Parental Addiction’s Impact on Children

Family has the most significant influence on the correct mental and emotional development of each child’s personality. In a family where one or both of the parents suffer from addictions, the child develops in a psychologically traumatic environment. Parental addiction causes behavioural changes that can leave severe mental trauma for children. The formation of a healthy child psyche takes place in an atmosphere of safety created by parents (Santrock, 2010). In the case of parental dependency, such conditions cannot be granted.

Being under the influence of drugs, the parent will not be able to care for the child properly. The researchers usually conduct experiments related to the post-analysis of the childhood traumatic experience. The open questionnaires help conduct ethical investigations, allowing participants to skip emotionally damaging themes (Chambers et al., 2019). In order to avoid the misinterpretation of the data or conflict of interest, the researchers usually use, for example, coding methods to preserve the anonymous nature of the research. An example of an unethical approach is data falsification, when the researchers adjust the findings to suit the hypothesis.

Parental dependency has an impact on the general condition of the child. A parent’s anger can lead to physical abuse in the short and long term. Cognitive consequences for the child include a severe distrust of other people and an inability to ask for help and to identify as a full member of society. As for the socio-emotional influences on the child, it is necessary to note that child learns the environment through the prism of the parents (Santrock, 2010). As a result, there may be severe problems with controlling and expressing emotions, mainly when functioning in society. It is highly recommended that treatment work with a psychologist for people with such childhood trauma. It is essential to minimize the impact of trauma on quality of life; only a professional can help reveal a person’s emotions from childhood experience.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that studying the trauma of children of dependent parents is necessary for modern society. Such injuries lower the overall quality of a person’s life. Conducting ethically sound research helps to develop a methodology for helping people with this kind of trauma. Based on the research results, professional psychologists can find an approach that minimizes the negative impact of childhood trauma.


Cambers, A., Chambers, J., Hulvershorn, L., Nerff, M., Yoder, R., & Zarse, E. (2019). The adverse childhood experiences questionnaire: Two decades of research on childhood trauma as a primary cause of adult mental illness, addiction, and medical diseases. Cogent Medicine, 6(1). Web.

Santrock, J. (2010). Life-span development: Thirteenth Edition. McGraw Hill.

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