Patient Care Using Medical Technology

World technological advancements are also realized in the medical field. Technology is changing the way medical personnel takes care of diseases and physique challenges. Increased technology enables personnel to effectively care for their patient’s health. Due to an influx in patient numbers, practitioners have difficulties in providing much-needed care to patients. In recent developments, technology has been used to help this person in their work. These improvements have been realized in diagnosis and therapy preferences (Smith, 2009).

When attending to patients medical personnel require information on their health status. Computer technology has been used to aid communication between patients and doctors. Email technology allows for valuable patient care and cure (Spring, 2009). The growing intricacy of technology has changed the way patients are handled. Having more medical facts helps patients to be aware of their status and cure alternatives. The internet can be used to get more accurate information than a physician would give. It also creates a satisfying feeling for the patients as they can re-read the information. Moreover, the patients are in a position to share information with other patients. Gathering facts on cure potentials and progressions for recuperation can be derived from these interactions. Communication between patients and physicians is also aided by the use of emails (Spring, 2009). The technology can be used to help doctors advance patient contentment.

Increased patient numbers have created a record-keeping challenge for medical institutions. Innovations have made documentation simple and quick. Physicians can handle patients faster and more efficiently using record-keeping technology. This allows for precision when identifying and caring for a patient. Before electronic records were introduced, bulky documents were used. In situations where patient records update and relocation were required, a lengthy process was followed. Modern technology has enabled health care institutions to use electronic medical accounts. The use of record-keeping technology is accurate, quick, and easy. In cases of transfers, the information can be passed on electronically via email. A patient’s medical history is important for continued medical care. Physicians use the information on patients to investigate the medical situation (Smith, 2009).

Practitioners detest the lengthy procedures of accumulating medical data and treatment bills. With technology, innovation billing has been made more efficient. An electronic medical claiming system ensures that information is recorded quickly and accurately. The physicians can have more attention to their patients. Advantages exist in the use of the electronic billing system. A huge capacity permits multiple information entries regarding the patient. Linking the system with the patient’s medical cover company allows for fast settlement of bills (Shawn, 2009). Patient care and satisfaction can be achieved by efficiency in record handling. The physician has more time to attend to his patient.

The medical field is faced with numerous challenges. Diseases are increasingly threatening the health of people. A patient care, safety, and satisfaction have become a challenge to caregivers. Accurate diagnosis, treatment, and ultimate contentment by the patient can be aided by the use of technology. Innovations have been targeted at ensuring the attention to patients is increased and made effectively. Practitioners have a chance to interact with their patients and offer the best medical advice. This will ultimately lead to patient safety.

List of Reference

Shawn, M. (2009) Electronic Medical Claim Billing. Understanding Electronic Medical Claim Billing Impact. Web.

Smith, M. (2009) Technology. Advance in Hospital Medical Technology.

Smith, M. (2009) Technology. Aspects that alter Medical Technology Advancement. Web.

Spring, M. (2009) Increasing Patient Safety and Satisfaction with Computer Technology. Web.

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