Emirates Telecommunications Corporation: Problem Solving

Introduction All organizations aim to improve their operations and increase their productivity. However, problems can be experienced in the operation of an organization and they may lead to a decrease in productivity. Being able to identify these problems and come up with good solutions is important to the organization’s success....

Writing Skills and Its Effects

Introduction Writing is a skill that grows with time and gets refined with enough practice. Fluency and creativity help writers write excellent articles, consequently enabling the audience to understand the written papers. Depending on how well a writer has mastered writing skills, it affects the quality of work produced. At...

Strategic Planning and Success

Economy deals with the utilization of scarce resource with an aim of maximizing profits. Having the knowledge of economy helps people draw up strategies that will foster this principle of economics perfectly. In drawing up strategies, it should be clear that it has a single part comprising of both a...

Educational Psychology: Developing Learners

The concept of developing young learners has always been of great interest among educational psychologists. It is against this reason that psychologists have developed myriad of theories that can assist teachers understand and nurture young learners. One of the common theories that have been applied in respect to child development...

Religion as the Opiate of Masses

Critical Analysis of the Quote According to Max, “religion is the opiate of masses” (48). This statement has elicited heated debate among scholars over the years as they try to analyze its meaning as per the thoughts of Max. In this quote, Max compares religion to opium, a drug known...

Decision-Making Psychology: “Groupthink” by Janis

Introduction Before his death, Irving Lester Janis was a retired professor from the University of California and a renowned psychologist based at Yale University. Janis was a nonfiction writer and he did extensive studies on team dynamics, which led to the book, Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes....

World War II, Its Causes and Long-Term Effects

Introduction The Second World War was an upheaval that involved almost every region across the world from 1939 to 1945. Having claimed the lives of over 40 million people, this conflict must have been catalyzed by numerous unresolved issues that affected different parts of Europe for many years. The biggest...

Cultural Variation Across International Organizations

Executive Summary The present report is devoted to the issues of cross-cultural management in the international business environment and the situations of mergers and acquisitions, in particular. It is argued that cultural adjustment is essential for effective organizational operation in the context of global business. To understand why it is...

Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans

In the process of socialization, human beings adopt a certain culture; culture is defined as commonly experienced attributes and traits that can be seen in a homogenous group of people mostly living within the same locality. Socialization tools are responsible for the passing of culture from one generation to another;...

Undergraduate Degree and Future

Introduction Time passes very quickly, and it is not always possible to be ready for one more change, challenge, and task. A not long time ago, I cannot even imagine that soon I have to make one of the most important decisions in my life – I have to decide...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The US Approach to Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions

Abstract The public relations between the United States and Iran is said to date way back to 1800 and it remained cordial until after the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which caused major hostility between the two countries (Zaterein 2008, 32). Since then, Iran has been severally accused of running a...

From a Villain to a Victim and Back: Othello and Iago

Introduction: Among Villains and Victims Of all the complex and thought-provoking Shakespearean plays, Othello must be the most complicated and enticing one. Offering a plethora of three-dimensional characters and developing an intriguing plot, the play conveys the author’s idea of the battle between good and evil and offers specific, unclichéd...

Rhetoric in “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”

Introduction During the legally forced labor in America, which took place between 1830 and 1865 when towards the end of the civil war, African American narrators intensified one of the country’s truly aboriginal kinds of published texts. The narrative by Douglass examines the North American slave story. Just like all...

The Personal Journey: “The Wiz” and “The Alchemist”

It has been said so many times that in any given journey, the destination is not the most important aspect of the trip or the quest. The most important aspect of the quest or journey is in the act itself, the process of journeying from Point A to Point B...

Romastrano Incorporated’s Business Plan Review

Introduction The following paper analyzes the business plan presented by Romastrano Incorporated, in an attempt to attract investors and raise 500,000 dollars in order to open 36 more operating units in the next year and help expand the sandwich-selling franchise into the region. The chain produces famous Italian submarine sandwiches...

Model Business Corporation Act: the Australian Law

The given case should be analyzed in terms of the Australian corporate law and basic regulations suggested by it. The fact is that the given sphere could be considered rather complex and there are several important factors that should be taken into account when cogitating about the actions which could...

Informal Assessments in Psychology

Introduction Informal assessments are assessment procedures that are used in informal situations. These settings include settings that are not structured in nature. Informal assessments are therefore procedures that are developed at home or homegrown which are aimed at assessing certain aspects of a situation (Neukrug & Fawcett, 2010). Though they...

Individualized Education Plan: Chantel’s Case

Chantel Case Analysis At school, Chantel shows evidence of hyperactivity and finds it difficult to attend the lessons or even meet set deadlines. She does not finish the given projects within the stipulated deadlines and often tends to forget instructions, and usually delivers works that are below expectations. Despite being...

“Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” by Mark McMinn

According to McMinn, the book is intended for Christian counselors with interest in investigating the link between theology and religion. In this regard, he defines the basic perspectives of integrating religion and psychology in counseling. Moreover, he outlines the fundamental concepts of integrating counseling in religion. He epitomizes the belief...

Bank Solutions International’s Technology Gaps and Security Strategy

Technology Issues with Bank Solutions International One of the primary Issues for the Bank Solutions International was substandard software system. The business market requires a robust and updated software system and secures storage and processing units, this is an obstacle to the growth of the company. The technological skill was...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Corporate Social Responsibility and Work Ethics

Corporate Social Responsibility It has always been the general belief in the corporate world that managers “primarily have a duty to maximize shareholder returns” (Smith, 2003, p.85). But with the recent scandals that hogged news headlines such as Enron, WorldCom, and even factories in China that produce substandard products had...

Expertize and Competence Distribution

The People Worth Being Called Experts… Are They? Because knowledge is the best treasure that mankind will ever possess, the theory of knowledge is nowadays as popular as ever. Both in the times immemorial, in the Medieval epoch, and the modern world with its technical and computer progress spreading worldwide,...

Trauma of Internment for the Nikkei Family in No-No Boy

Introduction John Okada’s No-No Boy recounts the story of challenging cultural identity of a Japanese American young man named Ichiro. In the midst of a bloody conflict with the Japanese, the United States undertook a radical move of creating concentration camps for those of Japanese origin, whilst still requiring these...

Ethical Issues in Information Technology

​Introduction IT ethics may be defined as an analysis of the impact of information technology on the profession and society at large. It involves taking a look at how professionals in this sector need to be making their decisions. This course has exposed me to the importance and challenges that...

Terrorism as a Threat to American Airport Security

Airport Operator Security Responsibilities Airports are inherently complex organizations. Airlines would not be prepared to fly if their aircraft’s security was decided by someone other than their own company; airlines must always be responsible for the security of their aircraft and for the cargo or luggage that goes into them....

Employability and Professional Development

Introduction A thorough understanding of the level we are in our career development, and an analysis of the capacities we have allows us to construct a professional development path that will catapult us to the desired position of our career goal. In our assessment, we recognize what we have already...

The 66th International Music Festival in Prague

Introduction Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic, a country in central Europe bordered by Poland, Germany, Austria, and Slovakia. Prague also doubles up as the largest city in this landlocked country, and is a very dynamic city by day and at night, especially during festivals. Towards the...

The Sand Creek Massacre in the American History

Introduction The Sand Creek Massacre was one of the ill-famed incidents in American History. In 1864, the Colorado Territory soldiers planned to assail the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian villages. John Chivington was the leader of the soldiers. John Chivington was both a sermonizer and a freemason. He commanded the soldiers...

Global Mission Theology of Samuel Escobar

Introduction In his thesis on Global Missions, Samuel Escobar, a Latin American theologian, argues that Christian theology is contextual. Escobar sees mission as a legitimate and fundamental perspective of the church, and all other functions of the church are given focus and direction based on that mission (Escobar, 2003). His...

Process and Secular Theology: Tillich and Bonhoeffer

Introduction It is not precise when the process of theology began, but it is generally held that it must have started way back in the 500 B.C., the era of Heraclitus, the Philosopher, and the Greeks (John & David, 2001). It is also postulated that Process theology was rejuvenated by...

Liberation Theology and Its Expressions

Introduction This essay delves into and delineates the uniqueness of three expressions of liberation theology within the context of each other. It further presents a critical view of the three expressions, reflecting on the totality of the concepts and themes. It is evidenced that liberation theology has elicited a lot...

Personal Responsibility, Ethics, and Values

Introduction Personal responsibility is defined as being responsible for oneself and the safety and demands of others. For any student to prosper at school, s/he has to be organized, meaning that s/he should be personally responsible for his/her learning by being organized. Students ought to be focused on attaining the...

Decision-Making in an English Teacher’s Career

Introduction Selected Character This paper seeks to analyse the decisions made by Mr Higashi, as explained in the case study provided. In this case, Mr Higashi is a professional aged forty-four and has a 20-years experience in teaching high school English around Soto in Japan. Perspectives and Theories When seeking...

E-Learning and Social Networking: Articles Comparison

Introduction In an article titled “The Impact of E-learning on end-users Satisfaction”, the author sets out to investigate the levels of satisfaction that come with e-learning experiences. In the second article, the main subject is Facebook and how it is used by students for learning purposes. The two articles follow...

The Book of Isaiah

The Everlasting Covenant Many Biblical scholars have analyzed the cosmic flavor of the book of Isaiah. Chapter 24 identifies and defines the “everlasting covenant” as the agreement made between God and his people after creation. This covenant is similar to the agreement between humankind and God during the time of...

The Need for Links Between Creativity and Coding

Introduction The twenty-first-century society is placing a larger focus on innovation as the driving force for development. When some problems arise, finding solutions requires not only the desire, skills, dedication, and time; it also requires creativity. No matter how surprising it is, creativity is currently at the center of modern...

Progressive Education Reform in American Schooling

Introduction The most ideal system of education is an illusion. Many educational philosophers have grappled with finding an ideal system of schooling to no avail. Progressive education movement was a movement that set out to promote the philosophy of reforms in the school system. During the 20th Century, there were...

Elvis Presley’s Legacy in Las Vegas

Introduction Las Vegas, which translates from Spanish as «fertile valleys», is a world center of entertainment for every taste. Since the second half of the twentieth century, Las Vegas seems to be «the city of a thousand lights», and one of the greatest centers of show business development. Elvis Presley...

Sugar and Cotton History and Present Trade

Introduction When many of us think about a commodity that changed our society, sugar may come to mind as a symbol of globalization as well as being the reason for the boom in slavery, when millions of Africans were brought to the United States to work on sugar farms. In...

Ancient Egypt: Its Culture and History

History of Egypt Egypt is one of the countries that had a long and remarkable history. This country had an immense influence on the development of western civilization. Ironically, the country and its culture were also shaped by western civilization, as well as other cultural traditions. The Egyptians are a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Disability Services Administrators: Communication Skills

Professionals providing services to persons with disabilities require advanced skills in order to meet their clients’ unique needs. They should be able to communicate effectively, solve emerging problems, make evidence-based decisions, and empower all beneficiaries. Those working in administrative roles in the field of developmental disabilities should mentor their clients...

Becoming a Professional Educator

What constitutes a teacher and school leader Educators provide resources to their colleagues and can thus become leaders to each other. A new teacher has to access reading materials, lesson plans, and other technological resources that assist in the classroom. They usually get this material from their older peers. An...

Burnout at Work and Strategies to Address the Issue

Burnout at work has attracted significant attention from researchers recently as the companies are trying to develop more efficient human resources strategies to remain competitive in the market. Burnout employees tend to underperform, and their absenteeism, as well as emotional state, contribute to the development of an unhealthy atmosphere within...

Importance of Self-Reflection Course

Self-reflection is very important for people as it can help them understand their needs, their wants, and set some goals as well as develop a thorough plan to achieve these goals. One of the most valuable outcomes of this course for me is my ability to self-reflect effectively. Previously, that...

What Is Public Relations?

Introduction My future profession of choice is public relations. Public relations professionals are charged with the responsibility of planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating information as well as communication strategies to clients, members of the public and other stakeholders on behalf of the organization (Edwards & Hodges 2011, p. 77). In...

Spanish Football League

Introduction Spain is one of the countries that have dominated the game of football over the last couple of years. The country has achieved success with its senior and junior national teams. Spain is the current European champions. They also won the 2010 Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) world...

Change Management Simulation and Lessons Learnt

Organizational changes are the type of alterations in the companies’ functioning that may be driven by a variety of factors. It is not easy to achieve a change (Anderson, 2017). There are many issues to take into consideration prior to planning and implementing such adjustments. No one can guarantee that...

Ideal School from Educational Aspects

Introduction Education is among the most important investments that many people strife to achieve. As a result, the most secure inheritance that parents wish to leave their children is quality education. Parents leave their children material possessions but unless the children have good education, they fail to manage the material...

International Trade Benefits for the US Economy

Introduction International trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between and among countries. It involves using the global markets to deliver products that are not available in some countries and to move products from countries with excess supplies to countries with fewer supplies of commodities. Many states have...

Frito-Lay Inc.’s Take-Over of Cracker Jack Brand

Case Recap Frito-Lay is a well-known manufacturer of snack chips throughout the world. It is the leading selling brand of chips in the United States. Their major brand includes Doritos, Raffle, Tostitos, Cheetos, Sun Chips, and Funyuns. Lynne Peissig being the vice president and general manager of the New Venture...

Protecting Browsers from DNS Rebinding Attacks

Summary This article focuses on security threats on the internet. It reveals how a browser is an important part of security in any computerized device. The ‘same-origin’ principle in the security of browsers is the point of focus. The authors state that it prevents malicious websites from accessing personal machines...

Sensor Reaction versus Motor Reaction

Abstract The purpose of this research project is to consider the sensory and motor reaction and identify the time of each of the mentioned responses. The research is conducted with the involvement of 30 subjects, 15 girls and 15 boys who were subjected to shoulder test and leg to shoulder...

Democratic Leadership Style and Responsibilities

Leadership theories refer to the approach that a manager adopts to exercise authority in the workplace and direct staff towards meeting the organizational mandate as outlined in their job descriptions (Foti). It is the way that a manager resorts to discharge all the total responsibilities that entail management and leadership....

Hospital Discharge Process Improvement Strategies

Introduction The hospital discharge process is a critical administrative task that requires critical reform. Hospitals are faced with various logistical challenges that occur due to an inefficient discharge mechanism. This results in an increased length of stay, scheduling issues, and high rates of readmission, which accrue costs and limit patient...

The Nuance Group Company’s Image Restoration

Executive summary The case revolves around the problematic situation related to the functioning of The Nuance Group, a successful management consulting company that is focused on the provision of its services to different organizations and agents. At the moment, the company promotes its services by saying that is employees are...

2016 Shooting Incident in Dallas and Its Reasons

Issues with Security and Emergency Management Firstly, to understand the main reasons for the shooting incident in Dallas in 2016, it is vital to review the potential driving forces for this tragedy from the theoretical perspective. In this case, many researchers refer to the insufficient functioning of homeland security and...

School Meal Product in Canberra’s Market

Introduction The primary school-going children in Canberra and other towns provide a good market for food products. Food is often sold to the pupils through convenience stores that are located in close proximity to the schools or inside the schools. This project is dubbed ‘school meal’ and seeks to establish...

Race as a Product of Culture

Introduction Members of racial communities do possess certain biological traits that make part of that group. However, in anthropology, the phenomenon of race gains an even richer understanding; that of ideological and cultural constructions that need to be demystified and analyzed. Race definition Race does derive some of its understandings...

The Concept of Close Reading

Close Reading Lehman and Robert (2013) discuss the concept of close reading by providing several strategies or steps that need to be kept in mind during the reading lesson. According to the authors, these steps allow students to develop new understandings of the text they read and analyze. The steps...

Amazon Inc.’s vs. Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Inventory

Introduction Managing inventory levels for companies that sell goods is a significant task. A company needs to maintain optimal inventory levels because having too much inventory increases cost such as storage, wear and tear, and interest. In addition, capital which could have been used for other income generating investments is...

Cognitive Neuroscience: Featured Brain Functions

Featured Function One: Hemispheric Specialization of the Brain Hemispheric specialization is referred to as the difference in processes between the right and left hemispheres (Banich 88). It is imperative to mention that hemispheric specialization occurs due to the distinct neuroanatomical and neurochemical features of the two hemispheres, which result in...

Coffee Maker’s Incorporated: Transfer Pricing

Summary of data for division A and B Division Type of unit bought Market price per unit Units bought from Division C Units bought from an external source Total number of units Transfer price A 101 $900 3000 1500 4500 $1,000 B 201 $1900 1000 500 1500 $2,000 The table...

Gendered Society, Inequality and Violence

‘Gender-bashing violence’ and violence against women In most traditional societies, women, transsexual and transgendered people tend to be viewed as minorities (Kimmel, Kaler, and Aronson 432). Women are exposed to sexual violence which may be through intimidation and coercion. It is however not unusual for men to experience violence. The...

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield: Mission, Vision and Values

Introduction In order to operate efficiently and expand its operations Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield should have a strategy that reflects its vision for long-term development and responds to the difficulties that a company may encounter. The company’s mission, vision, and values statements offer an understanding of the strategic direction...

Prison Crowding in the US

Introduction Over the years, the criminal justice system in the United States has been a major topic of discussion with regard to the welfare of incarcerated criminals. One of the biggest concerns raised by the interested parties has been the challenge of crowding in prisons. Most prisons in the country...

Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Development

The implications of globalization on economic and social rights Globalization has had a massive impact on the economic and social rights of people across the world. Based on Bryzk’s definition of globalization, it is clear that a globalized world makes it easy to have a free flow of information and...

Miami Community’s Limited Healthcare Access

Overview Miami is a city with a great history located in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Founded around a century ago – in 1896, – it expanded to become the 44th most populated city in the United States. Still, long before it sprung up on the banks of Miami River, early indigenous...

Critical Race, Social Learning and Feminist Theories

Critical Race Theory During the recent three decades, Critical Race Theory has been actively used by researchers in order to critically analyze racial relations in different contexts, including the educational one. The theory was formulated by researchers for the legal context in the 1980s-1990s, and Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic...

Bandai Pippin Project: Failure of Apple Company

Introduction Bandai Pippin’s project was a major failure that forced the management of Apple Inc to terminate it to avoid further financial loss. The failure is largely attributed to poor initial market research, especially in terms of pricing. However, it is important to appreciate that several stakeholders were interested in...

Suicide Screening as an Evidence-Based Practice

Cases of suicide among adolescents are on the rise and medical practitioners are concerned about the issue. According to Ballard et al. (2016), these minors are unable to deal with stress as they struggle to understand the realities of life. They believe that the quickest way out of the problems...

Beijing’s Air Pollution Crisis Resolution

Introduction There are at least two major incentives for resolving Beijing’s air pollution problems. First, humanitarian reasons dictate the urgency of reducing the mortality rates as a result of poor air quality. Second, the implementation of a cost-efficient and effective air pollution strategy inevitably leads to a treasure trove of...

Childhood and Adult Obesity in the US in 2011-12

Abstract According to the results provided in the critiqued article, it becomes evident that there were no significant changes regarding the health issue of obesity among residents of the United States of America from 2003 till 2011. Unfortunately, the number of American citizens experiencing this problem remains tremendous at the...

The Paranoid Style in American Politics by Hofstadter

Introduction The widely-known essay “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” by Richard J. Hofstadter was a very important piece of writing in American journalism. It was first published in 1964. The essay focused upon the style of politics that the US had had historically and contemporarily to the author. Hofstadter...

Jewish Unity in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature

Modern Hebrew and Yiddish literature are extremely versatile in terms of subjects. Nevertheless, the themes of Jewish tradition, history, and culture pervade many of the pieces written by Hebrew and Yiddish authors. As stated by Miron, art and literature often serve to strengthen the collective identity of the communities that...

FIJI Water Company’s Success

FIJI Water’s Success in the Crowded Bottled Water Industry As a brand, FIJI Water was launched in the middle of the 1990s. In 2004, it was acquired by Roll International Corporation, owned by Lynda and Stewart Resnick. Having to compete in the crowded bottled water industry, already overflowing with diverse...

International Rescue Committee vs. American Red Cross

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian organization that has been in operation since the year 1930 (International Rescue Committee, 2017). The voluntary agency provides emergency relief, advocacy, rehabilitation, and resettlement assistance to many victims. The association uses its resources to ensure lifesaving aid and financial support are...

Chimamanda Adichie on the Danger of a Single Story

Introduction “… and that is what people become…when they realize there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise” (Sarah Para 9). It is surprising to learn the high capacity of human being exposing themselves to the dangers of trusting and believing in one-sided...

“Care Leavers and Public Services Peer Research” by Lopata

Methodology Methods Used The research in question is based on a “purely qualitative” method as participants were interviewed, and the scripts of the interviews were analyzed (Lopata 2011, p. 5). Notably, the methodology used had quite significant peculiarities, which enabled researchers to acquire more detailed and relevant data. It is...

Cultural Research and Its Usefullness in Daily Life

Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice, on the part of recently arrived immigrants from the Third World countries, to indulge in clearly anti-social behavior, which proponents of political correctness justify by the particulars of these people’s cultural uniqueness. In its turn, this disrupts the normal functioning of Western societies to...

Nursing Process: Culturally Competent Care

Abstract The USA is a country that is currently a home for people of different nations. They have their own unique view, values, and beliefs. It is critical to provide patient-centered care for nursing professionals who are patient advocates. In this framework, they are also expected to reveal their cultural...

Patient Education Technology and Information Systems

Introduction Within recent decades, it has been widely recognized by health care researchers and practitioners that the quality of care largely depends on patient engagement, and patient education is one of the main instruments for such engagement (Koh, Brach, Harris, & Parchman, 2013). With technological development, the number of patient...

Developmental Models in Postwar Japan and Korea

Introduction Economies in Japan and Korea were significantly affected by the Second World War and the Korean War. The governments had to design and implement strategies to rebuild the nations. Some scholars believe that these strategies were similar in both Japan and Korea. On the other hand, many specialists distinguish...

Heroes in Native American Legend and German Tale

Folk literature is a concentration of wisdom and moral values. Fairy tales open the world where good confronts evil, and good always wins. The main character is usually a hero: virtuous and courageous. He faces challenges, defeats the enemy, and gets the desired reward. However, in a fairy tale, a...

Leininger’s Theory in Undergraduate Nursing Studies

Introduction The nursing theory provides nurses with the necessary frameworks that allow them to provide high-quality healthcare services. These theories address various aspects of contemporary nursing (Alligood, 2014). For instance, they equip nursing professionals with approaches to the provision of health services associated with particular clinical procedures, psychological support, social...

Canada eh Company: Business Model

Abstract The description and representation of ways used by an organization for capturing, creating, and delivering value to its targeted customers are carried out using a business model. Canada eh will use the model in its attempts to describe the targeted customers and analyze the particular goods that they value....

Robin Hood’s Problems from Strategic Perspective

Introduction Robin Hood faces a number of problems. The first of these problems is that he intended to dispose the High Sheriff of Nottingham from power. This led him to launch a rebellion against him. What began as a personal crusade developed into an idea that many people came to...

Technology, Distance Education, and Its Quality

Introduction Technology is a vital aid that helps many educational institutions offer distance learning programs to students in various places. Various issues have an impact on the usage of technological aids in distance education. Educational content and knowledge are disseminated through various electronic platforms such as the internet, audio, and...

Promoting Sound Organisational Cultures

Introduction The field of organizational behaviour (OB) has become a crucial area of research and application in organizational management. It focuses on understanding and influencing people’s behaviours that have an impact on organisational outcomes. According to Scott (2008), the field has evolved from the scientific studies of management, principles of...

The Effect of Music on Serial Short Term Memory

Abstract To find out the effect of background music on short term memory, an experiment was carried out on two groups. This was to investigate the hypothesis that background music when played during cognitive processing would disrupt the participants’ level of concentration for the memory recall test compared to the...

“Accelerando” a Science Fiction Novel by Charles Stross

Introduction Humans have always been fascinated about the future. This fascination coupled together with limitless imagination led to the development of the science fiction genre, both in print and on the screen. The industrialisation period that began in the 1900s inspired a new form of science fiction that mainly dealt...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Goldman Sachs Group in Investment Banking Industry

Introduction: Industry Analysis The investment banking industry has been experiencing tremendous upheaval throughout the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century (Danquah 36). Despite the fact that the economic environment of the global market has witnessed several massive crises, the companies operating in the banking...

The Common Core Standards Debating

Introduction The Common Core Standards had evoked an enormous wave of debates and discussions when they were presented and implemented. Opinions differed, and the standards themselves were seen either as a challenging, but eventually needed change or as a completely unnecessary edition. Here, I would like to discuss three quotes...

Costly Healthy Food and State Policies

Introduction Proper nutrition, as it is known, is an integral component of good health. Due to a large assortment today, it is not difficult to choose the products that are most useful for the human body and to follow a correct diet. Nevertheless, the cost of healthy food, as many...

Receptive Letter Identification

Introduction The program used in performing discrete trial training (DTT) is called “Receptive Letter Identification.” Discriminative stimuli (Sd) used to trigger responses were letters, namely, “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”. The student identified each letter by following five series of steps with a progressive level of distraction. In the first...

Marketing Campaign, Brand Strategy and Internet

The Elements of an Effective Cause Marketing Campaign The first article under discussion is written by Panepinto, and it is dedicated to the issues related to the efficient implementation of a cause campaign. Firstly, it is essential to notice the immense importance of cause campaigns since they can be a...

The Histories by Herodotus: Story and Book

Introduction Herodotus is one of the most famous historicists who provided people with the knowledge about the ancient era, how peoples lived, what customs and traditions they had. His works are a priceless heritage of that period of time. They promote a better understanding of the epoch and help to...

“The Globalization of Markets” by Theodore Levitt

Introduction The modern economy is characterized by increased economic and cultural integration, which has promoted international relations as well as international trade. This has been heavily facilitated by globalization. In general terms, globalization refers to global integration of economic, technological, political, and social aspects among different countries (Hamilton 2008). In...

Self-Determination of Students with Disabilities

Introduction This essay paper provides a summary of four different articles, each article with a separate heading. Each article answers pre-assigned questions in a given order. Depending on each of the articles, this essay revolves around the concept of self-determination and key players such as special educators or teachers and...

Philosophers Views about Reason

Introduction Philosophers such as Aristotle, Kant, and Mill dedicated a lot of their time in understanding reason and its role in day-to-day life. The reason is commonly understood as the power to think about using the human mind. People believe that it is the power to think that sets humans...

Ethnography: Employee Behavior at Cafeteria

Introduction Ethnography is a systemic analysis of people and their cultures (Richardson, 2013; Fine, 2013; Kottak, 2005). For our ethnography assignment, we decided to study life at the cafeteria cited three blocks from our resident building. To ensure anonymity, this paper refers to the cafeteria as “The Point” and assigns...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Oman Aluminum Processing Company: Quality Assurance

Organizational Background The Oman Aluminum Processing Industries LLC (OAPIL) is currently the market leader in manufacturing aluminum conductors and rod in Oman. Founded in the year 2008, the company has experienced steadfast growth as a major player in Oman’s industrialization. Despite having been in the market for less than ten...

Revolution Strategy and Tactics

Introduction In the scenario presented for this essay, the author is an advisor to a revolutionary movement. It is based in a country ruled by a dictator, and the rebels have already attempted an assault on the presidential palace. The uprising has failed, and the government’s oppression has become more...

Alibaba Group Influencing Sales Through Media

With the possibility of slowing the business in China because of the pollution control, some companies place their assets into the alternative branches of economy. The issue with the leading Chinese E-commerce company Alibaba Group is that it is determined to improve its positions on the both Chinese media marking....

Psychology: Personal and Career Development

Although many thinks that focusing on self can be a destructive force, the psychological research has evidence that it is an important component to some positive changes in life. A great amount of theories related to self-regulation underlines the idea that positive changes, given the positive type of the individual’s...

Diabetes Management for Older Adults in Long-Term Care

Diabetes mellitus maintains a high prevalence in long-term care facilities and creates a consequential disease burden which results in higher costs. It is common in older adults who are a substantial portion of long-term care patients and can have significant health risks due to the heterogeneity of comorbidities in this...

The Variations of the Spanish Language in Ecuador

A Brief Historical Review Ecuador was subjugated by the Spaniards in 1534, after conquering the Incas in the modern territory of Peru. The resistance of the native population in the region was suppressed by Sebastian de Benalcazar’s army. During that period, the Spaniards founded the largest cities of Ecuador, including...

Evidentialism vs Non-Evidentialism Debate Exploration

At the root of evidentialism is the principle that one should only ground beliefs on the relevant evidence that one possesses. Clifford, one of the famous proponents of the view, argued that the level of knowledge (the amount of evidence) one has is proportioned to the belief. The philosopher’s view...

Construction Company’s Operational Risk Management

Scenario Description For this scenario, I will assume the role of a manager for a stone masonry contractor. With the assistance of worker representatives, my task is to carry out a general risk assessment connected to standard masonry techniques and procedures. The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate the...

Intelligence-Led Policing in the US

Introduction In any society, some individuals do not want to abide by the laws of their countries, and their activity can pose a threat to national security. When such people unite their efforts to fulfill their own goals, intimidate ordinary people, undermine the reputation of authorities, or instigate conflicts between...

Pain Management Following Surgery

It is observed that over 230 million patients undergo surgical procedures every year globally, and this number is expected to increase (Pogatzki-Zahn, Segelcke, & Schug, 2017). Surgery is generally responsible for postoperative pain, which should be mitigated immediately and effectively to minimize suffering, improve healing processes, patient satisfaction and to...

Chickenpox: Disease Control and Prevention

Introduction Chickenpox is one of the more common communicable diseases in the world. It is also known as varicella, and it is highly contagious. It includes a variety of easily identifiable symptoms, and complications could happen in certain cases. This paper will present a list of epidemiologic information about the...

“Tulpan” and “A Town Called Panic” Movies Review

A report on Tulpan movie Written and directed by Sergey Drortsevoy, Tulpan is a successful chef-d’oeuvre Asian movie that got everyone talking about the director’s cinematography skills. Produced in 1998, the film started showing up in cinemas and theatres around April 1999. Although the movie was unrated, it received international...

Debates Within Early 20th-Century Marxist Parties

Introduction Socialism is classified by most modern historians as a system of economic and social policies and political beliefs that focuses on collective control over the means of production as well as democratic ownership and the decision-making process. Ideas of socialism existed well into the 18th and 19th centuries, having...

Primary and Team Nursing Care Models

Introduction There are several nursing care models in medical practice. The leaders of nursing teams must evaluate the best method to be implemented in their settings and educate their auxiliaries by the standards of the chosen option. Primary nursing is one of the oldest and the most reliable techniques as...

Economic Recession Alleviation Strategies

Introduction A general understanding of macroeconomics shows that recession occurs when the business cycle of an economy contract. During the recession, there is a fall in GDP growth, household income, business profit, and investment point towards an economy that is in recession (Colander 11). Consequently, recession increases unemployment and corporate...

Deepwater Horizon Disaster and Prevention Plan

Executive Summary The Deepwater Horizon disaster occurred in 2010 caused severe deterioration of the environment as well as significant financial losses. Organizational and operational factors of several companies involved in oil production led to the accident. It is recommended to improve interaction and cooperation between stakeholders, develop preventive policies and...

Goal-Setting Reflection

To make sure that the set goals are attainable and, therefore, worth pursuing, one needs to explore their ostensible outcomes in depth, therefore, detailing the possible obstacles that can be encountered on the way to their completion. Furthermore, the factors that will affect the development of the project and, therefore,...

Philosophical Framework Based on Kantian Ethics

Philadelphia means the city of brotherly love. Using a rudimentary understanding of Greek language and thought, it is safe to say that philosophy is some sort of love for wisdom. It is my understanding that the passion for knowledge and wisdom inevitably leads to the construction of a personal philosophy,...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most widespread mental diseases across the globe. It affects approximately 25 percent of women and 12 percent of men throughout the lifespan and may have multiple severe, adverse effects on individual condition including impaired functioning, reduced productivity and motivation, poor quality of...

Project Management Professionals in the USA

Introduction There is a tremendous number (more than a million) of officially certified PMPs (project management professional) all over the planet. One-fourth of these specialists work and locate in the territory of the United States of America. Unfortunately, the majority of various projects these people perform appear to fail. The...

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Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity and Competence

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Telehealth, Its Impact and Challenges

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The Nursing Practice: Art and Science

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The Struggle for Students’ Rights: Tinker vs Des Moines

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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Definition and Diagnosis

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Contract Elements, Its Creation and Enforcement

Contracts are the critical elements of the everyday business operations, as they define clearly the positions of each party. Nonetheless, some legal issues have a tendency to exist due to the complicated structure and the vitality of the particular elements for the contract creation. The primary goal of this paper...

Global Warming Problems due to Economic Growth

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Classroom Observation: Children with IEPs

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Leadership and Professional Development

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Observation of IEP Students at Class

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Alzheimer’s Disease Care: Project Implementation

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Disabled People in “Forrest Gump” Film by Zemeckis

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Film Festivals and Awards Effect on Cinematography

The early era of cinematography was shaped by striving to achieve success in terms of creating masterpieces that are unique and precious. However, gradually, the primary priorities of creators involved in the film industry have shifted in favor of material profit. The contemporary cinematography is most known not for its...

Workplace Integration Programs for Nurses

Introduction Patient satisfaction and timely access to healthcare services remain the key priorities in healthcare. Given the existing shortage of qualified nurses in the United States, healthcare providers in the country can be interested in using the fruits of globalization to deal with this problem. This position paper proposes a...

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

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Nursing Model in University of Miami Hospital

Introduction Selection of an appropriate model of nursing care coordination is interrelated with the management of such diverse organizational issues as cost-efficiency, customer satisfaction increase, achievement of positive treatment outcomes, and provision of high-quality healthcare service to all patients. When an efficient model is implemented, the internal communication among nursing...

Delta Holding Company Job Satisfaction

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“The Lies That Led to War” and “To Sell a War” Documentaries

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The Power of Political Rhetoric: Article Review

Introduction Political history is often determined by hindsight judgment and attempts to connect the success or failure of particular political enterprises with perceived virtues and beliefs of each side compared to actions used to promote said political agendas. However, as it often is in politics, major leaders rarely say what...

Human Resource Management Practices

Introduction One of the primary roles of the human resource management (HRM) function is to ensure that human assets are highly motivated to assume the required productivity levels. This role is actualized through the application of various motivational programs and ensuring that the management is always committed to enhancing the...

Schools Voucher and Competitive Choice

Introduction A school project usually transforms a student’s general perception of things. It exposes him/her to various important perspectives of experts in different academic fields. A student who completes a project exhibits a changed perception of the project theme. Usually, the project makes the student a better person about his/her...