Patient Engagement in Healthcare

Patients frequently struggle to understand or recall the details their healthcare practitioners have presented to them. Practically, one of the best ways to gauge a client’s comprehension of directives is to use teach-back (Talevski et al., 2020). The patient is invited to talk about their perceptions of their medical state, for example, how their stroke occurred. Henceforth, one gets a lot of insight into a patient’s capacity to talk about what happened to them and any possible preventative measures. As such, if the patients have open minds regarding healthy lifestyles, ask questions, and are keen on getting positive feedback, it will give them acumen in evaluating them (Clavel et al., 2021). Thus, that drive to take charge of their health, comprehension of the facts being presented, and the capacity to speak up when they do not understand will ascertain that they understand instructions.

In an inpatient environment, teaching along the way aids in reinforcing comprehension upon release. In this regard, patients may be amenable to receiving orders in different formats and at varying times. Patients may be more open to hands-on in-person education and textual instructions as a follow-up in the primary care environment. It is possible to have a solid understanding of prior knowledge by asking the patient about their current prescription schedule. When the patient collects the prescribed medications from the pharmacy, there is another chance to explain medication guidelines.

One of the essential elements of the healthcare industry is communication with clients and other individuals on the care team. The capacity of the practitioner to communicate accepted prescriptions to patients can be aided by excellent engagement. As a result, it is critical to comprehend the obstacles that a patient or caregiver may have in receiving information about themselves. Moreover, reassessing and utilizing the initiative to build a connection with the patient is essential to ensure adherence since it is also possible that the patient’s illness may improve. Therefore, engaged listening is one of the most suitable therapeutic communication techniques. In this way, patients must have a secure setting where they may discuss their health, worries, and general well-being regarding future treatment. Furthermore, empathy is the most refined nursing skill, which should be addressed to engage patients since the virtue enables practitioners to have compassion for clients’ health predicaments (Ratka, 2018). Consequently, patients are given a sense of worth and wholeness, improving their comprehension of the lessons.


Clavel, N., Paquette, J., Dumez, V., Del Grande, C., Ghadiri, D. P. (Sacha), Pomey, M., & Normandin, L. (2021). Patient engagement in care: A scoping review of recently validated tools assessing patients’ and healthcare professionals’ preferences and experience. Health Expectations, 24(6), 1924–1935. Web.

Ratka, A. (2018). Empathy and the development of affective skills. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 82(10), 7192. Web.

Talevski, J., Wong Shee, A., Rasmussen, B., Kemp, G., & Beauchamp, A. (2020). Teach-back: A systematic review of implementation and impacts. PLOS ONE, 15(4), e0231350. Web.

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