Issues in Human Resource Management

Introduction The importance of human resources has significantly increased in various organizations, all the more so in the contemporary business world that is characterized by a high level of competition. In every organisation, human resource plays a pivotal role in determining the success of an organisation. For instance, it influences...

Seven Habits Profile for Leadership Style Evaluation

Executive summary The Seven Habits Profile is used to evaluate the people’s leadership styles and skills. Therefore, the tool is a practical way of assessing an individual’s strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Different people possess varying traits that are reflected in their leadership skills. At the same time, each...

Nuclear Disasters: Fukushima and Chernobyl

Introduction Both Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters were nuclear crises that occurred accidentally in Japan and Ukraine respectively. The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant while the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Both disasters were rated seven, which is the highest in...

The Affordable Care Act Progress

Summary As part of our public administration class, we were required to analyze a research article published in the media. In my analysis, I focused on Is the Affordable Care Act, Working? The article was published in the New York Times on October 26, 2014 (Sanger 1). As such, the...

Genetic Engineering: Gene Therapy

Stem cell research is a subject that has generally been absent from the current public and political debates recently. The issue has been pushed aside by more immediate issues such as the economy, war on two fronts and healthcare. However, it wasn’t long ago that headlines were concerned with the...

Walmart Company’s Supply Chain and Logistics

The distribution and logistics practices adopted by Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart’s supply chain contribution to its competitive advantage Wal-Mart’s success is attributable to its focus on solid supply chain, which has given its management a competitive advantage over other companies in the retail industry. For example, Wal-Mart’s logistic structure is among the...

Abortion as a Controversy

Introduction Debate on abortion has been in the public domain for quite some time. On one side is a group opposed to legalizing abortion, arguing that legalization of abortion would make people more irresponsible. Irresponsibility would lead to more unwanted pregnancies, and the rate of abortion would soar up. Proponents...

Linguistics: Contrast of English and Chinese

Language variations between speakers of two different languages have existed for quite a long time. The variations between Chinese and English are seen in their expressions of politeness, formality, solidarity, and discourse, and genre type often cause misunderstanding between the communicating parties. For example, when a native English speaker says...

Asthma Attacks, Their Prevention and Control

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease for which the airway obstruction, hyper-responsiveness, bronchoconstriction, and mucus secretion are typical symptoms (Bårnes & Ulrik, 2015). Although many treatment options are available to persons who suffer from asthma, this condition still requires the detailed examination as the disease “affects about 300 million people...

Should Illegal Immigrants be Made Legal Citizens?

Introduction The term or phrase illegal immigrant is used to describe people who enter a country without government’s legal permission. On the other hand, the term illegal immigrant can be used to describe people who have lived in a country beyond the period indicated in their visa. The term can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Should Abortions be Legal?

Introduction Abortion has been one of the contentious issues in most nations of the world, especially in the United States of America. Abortion should be recognized as a right in the United States of America, this statement is supported by the arguments of Roemer (1993, pp. 23-25). Many citizens who...

Decision-making at the Governmental Level

Introduction Decision-making is the thought process that individuals are engaged in arriving at certain policies. It entails figuring out the best idea that when applied specific problems are solved. Decisions are made both at individual and governmental level. They are made to cater for needs in either public or private...

Macy’s Corporation: Strategic Information

Executive Summary In this case study, Macy’s, Inc. is chosen for the analysis. Its long history, a variety of approaches to cooperate with different stakeholders, and opportunities offered to customers and employees serve as the main reason for why this company is used in the analysis. Macy’s representatives have already...

US Car Manufacturing: International Promotion Mix

Introduction The car manufacturing industry in the United States of America is quite competitive as the business environment in the country has transformed significantly. For foreign car manufacturing company to thrive in the United States market, a lot of marketing strategy considerations ought to be made particularly regarding the marketing...

Astronomy: International Space Station

The space station operating at an international level, known as ISS, is a partnership operation comprised of several countries with a common objective of conducting space explorations that take place within the Station. ISS mainly focuses on laboratory research which is regarded as among the challenging political as well as...

Drug’s, Poverty’s and Beauty’s Effects on Health

Taking drugs is a common measure employed in the prevention and treatment of diseases. However, concerns continue to be raised regarding the rate at which some patients misuse drugs (Finkel 13). Moreover, the increasing number of teenagers and young adults who consume ‘‘hard’’ substances and take beauty pills should cause...

Western State University’s Insufficient Leadership

Abstract In large organizations that include several different departments and work based on the decentralized model of leadership with a complex hierarchy, it is critical that all the branches and services work in cooperation. The disruption of the systems and operations in one part of such an organization is likely...

Nursing Leadership Styles and Model Case

Increased attention to the analysis and development of nursing concepts in the recent decade can be explained by the researchers’ aim to clarify any issues and inconsistencies that in the past were accepted as correct or common. Because some nursing concepts, including those regarded as essential, were defined by unclear...

United Kingdom Trade Union Congress Mobilization

Introduction Trades Union Congress is a Britain’s federation of trade unions that is made up of 58 affiliate unions in Wales and England (Lecture Notes Week 2). Founded in 1868, this union brought together all other trade unions in this country that represented employees in various sectors of the economy....

Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Activity Index

Abstract Acute pancreatitis is a serious condition with increasing cases of hospital readmission following 30 days after discharge from inpatient settings. As such, interventions have been formulated and implemented to reduce cases of readmission. In this report, Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Activity Index (AP-CAI) was presented as an evidence-based, disease-specific intervention...

ISix Sigma Tools for Airport Security

Introduction As employees, managers, or leaders of organizations, people often consider the idea of improving corporate processes, yet it is very rarely that an everyday process of an individual’s life is viewed as a possible area of making improvements (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009). For example, optimizing sales is a part...

African Society in “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe

Introduction Written by Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart is a captivating novel that was published in 1958. The author lived from 1930 to 2013. The novel offers a response to various European literal works that presented the African people as primitive and ones who required European enlightenment for them to...

Portrayal of African Americans in the Movies

Introduction Consistent with the dominant stereotyped image of African Americans in other films, movies produced between 1930 and 1960 depicted African Americans as hyper-sexualized, colored, incompetent, criminal, and child-like characters whose best roles in the society were only limited to being a servant, butler, or even house helps. The negative...

Maoist Legacy in Contemporary China

Introduction Maoism, as defined by Rapp (p. 32), refers to teachings derived from one of Chinese’s most renowned political leader. The leader referred to here is Mao Zedong. The man lived between 1893 and 1976. Individuals who believe in Mao’s teachings and theories about politics and life in general are...

History of East Asia from 1600 to the Present

The period of time from 1600 to the present days is very large in the terms of a state history. Naturally, a great number of changes happen in the human history regardless of the selected country. This paper focuses on the research and exploration of the changes experienced by the...

Government Contract Termination Process

Introduction Government contract refers to the process through which the it acquires some items via an agreement with business entities (Feldman, 2013). When an agreement is not fulfilled, it might be canceled in a process called contract termination (Feldman, 2013). A person who is responsible for performing or providing certain...

“Tears of a Tiger” a Novel by Sharon Draper

Introduction Sometimes, the weight of past mistakes feels too heavy for a single person to endure. Sharon Draper’s fictional novel, Tears of a Tiger, is dedicated to exploring this concept. It is a morbid and tragic story of a young man who ruined his life by making just one poor...

JCB Company’s Corporate Performance Management

JCB’s Strategic Initiatives and Decisions The impact of the global recession and JCB’s strategic initiatives on the accounting performance of the company The global recession that started in 2008 had devastating impacts on many companies. Before the recession, JCB had witnessed rapid growth in its portfolio. The company achieved a...

Teaching Empathy to Pre School Children

The study of children, though less than 200 years old, has been a fascinating one for developmental psychologists. This is because of the many psychological changes that occur in this stage of life, extending towards the onset of adolescence. Researchers believe that these psychological changes culminate in the optimum psychological...

Criminal Justice Process: Felony Criminal Charge

Abstract Criminal justice process is an important judicial process that involves arrest, trial and sentencing of criminal offenders in the society. In the event a criminal offence is of high magnitude and seriously affecting the lives of the community, it amounts to felony. Normally, the judicial process begins with arrest...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leadership Role in Shaping Organizational Culture

Abstract The culture of an organization can determine the positive or negative development in the organization. Leadership promotes ethics and determines how culture is formed and maintained in an organization. Personal characteristics of leaders also play a significant role in organizational culture. Good leaders ought to have flexibility and adaptability...

Britain’s Social and Liberal Systems History

Introduction Compared to the 1970s, Britain’s social and liberal systems in the 1950s were retrogressive and did not address the building blocks of the society adequately. Hence, the systems to a larger extent, allowed less active participation of women in political and social welfare as well as in the labor...

Racism in the Music Video: Locked Up and Styles P

The way in which individuals shape their social identities is coded according to the texts that the media produces for the increasingly segmented audiences along the lines of race and gender (Hall 2007, p.248). In other words, the media plays a huge role in defining social realities. Issues to do...

Customer Service Training in a Human Resource Strategy

Introduction Achieving competitive edge is a fundamental aspect in both profit and non-profit making organisations. Howard (259) posits that competitive advantage can be attained through various strategies such as integration of new technology among others. However, maintaining competitive advantage is challenging due to high competition. In addition to new technology,...

“The Karma of Brown Folk” a Book by Vijay Prashad

Introduction The book, The Karma of Brown Folk, is the book that presents the history and the life of the minority groups in the United States. Some of the minority groups that the book examines include Asian and Black Americans. According to Prashad, Asian and Black Americans living in the...

“The Romance of the Forest” a Novel by Ann Radcliffe

Despite being set in a particular time and place, Radcliffe’s story actually transpires in a space of imagination and feeling; it is the moral and emotional state of her characters that form the focus of the author’s attention, with a Cinderella plot underpinning their journey of towards discovery and reward....

Ecological Balance: Environmentally Friendly Cars

Introduction It is beyond doubt to the ordinary public that global climate is drastically shifting from bad to worse. According to Butler (2009, p. 4), this menace is not only acknowledged by the common citizens, but also by the authorities who should bring to an end the nuisance. In this...

Intercultural Business Communication in Japan

Executive Summary This report delves into the extensive differences between the U.S. and Japan and attempts to explain the inherent difficulties most Americans would experience in attempting to setup a new business in Japan. Through this report, readers will be able to develop a better understanding of the strangeness of...

The Walmart Company Operational Methods and Strategies

Background Wal-Mart is an American international retail company that operates chains high-discount warehouse stores and departmental stores. The corporation has been ranked first among public corporations in the whole world. The Walton family owns over 48% of its stake, making them the major shareholders of the company. Wal-Mart owns 8,500...

Small Groups and Team Dynamics in Management

Introduction It is imperative to note that the understanding of the concepts related to small groups is vital for every professional in this area. Such knowledge can be utilized to improve team dynamics and the efficiency of operations. It is important to note that a broad range of theories and...

Cardiovascular Disease in African American Population

Introduction In order to avert heart failure and various heart diseases, it’s critical to approach the menace factors with caution. Nevertheless, in comparison to the white population, African-Americans frequently possess less admission to health care, according to the research. Not only are they less probable to get an appointment with...

Project Management Essentials: Plans and Standards

The task of managing a project might seem simple enough on the surface, yet introspect into the subject matter will reveal that it is a delicate process that needs a number of ingredients and demands consistent supervision. Working as a member of a quality assurance team to develop a plan...

Stress and Coping: Social Support and Social Ties

Introduction Social ties play important roles in a person’s life, and they have an impact on social support that people seek, receive, and give. In this paper, the notions of social ties and social support will be defined, and the importance of social support and how it might depend on...

Child Labor Role in the Global Economy

Introduction The International Labor Office defines child labor as any task that goes beyond studies and play (Beegle, Dehejia & Gatti, 2006). Any form of employment offered to a child amounts to child labor regardless of whether remuneration is given or not. Child labor is a global problem in the...

United States Banking Merger Relevance

Introduction Merger is one of the most common business practices in the current competitive market. According to Van (2010), as firms struggle to manage challenges in the market, they find it more beneficial operating as large entities other than small business units. They get to enjoy economies of scale and...

Religion and Ecology

When it comes to discussing how a particular religion responds to ecological crises, it is important to outline ecologically relevant theological postulates of this religion and to define the qualitative aspects of how it reflects upon psychological/behavioral leanings of its adherents. In my paper, I will aim to explore the...

Leadership in Organizations: Concepts and Approaches

Abstract Leadership plays major social and professional roles in organizations with the support of basic principles. The type of leadership that seeks to follow the set principles triggers individual human resource potential at the workplace. Leaders also depend on the rest of the workforce in order to deliver their mandate....

What Was the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution marked a change in production processes. It occurred between 1760 and 1840s (Weightman 7). The Industrial Revolution involved changes from the use of human power for production to machines, new methods of producing iron, chemicals, developments in generating water and steam power, and improvements in machine tools.1...

McDonalds Fast Food Company Organizational Change

Abstract The success puzzle for organizational change implementation management strategy delivery operates on the ability to balance the soft skills that determine organizational principles. Besides, defining the value of the business, determining requirements, clarifying the vision, building teams, mitigating tasks, resolving issues, and providing direction complete the response projections, which...

Structuralism Concept in Philosophy

Background Identifying the Main Theorists in the Field While analyzing the theory, it is imperative to highlight the difference between structuralism tendencies presented in American and the ones developed in Europe. The latter is associated with the study of structural linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure who focuses more on synchronic...

Car Emission Effects on Global Warming

Introduction This paper examines the concept of global warming with a focal point on car emissions. It is expected to aid policy makers in national governments, automobile manufacturers, fuel industry CEOs, and city planners. This paper is meant to ensure that authorities across the world, industries and members of the...

Not Easily Broken by Duke Bill Film Analysis

Introduction Systematic thinking has helped to understand people’s way of thinking as well as assist them in solving many social problems that they face. Psychology has been in so many ways used to treat many mental illnesses. Psychiatrists should therefore be open-minded so as to give therapeutic help to those...

Volkswagen in America: Managing IT Priorities

Background At a time when the business trends are increasingly becoming reliant on the global market dynamism which is driven by an ever-changing consumerism patterns, Information Technology (IT) remains the most critical aspect that can guarantee success. This is due to its ability to creatively generate an enabling environment where...

Old and New Schools of Management Organizations

Leadership Styles Daniel Goleman conducted a research and noted six leadership styles. The styles identified were visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, coercive and pacesetting. The first four are dissonance styles while the last four are resonance style as the last four encourage listening while the others do not (Goleman, 2002)...

KLM Company Financial Reports

Executive Summary Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop an in-depth analysis of financial reports for the Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), the flag carrier of the Netherlands. The review will analyze the Company’s crucial financial statements and documents to determine its performance in the last three years. With...

Omar Al-Bashir’s Regime and George Orwell’s “1984” Comparison

Introduction The dystopian genre of literature revolves around society with oppressive leadership with non-conforming structures (Orwell 26). Usually as Booker (5) notes, malevolent autocrats rise to the throne and stamp autocratic systems in running the society. More often, the government of the day is characteristic of endless travesties that cause...

Saddam Hussein’s Regime and Orwell’s “1984” Societies Comparison

Introduction The novel “1984” is a classic text in style, plot, and content. It mainly speaks of dystopian science and political fiction (Bowker 56). The novel is set in Airstrip One, a province of the superstate of Oceania (Bowker 56). Individualism and independent thinking are highly persecuted by the government....

American Airlines Company: the Secret of Success

Air transportation has become one of the most dynamically developing branches. The popularity of traveling by plane leads to the high competitiveness of the companies providing the air carriage service. An airline should have a reputation of the reliable air carrier and the indisputable authority to be competitive. American Airlines...

The Transfiguration of Jesus – Literary Criticism

Literary criticism Context The Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-13) is often being regarded as one of the most important miracles that took place during the course of the Savior’s earthly service (second only to the Resurrection). This miracle was meant to prove to the most loyal disciples of Jesus (Peter,...

Music Marketing in a Digital World

Introduction Television’s ability to present a video, audio, and motion is proving to be one of the most common and modern powerful means of delivering information to a larger audience or mass audience today (Ofcom, 2008). Davis (2007) describes it as a “Trojan Horse that surprises many audiences.” On the...

Prevalence of Use, Abuse, Addiction to Crack Cocaine in African-American Children Living in Low Income Housing

Introduction The persistent poverty in African-American households became the primary cause of the crack cocaine prevalence, especially in inner cities. During the 1980s-1990s the addiction to crack cocaine involved the majority of the black population of problem neighborhood. The crack obsession controls the life of the drug addicted and influences...

Cowgirl Chocolates Case

Introduction Today’s business world is very competitive and dynamic. Companies often end up failing because of the lack of good planning. Many businesses end up making losses not because the business ideas backing up the product are poor or weak but simply because the business planning and strategy formulation process...

The Organizational Purposes of Businesses

Marks & Spencer Organizational Responsibilities through Its CSR Policy Marks & Spencer has been an ardent supporter of the community events, and it has generously donated financial and material resources to charitable organizations. To remove poverty in the poor countries, it has provided free food packets. Besides, the organization encourages...

An Issue of Plagiarism

Introduction Literature has been the main source of knowledge and somewhat entertainment. The moment we wish to increase our knowledge or want to refresh ourselves we refer to some sort of literature and get entertained. Still sometimes such type of activity itself faces some, so to say, misuse, and thus...

Analysis of the Relationship between Strategy and Implementation of Change

Introduction In the 21st century, the global environment is characterized by a high rate of dynamism, which affects the operation of organizations. The sources of change are either internal or external. Organizations are affected by the changes since the factors that result in change are closely interrelated. For instance, amongst...

Impacts of Social Theories on Politics as a Social Institution

Introduction Even though there has been consistency in the use of social institutions as a concept by contemporary sociologists, it is not yet clearly defined in either term of common language or philosophical prose. In the contemporary world, sociologists have been using the concept to refer to the complex forms...

Effect of Social-cultural Factors on Eating Disorders

The emergence of new fashion each day, access of such information via magazines, media and mostly the internet has prompted many young people especially women to practice what they see or read so as to improve their looks. New (2008) explains that some have gone too the extent of starving...

War and Diplomacy

War and Diplomacy, the two tactics of different nations through the ages have been used very effectively throughout history. While some people felt that Diplomacy was the best means to avoid war, some statesmen felt that was war was the only solution to settling disputes with other countries. Otto Von...

HIV/AIDS in Children of Nigeria

Outline Over the recent years, there has been a slow progress providing healthcare to children infected by HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Research indicates that, at least 30% of the children living with HIV/AIDS on a global scale die before they are one year old and most of them die before they...

Taylor’s View of Cruelty and Compassion

The purpose of this work is to consider the prominent philosopher Richard Taylor’s work ‘Cruelty and Compassion.’ In this respect, firstly, it is necessary to discuss the definitions of both phenomena. Secondly, it will be discussed if they are arbitrary or not, and sufficient proof will be presented. The third...

The Trial of Joan of Arc

Have you ever wondered exactly who this Joan of Arc was and what she did so that she became so famous? You hear people mention her name but have you really ever read her story? Some people say that Joan of arc was killed unfairly and claim that she was...

Terrorism in Perspective: Characteristics, Causes, Control

Introduction The term terrorism comes from the word terror, which is a Latin word that means to scare or to frighten. Over the years, there have been disagreements on the actual definition of the word Terrorism. However, there are various definitions that have been accepted, and these include: “every criminal...

Impacts of Internet on Print Media and Journalism

Introduction It is not a contention that the Internet has created a single medium where millions of people from different parts of the world can share information. However, its accessibility means it is not business as usual for players in the media and journalism industry. Over the past few years,...