Caucasian Family Assessment and Nursing Diagnosis

Family Composition The family consists of five members – Eric (husband, 35), Jennifer (wife, 32), Eric’s mother (Kate, 60), and Steven (8) and Josh (9) (Eric and Jennifer’s children). They live together for the last five years after Dan’s (Kate’s husband) death. They are all Caucasian. There are no certain...

“This Boy’s Life” a Story by Tobias Wolff

‘This boy’s life ‘written by Tobias Wolf is a story about Toby Wolf a young man who is left to live life on his own as the people around him are too preoccupied or too self-centered to pay any attention to him. His mother is a self-centered woman who gets...

Why Do Strong States Sometimes Lose Wars Against Weak Ones?

During times of war, the fighters are usually motivated to be victorious. All of the parties usually boast of past successes and enormous egos. Yet, in the end, only one winner is announced. There is a significant aspect of most inter-state wars: a weak state’s military strategies on the battlefield...

Homer Biography

Homer is known to be the founder of the written poetry in the Western cultural history. His works are the first fixed examples of Greek poems that are currently available to the historians. Even though there are still numerous disagreements on the quantitative quality of his writings, the two masterpieces...

Concept of Juvenile Crime

Introduction There has been a considerable rise in juvenile crime arrest and this is causing alarm to parents and the society at large. Sadly, parents no longer have control over their own children who continue to disappoint them. In the world we are living today, many juvenile have completely deviated...

Psychology: Amyloid Deposition and Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction This critique examines the research study reported by Hardy and Selkoe (2002). The study explored the relationship between Amyloid concentrations and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) among clinical patients. The purpose of this critique is to re-examine the viability of the hypothesis that links Amyloid with Alzheimer’s disease. The paper examines...

Alcoholism: Causes, Risk Factors, and Symptoms

Introduction The term alcoholism may be used to refer to a wide range of issues associated with alcohol. Simply put, it is a situation whereby an individual cannot stay without alcohol. An alcoholic usually drinks alcohol uncontrollably and persistently. Alcoholism usually leads to ill health, and it affects relationships between...

Women’s Reproductive Health and Its Factors

Findings Summary The issue of women’s reproductive health has many aspects. They comprise revealing reproductive health problems, defining the causes of reproductive disorders, developing treatment strategies, etc. The articles under analysis are examples of both qualitative and quantitative research dedicated to women’s reproductive health. Women’s reproductive health, for example, can...

Marks & Spencer Company’s Management Style

Executive Summary The objective of the report is to describe the company profile of Marks & Spencer and to analyse the management style and the new organisational structure that led the company to success. The analysis of the case study also discusses the reasons why the change was introduced, as...

Cancer Diagnostics, Staging and Complications

Introduction Today, an entire branch of medicine is engaged in oncology. Specialists study tumors, treat patients, and try to find various ways to prevent the emergence of cancer. Those patients who can recognize the symptoms of oncology at an early stage have the maximum chances of survival. Cancer is manifested...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Multinational Family Assessment and Care Plan

Family Composition A family under the evaluation consists of three members: a mother, a father, and their son. This nuclear family is considered multinational as the 31-year-old mother is Chinese and 38-year-old father is American. Each of the family members performs a certain role. In particular, the father acts as...

Party Politics in America by M. Hershey

Introduction Party Politics in America is a chef-d’oeuvre book by Marjorie Randon Hershey. The book centers on the political parties in the United States of America and it emphasizes the role of politics in the American society. The book analyzes modern political parties coupled with their organization and funding. The...

A Post-Games Study of Sydney 2000 and Considerations for London 2012

It has always been assumed that the Summer Games, also popularly known as the Olympic Games is a boon to the economy due to the number of tourists that are expected to flock into the host city and neighboring provinces. Financial windfall is also expected from the businesses that will...

Asthma Patient’s History and Physical Examination

Comprehensive History and Physical Examination Identifying Data The patient was identified as S. A. The use of initials was considered a necessity to prevent personal data disclosure. Reasons for Seeking Health Care Cough and wheezing; shortness of breath; chest tightness. Chief Complaint Difficulty breathing, especially at night. History of Present...

African-American Families’ Socioeconomic Issues

Abstract African American families experience numerous obstacles that emanate from social, economic, and cultural issues. Drug abuse, unemployment, poverty, incarceration, single parenthood, cultural norms, and limited access to a good education are some of the main obstacles that African American families face in the United States. In the obstacle of...

Effects of Divorce and Poverty in Families

Introduction In our modern society, divorce has become very wide spread among married couples. Children from poor backgrounds caught in the midst of a divorce lead miserable lives. This can be attributed to a number of factors both economical and social. Society in most cases associate divorce with a rise...

Executive Leadership for Women: Examining the Rhetoric and the Reality

Introduction The focal point of this paper is to present an article critic on the literature review by Kathy L. Cocchio published in March 11, 2009. The title of the text is Executive leadership for women: Examining the rhetoric and the reality. The fundamental thesis of the study is clearly...

Team Leadership in the “Engaging Others” Video

Introduction Healthcare facilities and business organizations should be managed by individuals who possess adequate leadership skills. Such managers should liaise with their subordinates, influence their behaviors, offer timely updates, and communicate with them effectively. Competent leaders will engage their followers, identify and tackle their problems, and empower them to deliver...

Concept of the iPhone

Introduction The iPhone is a series of smartphones designed by Apple Inc, a US based company that is known for the application of innovative and cutting-edge technology in various products including home and office electronics, music gadgets and computer and phone software. The first iPhone was released on June 2007...

Kodak and Fujifilm Companies Business Performance

Introduction This paper explores major concepts in marketing and corporate strategy. Examples of the concepts include strategy, strategic planning, innovative culture, transformational leadership, effective leadership, effective decision making, strategic positioning, and diversification. The paper seeks to explain why two rival companies, Kodak and Fujifilm have performed differently in the dynamic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Do Fraternities Promote Misogyny?

One of the most common criticisms against fraternities is the promotion of criminal activity and indecent behavior among members. Fraternities are exclusive societies that comprise people with similar views, opinions, and ideologies regarding certain critical issues in society such as politics, religion, race, and sexuality (Loh, Gidycz, Lobo, & Luthra,...

Infidelity and Societal Impact on Family Values

Introduction Infidelity is the main cause of divorce in America today. Infidelity is a vice that is causing stains in families, among many other ills that come with it. It has been shown many times that groups of people sharing common beliefs and attitudes tend to behave in the same...

Natural Disasters and Their Effects on Supply Chains

Introduction Natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes experienced in China, Thailand, and Japan affected not only people’s lives but also world businesses. A supply chain is the circulatory system of any company (Canis, 2011). It links the manufacturing and distribution departments of an enterprise to the world. In this era...

The Big Mac Index Role in the Global Economy

Big Mac Prices from All over the World: Minor Discrepancies Despite the fact that a lot of people view a clear connection between McDonald’s and the current economic state of the U.S., the assumption that the McDonald’s fast food affects the economy of the United States is wrong – instead,...

Affirmative Action Ban in Michigan

Social Policy: Affirmative Action In his article, David Savage discusses the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold ban on affirmative action in Michigan, something that shows history will always repeat itself. The aggrieved parties took the issue to the highest court in the land after the lower ones had clarified that...

Greek Economic Crisis: Causes and Control Measures

Introduction Between the last quarter of 2007 and early 2009, the world went through a serious economic crisis that left several economies vulnerable. Greece was no exception. In 2010, following the aftermath of the 2009/2009 global crisis, Eurozone fell to the effects of the remedial measures tabled against the global...

Popular Culture: Introductory Perspectives

Introduction Population culture includes all the aspects of life that we live by. It is the manner in which we socialize and the basis that helps in decision making (Danesi, 2008). It is the laid out set of laws by the society at any given time, which defines changes in...

Non-Verbal Communication and Customer Satisfaction

Introduction For companies that are responsible for offering services to customers, employees come into direct contact with clients. Consequently, the manner in which they articulate their verbal and non-verbal communication greatly contributes to customer satisfaction. In every transaction made between a service provider and a customer, their communication is split...

The Role of Computers in Our Life

Introduction It is true that computers have created a revolution in the life of human beings and have simplified the way in which we live. But is the computer really helping humans or just adding more work? Are humans becoming more addicted to computers? The aim of this paper is...

Virtual Reality Technology: Theory, Practice and Research

Introduction Virtual reality involves use of senses to interact with and manipulation of a computer based external environment. Magnetic tracking is used to measure the movement in the environment. In future developments, ultrasonic waves will be used to measure the movements. Currently, the technology has been used widely in a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to show that people affect the environment negatively because of the social, cultural, and economic activities that they engage in regularly. The resulting increase in environmental degradation causes negative effects on people. These include increased morbidity rate, famine, and limited access to natural...

Visual Short-Term Memory Capacity and Encoding Rate

Introduction This empirical study was done by Jannati, McDonald, and Di-Lollo at Simon Fraser University. The article explores distinct disparities in the pace of processing as compared to K scores of VSTM capacity. The article begins by exploring estimation techniques for visual short-term memory (VSTM) capacity in K scores. The...

Communism: Theory and Reality

Abstract The ideas of Communism appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century and were expressed in the works of Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Communism presupposes the economic equality of all members of a classless society. Marx developed a three-step algorithm of the establishment of Communism. First, revolution removes...

Nature of Reality from Ancient Greek Philosophers Views

Heraclitus and the Nature of Reality Heraclitus said that basic substance in the universe is fire. He was drawn to this conclusion because he believed that everything changes. He was the one who made the commentary that no one steps into the same river twice (Moore & Bruder, 2008, p.26)....

Eastman Kodak Company Rise and Fall

Key Objectives for Eastman Kodak Develop the company into a viable business in the field of photography Focus on lean operations wherein fewer people are needed to perform operational tasks Penetrate new markets where there are fewer competitors Expand the company’s product line to encompass new trends in technology development...

Food Truck Business Strategy, Resources, Management

The business goals and objectives of the company Goals describe a roadmap that helps a business to achieve its agenda. Objectives are the actions taken to achieve these goals. A business with clear goals and objectives has a guarantee of getting good returns and fulfilling customers’ needs. The goal of...

Asian-American Family Analysis and Nursing Care

Introduction Facilitation of family health is considered to be one of the ultimate goals of nursing. The purpose of a family health assessment is to identify potential or actual problems of individual family members and of the family as a whole. The process includes assessment, diagnosis, implementation, and evaluation of...

New Journalism and Its Peculiarities

New Journalism appeared and became very popular in the 1960-1970s. It was seen as something revolutionary as journalists had not employed techniques that came into existence at that period. This approach is characterized by the presence of a significant portion of fiction, an abundance of facts and details, and a...

Urbanism: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change

The Main Points The book Tactical Urbanism 2: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change is concerned with the implementation of an approach to organization of the urban space which has gained the name of “tactical urbanism.” This approach can be characterized by five main features: an intentional, step-by-step inciting of changes in...

Undertaking of Florence Nightingale Pledge – Nursing

Introduction The practice of taking an oath before undertaking an activity or holding a given position is a common tradition among various professions and society in the world. An oath binds an individual to a given activity in accordance with a given set of conditions, rules, and regulations. For instance,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Talese’s and Capote’s New Journalism Articles

New Journalism is a term that refers to the phenomenon that took place in the 1970s. It can be defined as “a radical new way to describe the times” in which people live (Goc 279). It was a revolutionary approach to journalism as new forms and styles were used. Truman...

Blended Family History and Nursing Diagnoses

Family History and Brief Health Characteristics The interviewed family is a blended family, where the parents are married not for the first time, and their children come from previous marriages. The mother and father are 35 and 42 respectively, and the children are 8 and 10 (a boy and a...

Letters vs. Emails in the “Koyaanisqatsi” Film

Nowadays, mailing peculiarities have been changed dramatically. People do not want to lose a minute in their lives and develop new methods to exchange information in a short period. Moreover, emails have substituted letters, and people have neglected how crucial and enjoyable the process of writing could be. Emails generates...

Working Conditions: Nurses Creating Safe Systems

The ultimate goal of nursing is to ensure every patient receives timely and quality health care. Nurses and medical practitioners must be aware of the best strategies that have the potential to support the diverse needs of many patients. Several concepts and theories have been proposed to guide nurses whenever...

Transitional Nursing Technology and Education

Outcomes Description Introspect into the issues faced during the transportation of patients from the operation room to another setting, and vice versa, has shown that there is a need for introducing a more efficient tool for identifying the needs of target demographics during the transfer. Indeed, the outcomes of the...

Educational Philosophy in Pedagogical Practices

The Role of Education Education entails the involvement of a person in the social perception of the contest. This means that education is an extensive process that starts as soon as an individual is born. Throughout the process, an individual’s consciousness is saturated, shaped, trained, and developed whereby the behavior...

Price Determination and Its Economic Factors

Main economic factors that determine price of good or service According to Connor (2006, p. 64), price determination is dependent on demand and supply of goods and services. In economics, price depends on the balance between these two forces. However, there are also other several micro-economic factors that determine the...

Hollywood Film Industry’ Success Factors

Blue Ocean Thinking Framework Hollywood Film Industry is one of the leading world movie producers that has been in existence since the twentieth century. Over the recent past, the industry has experienced the challenges associated with technological advancements that have reduced its purchases and sales volume. Critical success factors refer...

Sociology Theories’ Impacts on the Social Institutions

Introduction Over the years, numerous sociological theories have been espoused. However, the four main evidence based sociological theories are functionalism, utilitarianism, conflict and interactionism. Sociological theories are important because they influence various social institutions. Besides, sociological theories help to explain structures of social institutions (Macionis, 2012). Among the four theories,...

Thermodynamics: Kinetic Theory of Matter

How does the study of heat relate to the kinetic theory of matter? The kinetic theory of matter maintains that matter comprises tiny particles that are separated and in constant motion. These molecules collide with the walls of a container they are placed in. The theory gives an experimental explanation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Palliative Care and Humanistic Nursing Theory

Nursing Theory The chosen nursing issue in palliative care. Palliative care is an approach to specialized nursing care and medical care for people who have life-limiting diseases. The main goal of this therapy is to provide people with relief from the pain, symptoms, mental and physical stress, thereby improving the...

Multicultural Teaching Strategies: Curriculum Design

The curriculum design is implemented in a secondary classroom setting in the US state where multi-race students are able to get their education and improve their level of knowledge. The teacher described the majority of her students in class as “disinterested” in mathematics and that there are distractions in learning...

The Cold War: International Relations between 1945 and 1989

Introduction International relations refer to an academic field that focuses on the nature of the relationships that exist between states (Sutch & Elias 2007 pp. 33-34). One of the major historical events that shaped international relations between 1945 and 1989 was the Cold War. The Cold War was a war...

Technology in Learning and Its Social Relevance

Nowadays, when globalization is uniting the entire world, we need to embed modern technology into education process as well. The research question of the paper is how technology could influence learning. The social relevance of technology in learning is undoubtedly significant. Modern technologies and telecommunications make it possible to change...

Bally Total Fitness: Promotion Strategy

One of the strategies was to see members attending the training/fitness lessons for more than 100 times a year.There were growing desire by the Americans to join health clubs in the country. There are many factors, which have gone to contribute to the need by people to join the fitness...

The Deeper Meaning of Black Friday

Abstract The paper aims to find the connection between the biggest shopping event of the year, Black Friday, and four concepts, namely social proof, loss aversion, mental accounting, and decision paralyzer. Moreover, the relation of discounts and gifts, as well as the competitive nature of presents will be discovered. Black...

Just Train Kids Company’s Situational Analysis

Situational/Competitive Analysis of the Company Situational analysis is fundamental to the success of every business. It is a step in the marketing plan, which helps to cement relations with customers that will last. When it comes to Just Train Kids Company, a situational analysis will come in handy since the...

Chemistry Issues: Reaction of Colour Change

Materials and Methods A stock solution of starch was prepared by mixing 1ml of starch with 2.5ml of hydrogen peroxide (H­2O2) to form 3.5ml of the stock solution, which is enough for the experiment. Next, six test tubes were arranged in their rack and labeled one to six. To prepare...

National Australia Bank Analysis

The national Australia bank has many programs which help it to adhere to the ethical regulations which govern all businesses in Australia. For example, in 2004, the bank launched a customer relationship management system which enabled it to win the Cap Gemini financial innovations award in 2006. It also launched...

Anti-Terrorist Attitudes and Measures in the US

One famous English writer, George Orwell, once had a vision that there would be a government that would not allow individual freedom and would make every individual under that government a subordinate of every authority of the government. Many years after Orwell’s prediction, the consequences of such a totalitarian government...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Halloween, Its History and Celebration

There are quite a number of holidays in the world, each having different reasons for being observed, different degrees of significance, and different levels of popularity, depending on where one is located. Among the holidays, I am most fascinated with that which features a pumpkin lantern, scary costumes and decorations,...

Use of PowerPoint Presentations in a Learning Process

More than forty years ago, presentations were conducted by organizing speech and drawing schemes and pictures on blackboards or on large sheets of paper. Further development of these approaches to delivering information refers to the emergence of overhead projections that premise on mechanically typeset slides and flipcharts that were effective...

Kenneth Jost’s Article “Unrest in the Arab World”

The Arab Spring was started not only as of the change of the political regimes but also as a change in the public consciousness regarding the ideas of civil and political rights. Such viewpoints are promoted in work “Unrest in the Arab World,” which was written by Kenneth Jost in...

Thomas Cole’s “View of the Arno near Florence”

Thomas Cole’s 1837 painting of the sunset at the Arno, near Florence, is one of the best artistic testimonies of the American painter’s love for Europe, especially Italy and particularly the city of Florence. Cole’s glad journey to Europe, which he made between 1829 and 1832, was probably one of...

US Economy and Its Impact on Transportation and Logistics

Introduction The US economy and transportation and logistics management are intertwined. A strong economy makes the management of transportation and logistics more effective. Quality transportation and logistics management results in a strong financial system. After years of recession, the US economy is gradually recovering. Indeed, the fluctuation in the economy...

What Is the Police Authority?

Definition of police authority The police authority is the power vested in police officers and the police as an institution to enforce criminal law and preserve the public peace. Policing is a mandate of states, which is supposed to ensure that the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the inhabitants...

“No One Would Listen” by Harry Markopolos Literature Analysis

Harry Markopolos was a whistle blower of the largest Ponzi scheme in history. He details his investigative work in his book ‘No one would listen.’ Initially, it was not Markopolos’ intention to portray Madoff’s scheme as a Ponzi scheme. However, he could not comprehend how he continuously made huge returns...

Solutions to the Problem of Steroids in Sports and Athletics

Abstract The solution to steroids has no silver bullet in the modern context. A close look at the causes and developments of the problem of steroids clearly postulates that it may take a long time to completely stop using them. This paper looks at the Acts and regulations developed in...

Maruti Suzuki and Tata Motors Companies’ Analysis

Promotional strategies of Maruti Suzuki India Every organization needs promotional strategies and approaches as they have a huge impact on the reception of the product. In this case, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd has unique products that must be aggressively promoted in order to beat the tough competition in the automobile...

SMART Corporation’s Organisational Analysis

SMART Corporation’s original structure SMART Corporation is one of the leading public transport companies in Singapore. The firm has registered massive success over the past decade through its unique management strategies. The structural frame is one of the four distinctive lenses from which a person can view a firm based...

European-Native American Relations

The era of the European exploration and colonization of Americas is attractive for many researchers because investigations in this field allow discussing the origin of the mixed American culture. The traditional discussion of this topic is based on the idea that new settlers changed the life of North America’s indigenous...

Communication in Shops: Face-to-Face vs. via Devices

Introduction It is clear that social media play a significant role in a contemporary person’s life. The study that we conducted was aimed at understanding the correlation between face-to-face communication and communication via devices and social media between people while they were buying things in big shops. This paper goes...

The Era of Nazi Party Ruling: The Third Reich

Quotes and analysis The story called “Lieutenant Gustl” was written by Arthur Schnitzler in 1901. This work was created in a form of an inner monologue of a young military officer, the development of the story happens over a short period of time – basically, one evening, when Lieutenant Gustl...

Sudan’ High Mortality Rates

Introduction Sudan has constantly suffered from rampant ethnic conflicts, and its citizens have hardly enjoyed the pleasure of its independence gained in 1956. The war between Muslims and non-Muslims in the country caused the deaths of more than two million people (Collins, 2008). Essentially, non-Muslims had dominated the northern economy,...

Sor Juana Poet: Social Roles and Perception of Women

The literature in the Baroque period of the 1600s introduced many great and influential historical figures; one of them is Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Latin American colonial poet, writer, scholar, and a nun who was able to express knowledge of art and science, emotions, and the social protest...

Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization

Manufacturing Strategy of Riordan First and foremost, it should be noted that Riordan is primarily a business to business manufacturing company. Some of the company’s clients include appliance manufacturers (i.e. Carrier, Samsung, etc.) aircraft manufacturers (i.e. Boeing), as well as car companies (ex: Ford Motors) and even beverage producers. Based...

Natural Disasters Effects on the Supply Chain

Introduction Natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes experienced in China, Thailand, and Japan affected not only people’s lives but also world businesses. The supply chain is the circulatory system of any company (Canis, 2011). It links the manufacturing and distribution departments of an enterprise to the world. In this era...

Abu Dhabi Power’ Destructive Effects: Saqr Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

This story comes from the time that is not closely familiar to the modern generations; yet, it can still be used for the edification of people who want to achieve power. Once, Abu Dhabi was a small, but influential sheikdom in the lower Gulf (Davidson, 2011, p. 28). It forged...

“Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson

Introduction Who Moved My Cheese? was written by Spencer Johnson, an American author of bestsellers that are popular all over the world. It is a book about a group of former classmates that gathered for a reunion, and one of them wanted to tell a story about two mice named...

Curative and Palliative Choices

Introduction The end-of-life phenomenon has always been a complicated issue for health care practitioners, families, and patients. This is because each of these parties has different interpretations in relation to the appropriateness of the available treatment alternatives. According to practitioners, changing the families’ and patients’ decisions from curative to palliative...

Compassion Fatigue Definition – Psychology

Compassion fatigue (sometimes known as secondary traumatic stress “STS”) can be defined as a type of condition that normally impacts people that work with trauma victims, patients in psychiatric wards or first responders in accidents wherein there is a gradual “lessening” so to speak of that individual’s capacity to express...

Cultural Competency in Relation to Nurses’ Education

The socio-cultural diversity is one of the main features which can be used to describe the United States’ population. This diversity is associated with all the spheres of the social life that is why nursing and nursing education also depend on the necessity to respond to the socio-cultural diversity. As...

Religious Beliefs Validity: the Existence of God

According to the notion of Karma, each action that a person does have outcomes known as repercussions. It is within the context of the repercussions that the notion encourages people to do things, which are good and stay away from bad activities (Moore and Bruder 488). The Karma notion claims...

French and Indian War

The French and Indian War (1754–1763) was a result of the dramatic opposition between the French and British forces which struggled for controlling more territories in North America. Thus, the French and Indian War should be discussed in the context of the worldwide conflict between the French and British forces...

The US Economy Impact on Transportation and Logistics Management

Introduction The US economy has been recovering from a recession crisis, and its logistics and transportation management sectors have shaped up to new realities. Other than subtle economic variations, recessions and subsequent upturns present opportunities for reviewing management practices. This paper reveals some of the considerations and changes that management...

Cyber Security in Business Organizations

Introduction Technological growth has led to some crimes, which pose challenges to managing organizations in the modern world. The most dangerous crime associated with technology is the emergence of hackers, who steal organizations’ information for financial benefits. Hacking has been a threat to organizational growth, thus resulting in huge financial...

The Citibank International and Qatar Airways Information Systems

Abstract This paper focuses on the Management Information Systems (MIS) of two companies namely the Citibank International and Qatar Airways. The paper provides an analysis of each company’s hardware and software components in line with the organizational applications of each element. In this context, one organization uses the Information Systems...

Economy of the United States: Transportation and Logistics

Introduction Although the statement about a direct link between transportation and the economic balance of the United States might seem somewhat farfetched, the two are, in fact, related to each other quite closely. A brief overview of the factors that gear the American economy towards prosperity will reveal that the...

Korean Cinematography and Films Analysis

The Korean film industry is evolving rapidly, and filmmakers come up with new products that are positively accepted by the public. For instance, in 2011, 8.48 million Koreans watched national movies as compared to 4.98 million who watched foreign products (Dixon par. 14). The industry has transformed significantly throughout the...

Women’s Rights Movement in the Anti-Discrimination Activities

The problem of women’s rights has been widely discussed throughout the past century. The historical experience shows that women have made a long and challenging way to gender equality. It has taken them a lot of pain and effort to receive the social treatment that is free from gender prejudice...

Effects Of Domestic Violence on Children

Children are the future leaders and optimal growth and development in a favorable environment is paramount. Unfortunately, the few studies available indicate that children are usually victims of both direct and indirect domestic violence, and this leaves damaging psychological effects that interfere with a child’s social, behavioral and personal development....

Socrates and Krishna Teachings

Introduction In the history of philosophy, Socrates is arguably one of the greatest thinkers that have ever lived. From Plato’s accounts, the Socratic method of philosophizing and teachings on how to live are so revolutionary that Athenian leaders see him as corrupting young minds. Though he claims to have no...

Public Schooling in America

Introduction The American education system is arguably one of the most advanced in the world. There is no doubt that America places a great emphasis on its education system providing adequate funding (Hochschild and Scovronick 27). In fact, research studies prove that American public schools remain some of the best-funded...

Moral Philosophical Views: From Plato to Nussbaum

Moral intent According to Abelard and Heloise, moral intent is the best way of assessing morality because it determines the capacity and intention of a person to undertake moral or immoral acts. The notion of Abelard is that moral intent predisposes people to perform good or evil acts. In this...

Skin Tears in a Long-Term Care Facility

This paper is a research critique on the article, Prevalence of skin tears in a long-term care facility, by LeBlanc, Christensen, Cook, Culhane, and Gutierrez. The article is a quantitative research, which was conducted to investigate the prevalence rate of skin tears amongst residents in a long-term care facility setting....

Public Relations and Photography

Contemporary public relations specialists are opposed to more problems and encounter material rapidity, and globalization modifies the stride and scenery of the occupation. The contemporary industry, categorized by globalization, entails administrations to comprehend the intercultural and intercontinental features of public relations during the operation in a worldwide marketplace. The internationalization...

East and West Teachings’ Concepts Differences

Karma, Samsara, and Nirvana In Buddhism, Samsara refers to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Human beings undergo a series of rebirths in various forms until they can escape this routine (Moore & Bruder, 2013). Karma imprisons the individual in the wandering. Karma refers to the chain of causes...

Comparison: Through the Tunnel by Doris Lessing and Araby by James Joyce

Summary James Joyce’s story in Araby was written in 1914. The story sketches the glamor of new love and the end of innocence throughout the story. The story is narrated in first person. The boy, the narrator, is mocked by mere narcissism. Thus, he comes to the realization that what...

Epistemology and Metaphysics: Philosophers Views

Philosophy is one of the most ancient disciplines in the academic field. Over the years, it has attracted the attention of various scholars. They include, among others, Descartes, Plato, Locke, and Hobbes. In this paper, the author will analyze the ideas promoted by some of these philosophers in the book...

Blood Pressure in Overweight Schoolchildren

Research Critique The authors’ research problem is the prevalent increase in hypertension cases amongst children aged between ages five and fifteen (Purushotham et al., 2014). The research question, which the authors seek to answer, is the possibility of a direct relationship between obesity and hypertension amongst children whereby the former...

Othello and Paradise Lost Literary Analysis

Love gives me the power and strength to face anythingthe. This was probably the quote Desdemona stood by as she faced her father’s wrath, and her husband’s maltreatments, but in the end, love was also the one which led her to her demise. Desdemona left her father, without his knowing,...

Strategic Compensation as a Human Management Approach

Compensation policies are based on the choices made by the compensation managers in order to provide and maintain competitive advantage (Martocchio 161). The professionals base their compensation policies on the pay level policies of their choice and can choose from three of those. They are market lead, market lag, and...

“The Rich Brother” by Tobias Wolff

Siblings may have a complicated relationship. In some instances, significant personality differences may result in resentment between siblings. However, despite the differences, the love between the siblings usually triumphs. This is because blood is thicker than water. ‘The Rich Brother’ by Tobias Wolff is a narrative that highlights resentment and...

Philosophers Views on Morality

Moral intent, according to Abelard, explains that morality is a state of the mind and has defects that compel a person to undertake certain activities. Abelard holds that moral defects lead people to do things, which may not be moral (Moore and Bruder 274). Furthermore, Abelard argues that moral intent...

Phyllanthus Amarus Therapeutic Qualities

‘Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of the Methanol Leaf Extract of Phyllanthus Amarus in some Laboratory Animals’ is an article devoted to the study of the therapeutic qualities of Phyllanthus Amarus. The authors suggest considering potential benefits of the plant in the framework of its application to such pathophysiologic condition as...

Shakespeare’s “Much Ado about Nothing” Literature Analysis

Introduction William Shakespeare was an actor, a poet, and a playwright. He is still one of the most popular figures in the literary field many decades after his demise. His expertise in poetry earned him several titles in the field. For example, he was fondly referred to as the ‘Bard...

Should the Federal Government Legalize the Use of Marijuana?

Introduction Although there have been numerous attempts to make the Federal government to decriminalize the use of marijuana, because of numerous benefits that are associated with this drug, to date, it has maintained its hard stand as stated in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Therefore, because of the power...

Moral Intention Concept in Philosophy

Peter Abelard and Heloise are two well-known figures in the field of philosophy. Abelard proposed the concept of moral intention by arguing that sins are not the act of evil desires or a person does not commit sins because of having evil desires. Instead, the consent to follow evil desires...

Fast Food and Obesity Link – Nutrition

Introduction The research article written by Ginni Garcia, Thankam Sunil, Pedro Hinojosa (2012) is aimed at examining the relationship between the severity of obesity and the consumption of fast food. The scholars attempt to determine the influence of various behavioral factors on the degree of obesity. This is the main...

Dairy Products Consumption and Obesity – Nutrition

Obesity is one of the most discussed health problems all over the world. The progress of obesity in the United States is closely associated with the population’s lifestyle and dietary habits. Effective diets and products which can reduce the obesity rates are actively discussed in the scientific world and in...

“A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry

The issue of money has always been actual. Life of people changed greatly with the appearance of this remedy. Moreover, sometimes money is even said to be the main value in human relations. Very often, people prefer rich and careless existence in a golden cage to some bright and happy,...

Experience of Disorder Symptoms – Nursing Research

The study was approved by an Institutional Review Board as it is a requirement of the journal where it was published. Notably, the article is peer reviewed. Though it is not explicitly stated that the informed consent was obtained from subjects, participants were volunteers and competed questionnaires where ethical issues...

“Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler

Introduction Octavia Butler has authored several novels based on science fiction. One of them is the ‘Parable of the Sower.’ The book was written in 1993. The main character in this text is Lauren Olamina. According to Butler (23), the female character possesses hyper empathy skills. To this end, she...

“The Trouble with Diversity” by Walter Benn Michaels

The foremost thesis that is being explored throughout Walter Benn Michaels’s book The Trouble with Diversity, can be defined as follows: the current governmentally-endorsed policy, concerned with promoting ‘diversity’ in just about all spheres of America’s public life, is being conceptually fallacious, because the actual effects of this policy’s implementation...

Groupthink Concepts in Social Psychology

Social psychology is a discipline that uses systematic methods to understand and provide details on how feelings, thoughts, and behavior of individuals are influenced by the real, anticipated, or implied company of others (Baron and Byrne 12). Social psychology explains why people are highly influenced by the environment and those...

Specific Features Among Cultures

Human beings find affection as the emotional foundation of like or dislike. This leads to socialization especially in regards to members of the opposite sex. Kauth (54) argues that when the concept of ‘like’ in affection gets a foundational creation through emotions, attraction is definitely developed. As a result, it...

Implications of Irish Nationalism

The struggle for Irish nationalism is aptly captured in “The Guests of the Nation” and “The Rising of the Moon”. The two pieces of literary work offer a brief account of the Irish struggle to break free from the cruel British and French dominion. The most prominent public rebellion in...

Modern History of the Gulf

The Gulf consists of two large countries: Iran and Iraq, and the smaller gulf monarchs that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC); they are Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar. Venezuela is also part of the Gulf countries. Instability in the Gulf region...

Developmental Changes in Adolescents’ Guilt and Shame

Introduction and Literature review Little research has been carried to ascertain the impact of shame and guilt in the normal developmental process of adolescents in ideal or non-ideal family settings. For a clear view of the role of these two emotive responses, one needs to have a clear picture of...

Globalization Essence by M. Steger and N. Bisley

Globalization is probably one of the most difficult and controversial issues to deal with. A number of attempts were made by sophisticated researchers and philosophers in order to understand how to treat the process of globalization and whether it is possible to investigate it from different perspectives. However, not all...

Philosophers Views on Metaphysics

In his philosophical arguments, Rene Descartes aims to differentiate facts and beliefs as sources of knowledge among humans. Since facts and beliefs are hardly different, Descartes employs the concepts of skepticism, the evil demon, and God in resolving his doubts about reality and illusion. In the concept of skepticism, Descartes...

Gorilla’s Reproduction Cycle, Behavior and Social Structure

Introduction All animals are characterized by a unique reproduction cycle, behavior, and social structure. Members of the same species share such bithe ological and social characteristic hence the reason why each species is distinct and unique. Gorillas are a group of mammals classified as primates. The same group contains humans,...

The Ever-Changing Nature of Reality in Ancient Philosophy

Introducing fire as a basic element of the Universe, Heraclitus pointed to the ever-changing nature of reality. The philosopher stated that their permanence is impossible; however, he saw a certain order in the changing reality. This order, so-called “logos,” lies in an organization of opposites’ existence and their collaboration, as...

Adam Smith and His Revolutionary Ideas

Introduction It is hard to underestimate the impact of economical theories on the development of modern society. Looking back on the progress that has been made to reach the status of informational society and start the globalization process all over the world, one must admit that people owe much to...

Physical Activity Role in Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are the prevalent diseases in the world. Researchers pay much attention to studying the numerous therapies and techniques which can lead to reducing the risks of developing these diseases. Physical activity is among the actively discussed factors to influence the development of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes....

Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

Introduction Despite the numerous laws protecting the rights of children, child abuse cases have been on the increase in recent times. Most incidences involving child abuse are left unreported, which leads to further increase in such cases. Child abuse can be manifested in different forms; however, the most common forms...

Camus’ The Stranger and Rousseau’s ‘Natural Man’

Camus’ The stranger is a depiction of the natural man displayed by Rousseau. Rousseau brings out the characteristics of the natural man as being truthful and mostly affected by natural occurrences. He argues that the true nature of man is guided by self-preservation and pity; hence actions are not determined...

Medical Malpractice Problem in the World

Introduction Nurses, doctors, clinicians must use appropriate strategies whenever supporting the health needs of their patients. These professionals should analyze the implications of various medical standards and practices. Failure to support the health expectations of different patients will result in medical malpractices. Such malpractices occur “when a medical professional fails...

“A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” by Bartolome de las Casas

“A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” is a book written by the Spanish Dominican friar, Bartolomé de las Casas, in 1542. The short account describes the events that occurred in the Indies in the fifteenth century. It is about the mistreatment of Native Americans in colonial times...

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