Part-Time Benefits: How It Works in Starbucks


Starbucks is a conglomeration of firms that specialize in the production of hot and cold beverages and a variety of snacks. It faces stiff competition from both fast-food restaurants and drinks companies like McDonald’s’ and PepsiCo respectively (Burks 20). Starbucks offers part-time benefits to its employees despite the reluctance of other companies to do so.

Reasons Why Starbucks Offers a Variety of Part-Time Benefits

Starbucks believes that it is better to pay its employees for work done during extra time than hire new ones because its workers have experience and understand its operations better than recruits. (Burks 50). It believes that it is better to source labor from within its staff that is highly experienced and qualified than recruiting new ones. Moreover, it knows that its employees understand the company policies and procedures, and this will eliminate the need to train new employees about its regulations.

Secondly, Starbucks believes in spending a reasonable amount of resources on its production activities, and that is why it offers part-time benefits to its employees. Most companies lower their operating cost, and this is achieved by paying part-time employees an hourly wage. They can change their work hours as they prefer, and this gives them ample time to access the work done and pay them accordingly (Blumenthal 20). Most companies use the approach of part-time offers to reduce costs associated with permanent employment. This company cuts costs and saves a lot of time by having part-time employees when it is necessary to do so.

Thirdly, Starbucks does not have an all-high demand season for its products and services. It offers part-time benefits to its employees because the nature of its activities does not require urgency. This company specializes in producing products that require training and experience. It cannot just recruit employees and expect them to produce good results. That is why it decides to offer short-term benefits to its existing employees to be sure that they will deliver what the company expects from them. Managers can schedule when work is required, available and urgent to the market. Therefore, this makes various companies adopt this part-time payback approach to fill dusk and weekend hours not done by full members of staff.

Starbucks finds it easy to offer part-time benefits to determine if their employees are suitable for a particular job. Short-term positions offer a way to create a center of attention to capable and know-how workers. Therefore, it offers a diversity of part-time benefits to its staff (Blumenthal 66). It offers short-term benefits to its employees because it wants to motivate them to work hard and earn extra income.


Starbucks, as opposed to other corporations, has offered a variety of part-time benefits to its employees and achieved a lot of benefits. This has improved its operations and helped it in hiring various professionals for short-term and seasonal jobs. It has expanded its operations by recruiting qualified staff and offering incentives to ensure they perform well in their departments.

Works Cited

Blumenthal, Karen. Grande Expectations: A Year in The life of Starbuck’s Stock. New York: Crown Business, 2008. Print.

Burks, Bussing R. Starbucks Corporations That Changed World. Connecticut: Green Publishing, 2009. Print.

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