Investigating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Summary Most people experience traumatic events during their lifetime. For the first time, the phenomenon of post-traumatic stress disorder was examined among the participants of the different wars. Over the last decades, a certain amount of studies of this type of disorder was presented in the literature. The topic to...

Are Nurses Becoming Influential in Health Care Policymaking?

Introduction Many people associate politics with the government and political aspirants. However, politics exists in the healthcare systems. In this case, we will consider the biased politics in the healthcare systems that oppress the nurses to an extent that they are unable to voice their pleas. In the contemporary world,...

How Car Emissions Affect Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is experienced when the earth’s surface heats up and this causes the average temperature of the earth to rise, the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans also rise. The sea level also rises with the increase in temperature of the globe and this affects the weather...

Congestive Heart Failure Patients’ Length of Stay

Introduction Most healthcare providers have shown interests in demonstrating quality improvement (QI). According to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), QI is “an interdisciplinary process to raise the likelihood of the delivery of best practices for preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative care to maintain, restore, or improve health outcomes...

Social Learning Theory of Offender Treatment

Introduction Psychology social learning theory (observational learning theory) is associated with Albert Bandura who was the discoverer of the theory (Akers & Sellers, 13). This was as a result of his research on modelling and imitation. The theory holds that behaviour can be learned at a cognitive level through observation...

Students’ Perceptions in the Nursing Clinical Workplace

Introduction This paper is an article review of ten documents explaining student perception about effective preceptors in the nursing workplace environment. In locating the ten articles to be used in this paper, an online search strategy was used. To find the right articles, key words were used in an online...

International Finance: Linking Exchange Rates to Dollar

Introduction The United States of America uses the United States dollar as its official currency. This is usually abbreviated as USD, $ and US$. These are normally used to make it distinct from other countries which abbreviate their currencies using the dollar symbol. In addition, the USD is divided into...

Transportation: Port Development

The port is defined according to Patrick, (2008, p.5) as the area near the seashore and with infrastructure capacities for a vessel/shore interface and customs facilities. Knowledge claims consider Bruges Port as being the leader in Northern Europe in the thirteenth century. In the turn to the fifteenth century, Antwerp...

The Project of Health Promotion

Health Promotion Game Depression diagnosed mainly among youths and children has facilitated this game (Gabe, 2004). The game applies to teenagers and young adults in schools and the classroom setting or as part of fun games that involve technologically advanced mechanisms specifically the computer (Swanton, Collin, Burns & Sorensen, 2007)....

Book Review “Religious, Feminist, Activist ” by Laurel Zwissler

Introduction Religious, Feminist, Activist by Laurel Zwissler examines the political and theological patterns of women who claim that their activism is tied to religious beliefs. This book explores the civic importance of faith in the pluralistic setting of North America and the globalized society. Zwissler approached researching from a perspective...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Alternative or Complementary vs. Traditional Medicine

In (post)modern society, there is a return to alternative medicine practices, which puts researchers to explain this phenomenon and determine its consequences, and state systems health care are encouraged to establish control over activities of alternative healers, taking into account the interests of patients and ensuring their safety. The World...

Hand Washing and Nosocomial Infections After Surgery

Abstract The nosocomial infection rate is high in unsterile conditions that facilitate microbial transmission. Resident and transient microbes colonize the healthcare workers’ hands, making them effective vectors of bacteria that cause nosocomial infections. In particular, patients undergoing surgery are at a greater risk of nosocomial infection because of the invasive...

Gender Stereotypes in Families: Parents’ Gender Roles and Children’s Aspirations

Psychologists have paid significant attention to gender stereotypes, and many important trends have been identified and evaluated. Researchers use various methodologies to address the issues related to gender stereotypes. This paper dwells upon the study implemented by Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014) with a focus on the methodology used....

Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: A Literature Review

Introduction This review of literature attempts to examine various aspects of evidence-based nursing practice in nursing. It further attempts to describe the importance of literature materials in nursing practice. In addition, it attempts to describe the standards needs in evidence-based care in nursing. Within the last few decades, evidence-based nursing...

The Concept of Health Literacy

Introduction Limited health literacy has been noted among some patients in the US and therefore health literacy has gained significant recognition in the last two decades. The purpose of this formal concept analysis paper is to explore a chosen concept in nursing theory. The methodology applied in this concept analysis...

Fire Growth and Spread

Fire is defined as “a rapid, self-sustaining, exothermic oxidation reaction that produces heat and light in varying degrees” (University of Maryland University College, n.d., para.8). This definition differentiates fire from other slower oxidative reactions such as browning and rusting. Self-sustaining allude to the capability of the process to prolong even...

HB 795: Florida Hospital Patient Protection Act

Introduction The provision of the high-quality patient care is directly connected with the question of nurse staffing. While representing the Florida Nurses Association, it is important to concentrate on the initiatives which can be discussed as effective to change the situation for better. To decrease the high levels of the...

The Choice of the Form of Business

Introduction In the current business world, the pace at which changes are taking place is so high that it will take only masters of the game to survive. Masters of the game are only those businesses that will make the most appropriate decisions in relation to the prevailing business conditions....

Lean Production as a Management Technique

The Toyota Company drew attention to itself in the 1980s. Back then, it was starting to become evident that Japanese-made cars could last longer than their American counterparts. By the beginning of the 1990s, Toyota, in particular, gained considerable acclaim compared to other Japanese car manufacturers: Toyota designed and produced...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Quality Improvement Plan of the Emergency Department

Quality improvement has been described as the activities prepared via the use acquired date to facilitate the direct enhancement in specific aspects of the delivery of health services. Some of the activities included in quality improvement include nursing sensitive indicators, performance measures and compliance checks. Performance measures refer to the...

Significance of Computer Forensics to Law Enforcement

Introduction The following essay will evaluate the emerging significance of computer forensics to law enforcement. It will also discuss the reasons as to why the developing field of computer forensics is essential to modern-day law enforcement. Computer forensics is also referred to as “digital forensics, computer forensic analysis, electronic discovery,...

Value of Honor in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

Introduction People have a tendency to develop various attitudes towards the concepts of honor, respect, and loyalty. On the one hand, an idea of honorable behavior pervades human activities, and it is necessary to rely on personal knowledge and skills to demonstrate the best examples. On the other hand, honor...

Anova With Repeated Measures

Introduction The current paper provides a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures of the data supplied in the file “TutorMarks.sav,” which accompanies the task #2 provided in the book by Field (2013, p. 589); the file can be found on the web page “Datasets” (n.d.). The analysis was...

Vanity, Evil, Immortality in “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

Introduction The Picture of Dorian Gray is arguably Oscar Wilde’s most well-known and most debated work. Set in Victorian England, the story revolves around Dorian Gray and his slow descent into a life of hedonism, decadence, and immorality. However, unlike any other self-indulgent character, Gray is freed from the effects...

Charging Children as Adults Does Not Solve Juvenile Criminal Problems

Introduction There has been a lot of controversy in trying to understand the reason the spirit in which juvenile courts were created since a lot of people are currently arguing that children should be tried as adults when it comes to crime. Generally the essence of creating the juvenile courts...

Criminal Justice Process for a Felony Criminal Charge

The federal system of the United States is founded on the substratum notion that the states administer the principal responsibility for criminal justice and hence, criminal justice is the nucleus of state and not national responsibility. Currently, there is no single criminal justice system in the U.S.A as different states...

Potential Funding Source for Public Campaign on STDs

Abstract Youths are vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases because they are sexually active. Hence, it is imperative to run public campaigns to sensitize teens on dangers of engaging in unprotected sex. Most public campaigns on sexually transmitted diseases fail to reach many youths due to inadequate fund. Additionally, most funding...

Analysis of Odysseus’ Adventures and His Fatal Mistakes

The Odyssey is an integral part of the ancient Greek epic, and its authorship is usually attributed to Homer. The poem narrates Odysseus’s adventures after returning from the Troyan war. The hero faces many dangers during a long journey and returns home after 20 years. On the way, he loses...

The Birth and Fertility Rates in the USA

Introduction Fertility and birth rates are influential on the lives of the world’s population, so it cannot be denied that the subject is worth discussing. The size of the workforce depends on both the number of consumers and the number of people who can be employed. As a result, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nuclear Industrial Purpose: Thorium-Bearing Fuels

The importance of the proposed study in the context of the existing knowledge For many centuries, nuclear reactors in the world hav been relying on fuel cycles based on uranium. Nevertheless, the element thorium is a potential source of nuclear energy in certain types of nuclear reactors. In fact, it...

National Culture as a Myth

Introduction Today, attention is paid to different methods of exploration of national culture in business, social sciences, politics, and management. On the one hand, national culture could influence the way of how organizations develop their cultures, visions, and practices, following the already established standards and regulations. On the other hand,...

Effectiveness of the American Political System

Introduction The United States is presently one of the oldest modern democracies in the world. The country’s Constitution outlines the rights, liberties, and expectations of the people. The document also explains how the government and its agencies should strive to meet the demands of all citizens. Key stakeholders promote a...

Low-Cost Airline Industry Critical Review

Introduction Low-cost carriers such as Southwest Airlines and AirAsia are becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide. They offer their customers access to quick travel at considerably lower prices than their more traditional network, or flag, carrier counterparts. As a result, their popularity has grown rapidly since the inception of the concept in...

Gender Representation in Akira Kurosawa’s Films

Japanese director Akira Kurosawa is considered one of the most influential filmmakers in the history of cinema. He was taking an active part on many levels of the creation of his films, often serving as a screenwriter and editor. Kurosawa was investigating various themes in his movies, including human identity,...

Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Inhaled Insulin Therapy

Summary Type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus can be regarded as a serious threat to people’s health worldwide. The disease is associated with numerous complications and can lead to a fatal outcome. Inhaled insulin is one of the most recent options to improve glycaemic control and raise patients’ satisfaction. The...

Factors of Korea Becoming a Japanese Colony

The study of the history of a nation is impossible without a comprehensive study of historical events in the region, where the State is located. Historians that emphasize the study of national history, as a rule, try to define the specific features of the culture and lifestyle of a certain...

History of the Upper West Side

Geographical location The Upper West Side neighbors borough and Manhattan in New York City; it is located in between Central Park which is on the eastern side and the Hudson River which is located on the western side, above the West 59th Street and below 125th Street.1 The region covers...

Ireland’s Political Economy in 2004

Introduction Ireland was considered to be one of the most competitive political economies in the world in the early 2000s, its political and economic policies attracted investments and it was seen as an attractive investment destination in Europe. This was fuelled by the government policies of cooperative industrial relations, tax...

Organizational Change Plan: Managed Care and Nursing

Introduction Nurses are considered to be amongst the core personnel who are charged with the direct responsibility of taking care of the patients (Cesta, 2006, p.130). Therefore, the success of a healthcare institution is dependent on its effectiveness in utilizing nursing services. As a healthcare institution, VA is currently experiencing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Culturally-Competent Care in Health Care

Introduction Patients require evidence-based care in order to achieve their health goals (Bednarz, Schim, & Doorenbos, 2010). Medical practitioners should use appropriate skills in order to empower their patients. According to Betancourt, Green, & Carrillo (2002), nurses should be aware of the diverse needs of every patient. Culturally-competent care focuses...

Evidence-Based Practice: Nusring

Introduction Evidence-based practice is one of the recommended clinical practices that health practitioners should follow in administering clinical services. The World Health Organization and national health bodies have continuously advocated for the application of this approach. However, there have been claims that some nurses do not follow this approach. Instead,...

Personality Assessment Models: James Madison’s Personality Development

Personality, a key constituency of individuals has attracted varied definitions, for example, Funder (2001, cited in Mroczek and Little, 2006, p.108) defines personality as those characteristics which individuals possess and which manifest in terms of thought, emotion and behavior together with the psychological mechanisms that are either hidden or not....

Buddhism and Christianity: Understanding of Religions

Aisha listens carefully as two of her colleagues continue with the heated debate on whether Christianity is the true religion. In their argument, one believes that Christianity is the only true religion while the other, who is a pagan, prefer believing in Buddhism citing that this is the only religion...

Euro and the Global Financial Crisis

Introduction Today, the world is regaining from the world economic crisis that started in 2007. Every economy is trying to position itself to effectively recover. The crisis has already affected economies with a large number of them having a negative economic growth. There is hope that recovery will be attained....

The Moral Dilemma of the Capital Punishment

Introduction Punishment for crimes that are deemed cruel and unusual is forbidden by the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This amendment is often invoked when discussing the legal merits of the death penalty. The use of the death penalty is considered by some to be the most obvious and...

Vampires: From Ghoulish Demons to Stylish Icons

Vampires are probably the most popular mythical creatures, having some manner of cultural existence across the globe. In every culture and mythical folklore across the globe there has been some reference to a creature very similar to the vampire. The vampire myth has not been confined to Europe but has...

Personality Is Inherited Principles of Genetics

Even before the revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of genetics had taken place during the course of last fifty years, which point out to one’s personality as having largely biological subtleties, people used to suspect that individual’s behavior does not solely account for particularities of his of her upbringing. In...

Welfare State. Ensuring the Well-being of Citizens

Outline The research paper discusses an argumentative topic about Libertarian views on Welfare State. The essay begins with an introduction that describes the term Welfare State and it ends with a thesis statement. The body of the essay includes role of Welfare State, Welfare State and the immigrants, libertarian views...

Computing Trends: 3D Printing

Before the era of computer-aided design (CAD), models, lasers and prototypes, individuals were laboriously carving materials from wood or sticking plastic pieces. The revolution of technology in the 1980s brought a solution to the problem. The concept of rapid prototyping resulted in the development of more automated methods. Three-dimensional printing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

United States Government Should Release More UFO Information to Public

Introduction since the end of WW2, the public’s attention in Western countries has been increasingly focused on the phenomenon of UFOs, which in its turn, had caused more and more people to think about this phenomenon as something absolutely real. Nevertheless, it was named during the recent decade that how...

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Causes and Treatment

History of the Organism According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), evidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has been found in ancient Egyptian mummies (par. 3). Tuberculosis (TB) was also a prevalent disease in the ancient Roman and Greek civilizations. Overcrowding in 17th-century cities made TB a...

European Community Laws: Law of the Constitution

European Community Law European Community laws (ECL) are regulations and directives which are above the national laws. Their main objective is to continually bring together its members’ economic and political systems in order to form a single market. The market is characterized by the free movement of people, goods, and...

The Family Health Assessment

Introduction Matters concerning family health are receiving substantial attention in the contemporary decades, following a growing number of unpredicted health issues. Community health assessment and family health assessments have become common techniques utilized within the health care systems across the world purposely to promote good health (Willemse & Kortenbout, 2012)....

Chronic Prostatitis Diagnosis and Further Treatment

Pathophysiology of acute prostatitis Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate organ and the surrounding tissues. Urologists believe that 60-80% of men are affected by chronic prostatitis. Several physiological factors lead to the development of prostatitis in men. The prostatic bacterial factor (PAF) is the main biomarker in chronic prostatitis....

“Combating Poverty in Latin America” by Robyn Eversole

Introduction Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have had their share of criticism the world over. Some have called them as ‘capitalist tools’, others as agents of American extra-regional hegemony and ‘Christian proselytizers in disguise’ while the more extreme have outrageously called NGOs as CIA agents. Robyn Eversole through her book Here...

Critical Infrastructure: Major Vulnerabilities

The vulnerability of critical infrastructure in the United States post experiences of 9/11 and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina have generated intense debate amongst the academia, government circles, and the media. This essay examines the vulnerabilities in US critical infrastructure. The government has a National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) that...

US and Jamaican Stimulus Packages Comparison

Introduction By December 2007, the collapse of the U.S. home mortgage market and the resultant asset quality catastrophe at lending institutions had, as feared, exercised a domino effect on many sectors of the economy: gross domestic product had indeed declined two quarters in a row. The recession was officially on....

Travel Ban in Cuba Can Hurt Jamaica’s Tourism Industry

President Barack Obama’s administration is pushing for policy change regarding the travel ban to Cuba. There is a long history of animosity between these two countries. But at the same time, the proximity of Cuba to the U.S. mainland encouraged many to flee the oppressive government of Fidel Castro and...

“The Truman Show” by Peter Weir

The Truman Show is a film about the infringement by the media groups into the private lives of celebrities and about how such interference causes disruptions such as what happened with Princess Diana. It can also be seen as an intrusion by the media into the life of the common...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“That Evening Sun” by William Faulkner

‘That Evening Sun Go Down’, a short story written by William Faulkner, portrays the pathetic condition of African Americans in South America. One can identify the hidden hatred that the white men harbour towards the Negro community in America. A Unique Feature of the Story is that it can be...

Issues in the Film Industry

Not so long ago, the film industry was a no-go zone for film directors with less than six-digit figures in their bank accounts. To make a movie in Hollywood was an extremely expensive undertaking. But due to narrative and aesthetic experimentation, there has been an introduction of low-budget quality movies...

George Washington’s Contribution to the American Independence War

Over two hundred years ago, the American Revolution forever changed the global political landscape. Thirteen original colonies rose against the power of the British Crown in a fight for liberty in a war that lasted eight years and four months and cost over 100000 casualties on both sides. The outcome...

The Portrayal of Child Abuse and Neglect in Media

Introduction The topic of child abuse and neglect is a heavy one, but it requires an additional spotlight to attract society’s attention to this issue. This long-standing societal problem, when brought under the public eye, can be dismantled by peer pressure from the community on the government to take necessary...

Fire Cases of World Trade Center and Dupont Fires

Background Information It was on September 11, 2001, when World Trade Center, WTC suddenly collapsed following terror attacks by the suspected Al Qaeda group. Following the destruction of this stature, everyone was surprised at first, and to establish the cause of the incident, there were speculations that the building was...

Concept Synthesis on Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Autobiography Many nurses use powerful concepts and competencies to promote the health conditions of their patients. Medical practitioners focus on the best ideas to promote the living conditions of different societies. Nurses should use “evidence-based ideas and concepts whenever improving the health conditions of their communities” (Hobbs, 2009, p....

Application of Technology in Nursing

Introduction Many lives are lost due to errors that emanate from improper handling of patients’ information. The main areas prone to these errors are prescribing, dispensing, administration, and monitoring. A survey conducted by an Independent Healthy Survey reveals that 35,000 to 98,000 patients succumb due to medical errors (Lombardi, 2000)....

Ethics and Leadership Relations

Nowadays, it represents a commonplace assumption among healthcare specialists that, in order for physicians and nurses to be able to address their professional responsibilities in the most effective manner, they must be thoroughly aware of what the concept of ethical leadership stands for. One of the main reasons for this...

Darlene: Ghana Final Paper

Introduction Ghana is one of “the developing nations in Africa” (Larson, 2014, p. 3). Larson (2014) indicates that “Ghana’s infant mortality rate has reduced significantly within the past two decades” (p. 16). However, statistics show that the number of children dying before the age of 5 is still quite high....

Psychological Therapy: Analysis of Covariance

Introduction Analyzing data is of the essence in science (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). This paper supplies an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for the data from the file “Stalker.sav,” which can be found on the web page labeled “Datasets” (n.d.). After stating and testing the assumptions for ANCOVA, the author provides...

Environmental Health and Environmental Change

The environment has a huge impact on the human life. Environmental factors can cause and promote many health issues and diseases (Moeller, 2005, p. 1). Therefore, it is of vital importance to regard the environment as an essential part of public health. Environmental health can be defined as the sphere...

Meadow Brook: Performance Management

Introduction Rapid globalization in the world in recent years has led to a number of shared environmental problems. “As globalization continues and the earth’s natural processes transform local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems.” (Environmental problems, 1999, para.1). One among these, a...

Microsoft: The Tech Giant in the Modern Market

Product and Marketing Evolution Microsoft (MS) has developed its product range and marketing strategies throughout years of continuous improvement and innovation. The history of evolution dates back to the early 1980s when MS launched the Disk Operating System (DOS) for personal computers. Consequently, uniting DOS, Windows Operating System, Mouse, and...

Public Communication Professionals and Debates

Introduction Public relations professionals play a critical role in influencing debate in the public sphere. According to Gower (2018), these professionals have a critical role of influencing public opinion and protecting the image of organizations they represent in the public domain. They can also help in championing for or against...

Obama’s State of the Union Address Summary

The American president Barrack Obama on the 27th of January 2010 said that the constitution of America required the president to tell congress the information regarding the state of the union. He said that although America may seem to have been destined to succeed there was a time when that...

Thomistic Approach to St. Augustine’s and St. Anselm’s Views

Summa Theologiae is considered one of the most influential books in the field of medieval philosophy and theology. It encompasses various topics connected with Christianity, such as the existence of God, faith and reason, and the goal of human life. This compendium provides reasoning for almost every controversial theme that...

Substance Abuse Among African American Women in Miami

Aggregate Description Drug and alcohol abuse are among the leading causes of health issues among individuals from all racial and ethnic backgrounds (Miller, Forcehimes, & Zweben, 2011). The vice has been on the rise in the past few decades. Unfortunately, little research has been done connecting the rising number of...

The Development of the Roman Gods

The Roman Empire was anchored on a polytheistic religious foundation, meaning that the ancient civilization acknowledged multiple gods and goddesses. Wasson, however, notes that groups within the larger empire, such as followers of Judaism and early Christianity, honored a single deity. Apparently, coexistence between monotheists and polytheists was not always...

Windshield Survey: The City of Hialeah in Florida

Introduction The purpose of the windshield survey paper is to make observations and collect data that define the City of Hialeah in Florida (zip code: 33013). It captures any shifts, stability, and developments, which have impacts on public health and the general well-being of individuals (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2011). The...

Influence of Yin Yang on Confucius and Lao Zi’s Way of Thinking

Yin Yang refers to the concept that is used to describe and explain how some opposite or converse forces in the world are mutually supporting and intertwined. It describes and explains how they give rise to each other in turn and seem to be mutually dependent on each other. This...

Self-Control Theory: Are Our Parents to Blame?

A century ago, most behaviorists theorized that the environment greatly influences criminality. This theory ignores a person’s genetic predispositions, and for the most part, blames social influences for the molding of a criminal or at least a delinquent. From this theory, an opposing theory, called the self-control theory, came to...

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Review

“Where are you going, where have you been?” is a beautiful story written by Joyce Carol Oates. The author takes the archetypal theme of seduction and then presents it in the way he finds it today, particularly in America. The way she depicts the emotions of a 15 year old...

Chopin and Shields Literary Works Compared

The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is a short story that particularly focuses on the feminine gender’s side of such marriage struggles. Caged in a patriarchal society, women have been rightfully fighting for a life worth living. In this story, it takes an accident, particularly her husband’s death,...

Criminal Justice Ethics: Police Corruption & Drug Sales

The growth of police corruption instances involving drug sales is relatively easy to explain. The financial rewards offered by the sales of illegal drugs in relation to other forms of income, both legal and illegal, are enormous. The temptation attracts law enforcement officials who are becoming increasingly more discouraged by...

Philippine Financial Institutions: An Overview

Introduction Owing to the strategic position of the country as a trading entrepôt in East Asia – doing a brisk trans-Pacific trade with Mexico for centuries, exporting minerals and forest products to China, trading sugar with (what was then) Great Britain, and cashing in on foreign exchange earnings of Filipino...

Social Security for the Elderly in the United States

Introduction In the United States, the social security program is an initiative of the government that is intended to assist retirees. As such, it comprehensively covers virtually all the workers; however a majority of the federal employees, as well as those who have been employed by either the local or...

Acme Medical: Validating Cleanroom Biocontamination

Introduction Medical devices decontamination services for re-processing re-usable invasive medical devices used by several hospitals is a very important undertaking in view of the critical role that these medical devices play in the lives of human beings (ISO 14971:2000). Consistency of contamination control within the clean room is therefore of...

Analysing Films “The Great Debaters” and “Crash”

Introduction The two films “The Great Debaters” and “Crash” both depict a story that points out to various but relatively the same general perspectives in a given society. Each movie attempts to visualize the racial attitudes, negative stereotypes, and discriminations among smaller groups involved. To begin with, the first film...

Religion: Definition, History, General Practices

Introduction Religion involves a combination of practices and beliefs that are held by certain people and is often codified as religious law, rituals, and prayers. It may involve cultural or ancestral traditions, mythology, writings, and history, as well as mystic experience and personal faith. Religion can be defined in a...

SWOT Technique: General Analysis

Introduction In business, it is vital to change and adapt to innovation, and it is also crucial to be able to adequately assess the potential of these changes when developing a strategic plan for a firm. SWOT analysis is among the commonly used techniques in business that allow one to...

Contract Law Case: Nursing Home vs. Paul

Student Name Professor Name Course Unit Date Contract Law Cases Charlie v. Best Bargain Issue Will Charlie prevail against Best Bargain Stores after he was denied a General Electric Smart Front Load Washer for $1.00 that was advertised? Rule of Law Advertisements made to the public normally do not amount...

Anti-bullying Practices in Criminal Prosecution

Introduction All actions and choices that people make have naturally matching consequences. It is nowadays easy to deny the impact of one’s actions, particularly when it is possible to take cover behind a keyboard. While in the past people had the moral obligation to admit their mistakes in a face-to-face...

Medical Pharmacology: Noradrenaline Effect on Vascular Rings

Introduction Noradrenaline is a hormone produced as a catecholamine by the sympathetic neurons from the heart; it is mainly used as a neurotransmitter. An increase in the levels of this hormone leads to contractions. The adrenal medulla is responsible in the production of this catecholamine that is further released by...

Industrial Preparation of Beta-glucuronidase

Introduction The production and purification of proteins is a difficult and expensive task which takes time. Naturally, proteins are produced by plants and animals from their building blocks known as amino-acids. However, this is a slow process and the products are usually very limited and in small amounts which cannot...

Environmental Issues and Human Health

Introduction With the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic having affected all countries and millions of people around the globe, environmental threats to human health are now given the utmost attention by governments worldwide. It is internationally acknowledged that we are now facing an environmental crisis caused by rapid economic growth and industrialization,...

Issues in Cryptocurrency Trading

Introduction Ever since the success of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies have been steadily growing in number as well as the volume of transactions that occur through them. Despite early assertions to the contrary, they have been found to be valuable tools for trading due to their variety of unique advantages. As a...

The Consequences of a Crime

Introduction Crime is an act which exists in every culture, the news and newspaper articles all over the world tell stories of misdemeanors every day. People constantly demonstrate absurd behaviors and violate social norms and laws. Each criminal always has their own motives for committing a certain deed, and they...

Family History for the Genogram

Alcohol and substance abuse is an endemic problem in modern society that affects both the addict and their immediate family and friends. Apart from arresting the addict’s physiological and emotional growth, chemical dependency on illicit drugs is an expensive behavior that is hard to kick. Thereby, the patient and his/her...

Analysis of Leadership in the Intensive Care Unit

This is a critical analysis of leadership in the intensive care unit (ICU). According to van Schijndel and Burchardi, scholars have not paid much attention to practical management in the intensive care medicine (van Schijndel & Burchardi, 2007). As a result, there is little evidence-based research to support management practices....

Analysis of Port Phillip Organization

Overview of the organization The city of Port Phillip is a combination of the former cities of port Melbourne, St. Kilds and South Melbourne. The city was formed in 1994 as one of the European settlement areas in Melbourne. It is well known for its dynamic urban villages, richness of...

Purification and Isolation Interferon Alpha

Introduction Chadha et al (1982) claims human Interferon alpha is protein derivative that is biosynthesized and secreted by lymphocytes under pathogenic stimulus. Allen and Diaz (1996, p.182-3) argues that the main stimulus that predispose secretion of human alpha are viruses, bacteria, parasites or tumor cells. Spiegel (1989, p.76-77) claims human...

Strain-Stress Shielding in the Proximal Tibia of a Stemmed Knee Prosthesis

Introduction The knee is an important joint for daily movement. In cases of trauma or fall, one may have to undergo surgery which might include the replacement of the knee (prosthesis). The prosthesis has been used as a form of clinical treatment for a long time. To date, researchers and...

Drug Abuse in Homeless Community

Homelessness is one of the most critical issues aroused in the United States of America. The number of homeless people is continuously increasing, creating a severe threat to a country’s general well-being. Mosites et al. claim that The year 2017 became a turning point in the USA’s history because the...

Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

Introduction Formal regulation of medicines and medical devices in the United Kingdom started in the 1960s after the thalidomide incidence. Thalidomide was a prescription drug for relieving morning sickness in pregnant women used widely in the late 1950s and early 1960s before the discovery of unpredicted disastrous birth defects. Since...

Young People’s Views on Sexual Health

Developments made in the UK concerning sex education are due to an increase in the number of Sexually Transmitted Infections, teenage pregnancy rates and relationship violence. Parents, teachers, politicians, healthcare providers and young people alike agree that there is a need to sort out issues facing sex education. However, religious...

Sex Offenders: How Is Recidivism Affected

Introduction Among the most inhuman and heartless crimes committed, sex crime qualifies to be one of the worst crimes committed ever. That’s the reason why of late countries have been putting legislation aimed at tracking, preventing, and punishing sex criminals. Most of these policies are enacted with the belief that...

Computer Crimes against Businesses

Introduction: Facts of the case On February 06, 2014, Ioan Leusca and Dezso Gyapias were charged in a U.S. Federal Court for stealing customer data from automated teller machines (ATMs). The two men had used data acquired from the ATMs to steal from bank customers in Connecticut, New Jersey and...

NATO Expansion: NATO Summit in Bucharest in 2008

According to the official NATO internet resource, the definition of NATO is the following. The North Atlantic Treaty organization (NATO) is an alliance of 28 countries from North America and Europe committed to fulfilling the goals of the North Atlantic Treaty signed on 4 April 1949 (“Welcome to NATO”, 2010)....

Hochschild: Emotion Management and Negotiations

Hochschild (1) comes up with an emotion management mechanism that illuminates the self, interaction, and structure. Emotion is always regulated by the act of management. Emotion management is wholly embedded in the interactive aspects of emotion. Emotion management enables close-range inspection of the relations among feelings, rules, ideology, emotion management,...

Biomechanics of an External Fracture Fixation Device

Introduction The quality and quantity of callus formed is dependent on Inter-fragmentary motions. The directions of these movements are dictated by the mounting plane contained in the external fixators. This study indulges in determining the role played by external fixators in the fracture healing process which is closely influenced by...

How Change in Attitude Can Bring Happiness

The presented movie revolves around the most important aspects of the life of any person, which is happiness. The central idea is to investigate this phenomenon and determine what factors make a person happy. To achieve this goal, the author initiates the long journey towards an improved understanding of this...

The Ebola Outbreak in West Africa

Overview of the Event The Ebola outbreak is West Africa is one of the biggest concerns among world leaders in the current society. According to Blokehead (2014), the outbreak begun in December 2013 when a person tested positive of the Ebola virus in Guinea. It then spread very quickly to...

Genetic (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) Analysis of Genome

Introduction Personal Genomic Services As described above, the advancement of the SNP technology in genomic analysis has made it possible to achieve cheap, effective, high-throughput, novice and fast methods for analyzing personal genomes. The company is providing services through its program “The 23andMe Personal Genome Service”. The aim is to...

Organizational Change in Police Departments: A Theory-Based Analysis

Introduction Ever since its implementation in 1994 the Compstat process has been widely praised as a revolutionary innovation into the organizational/administrative processes of policing within the United States. This particular process utilizes a system where crime data from certain districts are mapped, the type of crime evaluated and resources eventually...

Manas Wildlife Sanctuary in India

Introduction The preservation of wild life is the crucial issue for saving the bio diversity and the ecological balance on our planet. Originally, it should be stated that the allover efforts of governments, world organizations and separate personalities are rather highly-valuable, nevertheless, these efforts should be ten times higher and...

Ports in the Eastern and Western Deep-Sea

SWOT analysis Strengths A strong habour management team Impeccable safety credentials Experience in handling cruise vessels Recreational facilities available at the port Naturally deep waters favouring cost effective berth construction Weaknesses Few cruise vessel handling berths Absence of a prior strategic plan for port expansion Inadequate project management capacity for...

Shakespearean Characters: King Lear’s Daughters

King Lear is a story of an old headstrong king who is often blind to his frailties. This king decides to divide his empire among his three female offspring. However, the division is based on a love recital that the daughters are supposed to make. The daughter who makes the...

Environmental Disaster Education: Incorporation Into the University Curriculum

Information about the article Generally, this paper is about the effects of environmental disaster especially to mankind. The aim of writing the article is to emphasize the need for incorporating environmental disaster into university curriculum. Most universities seem to lack courses that are related to environmental calamities. It would be...

Aileen Wuornos’ Life and Crimes

The Life of Aileen Wuornos Wuornos, whose national identification name was Aileen Carol Pittman, was born on 29th February 1956 in Rochester, Michigan. Diana Wuornos, Aileen’s Finnish-American mother, was born in 1939 and married Leo Dale Pittman, Aileen’s English-American dad when she was fourteen years old. Leo Dale Pittman was...

US Preemptive Attacks: Counter-Terrorism Campaign

Introduction The events of September 11, 2001, have changed the modern world eternally. The phenomena like terrorism, Islamic extremism, etc. went their way from being pure abstractions to the issues specifically concerning the safety of people all over the world (Azios, 3). After the 9/11 attacks, the United States Government...

St. Benedict’s Guidelines of a Monastic Way of Life

St. Benedict is a Christian saint who is responsible for the creation of the Rule of Benedict, which is a set of rules and guidelines for Christian monks to follow. It is regarded as one of the most influential texts that helped establish the basic rules of monasticism in medieval...

Timeline: History of Corrections

Introduction Crime and punishment was a major concern for people throughout history and since the establishment of social life. The earliest story of crime and its punishment can be referred to as the biblical story of Adam and Eve, and the story of Cain and Abel. Throughout history, the law...

ITS-UK Company: Management Planning and Control

Introduction In the recent years, there have been significant changes in management planning and control. For instance, entities prefer to have several small organizational units that operate as profit centers. This has replaced the common hierarchical system of control. Integrated Technology Services (ITS-UK) has a number of departments that act...

Health Insurance Abortion Ban in South Dakota

Overview of healthcare policy According to the WHO (2019), healthcare policy is defined as the decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to ensure that specific health objectives within a society are attained. An explicit healthcare policy outlines the priorities and accepted roles of different people. Problems arising in the...

Comparison of Canada and Algeria Economic Development

Economic development varies from one country to another depending on the nature of economic and non-economic factors. These factors determine the quantity of goods and services that a country generates in a given period, as well as the trend of the real gross domestic product (GDP). Capital, technology, population, and...

Gay and Lesbian Adoption: Normalizing a Healthy Childhood

Introduction In the contemporary world, most societies claim to be democratic and aim to achieve ultimate equality for all. While some inequalities are seemingly in the past, others persist. One of many highly controversial topics is gay and lesbian adoption. Although sexual minorities fight for their right to adopt, others...

Gender-Related Barriers to E-commerce Adoption in the UAE

Abstract In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as one of the world’s leading hubs of electronic commerce (E-Commerce). Despite the rapid growth in E-Commerce in the country, there are still a number of factors that are hindering broader adoption of E-Commerce in the country. One of...

Social Organization Concepts and Their Predominance in Society

The society is made up of different components. For there to be unity and understanding the different aspects of a social grouping must be well defined and organized. In order for one to be able to predict the possible traits of an individual they must first understand the social background...

Differentiated Instruction: Implementation and Application

Differentiated instruction is best understood as a process of offering students varied options for learning, ingesting and understanding information conveyed to them. This concept was launched in the field of education upon realization that certain students grasped knowledge much faster than others and that there was a need to offer...

Correcting the Form of Eyebrows: Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing

Introduction These days more than 45 million people in America have tattoos, which is 15% of the total population. Tattoo as a form of body art is almost as old as the civilization. Tattoo is claimed to have been existed since 12,000 BC and its purpose could depend on culture...

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Informational Security in a World of Technology

Education Methods Nowadays, the information security (IS) of healthcare systems of the state is considered an integral element of the overall work performance of a facility. In addition to a general security training program designed for each employee in an organization, specific training is needed to address information security tasks...

The Federal Trade Commission

The funeral services industry is essential since it allows grieving people to bury their dead ones in style. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposes and implements specific guidelines to meet the demands of both the professionals in the industry and the consumers. However, there are specific issues that affect the...

A Gift of Speaking in Tongues

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Antimicrobial Resistance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: A Review

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Empowerment and Poverty Reduction

Introduction Many nations in the world have given priority to health promotion through investment in the major determinants of health. Their increased focus towards improving health outcomes reconfirms the new prominence to health promotion approaches adopted by these nations. Most third world countries are faced with poverty menace and this...