Chlamydia Trachomatis & Bacterial Vaginosis: Medications & Education

  Chlamydia Trachomatis
Bacterial vaginosis
Medications Azithromycin – is taken orally, usually 1 g in a single dose.
Doxycycline is another pill that is taken orally. A patient is prescribed to take 100 mg orally twice a day for 7 weeks (“Understanding chlamydia — the basics,” n.d.)
Erythromycin is taken orally. The dose depends on the case, but traditionally it is 500mg four times a day
Erythromycin, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin could also be used.
Metronidazole (Flagyl, Metrogel-Vaginal) – could be taken as pills or exist in the form of a gel that should be put in the vagina.
Clindamycin (Cleocin, Clindesse, others) is cream a patient inserts into the vagina.
Tinidazole (Tindamax) – taken orally. The given medicine exists in the form of pills that are prescribed to a patient (Tinidazole side effects, n.d.).
Side effects Azithromycin diarrhea and loose stools are the most common side effects of the given medicine. However, there also could be fewer, swelling, scaly skin, etc. (“Understanding chlamydia — the basics,” n.d.)
Doxycycline – bloating, cough, dark urine, muscle or joint pain, headache, etc.
Erythromycin could trigger the following side effects: chills, muscle pain, red eyes, sore throat, dizziness.
A patient should consult with a doctor to start using these medications.
There are several possible side effects
Metronidazole: back pain, blindness, headache, blurred vision, depression, fever, agitation, etc. (“Metronidazole side effects,” n.d.)
Clindamycin – diarrhea, problems with swallowing, dry mouth, thirst, headache, heartburn, cloudy urine, chills.
Tinidazole – nausea, bitter taste, cough, wheezing, etc.
Components of the education plan 1. A patient should be explained the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle.
2. Explanation of the basic health and safety regulations that should be preserved to avoid the disease.
3. Discussion of prevention measures.
4. Provision of information about the main ways of transmitting the given disease and ways to avoid infection
1. Explanation of the most distinct symptoms of the given disease
2. Educating a patient to explain efficient prevention measures that could be used to avoid complications
3. Informing about possible medications and their side effects
4. Educating a patient about the main ways of transmitting of the given disease
5. Discussing possible complications in case a patient ignores the disease
Barriers to maintaining compliance The main barriers come from the lack of the understanding of diseases nature and its character. Very often patients with Chlamydia Trachomatis try to conceal their problem and address a specialist when complications appear (Taylor-Robinson & Keat, 2015). For this reason, the lack of information is one of the main barriers. The character of the disease preconditions the appearance of several barriers to maintaining compliance. A patient could be ashamed because of several stereotypes related to this sort of disease. The lack of time could also be considered one of the barriers. Additionally, it is the poor understanding of nature and complications. Finally, the lack of knowledge is another barrier.

Bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection that appears due to the existence of specific bacteria. Usually, it is not a complicated problem and might go away in several days. However, if there are some complications, treatment is needed or it might result in the appearance of significant problems. For this reason, a patient should be provided the basic information related to the given disease.


A patient should be able to determine the illness at its first stage. Smelly vaginal discharge that looks grayish-white or yellow is the most common and obvious symptom that should be considered by a patient (“Bacterial vaginosis – topic overview,” n.d.). Additionally, specific fishy smell, especially after sex, is another symptom. Statistics show that half of the women do not notice these symptoms (Ventolini, 2016). For this reason, this data is crucial

Prevention measures

A patient should follow basic hygienic norms and monitor the state of her genitourinary system. It is recommended to have a shower at least twice a day and use other hygienic tools.


Any patient should be provided with a specific treatment plan that considers her specific peculiarities. The main elements of this plan should be explained to guarantee its observation and positive final results.

Patient education plan for Chlamydia Trachomatis

Chlamydia Trachomatis is a sort of infection that usually affects the urogenital tract of a patient. It is symptomatic and is followed by a discharge from the penis (Mulders, 2012). In case it is disregarded some complications could be observed. For this reason, timely and appropriate treatment is crucial. The given education could be suggested to attain outcomes and improve a patients state

  1. The basic information about symptoms should be provided to guarantee that a patient will consult a specialist and start treatment. The main symptoms are painful urination, burning around the opening of the penis, swelling around the testicles (“Understanding chlamydia — the basics,” n.d).
  2. Basic elements of treatment. Any patient should understand the main points of any treatment plan to follow the main prescriptions and improve the outcomes
  3. Disease prevention

A patient should also be provided with knowledge about the main ways to avoid infection. It will help to improve the quality of his life.


Bacterial vaginosis – topic overview. (n.d.). 

Metronidazole side effects. (n.d.). Web.

Mulders, P. (2012). Current approaches to bone-targeted therapy in genitourinary malignancies. Therapeutic Advances in Urology, 4(5), 219-232, Web.

Taylor-Robinson, D., & Keat, A. (2015). Observations on Chlamydia trachomatis and other microbes in reactive arthritis. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 26(3), 139-144, Web.

Tinidazole side effects. (n.d.). Web.

Understanding chlamydia — the basics. (n.d.). 

Ventolini, G. (2016). Progresses in vaginal microflora physiology and implications for bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis. Womens Health, 12(3), 283-291. Web.

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