton International (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore Operations. Actual site visit Purchasing Department Sales and Marketing Department Human Resource Department Warehouse & distribution Department Customer Service Department Presentation of conclusion and...

The Contemporary Fashion Collections of Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci

Introduction Several clothing empires have shown their latest creations for this year. However, I would like to concentrate on the two of the most influential designers of today’s generation, Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci. Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci have contributed greatly to the world of fashion, and have given enormous innovative...

“Dragonheart” by Rob Cohen Review Movie

The story about courageous knight and a dragon is a particular representation of how dreams come true. In this respect the vivid details of the story which leads everyone to the field of fairy tale are depicted with the purpose to show the reality of things. The paper is devoted...

Managing Scope Change During Implementation Phase in a Project

Introduction How one manages change is very vital to the success of a project and more so during its implementation. What the managers do may benefit the entire players or even turn disastrous at the end. Scope change is basically the adjustments made in the products related to a project...

“The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka

Introduction The Metamorphosis is considered to be a well-known novella written by Franz Kafka in 1915; this book is aimed at the disclosure of dramatic actions and transformations making the story expressive and emotional at the same time. It is important to stress that refection play and reality are the...

Contemporary Threats to Marriage and Family

Discussion Marriage denotes the relation between a man and a woman who have entered wedlock. It concentrates upon the association of husband and wife, while the family relays the idea of a more complicated level of adjustment in which husband, wife, and child each has individual importance. Santorum’s views reiterate...

Compensation/Management: Job Analysis, Employee Reaction

Job Analysis support in pay decisions Job analysis involves collecting information that describes the characteristics and requirements of a certain kind of job. This information may include the required skills, experience, personal behavior and specific duties to be performed among others. It is through the data collected during job analysis...

“Little Miss Sunshine” Film About Family Issues

“Little Miss Sunshine” is a film by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris written by Michael Arndt. The story is about a family that is on the edge of an explosion. The main plot centers on Ollie, a girl that dreams to win the Miss Little Sunshine contest. Together with her...

Obscenity and Computer Ethics

Introduction The following thesis has been written considering obscenity and ethics in the computer world. With the unprecedented growth in the use of the internet there has been a problem in its usage which has sometimes led to obscenity and need for computer ethics. Computer ethics became a necessity since...

Single Sex Education: Benefits and Advantages

According to Hammer, (1996), single sex education is a form of education where the girls and boys attend different lessons or are put in different schools or buildings. In the beginning parents used to take their children to co- education schools where boys and girls were educated together. However, by...

Masculinity Crisis and Hegemonic Masculinity

The construct that masculinity is in crisis raise storms in debates about men, masculinity and feminism. Though men from some quarters would vehemently deny there is crisis in masculinity, there is unparalleled evidence that there is a masculinity crisis and interestingly it leads to new and furthers existing hegemonic masculinity....

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin Review

This short story is called “The story of an hour” because it describes with clear detail the occurrences of an hour in its protagonist’s life. Louise Mallard is the protagonist of this story. Her sister Josephine and her husband’s friend Richards got eh news of her husband’s death in a...

Indigenous Australians and Its Problems

The problem of defending human rights and freedoms has concerned people all over the world and it is the most significant purpose of legislation bodies. A special attention should be paid to defending rights of aboriginal population and their rights to their native land. That issue is on the agenda...

Team Effectiveness Leadership Model

Introduction Team building is one of the common aspects seen in organizations nowadays because of its importance in the success of the organization. Traditionally the only focus was on individual work. But now it has proved that team centred work not only helps in achieving the objectives. Also it helps...

Women’s Role in “Top Girls” Play by Caryl Churchill

Caryl Churchill is the Playwright of the famous Play ‘Top Girls’ which captures a charming and amusing approach of some of the famous women in history and the role of women in contemporary society. The story has been described on the thematic structure of feminist ideas of women’s role in...

Should the U.S. Resume a Millitary Draft?

Introduction Is there a need for the draft today? Or has the need diminished since Mr. Obama took over the reins from Mr. Bush Jr.? Recall that early in April 2004, head of Central Command Gen. John Abizaid raised the prospect of a draft on the grounds that the U.S....

The Theory of Just War: Meaning and Examples

Introduction Human history is full of different processes and events which occurred in different times. There were the cases of war and the peace times, sometimes people were right and sometimes wrong. All people’s life is interconnected with the philosophical sciences which were developed mostly in ancient times. Even war...

Wal-Mart Business Strategy and Marketing Mix

Introduction A successful business organization will always invest heavily in marketing strategy in order to develop a marketing mix that yields the best results as well as making the organization earn a competitive advantage over its competitors. Marketing competition in the current business climate has advanced significantly such that a...

Maximal Punishment for Sexual Criminals

Introduction Everyone should remember that they are responsible for their actions and doings. That is why people should learn how to be stricter with the persons who are not adequate in society. Among the crimes that can be committed by people, sexual crime is one of the cruelest and humiliating...

Ethics in Sports Medicine

Introduction We can characterize the medical profession as one which has been reposed on high standards and values of ethical behavior. A particular set of significant codes of ethics has been accepted and developed by the professionals of the medical community which operate as the foundation to the various ethical...

Control and Monitoring Plan

The control and monitoring plan for achieving the financial and operational objectives must include the various measures that the company proposes to undertake. For starters, if the company is proposing a 1% increase in productivity every year over the next five years, it means that the company needs to invest...

“Absalom, Absalom!” Novel by William Faulkner

Sutpen and his intention of building the Sutpen’s Hundred Thomas Sutpen is a mysterious man, in the sense that people never really understood him and his idea of building the Sutpen’s hundred was borne out of the fact that he realized while he was growing up that men are not...

German Economic Situation in 2007-2008

Size Germany is located in the center of Europe and borders the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, Luxemburg, Czech Republic, France, Austria, and Switzerland. The Federal Republic of Germany has an area of about 357 010 square km (61st in the world), which is equal to the general area of the...

Drug Enforcement and War on Drugs

Since the beginning of the 20th century, “the war on drugs” has been one of the main programs developed and introduced by the US government in order to prevent and reduce illegal drug trade and trafficking. The single most important service that intelligence can provide in the wars on drugs...

The Problem of Civil Disobedience

Civil disobedience has appeared to be the problem since the democratic form of government arouse in society. Authoritarianism, monarchy, and tyranny are types of government, which took place in the history, did not give any chance for disobedience. Civil disobedience is the opposite notion to the morality and duty in...

McDonald’s Restaurants’ Marketing Strategy

Introduction McDonald’s is considered as the world’s largest chain of fast food chain and the organization is considered as a multinational and it serves more than 47 million customers daily. The structure of the organization is quite huge and that is the reason why the organization focuses a lot on...

“It’s a Wonderful Life” Movie by Frank Capra

Introduction The impact of old written works, which have remained till now, on modern film and book industry is great. The ancient writings are taken as the basis for modern stories. Bible is one of the main references which authors use as the base for their stories. Bible motives may...

Ecofeminism, Pluralism and Environmental Pragmatism

The life of each and every being in the world is very valuable and at the same time nature is a treasure house for all beings and because of this reason no one has the right to diminish the richness of nature. Eco feminism, pluralism and environmental pragmatism are some...

Monarch in “Leviathan” Book by Thomas Hobbes

Introduction The issue of power and state were constantly in focus of many outstanding philosophers. From ancient times until nowadays the humanities insist on better ways of state conduct in terms of its kind and form for different societies. People tend to merge, in fact, with the current status quo...